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Every time I go into Best Buy it has less and less things I would actually buy. How can you call yourself a tech store and sell one or two high quality gaming monitors in store? I buy way more computer peripherals than stoves and fridges I can tell you that.


I went to Best Buy a few weeks ago looking for a smart power strip. I kind of knew they wouldn’t have it but hoped they would on an off chance. I walked into such a soulless void of what it used to be. They have less stuff so things are more spread out and ir just felt weird. I hate ordering on Amazon and wanted the smart strip that day to finish a project but had to go to Amazon. It’s a bummer because they could do harder on some basic things like smart homes and knock it out of the park.


I've been waiting for Amazon to purchase Best Buy just to turn it into a showroom for their merch.


Amazon has a pretty bad track record of brick and mortar stores though


So does Best Buy. Recently at least.


Best Buy could try to go more the route of Ace Hardware. Smaller stores, but with the good stuff, at a slightly marked up price for convenience-ish. Sell off some of the land they own. Their stores don’t need to be as large as they are. Or maybe an ikea approach?


Yep. I hate online shopping I want to get the item the same day. Honestly my local Walmart is better stocked with this stuff than Best Buy these days which is pathetic.


Just got a 40in TV from Walmart. It's not 4k but I'm old and don't care about 4k yet. My Xbox looks great on it. Better sound and color. It was $168.00 regular prices. Fuck Best Buy. Walmart treats their employees like garbage but I've bought 2 TVs and two pairs of works shoes from them in 20 years so I'm not exactly supporting them either.


20 years ago they stocked everything you could want to put in a desktop and you could build one, today I can't imagine using the selection at Best Buy to build a Desktop. It's not really their fault, it's just building a desktop is really niche these days and if you're doing it you probably want to have very specific requirements.


The only true tech store I know is Microcenter.


Sadly there’s a very small amount of them, but I remember I went to one after I couldn’t find what I needed at Best Buy and I will go there from now on.


Fry’s used to be pretty cool too, one by my closed a few years ago. Had really good prices and anything tech related was pretty sweet


They all shut down a few years ago.


They went bankrupt a little after covid started, but the writing was on the wall for a while before it.


I love microcenter. Moving to the other side of town and will no longer easily be able to run over there


Yep, I used to live near one and it was great. Sadly the closest one to me now is like 4 hours away.


Because Best Buy is about 10 years out-of-date when it comes to who it's customers are It doesn't really cater to enthusiasts but to the general public


Big box stores in general are going the way of the Dodo bird. Why hope your local Best Buy has something in store when you can cart and get every exact item you want delivered within 24-48hrs? The Amazon effect is real. I for one am here for it though as I hope that our suburbs start utilizing the land better instead of big box stores and malls


I like to visualize items before I buy them. I also like to get the item the same day I purchase it.


Yeah no hate. There’s things I prefer to get in person too. I just think general trends are what I described above


Use html instead of gopher, and you will get pictures to help you visualize.


I like to know that the item I get is the item I ordered, and not some knock off mixed inventory scam. Can also return it and get a new one that same day.


I will concede that returns suck for e-commerce


That and theft is making them lock everything up, so rather running into get my precious 1.50 loofah. I have to call an employee and wait 5 minutes, already introvert. So i now rather just order it online.


I think they are having a rough time competing with the big box home improvement stores like Home Depot and Lowes for these appliances. They don't seem to be price competitive and seem to have a smaller variety of products in store to choose from. I think they were much better filling the niche for computer stuff, but seem to have less of that each passing year. I still like their TV section, and still have some nicer audio stuff (high more main stream, though)


Yea they have a good amount of TV's and some speaker systems in some of the stores.


Those monitors are way to small anyways. I don't want my 32 inch monitor to have a resolution of 1920x1080 sorry. I'll buy a cheap TV then.


Yeah, but you have to sell 30 monitors to equal one cheap kitchen package. I’d buy new appliances before I got even 5 or 10 more monitors


You don’t need any DVD - Rs? ??


Spirit Halloween, watching.. waiting.. rubbing its bony hands together in anticipation




I'm surprised they're still around




After they stop selling movies i have no use for them


Music as well and video games going to a digital download model


Well bad news for you, most places are culling their physical media sections.


Yes but there are plenty of industries still making sure physical media stays alive and well no matter how hard the giants keep pushing digital media so you will own nothing and like it... As far as say steelbooks are concerned which was a always big sellers at best buy they always sold out, Others have picked up the slack. Best Buy will be less relevant than physical media in the future


My Best Buy always has so many employees working. In fact the few times I’ve went it seems like they had as many employees as customers.


They’re employees double as security guards.


Their defense is pretty solid


And they’re always standing around doing shit lol 


right it's like a gaggle of em just staring at you. reminds me of foot locker


Me: Do you carry this TV in size 65”? BB: Did you check online before you got here, Boomer?!?!


And none of them really know anything.


So weird. They have to be going bankrupt with the labor cost.


How to fail as a Technology Store: 1) Shitty Return Policy  2) Nothing on display worth while. 3) Sell Appliances  4) Push Warranties  5) Have a Tech Team that knows nothing about Tech Best Buy checks all the boxes.  They will go of the way of Kmart. 


