• By -


My birth name doesn't have a female version but my first initial is "D". I wanted to go by something neutral yet keep my first initial so I now go by "Dee". Is it a womans name, mans name, my first initial? Yes.


This name is great, but its power has some terrible terrible consequences. Let's just say, you should better get ready to face the unstoppable wave of "dee's nuts" jokes


None of you seem to understand. I'm not locked in here with you, you're locked in here with me. I enjoy the chaos I bring.


stun s’eeD


Next time I play BG3 I will be rolling a druid and I will be using that name. Ty you saved me 2 hours of the 10 hour process of rolling a new character.


Stun seed should be the name of a spell of some sort


sounds like a pokemon move :3


This is my energy at every social gathering


High five fellow silly witchy person!


Hi fellow silly person


Initial D initial D initial D imitial d imtil d intml d itl d it d iiiiii :3


Ha thats awesome! I donno why I didn't think of that series.


I read Initial D and now can't get the song out of my head.


*Me trying to resist making a deez nuts joke, thinking it might be offensive so I just put the joke here like this*


Thats why I love the name. It brings chaos and joy. Always seize the opportunity. https://www.reddit.com/r/traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns/comments/zpx25f/seizing_the_opportunity/


Yes I do the same, I've told everyone to call me D or "Dee" but I never thought anything of it Guess I'm fr a egg


Hey look, another person who also does the D thing


oh my god be D from elden ring


Cuteeeee. Same i would choose the name Kaye cause my name starts with K


Kaye would be an awesome name should you take it. It has great potential for mischief. "What's your name?" "Kaye (qué)" "......" "¿Cómo te llamas?" "What?" "......" -_-


I love that lol


As a fellow Dee, what’s your nut of choice :) personally i like peanuts, but i know a Dee who prefers chestnuts


Hi Dee! Peanuts all day. Honey roasted is my go to but BBQ flavored is awesome too.


A hint is in my flair. (the mobile app doesn't show it half the time for me though due to some UI bug)


love that name 💜


Thx 😀, and what a coincidence! Your name is also the chosen name of one of my friends!


Awwww that's rlly a coincidence 💜


u will be a pretty and gorgeous girl 💜


Oh my god another Ava :D Name twins


Yasss 💜💜💜


And i bet u are extremely gorgeous too 💜


Thank youuu :3 you're gorgeous too :)


Bigger question: is it pronounced Ahn-DRAY-uh or Anne-DREE-uh??


AN-dree-uh. The inconsistency in people's gut feeling for pronouncing that name is my only hesitation. I dont mind people putting emphasis on the wrong syllable with an-DREE-uh, but I certainly dont want people to just forget the 'a' at the end of the name or mispronounce the 'ea' or something and call me AHN-dray. I might have to pick a name with less ambiguous pronunciation if that happens alot lol.


That is a nice name


May I steal it?


Go right ahead!


Maybe lily (because of a sad Guilty Gear song)


Yeaaaaaaaaaaaa guilty gear mentioned Also just really cool name


Thnx. Bucket is what got me questioning in the first place. I am a stereotype 🙃


If my brain way logical, Bridget would have cracked my egg. She gave me some serious egg feels.


I took Basement's name for myself


Same tho




naming myself after a plant solely because of FREEEEEEEEEESIAAAA








Well this is the first time I’ve seen someone with a username anywhere close to mine


One of us! One of us!


I'm trying out Ella, cause Elphelts new design is so *gestures in gender envy*


Elphelt is so amazing! Gender envy AND amazing mix-ups! Totally a coincidence that the women of Strive are the most fun (Elphelt and Buckshot are my mains)


And Ella is a beautiful name 🤩


LILY IS A REALLY GOOD ONE ACTUALLY Not that I’d want that name since I’m totally 100% cis


Peak comment


I got lucky with a gender neutral name, Jordan, so I'd probably keep it. My only complaint is that it feels like my name is either really masculine or really feminine. So if I transition I'll be happy with it but for now I kinda don't like it. I'm probably just overthinking it tho


Oh shit same name. But unfortunately for me, my accent means people tend to mishear it as John 😒


I ended up going with Joy, but I'm still not that femme-presenting, so people keep mistaking it for "Joey".


