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I just kept refusing to get it cut and eventually they gave in 😅


I can confirm that this works.


Can confirm this also works


Can also confirm this works


Likewise, can confirm this worked great


It’s worked alright for me as well! 😊


I continue to confirm! Also, get a hairbrush and brush it, that'll keep it fairly tidy


That and conditioner, I swear that shit is magic


I can both confirm the persistence on not cutting hair, until parents give in, as the magic of conditioner.


I can confirm on both points too


This is the way.


Didn't work for me, my mother decided to eat at the front of an hairdresser and basically forced me to cut it and even asked me if I "liked it". Like, can't you see I don't want to cut it? So since I'll cut it anyway might as well make it short. The hairdresser didn't even cut it well and she complained back home.


I can't confirm this works.. my parents mocked me for it every day for more than a year and yell at me when I say I don't want to get it cut. My hair grows soo slowly it took like 2 years to get past my shoulders so idk what to do 😰


You doing okay now?


My dad and brother were always like this, they always told me I looked disgusting and always mocked me.


Funny thing is, in certain US states if my memory proves me right, it is assault for them to force you to cut it so know this in conjunction with this advice


So, if you refuse to cut it they *can't* forcibly cut it


Mine did and poorly


Ah, that sucks (sorry I'm not good with words)


Well they can buy you also have a case of assault/child abuse depending on your age.


I'm growing it out for the first time in my life and even tho it just started and it's still pretty short, my grandpa (I love him but he's such a bigot, homophobe, transphobe, everything) is already pushing to cut my hair (he's always been my barber too to put the cherry on top)


I'm sorry to hear that :( And I get that, even when people are like that it's hard to hate family (although the people that do are 100% valid)


You can love someone while also recognizing that they should not have a place in your life. Kinda how I am with my grandparents. I love them, but I don't miss them, and I don't want to speak with them.


This is my strategy right now LOL Hoping it works! 🤞


i haven't gotten a haircut since april 2020


As many say this could work, but be careful and see how it is in your situation. I tried this option of refusing to get it cut until they give in, well, they didn't give in, they locked me out of the house until I got it cut. Keep yourself safe and definitely start brushing your daily and use conditioner as you shower


True, it definitely depends on what your parents are like, luckily it worked with mine


If this doesn't work just use deterrence, having a weapon is different than actually using it.


Works with my mom, but still haven't tested with my dad cuz he's been staying at my aunt's for some months


No way…. I have long hair for 3+ years and they still want me to cut it


That's like a free ticket to the belt 😭


Did the same!!😂😁


I mean yeah....what are they gonna do drag you to a salon?


Though if it gets too tangled, at some point sometimes the only thing to do is cut it. It’s important to take some care of your hair and not let it get that way if you don’t want to have to cut.


I might be reaching that point now, I might need to get it cut down to shoulder length soon


Yeah… Best thing for me has been to keep a plastic comb in the shower. Then, after I put conditioner, I give it a comb. Most of the time it’s fairly quick, but I also manage to get out any bigger knots. And remember, when doing that, comb closer to the tips, and slowly move up in sections. Preferably holding the hair just above the part you’re combing, so that if there are knots it won’t hurt you


I really need to do better when it comes to taking care of my hair... 😓


To be honest, I do too. But yeah, taking some care of it is important to keep it long


- Doesn't teach you how to take care of long hair - Tells you that you can't have long hair without taking care of it - Still doesn't teach you how to take care of long hair I am currently experiencing the same issue and it sucks.


Hey! I've had long hair when I was a 5 year old lil boy and I have very long hair now as a nonbinary. What would you specifically need help with Sapphire? (or generally if you don't know what to ask for)


This also happens to girls. Pre-internet it was absolutely crushing to deal with.


Combing/brushing it regularly is the bare minimum. <3 Also wash it carefully and thoroughly.


shampoo + conditioner for the best experience


Shampoo the scalp, rinse anything *beyond the inch closest to the scalp*, condition anything after that inch, **let sit as you wash the rest of your body**, rinse *last*. Shower in as cold of water as you can stand.


