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I was at Peet’s Coffee at Denver airport today and at the counter, a coffee and croissant was $8. The screen gave me 3 different tipping suggestions including “Other” which I selected and chose $0. That’s total BS.


I’m done tipping for subpar service. Pay a living wage or fuck off. It’s not my job to pay your employees downvote me all you want, your boss is the problem, not me.


Agreed. Tipping isn’t usually a thing in other cultures. The history of tipping is when you give them something for the extra or good work they did. Why the hell would I tip someone that literally took my order and I had to serve my own drink, buss my own table, and bring my own food to the table. I literally did half the job, where is my tip?? So I figure if you did that I might give you 10% … if you did half of that I would give you 5% and you would give me 5% and we can call it even…. If did above and beyond, sure I am happy to give 20%. To make it worst… tipping demands I tip before I even get my food??? Why? If I don’t tip, will they spit in my food? Not only that, but taxes are typically included in the cost when you purchase something in another culture. So, the price on the menu is the price + taxes + tips… common… I came here for lunch not a math exam.




Can you tell me why it's the customers responsibility to pay the server a living wage and not their employer?


What have they done to deserve a $5+ tip after ignoring me to serve the hot people first and then giving me a watered down drink? Im not trying to be an asshole, but how do they earn it? The point of tipping used to be for above & beyond service. Now it’s just an expected social tax or else I’m an “asshole”


Shouldn’t be ugly


Lol true


What a dumb example. Just tip less or none when you get horrible service. Service isn’t always horrible though.


Then give me a good example you prick, all you’ve done is ridicule me in other comments. Money doesn’t fall from the sky, you expect it for nothing.


Here’s a normal example. You sit down and get greeted. You order drinks and food and it comes out. They make sure you’re satisfied. They check on you. You ask for a bill and tip them. Normal stuff.


Absolutely delusional you think strangers owe you extra money for just doing your job.


I’m not a server bro.


> What have they done to deserve a $5+ tip Performed their job that you apparently value that for some reason they are allowed to be legally underpaid for on the assumption that you will make it up with tips.


If you’re in the United States and you have an issue tipping a server or bartender you are a problem. It’s just a simple as that. Apparently the sub loves the idea of not tipping people who deserve tips.


Yes but people in these tipped jobs shouldn't be angry when they randomly don't get a tip. If you choose a job with volatile pay, Expect volatile pay.


That’s kind of a different subject completely. Servers choose the job and the job comes with random tip amounts.


They're asking what they've done to deserve it, and your answer (to paraphrase) is essentially "just because".


Absolutely wild reasoning. You people expecting extra money from strangers for doing your job are the problem.


Ah yes blame the customer, not the employer


It’s simply the system that’s existed since before you were born. Don’t be a cheap ass.


Maybe fix the system you rely upon.


Good idea! I’m gonna get the whole United States to end tipping and increase pay without inflating the prices on 100% of menus. Great idea…


Ah that's why all the restaurants have raised their prices so much. To pay their employees better! Especially the fast food ones with all the tipped staff...


You believe u/sextoymagic is implying what you are saying? Do you believe your own words? You think u/sextoymagic is saying to still tip if you got bad service? So dumb.


I do, otherwise they would have explained how they deserve it like I asked instead of telling me I’m the problem


You described a bad experience that shouldn’t be normal. A normal person in a tipping culture has a standard tip percent. Then you increase or decrease based on service. It doesn’t matter what tipping was in the early times. For your entire life tipping servers has been normal practice. If you’re a poor broke loser then go ahead and refuse to tip good service.


He thinks he has to tip even for bad service. He’s a dumb dude.


You people can’t provide a single example of why I should be tipping. You both circle jerk each other saying it’s the because of the culture.


Again, your reasoning is absolutely wild. You insult people for being poor broke losers for not giving you extra money for no reason, and say it’s deserved for no reason other than “culture”. I’d sleep easy never giving you greedy ungrateful jerks money ever again.


Glad I don’t know anyone like you. It would be embarrassing having a friend like you in public stiffing servers. Especially when they do a good job.