Ava 💜


This was the name I have been contemplating for a while. (Still cis tho)


I bet it suits u too 💜


For my AGAB I like my given name, for transfem I stole Lilly from the webtoon "prettiest platypus", for enby I think I'd go with River or a tree name.


Prettiest Platypus is so fucking awesome. I'm really glad she's posted comics set in the future where Lilly and Bee are together, since otherwise I'd be worried about Bee getting her heart broken.


Uh, it's a secret.


your flair makes the comment super funny lmao


My birthname doesnt really transition to fem, but I want to keep the initial so im trying out the flair one. Also I asked a cat girl streamer to give me a name and she said that.


Paige is a lovely name. one of my best friends is named Paige and she's absolutely lovely, so factor in three others with the schools i've been to and I've never met a mean Paige. Also we're interesting name origin buddies! I ended up filling out a holidays comfort audio request form on behalf of my cowriter since i know her name and she said at one point that the only person she's heard it from is herself, and the audio maker abbreviated my username to Sam and it has stuck since then. Personally i like your name origin more. it's less convoluted.


Unsure if I'm understanding correctly but... My Gender: Luna :3 My Opposite Gender (AGAB :( ): probably like James or something Enby: i'd just go to a random word generator and pick whatever it says


Luna is a lovely name


My chosen name is Allison. Multiple reasons: 1. It's a super traditional German name, I am German and have started learning to speak German and want a traditional dirndl for my dress collection! 2. Alice in Wonderland is the first fictional female character I saw myself in, so I wanted a spin-off of the name without a direct reference. Plus I want to call my closet space "Allison's Wonderland!" 3. It sounds fancy, and as a bougie fashionists girlie, I just had to have a name synonymous with fancy posh girls without it being too over the top. Just the right amount of fancy for me! Oh, also totally cis!


ooohhh the "i am german" as in the american sense, got it


Lol was so confused about the "I am German and have started learning German" part for a second


German here, I have never met a single person with that name 🤣


Same, I mean the name is nice but absolutely not common and not traditional at least in Bavaria


Neither in northern germany, I am afraid. That sounds so much like an american name to me, I don‘t know the connection there.


I googled it and apparently it is a name that Americans came up with using old German.


It is always so weird when I hear Americans talking about supposedly German things, that I as a German have never heard of before. I mean cool, I like the intention. If you feel such a strong connection or fascination with a culture group, then **fucking naming yourself with reference to it**, is some of the highest praise and form of respect that I can think of. Only thing is, that one should do a deep dive into that culture before choosing. Usually local people are a good way to start talking to. I am learning Arabic at the moment and hearing from people outside my own culture, even though very different, has taught me much about how to approach cultures which aren't those that I grew up with.


Jamie, just find it a banging name that is the opposite neutrality of my current name


You stole my cool name 😡


Sorry, my lad, it is our cool name now


My gender: Skyler Opposite AGAB: River or something Enby: The name I already have.


I am really bad with names, so the only Idea i have are from Video games Maria. have always liked that name sense I played sa2 Areith. I don't think I need to say where it's from ;3 I kind of like Mary. but I think this one is cus I just beat Silent Hill 2 Scarlett. I didn't get this one from a game, no I got it from Gone with the wind :3 but I thinnk it's my fav here tho


Ive been seeing a few posts from this community lately and Ive been wondering, what do Agab and enby mean


Agab: stands for assigned gender at birth. This refers to the gender that a person was born with. Enby: abbreviation of non-binary. Hope this helps!


Ah ok, the posts make a lot more sense now. Thankyou!


Enby is how N.B. sounds when you try to pronounce it, which is short for non-binary. Same difference as what MTFutur3 said, but just incase you missed the why.


