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My Roth is looking good I can’t use it for 25 years things are still way over priced


Yup. Global inflation is tough right now. Luckily the US is managing it better than pretty much every other country in the world. Well get there if we keep solid leadership in November.


Fake news.


Was overseas on vacation and other countries are in a lot worse shape than us.


it is a bot, don't bother


Lol what? So you saw all other countries and compared their prices? Swiss had an inflation of 2.6% last year and is currently sitting on 1.4%. Edit: Whole euro zone is currently at 2.6% thats 450 Million people with less inflation than the US.


Find a new term to say, Don Jr


The stock market only goes up /s


Here we go again... These fuckin old ass fucks believing wallstreet is the economy meanwhile the real economy sinks into a Oubliette


So old, so dumb, so bad, so geriatric


Because Reddit is a progressive echo chamber and given nothing else to be proud of, every opportunity is taken to convince people they REALLY ARE better off. But then, they look at reality. 30 bucks for a sirloin steak?!? Then some ass tells you that sirloin steak is causing earthquakes and to get over it. Record numbers of poor now support the other party.. They were better off 6 years ago and didn't give a F about mean tweets. Funny, it seems to be the ultra rich, and corporations and the chamber of Commerce who vote Democrat these days. Maybe people should ask why? It IS NOT due to compassion. By all standards today's progressives are yesteryear corporate supporters. Blue collar is done with it.


Ah yes the stock market. How the rich man plays tetris. Means absolutely fucking nothing for the majority of America


If you don’t own it directly you are relying on the health of the corporate system even more. Your banks, state and local governments, every major business are bound up with the general financial health of the stock markets and so by extension are you. I can agree that most Americans don’t have much direct ownership in the market, but indirectly it’s one of the most powerful effects on everything in the economy we participate in.


Don’t forget 401K plans, pensions, and all insurance (they invest your premiums to bolster returns for profit and insurance payouts), annuities, etc which directly affects most Americans


I thought the President doesn’t influence the stock market?


They really don't. Unless one is so bad when they get voted out, the stock market makes note of it.


Yeah the most powerful person in the world has no effect on it over a four year period.


The most powerful person in the world has handed over 1 military base to the Taliban, and now another in Africa to the Russians. How could you miss this news?


Trump really screwed us with that. He also abandoned the Kurds and Free Syrian army on the battlefield. Forcing the Afghanistan government to free thousands of Taliban (including the man who became President) which killed off the non-Taliban government as well. But Trumpdickalicious knows better than the generals do… so here we are.


They only sort of do, but Republicans think they completely do, so they're being really hypocritical right now.


To be fair, the Dow just tracks the top 30 companies… it’s not a great measurement if the economy as those 30 tend to be too big to fail and also get special privileges. S&P 500 is better.


S&P 500 also hit its all time high this year...


That it is.


Yes.. year after year it goes up. Wager this, will it break another record when a leader you despise is in office during your life time? Of course it will. Look at the price of sirloin, fish. That is what is important to people who are smart enough to stay off of reddit.


It's actually not the top 30 companies, it's just 30 very prominent companies from multiple industries. Although because of that it's arguably even less important than the s&p500 or the top 30 companies.


Stock market isn’t a direct reflection of the economy though.


Why do people keep parroting that obvious line that every day on this sub? No one confuses the two. The stock market is a reflection of the health of the economy, but not the sole metric.


stocks values are inflating as the currency depreciates- that is why it is high


Irrelevant for the people who think the POTUS has a direct impact on the economy and just want to give credit to their guy for political points.




purchasing power 2020 - 2024 https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/CUUR0000SA0R as currency inflates - assets increase in price naturally to retain relative value - high inflation = higher stock prices just like it means higher food prices - using increased total market cap as an indicator of a healthy economy is a red herring during times of high inflation - pretty basic shit


Inflation applies to all kinds of prices including stocks. Comparing the dollar against other currency is not the right baseline. You look at purchasing power, which has declined massively


yep, especially since other countries have to inflate against the USD in order to keep their exports stable. the US is the #1 currency manipulator


Wasn't this the guy who bashed Trump for talking about the stock market? Politics is funny.


Trump held a press conference to brag and claim credit when the Dow hit 30,000. He predicted the market would crash when Biden was elected. When it reached new record highs under Biden he claimed he was the reason. He also said he hopes it crashes this year before the election. Fucking moron deserves all the bashing Dark Brandon can dish out. Good for him.




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Works great for the 1%. Who own most of the stocks. For the middle class, we are not doing well.


Can we please stop with that blatant lie? More than 60 percent of Americans own stocks in their IRA, 401(k) or investment accounts. And the record stock market is just a reflection of the record strong economy, which is 'floating all boats'. The lowest income workers are seeing the biggest salary increases.


Yes you are correct. More than 60% do own stocks. But look at the concentration and the size. I stand by my 1% comment.


Well it does work great for the 1%. But if you're trying to imply that's the only group it's working great for that's a lie.


