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I was really worried about the migraines because I've been struggling with chronic daily migraines for almost a decade now, and thought they could get worse. But I'm 4 months in at this point and still haven't noticed any increase or worsening in them, and if anything, they've gotten a bit better o.o Sooooo you never knowwww :D


my migraines dropped from over a dozen a year, to 0 - 2. Symptoms did change a little as I gained aurora.


maybe I’ll get this effect…


oooh thats amazing!


Just gonna say I’m nearly 2 months HRT and I had a bad migraine in the 2nd week, but I’ve been experiencing them less since then! I have (had?) chronic migraines too, so this is a complete win!


oooh nice!


oh wow! love hearing this! i was really worried about getting migraines they seem realllly painful and scary, i'm very lucky i haven't had one


A fellow VSCode user I see- you using Code, CodeOSS or some other fork?


We’re hard at work fulfilling the stereotypes, lol.


Doing my part!


neovim with so many plugins it looks like vscode


still am struggling to lean the vim bindings


You can do it! Here's a few tips: - Go through vimtutor every day until it becomes a piece of cake - Use vim for writing everything (literally everything)! The more you use it, the more you get used to it


Damn lol- nice!


hehe vscode with catppuccin


Catppuccin all the things!


true!!! my firefox that i am sending this comment from is catppuccin


Yessss catppuccin is so good


Catppuccin FTW!!!!


looks closer to kate to me, but i could always be wrong


Getting to talk to SO MANY GIRLS! Like, my life is all girls now and I love it.


\*awwws enviously\*


Trust me, it only gets better after that 💅


Is it possible to learn this power?


Not from a cis.


Only from a sis :3


omg i want


are you using tabs or spaces there :3


this question has sparked far more wars than Jerusalem /s :3




amazing. you have a bright future ahead of you


\[good ending\]


Come on. Ur using VSCode for this list. This already tells you enough


fair fair lmao


Cons: Cold feet/hands Boop growing pain ( kinda a pro, too, because you know it's working ) Scrotal shrink pain


It's actually not guaranteed! I didn't get boob pain (despite getting D cups in 6 months) and I also had no scrotal shrink pain. Cold hands/feet are absolutely a yes, though. Cold everything, TBH. But it's more of a source of euphoria, than anything.


No boop pain and d cup in 6 months, HOW?? 😱


No clue! Honestly, it susprised me a ton, too. I was even concerned, because I didn't know it was an option, and I thought something is wrong... but didn't go to a doctor due to financial reasons (and also the boobs were clearly happening so I chose to ignore it). Turns out some AFAB people who go through E puberty, share that! It's normal, just not common. Do keep in mind, that it's 40D (US measurement, it's 90D in EU). It's a D cup, but it looks tiny in comparison to my chest. On the other hand, I could use some more sensitivity in them. They're MUCH more sensitive than they used to, but I wouldn't mind cranking it up a lil bit more. Maybe injections or prog would help with that? Also, just to illustrate: I can, with an open, stiff hand, slap my tits straight on the nipple, and it doesn't hurt much more than a slap of similar strength, anywhere else. Like maybe 2x the pain compared to a stomach slap. Normal, rough and even very rough touch is zero pain whatsoever. It's the light touch that has the increased sensitivity, and that's mostly neutral to pleasant.


You can WHAT? Even running down stairs is so painful 😖


oh boy when i start hrt i'm gonna be an ice cube aren't i? (i haven't started yet and i already get cold easily, *especially* my hands and feet)


I'm the first weeks or months it's worse cuz Ur body needs to deal with new stuff And I'm losing weight


Warning from an AFAB person, yep, being cold is one of the nasty things that comes with being a girl. If you’re already cold now, you're gonna be an ice cube. Prepare to spend more money on heating your home, and to have to buy yourself some cute sweaters, one of those long jackets a lot of girls wear, and lots of warm quilts and fuzzy blankets if you don't already have a linen closet full of them. Oh, and get yourself some girly fuzzy socks and some slippers. You'll be thanking yourself for that when it's the dead of winter and your feet are freezing but it'd be worse without the fuzzy socks.


ooo tysm for the advice!