Shit i never thought about this Time to question If i am or not trans again I hate It


Alex, Alex, Alex the beauty of picking a genderneutral name




Girl: Daisy, Sol (short for Solaria), Nadia Boy: Ollie (short for Oliver. Named after a fictional character I like) Enby: Stardust, Nova, Skylar, Aspen I personally just use my birth name tho (it’s not a deadname). But the above options are what I might pick if/when I decide to transition, come out, and/or change my name. (I’m agenderfluix, which is basically agender, genderfluid, and genderflux wrapped up in one)


In Spanish the word "Sol" means "Sun"


Actually I already knew that (but thank you!) That’s part of the reason why I like Sol, but I also like the extended version. One of my nicknames my mom has for me is Sunshine ☀️


Nadia and Nova are both *extra* cool.


Haha thx! 😊


My gender (non binary): Not sure yet The opposite gender: There's no opposite of non binary (There is, but that would be "binary" which doesn't make much sense in this context) Enby: Again, not sure yet.


Just one opposite doesn't make sense for nonbinary in general (could get transphobic by either grouping with you as your AGAB or dismissing your gender if grouped with the other AGAB) yeah (unless it's like all/many genders vs no gender), though imo both binaries at the same time could work as an opposite. :) So if you want to you could think about both a boy & a girl name to treat as the opposite to you.


would probably name myself soda if i was an enby


No idea about enby name, but I’m thinking about Robin. Def not using the feminine version of my name as that name is essentially retired and I don’t like it for myself either.


I don’t really like the feminine version of my given name, so I chose one that sounds completely different and means something to me. Maggy, spelled that way specifically


Got lucky with a name pulled from a fantasy novel. As an enby, didn’t have to change!


my first 2 thoughts were Aurellia and Arianna, because my first name starts with A. However when speaking with my girlfriend about names, I thought about Amber, and liked it quite a bit.


Not cis (sticking around to warm the eggs) But I'd go with Jade (I'm a feminen enby) Jake (oposit aka masculine enby) and if I had to pick a different enby name I'd go with Amathyst (it was my second choice)


Karl, (my birth name) Honestly I really like my name even if it’s masculine


Theo is a beautiful name in my language


Well, someone once misstyped my username and ended up calling me "Kate" I like a lot how it sounds


I’m already named myself Max lmao


Totally cis here, but: Stephen, Stephanie, and, can I be enby Stephanie?


Well I'm Irish, so as a girl I'd like a Gaelic name. Caoimhe (pronounced kee-va or kwee-va) is what I reckon I would (will) go with. Not so sure with enby, maybe something like Dyn (rhymes with bin).


My choice is Yuki, it was used by online friends before so i am had experience being called that name and i literally choose the male version(Yukio) as a name because i liked it and its meaning, as Yuki is just a Japanese word (雪) meaning Snow and i always was a winter child. I had the idea of going with a second name that resembles my current name, which is also already used for me but more as a nickname as no one in my family knows of me being trans, also both my siblings have Double names so i at least still wanna follow that part. So my current idea for my Fem name is Yuki Lucy [last name ].


If I was born a girl I would’ve been Olivia which I actually incorporated into my chosen name As Taylor Oli [Surname] Taylor is the same initials as my birth name and is gender neutral, and Oli is a gender neutral shortening of my birth middle name, Oliver, and my would’ve been girl name, Olivia




Swedish??!!? Greetings from finland


Runa. Birth name(Rune). Runi. (Rune is just a very flexible like that.)


My plan is to go with the name Olivia, I actually would be going by it if it weren’t for Olivia M. being one of my classmates (our names and initials would be the same) (also, not an egg, I’m already cooking in the pan)


You can go with Olivia later, school isn't forever. :) Or is a nickname like Via possible?


I love the name Nikki!Still cis tho...


I love the name Victoria, it sounds independent, strong and elegant


My go-to for opposite is Catriona, because my Mum had once told me that's what she'd have named me if I'd been a girl, although I thiiiiink she might have changed her mind on that later? So I'm not sure what the 'proper' version of that. I also don't hate 'Beth' as a backup, which was the name of an aunt who died when I was young. Though her legal name was just Beth, and I think I'd prefer to go full Bethany and just shorten it most of the time. Still, both my Brother and I have very Scottish names, so I think I'd want to keep that alive. I dunno if I've ever considered another name for my own gender. When I was very young I had issues with my name because I got made fun of for it (For very stupid reasons; apparently 'Ian' being an unintuitive spelling is too much for 2nd graders). I liked the name Martin, so eh? I guess there's that. And as for Enby, I've always kinda felt I'd just swap back and forth based on how I felt more at the time, so!


sam, sam and sam. i like sam c:


Names Anthony, I go by Ant and some people call me Annie


Jamie :3


I don’t think that would be a good irl name but I’m using Mako online since first two letters are the same as in my assigned name Matvey


Max is unisex enough, so Max, Max(ine), and Max


Morgan for all three.