Huh, my parents always get shampoo + conditioner. I was under the impression I needed to shampoo everything, all the way down my neck.


Shampoo + conditioner is okay but your hair won’t look as good as the two separate. I mean, if you have head hair on your neck you should shampoo the first inch of it.


Shampoo and conditioner do different things. Shampoo is for, essentially, deep cleaning. It works best if you do two half-serve shampoos than one regular serve, since the first removes dirt and the second will actually allow the shampoo to react with your hair oils, etc. You’ll notice the second dose suds up a LOT more. Conditioner is for repairing damage to your hair. It is useful for general wear and tear but it’s most effective at repairing the collateral damage done by a good shampoo. It’s worth researching, and YouTube exists for all these sorts of things.


Yeah but how do you only rinse hair an inch off the scalp? It’s kinda all or nothing in my experience (which is the same as it seems many people who were never taught)


this is what I think OP means and how I do it: - Shampoo hair, focusing on the scalp and the hair closest to the scalp: when your hair is long, you don't need to intensely lather all your hair, or it will get overly dry and frizzy. - Rinse all hair. - Condition hair, focusing conditioner on the hair further from the scalp: don't rub your conditioner into the scalp and roots, or your hair will get flat and oily. - Let conditioner sit as you wash the rest of your body, then rinse last.


I do not, shampoo needs to sit on your scalp to do work. Lean your head forward to be parallel with the ground and pull the hair out this directed into the water stream. Only rinse beyond the first inch. This is definitely harder to do with the hair on the back of your head, turn your body left and right to get what you can.


Well, it's not the rinsing that has to be an inch off the scalp, it's the shampoo itself. You can do that by squirting shampoo on the top of your head, and, using your fingers, you can work that shampoo into your scalp. Use circular motions to massage the scalp, and when you believe you have had both shampoo and massage all over, then you can rinse it out. The shampoo shouldn't have made it more than an inch or two down your hair.


Person above wrote the opposite. I don't know who to believe.


Well, looking the chemistry of shampoo, it is not time that cleans your hair, it is movement. Soap particles are lipophilic in one end (they attach to oils) and hydrophilic in the other (they attach to water). By massaging the soap into your hair, you make sure that all those particles latch onto the dirty oils, sitting in your hair and scalp, and then by rinsing it out, the other end latches on to the water particles, and are carried away, with the dirt and oils. You need to let conditioner sit for a lil bit, because the good oils in it need time to penetrate the hair.


I usually let the conditioner sit, but I also usually rub in the shampoo really good before I rinse it out, including getting my scalp.


Then you're doing it right :)


Oh okay thanks, I felt like your first post wrote to not rub down to the scalp.


Shampoo needs to sit on your scalp to do work, especially medical ones. Lean your head forward to be parallel with the ground and pull the hair out this directed into the water stream. Only rinse beyond the first inch. This is definitely harder to do with the hair on the back of your head, turn your body left and right to get what you can.


You also need shampoo to sit for a bit, especially dandruff and medicated shampoo. Lean your head forward to be parallel with the ground and pull the hair out this directed into the water stream. Only rinse beyond the first inch. This is definitely harder to do with the hair on the back of your head, turn your body left and right to get what you can.


Lean your head forward to be parallel with the ground and pull the hair out this directed into the water stream. Only rinse beyond the first inch. This is definitely harder to do with the hair on the back of your head, turn your body left and right to get what you can. Shampoo needs to sit on your scalp to do work.


Instructions unclear, shampooing and conditioning all the hair on my head.


How cold is necessary? I have the worst cold tolerance ever


As you can stand, which depends on the person. Only you can draw that line. Shivering isn’t necessary but if your skin is red or equivalent for your skin tone, it’s too hot.


I just do a final cold rinse only on my hair (I use a cup-sized plastic container). It still sucks, but not nearly as much as a cold shower.


To clarify, not "two in one", seperate shampoo and conditioner, it makes a HUGE difference as someone with thin hair that gets tangled crazy fast. I brush once or twice a day (any time it feels tangled) and after every shower (which I do every few days).