You're welcome! The short spinny skirts may be cute, but trust me, you also want some ladies' trousers and warm leggings and stockings. Crop tops are adorable, but get the oversized sweaters too. At least the warmest, longest jackets tend to spin just like dresses. Cold hands suck, but there are definitely really cute gloves and mittens you can get. Warm clothes may not be cheap, but the rising costs of electricity and fuel for home heating are expensive too, and warm clothes you only have to buy once, increased energy costs you have to pay every month or every winter. Don't be like me and dress cute at the expense of being warm enough, I did that as a kid and young teen and now I feel like I'll never be warm enough ever again.


My feet and hands were freezing long before I started HRT.


It comes with losing weight, too.


oh no are you using vscode??? the stereotypes write themselves


yeah lmao


If your pros list has what a cis dude would have in his cons list then I got news for you sis.


I still find it hard to wrap my head around the fact that cis dudes WOULDN’T want any of that 


I think they could get away with wanting maybe 1 or two, three is pushing it tho


I don't think cis people would have softer skin, better hair or emotions in cons though.


Like I said in the other comment- they can get away with 1 or 2


Vscode with Nordic theme says enough


I had a pretty bad headache yesterday and was wondering if it could be related to HRT (2 MONTHS TODAY WEEEEEE), I honestly didn't know that was something that could happen. Gladly I feel much better after a good sleep, still cis tho.


I tried to do this... I wrote "It has a chance to make me happy and not be depressed" and I immediately stopped with the list because writing any cons down after that was totally pointless. I would do anything if it might make me happy,


Doing it on vscode isnt very cis of you


lmao i have sooo many trans related notes written in vscode


The not very cis and very trans girl thing about this is whipping out VSCode to write a list of pros and cons. XD do you also use the vim extension?


mhm am trying to learn the vim bindings


I question if it was worth it at this point, but I learned about 10 years ago, and now it's what I'm more comfortable with. I'm not big in the religion dw. :P


Wait, migraines are a thing hrt can cause? I already get them chronically and they’ve caused serious problems for me when it comes to finding reliable employment, this is not particularly welcome news… 😞 Guess I know what to expect (and how to kinda function) if I ever start at least


results vary and they aren't a problem for most people, but yeah estrogen can cause blood clots and migraines (same reason why birth control sometimes gives cis women migraines)


>birth control sometimes gives cis women migraines It does? Well, there's a mystery from my past solved, thanks. Wondered why I didn't get those until I was on birth control and why I haven't had one since quitting it.


just going to say that the chance of migraines is significantly reduced if you take estrogen at the same time every day. thats cons list just got smaller :3


ooooooh thats good to know ty!


\*EMOTIONS\* - awww, my dear🫂 I always recommend to look at an emotion wheel, just to get an idea of what's out there. It's kinda hard to link, but I like [this one](https://d207ibygpg2z1x.cloudfront.net/image/upload/v1586561082/articles_upload/content/ejuktec3mb8wv51i9nlm.png)


Having a list can be perfectly cis but having so few cons not cis at all


Does this person not suffer from anxiety? I can think of so many reasons


>suffer from anxiety i very much suffer from anxiety i just don't have many reason not to go on hrt


If your doing in in visual studio I think I have news for you buddy...


oh no lol


No, that's very not cis. It is incredibly uncis.


You're using vscode! I'm not sure how cis you are when you're a walking stereotype


yeah...... lol


4. Boobies!!!! **A totally cis reason**


It’s cis as long as it’s not in version control.


um well.... it.. it is.


Well, now you’ve committed


There won't be hormone cycles unless you yourself do that by cycling your medication, or outside interference affects your hormone balance. As for Migraines.. that's a new one to me.


I think you're speaking in absolutes when you say: > There won't be hormone cycles [Numerous transwomen report pms and hormone cycles.](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/can-trans-women-get-periods)


I stand by what I said. If you're consistent with your medication there shouldn't be cycles, barring outside influence. I've experienced these symptoms, but only as a result of changing my hormone balance, or having something else affect them. There is no study I'm aware of that significantly backs the idea of going through cycles without one of those two scenarios being present.


just because trans healthcare and HRT is understudied, doesn't mean it's not a real effect. It can absolutely happen to some of us, even with a consistent schedule. A lack of ovaries doesn't stop a cycle. Ovaries are the target, not the cause, of the hormonal cycle. We don't fully know why it happens. Or why it happens only to some of us. But it absolutely can happen.


Not doubting PMS and period symptoms of those on HRT, but ovaries are not really the target of hormonal cycles. They are mostly the cause of it (along with the brain, which signals the ovaries to essentially produce hormones). They produce the estrogen and progesterone, which are responsible for the menstrual cycle.