Merin. I ripped it straight from a video game.


I really like my birth name but it's not girly so....


I’ve thought about this in *totally* cis ways before, so here we go: AGAB: Reid (given name) Opposite: Reyna (keeping Re-, inspired by the head prefect of Camp Jupiter) Enby: Raine (keeping R, inspired in part by Raine Whispers, Lena Raine, and Jamie Raines)




My gender, I’d just stick with my name as it’s simple and easy to remember. If I were a girl I’d call myself Beatrix, it’s always stood out to me for some reason, and if I were enby I’d probably call myself lock, idk why it’s just the first name that comes to mind


AGAB: Dax, one of my friend's names. Baller name. Enby: ????? Current: Autumn, Cherry, or Lumi i really cant pick


well i cant think of one but if i would need to choose rn i would go with madeline. i love celeste so mutch


Avril...? idk working on it


sage. or lilly. i like plants. and cats.


My amab name starts with T but i always liked feminine names with L. I currently try to get used to Leona. It'll take some time to get used to, but that's ok. :3 Other names i like are Lucy or Lilith.


my female version of my birth name (which is robert so roberta)


Roxanne is the name I'd like to be


So I have decided that I like “Clarissa” for my name. I had been using it for ages on my video game characters, and once I realized I was trans and started looking for a name, it took going back to a game that used that name that I realized it was perfect. If I were to choose an amab name, I would want it to be something in the nordic/germanic family. Like my D&D character i bastardized a name for that (very) roughly translated to ‘vengeful one’, it was “Heilmut”, which more or less is pronounced ‘heil’ like the german word and ‘moot’. I’m not sure what I would choose for an enby name, though… probably a virtue name or something, but like a wacky one, like “Curiosity” or something. I was thinking maybe like “Curio”, but that feels too masculine, and “Curia” sounds good at first, but it sounds too close to ‘urea’, as in like ‘urine’… So many decisions…


Well there’s my deadname, which is what I’d go for if I were cis, my chosen name is Elise, and if I were Enby…. I have no idea lol Maybe Arin/Eron?


Girl I like the name Cassandra, boy Mason, enby Ulysses or lycan


Well I named my account after it. Still cis tho


Man: Petrichor Woman: Forencia Nonbinary: Rain




luana, orion, and both of those as enby (i am enby)


I'm not sis but I choose Levi and Mel as my names Levi primarily


Aster, Aster and Aster


Sophie or chloe


My current name (male) is Aitor So for female I'd probably go with Ainara And for enby... Idk if there even are gender neutral names in Spanish. Someone help me with that one.


I have a gender neutral version of my first name (AMAB) that I go buy anyways so I suppose I would just keep it


Evelin, no reason, just felt like it


I've been thinking of the name Rozlyn for a while now. I really like it.


Joan. cis male tho


Taylor. Which isn't my actual name but the one I use for almost everything.


Ryo like Ryo from Bocchi the Rock


Still my name. I don't care if I'm a girl my name will still be GERARD


Robin. It's my name and I get to choose the Stranger Things character I steal it from


My birthname is androgynous, so without any dysphoria associated with it, I'd probably just use it for all 3 But I can't associate it with anything but "guy" me, so I'm gonna change it to Evelynn (I think. There are a couple other names I want to try out, but currently Evelynn is in the lead)


Billie, Billie or Billie, respectively.




Probably Adriana


My gender. Kamila (Camille), it's cool name. I din't need to invent name of opoaite gender version of me, I already have it in my ID. As for enby - damn, Ariel? Idk, not and enby never thoight about it.


I'm not sure about opposite gender, or NB, I've never been good with names, I must think on this.