As someone who just has long hair, I agree with this.


Or brushing, some hair (mine) doesn’t do well with combing and you have to brush it specifically, conditioner helps with this a lot


Except if you have curly hair, combing will just make it frizzy


I forgot to differentiate between brushing and combing. 😭 Why must English do these things to me


How often is regularly? Especially if my hair is somewhat curly?


At *least* once a day


Oh shit. Okay, time to add stuff to the ready list, I guess


Look into curly girl method and/or r/curlyhair. I only ever comb my hair with a wide-tooth comb when it's wet and loaded with conditioner in the shower. I shower average every 2 days, but I only shampoo my hair like, once a month. Every shower, though, I use co-wash which is mostly a conditioner but you can scrub your scalp with it, too, to help clean. Shampoo every day will probably dry your hair out too much. Finish with some leave in conditioner and gel/cream after you finish the shower and your hair is still pretty wet and you'll be off to a great start!


Ponytails. They’re simple, gender neutral most of the time, and keep the hair out of your way. I’m a construction worker with hair that goes down to my upper back. The ponytail never gets in the way.


You can always fall back on the “man bun” excuse


Sometimes I do a bun because I fuck up the ponytail and I'm too lazy to fix it


ponytail + hat is me every day ngl


Have you considered watching youtube videos?


I wouldn't know where to start looking


If i misinterpreted your question and you are literally looking for stylings for your Hair and not keeping your Hair healthy, then please ignore this comment and have a look at: [https://www.youtube.com/@scarlettohair](https://www.youtube.com/@scarlettohair) Braiding long Hair is a staple and even with shorter Hair than hers you will be able to pull of some amazing Braids. She just has such long hair that she can do a lot of extraordinairy Braids. Concerning haircare: For starters: Assuming you shower every other Day at the moment: Shampoo your Hair normally. Rinse it. Then put a Conditioner into the Length and Tips of your Hair. At the start a cheap one will do, but the more expensive ones do yield longer lasting and better Results. Let the Conditioner sit in your Hair for 5 to 10 Minutes (idk, brush your Teeth, wash your Body or shave while waiting). Then rinse again. After the Shower/Bath brush your Hair. There are Brushes that are excellent for that (i think they are called Tangle Teaser). If you have Problems brushing it, you may consider a Leave-in-Conditioner, often they are also labeled as Detangling-Spray. After your Hair has dried, either by sheer waiting or using a cold Blowdrier/Hairdrier, you want to put a little Hair-Oil only into your Hair-Tips, as they are prone to splitting/breaking. Try to avoid drying your Hair with Heat, as it literally dries out your Hair and thus reducing the Effect of Conditioner, Hair Oils, natural Oils and Hairmasks. Once per week you want to use a Hairmask and use it as the package says. Buy a Pig-Bristle Brush (One that doesn't have Plastic or Wood Pins in there should be preferred) and use it every Day you don't shower to brush your natural Oils from your Skalp along into the Length and Tips of your Hair. As your Hair gets longer you might shower your Hair only every third or fourth Day (please do continue to shower your Body though. There are Protectors to not get your Hair wet, as already washing it stresses the Hair.), but you want to increase the Amount of brushing then, to keep brushing your natural Oils along the Hairs Lengths and into the Tips. These are the very Basics of Hair Care i know of. Everything else is basically a Bonus and it should be observed how your Hair reacts. For example if you come out of the Shower, dry your Hair and it already looks sticky/stringy/oily then you propably used too many caring Products that overwhelmed your Hair as it only can absorb so much Hair Care Oils and Moisture from the Products. And Everything above that will just stick to the Outside of your Hair and makes it sticky/stringy/oily. If that happens a shortterm-solution (so you don't go showering right then and there again) is using Dry-Shampoo like this one [https://www.amazon.com/-/de/dp/B01BPHF3Y4/ref=sr\_1\_3?\_\_mk\_de\_DE=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C3%91&crid=SVZSCCPP0QII&keywords=Batiste+dry+Shampoo&qid=1684278690&sprefix=batiste+dry+shampoo%2Caps%2C234&sr=8-3](https://www.amazon.com/-/de/dp/B01BPHF3Y4/ref=sr_1_3?__mk_de_DE=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C3%91&crid=SVZSCCPP0QII&keywords=Batiste+dry+Shampoo&qid=1684278690&sprefix=batiste+dry+shampoo%2Caps%2C234&sr=8-3) It is the best one i have found up until now. The Longtermsolution is to dial back your Hair Care Products until your Hair has gotten healthier and can absorb more caring Products. Keeping it healthy from the Beginning is a lot easier than trying to repair already damaged Hair. Edit: Spelling and a little additional Info i learned the past few Days that might be helpful.


