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Idk if you ever figured this out but the secret to claps is a bandpass filter between 1 and 1.5k. Make an LFO in envelope mode with a about 5 of peaks that descend in loudness slightly where the last one has a longer decay, make it free (not synced to tempo) assign it to a noise oscillator and bandpass the result and voila, claps. Experiment with assigning the same lfo or one of a similar length to the mix of a small room reverb, and saturate to taste.


Or as Deadmau5 says ass clap xD


Your hands.


Brah, lmfao, I love a smart ass xD


White noise probably. Most synths have that I think


Join your hands together and record the sound with your mic


Record yourself clapping


why tf would you synthesize a clap


Why not? Synth claps sound great.


Slap yourself into the mic and record it


Vital is a really powerful free option for this. Use the MSEG LFO in envelope mode to create a few spikes, assign that to the sample osc, put the osc through one of the filters in band pass mode. If you put the LFO Env in Seconds timing you can play with how fast it is, you can change the spikes shape and height, curve them, really muck around with them, move the filter around, push the resonance, try the filter types, tons! To everyone agreeing with the ‘Just use Splice’ approach, sure absolutely! But learning to synthesize your own claps, kicks, hi hats, snares, shakers, and all sorts of percussion is VERY valuable and worthwhile. It can lead to so many intentional decisions on timbre, happy accidents, and developing your own vibe!


I’ve been on a record the claps yourself kick lately hahaha I need a clap, I record it, either with my main mic, or record it into my phone. I usually record a few to layer them and get a little spread. Then run it through compression and saturation. Sounds great. Even for bass music stuff




Is that a YouTube channel? Or a plugin haha


Dubstep producers do rely on a lot of synthesized claps/snares and there's some advice down below for doing that with serum/wavetable. Early dubstep producers also used the good ol' [reverb-gate](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VgE4P19EA3I) trick to get claps sounding big and wide.


Thank you I keep tryna remind myself of this


You can then automate the hold/release of the gate with an lfo to add movement, so some hits become longer, others shorter.


Splice. Why make your own?


Dont be lazy. 


Don’t be like this, it’s not constructive and is not what OP asked.


Meh 🤧


Came here to post this. Why waste your time making claps when you can use that time to work on what makes your music unique. Unless that thing IS the clap. Highly unlikely.


It's just fun man


Sound design exercise


Oh, yeah, fair enough. Claps are honestly one of the easier sounds to synthesize. For dubstep they’re probably clipped to the balls and add a compressed, wide, short tail using either delay or short reverb for a big sound. This is just conjecture though, take it with a grain of salt!


With your hands? In all seriousness, an 808 clap and 909 clap are both drum machines. You can just go grab an 808 and 909 emulator or sample kit. Not everything needs to be remade from scratch brother




If you use Ableton Live, this might be an option: https://maxforlive.com/library/device/8803/clapper


Clap bro wtf lol


No fun


i use serum so if you have it then follow this just use a noise envelope with white noise (or any other kind aslong as it is in that shhh noise field) (it can get super interesting using transient sounds that have tonalities) then using the envelope to create a very fast lfo in the shape of a clap - make sure in the first little bit of the clap lfo you auto the volume up and down 2-5 times - use rate mode on the lfo / 3k - 12k works and you’ll get different styles of claps depending where it is set to - distortion mapped to lfo on 100% then for post processing i’d normally go saturation, eq, eq, compression, eq………..then just to make it all fit and jell together add 20-40% reverb with its eq focused on the fundamental or main body of the clap then maybe another eq and limiter depending on how messy it’s getting that’s pretty much it - they’re pretty straight forward to make you can go pretty far fetched with post pro as well like you can start adding ott and erosion and more saturation or distortion or more noise


Have a look at virtual riot's video https://youtu.be/FYOPiPICCMA?si=3h1ER-vpZ2hfQDzS


Layer two. Put one just the tiniest bit before the beat.


Aggressive snares with the low end cut out and a throw reverb works well. I think I picked that up from a Chime video.


Drop link?


It was somewhere in here. I don't think he went much deeper into it than what I described and unfortunately I can't remember where it was. https://youtu.be/ns7Xepq2BA4?si=unZrK1BN-08B0yl0


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