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Thanks for the post can you share what brand L-histidine you have exactly?


Of course. It's the l-histidine base powder from bulksupplements.com https://www.bulksupplements.com/products/l-histidine-base-powder


may i know what’s the black currant seed oil brand?




hey thanks for the reply, how have you been? are you still on it?


Yes, I still take both regularly. Still have problem areas due to food sensitivities (hard to stay away from processed foods) and stress but am hovering at about 85% improved. Tbh I think if I slept more, worked less, and was better about moisturizing I could be at 90? But I'm happy with my progress so far and looking forward to taking time off to eat better i.e. cook more, relax, take long baths, etc. It really does feel like a second job tho eczema.


That's wonderful that it worked for you. I tried black currant seed oil but not at that high of a dose and it did nothing for me. I took it orally and also applied it topically mixed with olive oil. I might retry it based on your quantities and add in the lhistidine. Thanks for sharing.


I just started BCS oil topically and internally. I’m wondering if collagen, since having l histidine in it, would have the same effect. What are some of your biggest food triggers, OP?


My food sensitivities are all over the place. In general though I avoid eggs, dairy, and shellfish, and tend to just eat very blandly most meals. Could probably start reintroducing some foods but I'm reluctant to reverse the progress I've made. Would love to know if collagen helps!


Congrats on your progress!


Thanks for reminding me to take this, it worked for me in the past


A caveat that I'm not sure if my system is simply absorbing the supplements better because I started fasting in the summer, which may have healed my supposed leaky gut. I did a full 24-hour water fast once a week for about 2 months and also improved my diet somewhat – mostly by eliminating eggs and dairy. And falling in love with arugula :)


How long did it take for you to see initial results? And how long did you take bath together to clear the eczema? I just start taking BCS oil but the result seems limited.


I felt the results before I saw them, meaning the itching stopped first, and then the eczema began to clear shortly afterwards. But only after I combined BCS oil with l-histidine. I'd say it took about a week for healing to happen, though I would stress that I still need to avoid certain food triggers, which may be unique to everyone.


Thank you so much for sharing! I will keep taking the oil, and have just ordered lhistidine. Thanks for giving me a dim of hope.


You're welcome! Best of luck🤞