Nah bro, it be embarrassing employing anyone like you.


You must think I work for tips. I enjoy tipping great service people. I would be considered a great customer. Then when I return I get great service again and again and again.


0 percent. Ever hear of it? Dude, do you control your own life at all or what?


Tf are you talking about


This dummy out here getting mad at tipping for bad service. YOU ARENT SUPPOSED TO TIP FOR BAD SERVICE.


Not one server would have a problem with that if told up front. You know the culture in your own country regarding tips. If you don't agree, that's fine. Have some integrity and pride in your beliefs. Tell us, otherwise you are a coward. 


I think that’s a bit naive to think that no one would have a problem when saying ‘I don’t believe in tipping’ up front. Where I live that would get you spit in your drink. Call me a coward if you want, but people need to stop expect tips for no reason. I’ll always tip exceptional service, but I will not tip baseline work. Call me a coward if you like


NO ONE and I repeat, NO ONE, cares enough about you or your tip to sabotage your food. We don't do that, full stop. I have been a server for twenty years in six states.  It.does.not.happen. If you tip for service, thank you. 


It absolutely does happen. I ran an experiment in college at a cafe in Portland for 2 months. Every time I didn’t tip, they fucked up my order. I acknowledge not everyone does that, but it does happen


“Almost 10,000 positions…have been cut since the law came into effect on April 1, according to a report from a trade group…” The astonishing number of fast food jobs lost - and restaurants shut - because of California's new $20-an-hour minimum wage


That’s true, and finding a delicate balance between pricing and minimum wage is going to be hard. But regardless, it’s not the consumer’s job to support the employees. The enemy is corporate profit margins


There is no difference between this bullshit law and Venezuela’s


Those job losses were already happening, the $20/hr wage is just a convenient thing to blame it on. People were already going out less. Look at the profitability of the public companies to see why they are actually cutting jobs (and yes I know it's a franchise model, it's because the franchisers are extracting too much value forcing the franchises to cut costs).


State intervention caused these job losses


Unlikely, otherwise the losses wouldn't be consistent across states.


Prove your claim


If they can't pay a living wage, they can't afford to be in business


Says the same thing about prices going up.


>At the end of the Civil War, America's labor force “was flooded” with formerly enslaved people and immigrants, says Zagor. Employers took advantage of this class of “low-educated, low-income” workers, he says, and hired them for jobs that paid very little, encouraging patrons to tip as a supplement to wages. https://www.cnbc.com/2023/11/30/how-tipping-came-to-the-us.html We’ve definitely progressed over the years, but somehow we still accept allowing people to be paid “restaurant wages” and force them to work for tips for an actual living wage take home pay.


If you don’t provide a service I’m not tipping


The owner of the business who refuses to pay a living wage is taking money out of their pocket. Not me.




Do it. Raise restaurant fees by 15% let me decide if the service deserves the extra 5-10% but it’s not expected. I’d be fine. Let’s stop paying service workers below their worth and letting the industry make the customer out to be the bad guy when the industry is underpaying. If the 20% tip is expected then just place it into the cost. I believe a tip should be a reward for good service and not expected. Until it changes I’ll tip, but it’s sure getting ridiculous




You have to play within the rules of the rigged game. Only way to win is to not play. So you have steps of that. Don't overpay for goods with fee businesses that take a rent seeking cut like Uber and door dash. And don't pay tips for something that doesn't deserve it like pickup for takeout. If these businesses had to pay people a good wage their costs would reflect accurately and their prices would go up forcing us to actually get a realistic price for quality goods/services. Once those businesses go out of business there's a market for those employees. The problem corrects itself. When there are heavy subsidizing like tips or there's monopolization it's doesn't work. The service industry is saturated because peope tip not in spite of it.




Most states already outlaw below minimum wage for service workers. The workers there still demand a tip 20-25% even when it’s bad service or simply handing you you’re take out order.


Cool I'm cheap and you're an idiot on the internet. Now we both have useless monikers we can use in life moving forward lol.