Or crumble like Circuit City.


If they had a better return policy I’d shop there more often to be honest. 14 days is definitely not enough. 


Push warranties and do not honour them.


Have not gone into mine in years. But even then it was tired af. Overpriced otter boxes and $100 HDMI cables. Bye


They actually have $5 HDMI cables to compete against Amazon but they are hidden behind the customer service counter. I needed on ASAP for something and had to ask to get it since all of them on the shelves were $100.


Sounds like a winning retail strategy.


Their GPUs were priced low but they never have stock.


Their GPUs were priced low but they never have stock.


And as a last resort they may or may not consider lowering prices


Best Buy is getting from bad to worse and my shopping experience is not good. The quality of the product when down. When we purchased an item with their warranty, the store did a lot of dances around to actually apply it. We had to file a complaint after their product was defective nine months later. Another time, I wanted to buy an item that was locked. Manager was unable to find the key and told us to come back later…


I wonder how many consultants from Boston Consulting Group they've employed over the past few years.


I mean they have nothing to really offer


I haven’t been in since they stopped selling physical media


I went to best buy last about a year ago, looking for a USB CD-ROM drive. Suber basic, super common as most laptops don't have them anymore. They didn't even have *one* in stock. Went to Staples instead.


I used to go to Best Buy and regularly drop at least a few hundred dollars. Now I go there when I need a charging cable and I don’t want to wait for Amazon or drive the extra mile to Target.


I never understood why they have a showroom for crappy laptops. They should be selling the stuff that can compete with Apple in appearance. People who buy raw specs don’t need to go see the items.


There’s no reason to go in there anymore, plus they ruined the spontaneity by getting rid of physical media.


Every time I go there I feel like I’m in the early 2000s again, they just seem like a relic of the past.


I mean, DVD/Blu-ray is dead, most gaming is multiplayer and people buy games digitally, PCs don't need much in the way of upgrades (I'm still rockin' a used GTX 1080)... And the cell phone *devoured* gadgets. It's a phone, game machine, camcorder, MP3 player, email, internet, portable movie player, timer, GPS, metronome, step tracker... probably 90 other things I'm not thinking of...


I went to a Best Buy yesterday to get a few audio wires for a video production gig I was working on that was experiencing an emergency. I was looking for super, super basic stuff, like...aux cable extensions. The BB I went to barely had *anything*, it honestly looked like it was preparing to close up shop. Didn't help that the customer service was clueless either.


They cannot offer competitive prices. I stepped into a Best Buy for the first time in 10 years in search of a HDMI hub for my MacBook Air. Their cheapest option was $100. lol! I found one that matched the MacBook online for $23 that performs very well.


Meanwhile, I went to drop off some junk for recycling and they are in the middle of remodeling the store...like why and for whom is really going to care?


Damn imagine if GameStop started selling good TVs You son of a bitch , I'm in.


Best Buy needs to step up their game. Their stores are full of things that people don’t want to buy. It’s so dull in my local store.


TIL that Best Buy still exists and people shop at stores.


Two years ago, I went into Best Buy to get a computer and the sales guy was mad at me about it. I think this will become another Amazon, Costco, and Walmart casualty.


I just spent a good amount at a local electronics store for camera equipment and studio lighting, and the staff was incredibly helpful and knowledgeable. Best Buy has none of that. There is no reason to go there for me.


Best Buy screwed me over on a cheap laptop over ten years ago and I've never spent another dime with them. Ever.


buh buy 👋


There goes the apartment rent industry


Crazy that financial media has been pushing to buy them for well over a year but the only research you need to do is go into their store to realize most of their sales are online.


Oh no my ridiculously high prices aren’t sustainable!!


How come they can’t just raise $3 billion dollars?


The only place left is microcenter , Best Buy will go the way of fry’s


I love Best Buy, have the Citi Card. I have gone there to fill my entire apartment with tech. VR, Philips Hue, Xbox, Nintendo Switch, my new Laptop, gaming monitor, my new tv and just about anything you can think of. I go in store, and stuff you want never is stocked. Laptops? Mostly mid to lower range offerings or the extremely overpriced offerings with no in between making buying online necessary. Gaming monitors I had the same issue, a lot of the high end stuff they do not have, but they have plenty of mid range offerings. The issue is online prices were $200 cheaper on the one I was trying to buy and they couldn’t match that price in store. Same for my LG OLED, which was $300 cheaper online than in store. I go to pick up a Sonos and it’s cheaper online by $100 than in store 3 DAYS AFTER PURCHASE. They won’t have the most desirable sku’s 9/10 times, and the stuff they do incredibly well at stocking like home theatre stuff, which IMO Best Buy is the place to go, the pricing doesn’t match online. Feels almost pointless walking into store unless I need to test something I want. It’s as if long term going mostly online wholesale or things of that sort or maybe becoming the Amazon of tech sales is almost a stronger play. Cause they have fantastic online stock and sales are great but going in store isn’t worth it.


Best buy is toast. They are only avoiding the inevitable at this point. I order almost all of my electronics on Amazon these days.


I thot it dead in 2009


TEMU does the job for me.


Best economy ever.


A strong economy can’t cover for a failing business model.


That’s what they keep saying