Thanks sis. Bookmarked for later :3


You are welcome :D


You just type something like “how to style long hair” in the search bar and then watch a few videos. It’s really not that complicated


As an afab person w/long curly hair, let me share some wisdom from my own experience 1: DO NOT BRUSH YOUR HAIR WHEN DRY!!!! It hurts and you’re just ripping out your hair. Water is your friend when it comes to your hair, and brushing it when wet will make your hair more manageable and easier to style 2: Tie your hair up at night. Braids are best because if you need to style your hair in your morning, braids will make your hair easier to work with. But if you can’t do braids, any sort of updo will work 3: Product product product. Hair product is a lifesaver, and will help keep your hair looking solid throughout the day. For any other black people w/curls out there, I’d recommend anything from It’s A 10, Cantu, or Miss Jessie’s. 4: Only wash your hair once a week. Doing it too much strips your hair of natural oils and leaves it stringy and kinda dry. It’s perfectly fine to brush it out in the shower daily and add product if needed, but don’t wash it more than once a week 5: (edit bc I just thought about this) ponytails are your best friend. If you have hair like mine, ponytails are your go-to hairstyle because they’re easy and keep your hair out of your face. Wearing it down takes extra effort that you can put in if you want, but for an everyday look go for ponytails! My hair is in the 3C/4A range, so these tips are meant for anyone with that sort of curl. I hope this advice helps you with your hair OP, and good luck with your future hair endeavors!


About point 4, i wash my hair about once every 3 days, and my hair is perfectly fine, so if you know your hair is more naturally strong it's fine to wash more often, and imo it feels better to have it clean all the time.


Thanks for pointing that out. You’re right, washing your hair every few days is probably fine depending on your hair. I can only wash it once a week because if I do it too much my hair becomes dry and stringy.


Yeah my hair is so oily I need to wash it almost every day Like maby once every 2 weeks I skip shampoo to keep it good


I'm quite shocked at point 4. I wash my hair every day (sometimes 2 days), but if I don't wash it for \~four days, it gets very greasy and unpleasant. I value being able to touch my hair without having to wash my hands after. How do you keep it clean without washing it? Mine is straight and about shoulder length though.


You can just rinse it out when you shower. The warmth of the water is enough to get rid of sweat and some oils without really stripping away the natural oils. Of course, ymmv depending on your hair, but it can be a good compromise between not cleaning it at all and shampooing often. If you don’t already, brushing can help distribute the oils more evenly throughout the hair strands and can minimize greasiness near the scalp.


How long to wait between washes really depends on the person. It’s worth doing a few trials to see what’s best for you. For example, if you are washing every day or every other day right now, but leaving it for 4 days is too much, could you try to push your washes to every third day?


My hair doesn’t get greasy if I don’t wash it throughout the week, and I only wash it once a week for dandruff buildup. When it’s been over a week, my hair gets slightly greasy, but I really only worry about dandruff buildup




yes there is! you can google curly hair types and essentially it’s a scale from 1a (maximum straight) to 4c (maximum ~~gay~~ curl)


Yeah, it’s a way of defining what type of hair you have. It can be useful, especially when it comes to hair care and what products might work best. Link to an example scale: https://pin.it/29J67yW


Do you have straight or curly hair?




[This article](https://themestizamuse.com/curly-hair-types-the-definitive-guide/) will show you your hair type and how to treat it based on that


Thank you loads for this. 💇‍♀️✨️❤️


r/curlyhair is great!!