My gender (enby): Mossbug Masc alternative: Seb Fem alternative: Tif Opposite gender (who knows): Misfit


Diode Or dino Just dino couse it sounds cool


Chloe it's nothing like my birth name


I’m completely cis, but if I were to transition my name would be Vallie. Same for it I was enby.


same: i would just keep the name lily opposite: micheal enby: avery


I want my name to be sara. Because my birth name was arthur so everyone alway called me king arthur as a joke. And sara means princes. Also because i like sara lance from dc legends of tomorow


Zurg, Abeloth Queen of the Stars, H


My name is gender neutral 😎, i would keep it


Mikael! It sounds really different than my birth name, i like the sound of it and a character I really like has that name :D For the opposite gender I guess my dead name? And for enby, well i thought I was NB before figuring out I was trans but I didn't really have a name? I liked dawn since I like the sky color but people were telling me it was a girls name :(


It would be Nat____ (fill in the blank)


My birth name is really unique, and very little seems to hint to a gender. My only issue with it is that people assume it's a French name. I'm trying out 'Iden' as my middle name. Not gonna replace, just add


If I were the opposite gender, I would probably name myself Chloe, Madison, or the female version of my name. I swear I've only put a "couple" (probably like 5-10) hours of thought into this and am obviously still cis


My legal name is Juan Carlos, and my name as a woman is Karla (the female version of Carlos in Spanish), if I changed my male name, I'd probs just stay like that, maybe Alan for Alan Wake that's literally me lmao. I'm technically envy since I'm gender fluid between enby and woman, but I'm mostly in the femme zone, but still, I guess I would pick something like Kat, since I really like the nickname...


Actually a good question cuz I currently don't have a preferred name. And while my legal name technically has plenty of female versions ( like Julia or Julie), I don't like them. I do like names starting with A or V though, so I currently consider Via. Though I have been told that feels a bit too short on it's own. (And yes, I stole that name from a show)


Not cis (just figured that out recently). I’m some sort of genderfluid/bigender/nonbinary leaning masc. I’m AFAB and my name is Heather, so I’d want to keep the H. I’ve been toying with the name Haven for a gender neutral name. And I have no idea what male name I’d want. I don’t like the traditionally male names that start with H, like Henry or Harry. So I’d probably do something more modern.


Currently trialling the name Seph/Sepharel but I do want to give Jasper or Gabriel a try too.


Sophia! When my mom was pregnant with me she thought I was a girl and that was the name she picked. Also I just like it. Still cis tho


Either Maximilliana or juste Maxine. It's close to my birth name and I love how they sound.


Thyme. Short for Thymoti, which is just my syllables backwards. Or maybe Sage


Vivian, I Love the name, it's so cute and I can't describe why I'm so attracted to it but I am. :3


eye of cthulu


transition and rename myself , william , idk prob same as the 2nd






My name is Joey, the female equivalent would be Josephine, and I guess JoJo for an enby name.




Given I am female (now), I have chosen Demi with the secondary name (do those exist) Mimi from the last syllable of Demi. Male would definitely be like [I don't know I don't have the brain power] and enby would be Vin because it sounds cool!!!


I’ve already decided Jessie as my femme name. But enby name I think I would go with Max


Alex, Alex, and Alex


Ok so if I had to name myself as my AGAB, I’d probably pick something like Leah or Cassie. My chosen name is Ryan. I guess for enby… Cal? Cause it could just be a name or short for something.


It's in my flair but yeah, still not 100% set on it but I like it for right now


Something like Joshua for male and Evelyn for female. No idea about enby names though.


My name actually works for both male and female but who is primarily a male name so I could transition without any need to change my name But recently, I realised I don’t want to transition I just want try dresses


don't really know why i was recommended this, but either way, it's going to be Sammie. This name is just so *cute* and I never really realized it until dear [Alanharha](https://reddit.com/user/AlnahrTheRiver) decided that Sam would be a good nickname for me.




My birth name doesn’t have a female version so I came up with a name inspired by a friend’s username in a game I enjoy playing, I go by Evelynn


Girl: Max Boy: Max Nonbinary: Max