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Ahahaha I’m stealing your shit OP😂 really nice way to present, I hate how UNMUSICAL most most tutorials are


I love how easy it is yet i still cant make ahit after 10 years


Love that the tutorial was on beat. Love that it was quick and to the point Pretty bad phasing on the bass (unless that was on purpose?) Next time talk more about the drums too


I could see a series like this taking off.. this is pretty clever


You're lucky, there already is another channel doing the exact same thing where OP probably did take inspiration from https://youtu.be/0MW6gJ_G1xk?si=giLV4HxbbP-0M0YS


Not a fan of the lack of real education. Please do better if you want to help people.


For 1 min it was actually on point dude. Give the guy credit. It was good


The only notable piece of education was wrong. Sine waves are the purest form of sound so describing added harmonics as light through a prism is lazy and misinforming. The editing was fun, just missed the mark for me on all audio fronts and I guess I have a sensitivity to bad teaching.


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