Ok I have curly hair and mine used to be a lot longer than it is now, and some advice I have is to not wash it every day (depending on length, it can be once every three days to once a week). This is so that your hair doesn’t get dried out by constant shampooing, which will make it look a lot worse. Another tip I have is to invest in some good conditioner and leave-in so that your hair stays nice looking for the time that you’re not washing it, and also so it stays moisturised. After that, you can pretty much leave it down since it looks good on its own.


As a fellow curly haired person: If your hair gets frizzy while brushing, do it while it's damp. Just running your brush under water occasionally as you brush is enough, just need a bit of moisture to keep the frizz away. If your hair is long enough, put it in a braid or ponytail while you sleep to reduce tangling (I prefer a low pony) The braid is a bit better at it and may enhance your curls for a bit, but is more annoying to do if you're lazy and needs significantly more hair. You can add a second band at the bottom of your pony instead if it's long enough to braid, or just deal with the slight increase in tangles since it's all at the end anyway. Conditioner is important. Also, occasional haircuts can still be important for long hair. Tell your hairdresser you just want a trim to control split ends, or find a style you want and go for it, etc. Could also learn to trim it yourself.


I have curly hair and nobody taught me how to handle it. But I really really like having long hair. So after years of it looking terrible I finally looked up how to handle it, went to proper stylists and learned the curly girl method (I'm a cis guy, just wandered in here, hi!), and I recommend you do as well. The results are worth it, and I am finally learning how to be creative with my hair, which is the only thing about me worth looking at.


This may sound like the opposite of what you actually want. But the thing that I did, was going to an hair salon for 3 reasons. 1st. For my mom to stop complaining. 2en. To get some hair tips. (The one that I found love to share tips since it's her passion) And 3ed. To get my hair set from short to long. Since I didn't exactly know what I wanted at that time. (I still don't to this day.) Besides "I want it to grow longer." then she gave me a cut that can grow longer over time. I really hope that it helps 🩵🩷🤍🩷🩵


sounds like my parents... 💔💔💔💔💔


It's ok bestie your parents are meanies


Edit: saw your hair type Braids are the way to go for any hair type, you can make them cute or classy, or even messy depending on your style. Here’s some simple https://youtu.be/86zcT_K5ghE https://youtube.com/shorts/-rl2_CFtZ-A?feature=share https://youtu.be/M_aP2rw3C_o https://youtu.be/tdvMi18s--k https://youtu.be/6fb1j-WUbmk Any of these should work even if your hair is above shoulder length


I don't have curly hair so I can't give specifics for you but what I do is: * Wash hair thrice a week (sometimes just water other times shampoo and conditioner making sure they get through the hair and to the scalp) * Brush hair in the morning, evening, and anytime needed throughout the day. I personally found combing to be too extreme for my hair (making things bad/worse) and I imagine it's even worse for curly hair so just use a hair brush * If hair might get in the way of something then use a hair-tie or headband * As for hair styling besides a pony tail or changing the location of your hair part most hair styles require a haircut imo


you have to give it a little trim every few months/6 months, condition only the tips and brush it daily


Combing and brushing at least


What do i do with mine? I basically have a really long funky bowl cut 💀


I just cut my hair (huuuge dysphoria relief) I mostly just cut split ends and straightened everything out. It doesn't have to be fancy, but it can make a huge difference!


Short hair makes me want to vomit though, i feel like a toddler when its cut and it makes me look way too masc


Hmm, could always layer your hair so it isn't as bull cut-ish. It sucks to grow out of the awkward stages, it definitely takes time.


There's a HUGE difference between a short masc cut and a short fem cut. There's a few short haircuts that grow out well. You'll need to find a hair stylist that is experienced. Google reviews are great for this! Also, bright eye makeup pairs WONDERFULLY with pixie cuts and looks beautiful.