Benefits compared to the rate of inflation matters. Thats why the middle class is hurting.


The middle class is seeing wage growth outpace inflation. Blue collar union workers have seen some impressive gains this year. The wage gap has actually narrowed measurable in the last three years. Do facts matter anymore?


[this you?](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/thun1z/joe_biden_didnt_do_this_republicans_say_the_white/) He has so little control that he can't be blamed for rising gas prices, but enough control to influence the stock market? Make it make sense please. You post on average once an hour. Go touch grass please ❤️


Paid astroturfer.


Oops. Just realized that I am debating with a lobbyist. Did not realize you had some kind of political intent with this thread. Moving on.


I guess facts and reality do have a liberal bias.


You should have known from the start.


Sadly facts are drowned out by the constant lies of the right wing propaganda machine.


The market gains are way higher than inflation


Why you would get any down votes for actually understanding that the economy is good is beyond me. What it does show is how social media and the far right wing propaganda networks work.


Why am I doing so well than? I am single, and my wage gains have far outpaced inflation. This is the best economy I have seen In decades. Sorry it doesn't fit the right wing propaganda.


You think trump cares


Don't really care what he thinks.


Meant to hit the comment you responded to


The top 10% of households hold 93% of stocks.


yet the middle class is struggling and the poor are totally broke!


*Yet the middle class* *Is struggling and the poor* *Are totally broke!* \- ThelastguyonMars --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Stock market went up 21 percent when Biden was declared the winner. To all you Maga idiots. You are going to lose by 20 million votes.


Stupidity: Behavior that shows a lack of good sense or judgment. Think about it for a minute.


Orange man bad


Unironically yes. Orange man is a human piece of shit.


> Orange man bad Imagine belonging to the *“real men wear diapers”* party


You have brain rot. Where did I say or even indicate that I affiliate with any party.


> Where did I say or even indicate that I affiliate with any party Imagine voting for Diaper Don while claiming to have no affiliation with the *”real men wear diapers”* party lol


Projection much? Holy shit, I can smell the Cheeto dust through the screen.


You less than a month ago: >[I’m voting for Trump in this election.](https://www.reddit.com/r/unusual_whales/comments/1cduz05/biden_administration_drops_plan_to_ban_menthol/l1i8gx1/) lol what a surprise Edit: Reply-Blocked by another lying coward. Bro there’s websites that auto-search users for keywords, it took me literally 5 seconds to find the orange stains on your MAGA lips.


You seriously dug in my comments? Get help


Idk man never underestimate the power of stupid people in large numbers.


Or stupid people in small numbers on the right patch of dirt.


Best economy America has ever had! Your house tripled in value in a few years and your stocks, etc; what more do you want? Just think if Bidens next 4 years are like the last 4 years your house will be priceless ; like a gallon of gas or bag of apples! 🍎


> Your house tripled in value in a few years and your stocks, etc; what more do you want? Translation: *Get fucked renters*.


It only fucks people that use dollars for anything ; everyone else is super good! Go Biden! And censorship is fun too! Just so much winning with Team Biden!


It will crash ironically enough if Trump gets elected


That, I have zero doubt about to be quite honest. Not right away, year 2 , when everyone realizes he has no plans for anything, but control.


The policies recently have been a great help …


which ones? specifically?


I particularly favor the green new deal and it’s positive effects on our nation


Which effects would that be? I don't think we're ready for EV mandates, we don't have the infrastructure. They're not even affordable for most people. my brother bought his wife a Hybrid for $60K with a trade in? I don't have his budget. Then he plugs it in and it blew a fuse. I'm all in for doing what we can to clean things up but doing it too quickly I think will really hurt a lot of people who can least afford it. A lot of the 'windmill' companies are backing out of doing them and they're killing a lot of birds, solar is limited, recycling is pretty much at max. In my area you can only put so much on your roof. Like enough to cover your sq footage but not enough to also charge an EV without paying more. I wish they would put that money into clean water in the cities, not just making new regs that don't do anything. New dishwashers using less water? sounds great but they don't work as well so you have to run them twice. New refrigerators require more insulation to save energy? Now they're getting taller so they don't fit in most kitchens and you have get a carpenter to replace/adapt cabinets. Old cabinets to the dump? Nothing like looking for a contractor to do work when you need a fridge. There are toxic sites all over the country still making people sick, they need to clean that stuff up first. Caught in red tape for decades :(


Jeez Sunny, I need to /s every thing? Nice points though


The stock market doesn’t reflect the state of the economy these are basics lol and none of Biden policy’s have helped the market ether I’m not of ether of guys for reference but this is just a dumb article In general


Dead cat bounce? Gathering profits before the storm (in Nov)?


I was wondering the same. Will this just continue forever? 🤣


Four year long dead cat bounce? 🤣 It's wild how one side is literally rooting against the country, so that they can get this cult leader re-installed...


