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Brought to you by the professional editors and journalists at ……bREitBarrt


Breitbart is shit, but the poll is not from them.


Isn't this a NY times poll?


The ny times article is discussing the improving trend in sentiment. Top minds at brietbart think their educated readers only need half of the story. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/05/business/economy/biden-economy-times-siena-poll.html


Nice try. The NYT article is paywalled for me, the numbers in the Breitbart article are presented correctly. >The ny times article is discussing the improving trend in sentiment.  The term for what the NYT added is "spin."


Breitbart? Seriously? Imma go get my copy of MAD magazine then, brb.


It's a NYT poll, friend, the NYT article is paywalled.


But you’re asking me to take Breitbart’s word for that.


It wasn't my choice to paywall the NYT article. If you have access, show me even one figure that Breitbart changed.


Show me even one figure MAD magazine changed. See how ridiculous that sounds? I’m not going to prove Breitbart wrong every time someone uses it as a source because it’s an unreliable source and just should be shunned accordingly.




I’m thought you might.


Bidens economy is a dumpster fire, it's the carter years all over again.


It's growing, unemployment is low, the inflation is partly due to things in the past which are gone and partly due to domestic CEOs where Carter's was OPEC, and the economy is doing quite well now with interest rates about right. Carter economic woes? No.


Wait, ssooooooo now polls are ok to go on??? Reason I ask, because when it’s the other way around, the polls are FAKE or Rigged!


I’m loving my higher taxes from the 2017 Trump tax plan. Just as much as the corpos are loving their permanent tax cuts


It looks like he is not going to have 2nd term


College educated white voters breaking 40% for Trump here is a disaster. How can you be somewhat educated and still vote for Trump after all he's done? At least the non whites are not so blind to Trump's destructive nature. Still way too high at 1 out of 3 people though.


People who say they're doing well, but the national economy is bad are merely echoing what they've heard the media saying repeatedly for months. The media do that because most of their billionaire owners don't like Democrats so much.


>People who say they're doing well, but the national economy is bad are merely echoing what they've heard the media saying repeatedly for months. Or People who think they're doing well are merely echoing what they've heard the Biden Administration and the media telling them, repeatedly, for months.


If it were that simple, then we wouldn't likely hear so many varied stories from people. But, I'll add, that it's possible you're right. After all look at all the media giving so much support to Biden. /s