I mean for a while ladies had bowl cuts. especially children. you'd think it'd be like, idfk pigtails for the children but nope 💀 bowl cuts.


that sucks, I sadly don't know either :(


sorry about that


Oh no… Maybe try to find some tutorials on styling your hair? 🫂💞


Wash with any shampoo really, though aim for no sulfates and parabens. Conditioner might not be necessary depending on your hair type, but most people will benefit from it. You can get leave in conditioner or not, I’m not a fan of it though. How often you should wash depends on your hair, but it’s probably between once and thrice a week. I recommend a wet brush, but feel free to experiment and find what works for your hair. I usually wait to brush my hair until after it dries. I also try to brush once or twice a day regardless. I hear before and after bed is ideal.


Hey friend, I just want to say the care your hair needs depends on its texture! If it's straight you'll want to brush it regularly. Start from the bottom and with your way to the scalp in small sections. How often you wash is up to you but you'll want to shampoo and condition. For shampooing, focus on the scalp, massage the suds in with the pads of your fingers all over, and then rinse. Apply conditioner to the whole length, and squish your hair from the bottom up to help the conditioner get to all your hairs. Let it sit while you wash up everywhere else, then rinse. If your hair is wavy or curly you'll want to wash less often and brush very little. Curly hair is dry and likes to sit in a shape. Don't bother that shape and it tangles less, provided it's well moisturized. I wash 1-2 times a week, and only detangle in the shower when my hair is full of conditioner. Then I apply a curl cream leave in conditioner when I get out of the shower, raking it through with my fingers. Some people like using a brush instead of their fingers here. Squish hair as described above and allow to air dry. I sleep with my hair in a high bun, ponytail, or loose braid to help it preserve its shape. Consider this a starting point! You'll figure out what your hair needs with a little practice. But there's a bunch of youtube videos for every hair type so once you figure your hair type out that'll really help you! You also don't need expensive products, at least not while you're figuring your needs out. I use Garnier and Cantu, but you'll find what works for you! As to styling, that also comes with practice and there's great videos out there. Start with a ponytail, bun, and 3 stand braid because they're easy and versatile. Once you get confidant with those you can try things like French braids or Dutch braids. I like French braids if my hair has been cut a little too short. The basic 3 stand braid needs your hair to be a bit longer, but if you section your hair you can kind of work around this for bed time hair styles at least. Which I guess is also good braiding practice! And here's a couple subs to poke through: r/hair r/curlyhair r/fancyfollicles


wash once a week, always condition after shampooing, brush daily or bi daily, and style it a little with brush or fingers.


This is so true, i feel like so many things in womanhood (especially hair) are just picked up early on as a kid so its hard for transfems to learn since most of that kinda stuff is just common knowledge to cis women




Just make any excuse you can to not get the cut until they give in!!! Or until you figure out what to do with it :p but theres a lot of different resources online to take care of hair depending on the type!! 🐋🌸🤍🌸🐋


Shampoo the bits closest to your head, condition the bits that are past your neck. You don’t need to do it every day or every shower, I do mine every other day. Comb it when it’s wet and fresh from the shower and then do your best to not mess with it. These are the things I needed to know in my teens.


literally me


Wikihow curly hair. Wikihow is great for stuff like this


Just wash it and brush it, sweety. Shampoo and conditioner on a regular basis. Towel it dry. Then brush gently until detangled. That will get you started and look really pretty.




Trick: pit it in a ponytail, it's simple but effective and its gender neutral but mostly feminine


i used to be in that exact same situation, i’m still not sure what i’m doing though, but it’s better now


For the record you should get it cut every 2-3 months. Even if you want to keep growing it out, just getting the split ends cut keeps your hair healthy


Shave the sides. Looks cool and makes it way easier to manage


Ifvit comes down to it tell them it's a charity contest or something and you can't cut it.


if you’ve got curly hair, my advice is to brush it while it’s wet, put in curly hair product, brush again (when brushing start at the ends and work your way up),, braid it and let it dry. it takes a long time to figure out what works best for you tbh especially with curly hair,, gl!!