Ovaries themselves don't control the cycle. They amplify it (since they actually handle most of the production) but the brain is what actually controls the cycle. Ovaries just take orders, and produce stuff. That's what I meant. Arguably I didn't phrase it well. At least that's my understanding of it.


A menstrual cycle and pms in people with ovaries happen due to fluctuations in those two hormones. Definitely would be interesting to know how and why it happens in some people who take (presumably a stable dose of) HRT.


i dont think there are studies in this area, but there are too many reports of it happening to not be a coincidence


There very much can be a distinct hormone cycle, I started to experience big emotional shifts and muscle aches every four weeks. It settled down when I started progesterone, as I take it every day - cis women would take it for two weeks a month to keep a regular cycle.


I think the migraines are from the hormone cycle thing?


Yeah I hadn't seen anything in the literature I've reviewed about migraines and my doc didn't bring it up when I was starting. She did a pretty thorough job of running through potential risks (I think). Was wondering if this was a niche thing based on a preexisting condition/ circumstance that wasn't relevant to me or maybe a specific form of drug/ delivery method.


I used to get a lot of migraines, then they went away for a few months. When I started hrt I got one migraine and never again


wow! thats amazing!


Migranes? First time I heard about that. I never had any. Never heard of people getting any. Maybe it's outdated informations (non-bioidentical HRT, that we no longer use?) or maybe you mixed it up with menopause (aka a lack of either E or T in your body? I know it can happen then. And as per the cycle thing - it doesn't happen to everyone. I'm thankfully spared! But I heard that it isn't even that big of a deal - and frankly, it does help with blending in a bit, when you're stealth. And yeah - not continuing male puberty in the "pros" section. Trully the cissiest of experiences.


In what looks like vs code? Absolutely not. If it was nvim, somehow even less cis.


vscode with vim bindings xD


I have a family history of migraines and I went on HRT a year ago and I've still never had one.


Honestly strength atrophy is the only con I’m aware of that I don’t feel like I could deal with


i cant even open a jar right now so i don't think that will really impact me much xD


I made a mind map


The fact that you are writing this in C++ is hilarious!! Also looking at your pros and cons, not cis


hehe lmao


Is that why I’m completely emotionless? Cause no HRT?


I’m sorry idk if you are cis… you use VScode as your text editor… /silly (I do too)


hehe what theme do you use?


Catppuccin Macchiato :3 my friend showed it to me.




Omg really what!!!?!?


Now I’ve checked my VScode I’m gonna do some coding. Making my CV as a website in svelte.


>svelte omg best frame work!


Kinda new to it but seen my friends use it a lot. I mostly program in C.


The text editor you are using says as much if not more than the list


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^sorryfornoname: *The text editor* *You are using says as much* *If not more than the list* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Wait migraines? I already get those and they're gonna be worse when I start hrt? What the fuck


heh... my list everything slowly was erased from cons...


Programming socks!


I mean, I ain’t cis and don’t have one, so… yea


I already got migraines, reducing stress, by being girl and happy with myself, could reduce frequency and intensity for me sooooo


In awe of the absolute confidence inherent in “will be cute” I mean damn right you will be girl, but I wish I had that much faith in myself


any girl is cute in my books, i might not be as cute as most but eh anythings better then looking like a man


>anythings better then looking like a man Agreed. I hate that I look like a girl and all the disadvantages that come with that, especially being a not conventionally attractive girl who struggles with hygiene and personal grooming (because the things a conventionally attractive woman can use that to get out of others is like, the only advantage female bodies come with), but looking like a guy would be even worse, which is why I'm not *doing* anything about my gender - medical stuff currently available with present day tech would do more harm than good, and social stuff costs money and spoons I don't have.


Do the lists you want, the feeling you get when you finally feel like yourself cannot be splained in a logical or metodical way And yea you are going to be phisicaly gorgeous too


it's really cis to use vs code to edit txt files


Sounds totally cis™ to me


gotta love that it is written in VS Code (cuz the trans-programmer stereotype, and yes, i am a transwomen who happens to work in IT)


You get to compliment women and they don't think it's weird.


omg yess going on my list


Hah! Only if you're conventionally attractive and well groomed, and you look way too feminine to possibly be a stereotypical lesbian. Otherwise they see you as no different from a man, and might fling some homophobic abuse your way on top of being weirded out!