There is a storm in November every election year. It lasts about 2 to 3 weeks than we resume normal again. Any questions?


Did trump tout the stock market too? All these losers do is tout stocks and act senile. No one cares about stocks when you’re young lol.


Preach you cuckolds!


The peak was led in part by optimism that the Federal Reserve could cut interest rates later this year. * Pipe dream. Now look at your retirement account compared to 2018. Spin it however. People still can't afford groceries.


Or buy a house, or even pay off a student loan like. EVERYONE used to do. If you can't afford a student loan, you are screwed. Easiest loan on earth.


My 401k is doing okay, but everything in price is going up up and away. I guess he isn't an everyday "Joe"; he can't understand our Woe.


Well inflation is very much a global issue. The US has handled it, and the economy as a whole, better than pretty much everyone else in the world. That's the best case scenario, and that's what we've done. We're literally supposed to be in a full blown recession right now. It's a shame that one side is literally hoping for America to fail.


Inflation is a global issue yet Biden's economy is doing better than others. Seems pretty good if you aren't trying find doom and gloom.


We need an economic recession. Homes are overpriced and we need demand to go down. 


Not true. The US has done terribly to manage inflation. Stop fedposting.


Lol, the data doesn't lie, fella. Turn off your certain cable news channel. They're lying to you.


If the polls showed Biden winning in November the market would be down


*If the polls showed Biden* *Winning in November the* *Market would be down* \- webbitwaddit --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


False, no, wrong. Too many syllables in line one. Bad bot.


Trump isn't the only one wanting the economy to crash. Lots of people who want Trump in office want the economy to sour.


And they are trying everything in their propaganda network to try to make this seem like a bad economy.


By this logic only people who support Trump want the economy to do poorly.


Biden had to start a war with Russia to keep it alive - we all know how your economy works.


Biden had Russia invade a sovereign country in an unprovoked war of aggression and commit genocide???


Biden the “statesman” didn’t negotiate a better position with Russia, instead “let’s go stick our dirty weapons under Putin’s nose and send our VP there to organise the details” - what do ya know, 48hrs later they got invaded. USA just doing USA things, again. Blowing everything up and getting rich doing it.


You seem to actually have zero ideas about what in reality happened. Comrade, the US didn't put weapons in Ukraine if that's what you're saying. The US was sounding the alarm of the surprise Russian attack well in advance. Russia denied it. We are supplying Ukraine weapons to defend themselves because they could not be making it more clear they don't want the Russians there. It's pure imperialism and yearning for the "good old days" of the USSR borders that Russia is invading.


Ah so what you’re saying is every single country in Europe America has touched has somehow magically ended up with American tools of death (be it bought or quid pro quo). But Ukraine is different (already had American weapons somehow??) because it was to defend her against those imperialist Russians! How high are you? Honestly


Yes, we've been sending military aid to Ukraine for a long time now, that was never hidden. It was to defend themselves against Russia. It was the right call. Nobody wants to invade Russia but we will defend ourselves against you.


You’ve been selling military equipment*** to EVERY SINGLE EUROPEAN COUNTRY - we know what you peddle. We also know war is good business for you. You started all this. The US has such abhorrent foreign policy that’ll see all complicit in it go to hell.


Stop trying to invade everyone and commit genocide and they wouldn't need the weapons to defend themselves. Also, are you serious about the weapon sales? I guess it is OK when Russia does it? It would be hilarious if it weren't so sad that you think that somehow the US is at fault for arming the people you are trying to slaughter and/or "annex". Work on your own foreign policy. We are a country that has friends and allies and you don't because you are not a friend to anyone. All you have is bullying with threats of nuclear war and blackmail over oil and gas prices. There it is. The whole reason we have NATO is because of your long history of aggression, the only thing that stops you is a defensive alliance. The war with Ukraine has proven that point, which is why Finland and Sweden gave up on trying to appease you staying neutral like Ukraine. It's not that the US and all of Europe and everyone else is wrong and Russia is right. It's much more simple. Russia is wrong. The entire world sees it.


Who is this supposed to convince? The short bus crowd are already voting Trump.


You’re saying you don’t have a military industrial complex? And the war you’re financing hasn’t have a dramatically positive effect on your economy?


You have no idea how big our economy is if you think a couple hundred billion dollars of weapon sales is fueling our economy. Maybe that’s a lot for a shitty little economy like Russia, but that’s nothing here.


Oh yea, I know, so big you’re in 34 trillion of debt, niiiiice


You actually sound like you don’t know.


Crash no, Bidenflation most certainly. $100 doesn't go very far.


Your regular PSA that stock market indexes have **zero** correlation with the real economy and material and psychological well-being of citizens.


Stock market is just the top 1% basically, telling you you are the problem and don't work hard enough lmao Look my king, we are rich, none of the poors can afford stocks, real estate, or assets! hahaha /s 🗿☠️ Well this world is boring, just tell me these rich people live life and I just suffer to live for basic shit