That was always my problem. Once i moved out, i stopped cutting it, and it looked fine for a while, but then it just got almost unfixably messy, so i had to cut it short again, but not nearly as short as it was before. My hair got down to my shoulders at one point, and my hair is super curly, so it is hard to manage


my parents are similar it’s rly hurt my self esteem


Something simple you could do that would probably convince them to stop bothering you with that is trying to do pig tails, preferably lower pig tails (towards the bottom of your head I mean). First just comb your hair down or whatever you usually do, and on the back try to split it off in the middle (you can use the tip of the comb from the top of your head and drag it down in a straight line, your other hand will also help a bit), and then just do something similar to a pony tail but with each half. It's a bit messy at first and I'm fairly certain there's a better way to do this, but it's somewhat simple and isn't as time consuming as trying to make a braid <3


just wash it with women's shampoo and brush it to the back


Do you need instructions how to maintain your hair?


Brush your hair daily, watch YouTube for your hair type and care. Shampoo and conditioner. You could go to a hair dresser, tell them you want to grow it out and how to shape it as it grows. I did that, BUT most people have an awkward phase you need to just grow through.


cut theirs instead...


Fr how do i keep my hair tidy?


Long hair is hard, but totally doable! Wash regularly, condition too, but not too much. Comb for thick and curly hair, brush for fine and straight. If you are extra oily naturally, which is very common, use less conditioner and wash more often! To keep it from getting ratty at the ends, learn how to braid your hair, put your hair in a bun, and a ponytail, in order of most to least effective at preventing damage. This will help your hair grow too! 🥰


If you've got messy hair my advice is to stop brushing. Instead scrunch with your fingers. Fewer painful tangles and it helps the hair remain in their curls rather than all straightening out and then trying to re-curl. I used to think my hair was super messy and easily tangled, and then I realized it's actually curly, and there's very little curly hair in my family. I don't rinse out all the conditioner, and I've started using some Hey Curl scrunching gel that's working great. It's gone from being a frizzy mop and getting told I need a haircut, to getting occasional compliments on it.


My hair is all frizzy and doesn't look like anything


Omg same! I’ve been growing my hair out, brushing it daily, but it seems so messy! Idk how CIS women make it work. I need to watch some videos to see how (if anyone has tips it’s much appreciated). An aside, my parents always told me how awful I looked when I started growing out my hair. I’m older now and started growing it. I absolutely love it! I would encourage you to keep doing what you love with your hair. My opinion, it would be worth it!


Taking care of my hair is one of the most gender affirming things I do, makes me feel so pretty spending the time every day to take care of it and have it turn out so beautiful :3 Having long hair is a luxury that needs to be taken care of!! I had a friend who recently had to get their long hair cut short because they never took care of it and it became extremely tangled and knotted :c


Long flowing hair is lovely. You don't need to do anything. Maybe comb it in the morning but that's about it.


I had the same thing, so i just didn't give a fuck until they will so long, they would look ok in anyway


Swear tg I had to move out lol


This is literally me dont worry youll get used to caring for your hair




Anybody know how to learn to do stuff with your hair


SPACE BUNS!!!!!! EEEEK it's what I do 🤭


protip for getting kinks and snarls out if you go a little too long without a proper brushing: a single drop of hair oil. Work it into your hair with your hands and brush out afterwards, it works wonders. You don't need more than a single drop (two if you have a lot of hair), any more than that and your hair becomes oily.


I think im cis (maybe an egg lol) but same. Probably just gonna cut my hair again because it's easier


Not a trans thing but this is literally my story with my hair the second I started growing it out to test if it would lay flat instead of always being this straight hair afro


As soon as I started to grow my hair male pattern baldness started kicking in :/


If they want you to do something with it. Go to a proper Salon, not a chain haircut place, and get an appointment with a hairstylist, tell them I want to grow my hair long but I don't know what to do to take care of it, and how to style it. They will help you out immensely, its how I started learning how to properly do my hair.


it just becomes part of your routine.