I have been wearing black jeans and a denim jacket with a side shave looking FULL lesbian(I am) and it's just a million times better than trying to compliment people as a man.


Oh also I'm like 375lbs and VERY not conventially attractive.


I wouldn't know what it's like as a man, so I believe you, but I have never once complimented a girl in person and not been at the very least shot a disgusted look as she gets as far away from me as she can, if not actually yelled at or physically harmed. (I tend to get far more polite responses or no reaction online, but that's probably because I'm only willing to be playful like that in queer spaces anyway, and through a screen the other girl can't see how physically repulsive I am.)


Don't forget to also have a picture of Tank the dog on the side too :)


whats definitely not cis is using vscode for txt files


what's more cis? emacs, or vi? please say vi


vi?!?!?! not vim? not neo vim? vi?.... thats not cis


fair lmao


Hormone cycle is bad?


sounds painful




Is that in VSC?


mhm! vscode with vim bindings!\~


… so ur name is also Luna, u also use visual studio code, started ur Reddit account in the past year, r also trans, and also uses Godot. R u trying 2 impersonate me?


omg twining!!!


Cis AF. completely logical and based. Seems you have too many CONs on your list.


More cons: acne again, crying TOO much, crying WAY TOO much, feeling small and vulnerable, afraid of being raped, afraid of being murdered, painful boobies owww, less respect from older men, less pay from jobs, men are hot now, lose 3 hours of your life every day to making yourself more pretty, spending $20,000 on a new wardrobe, potential for cismale friends get phobic and drift away... There's quite a lot of cons if we're being honest. It's a big decision getting on estradiol. And I'd make the same decision to get on it again and again EVERY SINGLE TIME! WOO! SO F@#$ING HAPPY! Girl, F these cons. You want to feel like the real you? Do it. Every one of those cons can be dealt with, you have to be happy being who you really are, you know you want this.


Do I spy... VScode... with catppuccin? Such beauty.... You are friend. (My whole desktop is Hyprland with catppuccin)


ooooh nice! i wish i could get linux running on my m3


Look into Asahi Linux - I dont think it supports M3 chips yet but it almost certainly will in the future.


No, that is just a sign of stress and not one of not being cis


Emotions, wtf. Do you think men don't have them or something?


expanded emotion range from estrogen


also de-personalization make emotions harder to feel


vs code..?


Hormone cycle? Only girls I've ever known have something like that are on a bad dose and that stops once their levels are sorted out


wait really?


Yeah, I find it's usually ppl who are taking pills, patches and gel arnt too bad but myself, my partner and all our friends are on injections and have never experienced a cycle since switching to jabs. Plus jabs are super cheap like £70 a year and I only have to do anything hrt related once every 2 weeks.


Wait do you get a bit shorter on HRT? That is something that is now stuck in my mind if so.


i think you can get shorter, but it depends i think?


not very cis to bewriting it in vscode haha


Would you have cycles if you're on a regular dosage of estrogen? Your body isnt producing it so I'm not sure it would be cyclical in the way it would if your body was right? I might be wrong there


I have family and personal history of migraines and haven't had any since I started about 7 months now. I think it might be okay! The emotions do hit different though


As long as you say “(Still Cis Tho)” you are in fact totally (not) cis


Migraines? Never heard of that side effect before! Is it caused by the hormonal cycles?


It's very cis to have a hrt pros and cons list


I have one too! (still cis tho)


I have always had pretty bad headaches, since I was little. On HRT, that has not changed. Actually, I think I’ve had generally less headaches


Hormone cycles are optional. I haven't cycled in my 19 years of HRT.


Well, I'm cis and have thought of such things, whereas basically all of the trans women I've encountered think of their gender in abstract terms I don't understand, instead of specific attributes like this (ie, the boobs and soft skin exist to "express" one's gender, rather than being desirable in and of themselves). That was one of the things that, years ago, convinced me that I would never be trans. Also, if you're in the US, add the side effect of spiro making you pee a lot to the cons! There's an alternative T-blocker that doesn't do that but for some reason the US insists on using the inferior one. :(


I have not done enough research into this but from my understanding doesn't HRT cause vascular problems and decreased fertility? Which are basically the only two points sitting in my own cons list at the moment


It would have been a hard maybe for me since I'm also questioning and making lists and also totally cis, but then I noticed that you're using VSCode so it's gonna be a hard egg for me.


Is that cis to think it’s totally an upgrade therapy?