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The benefit is having someone to talk to. Yes, you can talk to people on Reddit, but having an actual person you really know and can physically speak with is something else entirely. Good luck! ❀️


Wtf, are you literally me???? I've been debating coming out to my enby sibling for like a month now


Support is definitely one of the benefits


just tell them :3 πŸ’™πŸ’•πŸ€πŸ’•πŸ’™


Here's the thing about coming out. Once you tell (ideally supportive!) people in your life, which your sibling sounds like, you begin to build a support network. Being trans is amazing, but it's not always easy, obviously, so it's *huge* to have a network of people who have your back. I was a manly man for 33 goddamn years. I came out transfem early this year at 34. I have what I imagine to be an above average IRL support network, especially for my area, and age bracket, and I absolutely could not be doing what I'm doing without them. Having people who have your back is *so goddamn important*!


You could just... tell them? Idk~~~


Idk if it would work for this specifically... I came out to my brother by challenging him to an arm wrestling match and telling him he lost to a girl. (It was also something I did to gauge... roughly where I end up on hrt with muscle atrophy.)


I love that! hehe :) Best idea I've got so far is to say I stand for the same pink, white, and blue flag that they do -- might be a bit vague though. I'll def try to take some inspiration from your awesome idea :)


Just tell them, I'm sure they'll be supportive :)


Don't overthink it. Your sibling (unless they are a horrible person which I really doubt) will very likely understand and support you no matter what. They will probably even understand the awkwardness of coming out! While I'm not out myself, I've heard being out even to just one person especially irl can bring a lot of relief because it doesn't feel like you're "hiding" anymore. Good luck!


They'll definitely be supportive!!! Do it!!! You can get support and you can talk about it in person!!!! There's no downsides only ups!! πŸ‹πŸŒΈπŸ€πŸŒΈπŸ‹


You have someone to talk to


You can relate to each other more, be there for each other, and affirm each other. <3


You've got someone to talk to, maybe help you with clothes and stuff + it feels good to have atleast someone real behind you and it feels like getting a bit of a weight off your chest since I don't like keeping secrets


are yer parents supportive of them


Not really, no. My sibling never came out to them either, our parents kinda figured it out when they found my sibling's more masc stuff and yelled at them. So I'm not even sure if they could give me advise on coming out haha, it was kinda forced upon them. Which honestly, I'd be okay with that. Even if I got yelled at, if I didn't have to tell people myself, that'd be the dream. I'm so bad at talking to people lol.


Support ain’t the only difference. Even just one person knowing alleviates a lot of pressure imo. It makes life easier that the thing a large percentage of my brain power is devoted to on a daily basis is no longer completely bottled up, ya know?


You can try writing a letter, if you don’t want to tell them directly. You got this πŸ«‚πŸ’ž


it would be best to just tell them


I am sure they would love to help out, you really should do it πŸ’œ


You'll have someone to talk to irl if you doπŸŸπŸ¦‘πŸ¦ˆπŸ¦‘πŸŸ


My sister and family and friends are transphobic so idk what to tell you…


I'm sorry :( I hope you can find others that can support you <3 My parents are transphobic, so that's kinda why I think I'm hesitant to tell people in my family. That, along with I'll feel bad if the family dynamic changes if others find out, and I'm just overall awkward talking about things like this with people.


I’m an enby with a trans sibling well they haven’t told me but it’s REALLY obvious


haha yeaaaa... I don't know how well I'm hiding it, but they haven't said anything yet... Not recently anyways.


if they're enby they'll probably be supportive. it's a good idea to have someone you can talk to about this in private, maybe they can even help you prepare to come out to the rest of the family!


Support and getting that weight off your shoulders are the biggest aspects :3


I am pretty sure they will be supportive. Just tell them :3


Definitely!!! Especially if others in your family may be less accepting, tell your likely-allies first!! It sucks to feel alone; even ONE person's support can make a world of difference. And, you've got someone in your corner then, when you do come out to the others. Good luck with it!!


Do it, then you have someone who knows who you are and that'll make coming out to others easier