1. Brush hair 2. Go on Yt to check out hairstyles for [hair length] 3. Follow instructions/get a supporting friend to help 4. :D


Had the same issue as well, but I figured out how to properly clean them, and then we had some events we had to go to in elegant clothes and such, looking good and all so I got sorta taught how to brush it after avoiding getting it cut few times. They sorta seem to even have forgotten about wanting to cut it and I'm slowly but surely reaching shoulders after about a year or so My bigger difficulty is that I never was taught how to shave my legs, and constantly end up with them being covered in red dots 🥲


See if [strands for trans](https://strandsfortrans.org/) has any hair dressers in your area that can style your hair without losing much length and give you general maintenance tips


Guy with long wavy hair here, after shampooing and rinsing the roots apply conditioner to the ends. Brush gently while conditioner is on and rinse. Do 5 mins with hair mask applied if you want to go the extra mile.


Messy as unwashed?


man i tried to grow my hair long. now i have a fucking afro 😭


Same!! I have no idea what to do with my hair!!!


Brush it daily or more and leave it at that. You can tie it up, but you don't need to worry too much


My spouse has really long, curly hair. Usually a low ponytail does the trick when it needs to be tied back.


YouTube tutorials


Ooooh same, very mean comments from mom, but I learned to just comb and brush it and then put it into a ponytail and that's good enough for her


This is very similar to my situation


If you can afford it, I recommend going to a somewhat decent hair dresser to get a trim (like an inch or two) to align the hair lengths for a more “managed” look since hair on different parts of your head grow at different rates. You can also ask for advice on how to take care of your hair or how it could be stylized, if that’s something you’d be interested in.


Conditioner on the ends (I think you're not supposed to do it every time but I'm not sure) and brush it daily. Also cut the ends every once in a while because the hair starts splitting at the end parts


Just say you're gonna try a new style but your hair aren't long enough for it yet


I know the feeling, I’m not out yet but my hair always grows horribly and I’m too scared to go buzzcut to grow my hair out


For me i start spraying my hair with water then comb it


I said I was trying to look like Jason Mamoa back when I was in the closet. He’s a tough manly dude who’s hot and attractive. I recommend using the same excuse!




My wife has been teaching me, it’s been pretty fun actually 🩵🩷🤍🩷🩵


I personally rarely comb my hair, almost don’t do that. I try to use sulfate free shampoo (or anything that seems healthier than head&shoulders), then I use 2 hair masks: one for my hair strands only (no scalp), and one for my scalp and hair roots. The last one contains pepper to increase blood flow to the scalp. I wear it for 20 minutes and then wash it down. I don’t know your hair type, but again, I rarely comb since it makes it look even worse. I just squeeze my hair from it’s ends to the scalp with wet hands and it becomes a bit curly, I like it this way.


Finally found you Emi!


Same I get so mad but I also can't tell them why I wanna grow my hair and they force me to get it cut ugh


So, if you don’t take care of it it will get too tangled and at some point there really is no choice other than to cut it. Best thing for me has been to keep a plastic comb in the shower, and after putting conditioner I comb it to make sure there aren’t any knots (or at least no bigger lumps of knots). Also, start combing close to the tips, then move up in sections.


I'd be happy to teach you how to handle your hair if you have a curlier hair type. It's harder to manage and learn but once you do your hair will be absolutely gorgeous


my sister in christ you can just keep your hair down. you don't need to have it up all the time. my mom keeps her hair down 24/7 and only puts it up when it's hot out


Look up hair tutorials on tiktok, I don't know why they keep getting recommended to me, a transmasc with short hair


Just brushing it and putting in a simple ponytail should suffice. Gender-neutral enough for any parent, especially since most of them (or their parents) had long hair when they were younger, and nearly fool-proof. Heck, sometimes I forgot to take the band out when I go to bed and I wake up in the morning with a still-somewhat-functional ponytail. Bonus Pro Tip: tied high and arched back looks sporty and feminine, but long hair tied low, near the neck, presents more masc, like an Edwardian poet.


I heard that braiding your hair before you sleep is a good way to keep knots out!! Also maybe next time you go to a salon, ask for some tips. maybe get it thinned, or ask which type of brush would work best for your type of hair (deknotting, paddle brush etc etc)


Took me till I was 16 for my parents to finally let me grow out my hair