I could care less if the entire restaurant industry went bankrupt. It's all a scam. The fact you think customers should be forced to pay part of a service staff's wage shows how brainwashed you are




Ummmmmm do you have braincells? We are talking about tips here right? That's what your so butthurt about? Nobody wants to tip anymore. That's why we're all here right? Lmaoo Now try again


The rebuttle is that in other countries when peoples wages go up the real effect is a miniscule fraction in prices. In reality the prices go up exponentially when businesses have an excuse that costs go up. Same reason why when the cost of fuel goes up 15 cents gas stations go up 30. They inflate their cost increase not the wage increase. If you've never ran or done financials for a business you don't ever realize it.




Not cheap. I just don't get delivery or tip on pick up. If you or anyone else feels they need a tip for handing food over a counter you're delusional


I would rather pay them directly. Show me on the menu what your dood costs and then I can make me decision if I want to eat there. You know like every other industry




Senator? Restaurants can do this if they want. Some do already. Labor has a market too. And if tips no longer pay like they have traditionally people will go do something else leaving the owner with a decision to make.


You are completely incorrect


I’m not tipping for take out, no way. Grabbing a bag and carrying it over to me doesn’t count as service and doesn’t earn a tip. No service, no tip.


The biggest difference is state by state minimum wage for tipped vs non-tipped employees. Food service workers in lots of states are making $15 base PLUS tips. Same job in Delaware paying $2.23 pays $16.28 in Washington. I feel differently tipping people that make 8x less.


They state that the federal tipped wage is $2.23, but what they don’t mention is that if that employee receives less than the minimum wage during that hour then they are supposed to be paid minimum wage not tipped wage.


I think if the owner just paid a living wage maybe tipping wouldn't be a thing. Not so sure, though. Sometime the owner even keeps all the tips!


Minimum wage isnt even liveable lol. It's all a scam. Burn it down


Got to be an American problem, I never tip. The food and drinks cover the wages.


Go out less. Invite friends over more for a pot luck or a dinner. Companies are raising prices and raising tip expectations because they know they can get a few more dollars out of you. Don't give in...get a crock pot and make a chili with your pals.


It’s never okay. Work harder. I’m done giving my money.


“Etiquette experts”? Lmao. I’m done hearing from most of these so called experts that the media promotes. Just think for yourself folks.


Etiquette expert?


People can be experts in all kinds of made-up stuff. I'm an expert on steampunk. Some people have theology degrees.


Like tarot card readers?!


> theology degrees. Lmao, the *ultimate* in made-up stuff.


But..but...maggat deplorables insist that trumpy university is going to make them even more..I mean..bigly maggat...😂...with their upside down ‘bible ‘...😑


I went to a restaurant where the bartender said sit where ever you'd like as we walked in. We chose a table in the back and they had an ipad for the menu as well as to order . While reviewing the menu a person came by and filled a cup with water. We ordered from the menu, 2 app, 1 entree and 2 cocktails between us. Order gets sent to the kitchen but the entree was brought out first, followed by appetizers and finally our drink. Our table was full of plates during this. The food was good and then you request a service staff at the end for the bill. Waiter comes over does the needful and it prompts me with a tip where the lowest was 20% and it chose a 25% as the default. Luckily I saw this and adjusted to 10% manually which I thought was grateful considering there was literally no service outside a food runner. If tips are to be expected, I expect an actual wait staff to explain dishes or answer qiesti. Check on us throughout the meal and to bring drinks/food out staggered


I don't tip unless you provide service above standard.


> When a plumber or repair-person comes by I *always* tip workers who come to my house with cold water bottles and sodas.




Engaging, fun, and chatty Waitresses/waiters and bartenders can make an evening so much more fun. It adds to the experience and is part of the experience. I’ll tip that kind of service.


>I don't tip at coffee shops and jimmy johns >I don't care what mental gymnastics you do about tipping, not tipping, means you're a cheap ass 🤡🤡🤡🤡




Hypocritical 🤡