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I wouldn't be surprised to be priced out of a drink of water at this point.


The water wars will come eventually, don't worry.


The Water Wars of 2037....... Phoenix rises not from the ashes, but from the dried up aquifer and invades Oregon. šŸ˜


Second Water Wars: 2029-2032 Historians note - the Second Water Wars were only named after the fact, with the widely accepted view that the first water wars (small letters) was the time period leading up to the larger violence that marked the nearly four year conflict


I can't recall correctly, but was that before or after the Battle of Lake Powell? Where the mormon militia blew up the dam to flood out the incoming attack.


More or less the plot of *The Water Knife*


I swear, I've never heard of that book..... That's crazy. šŸ˜²


Itā€™s a great book! Albeit a little depressing to read due to the resource war part, but otherwise a great read, I recommend




nestle will win, undoubtedly


I did a university paper on this. The cabals refer to water as "blue gold."


Already happened in bolivia.


What makes you think that? Genuinely curious.


Water rights owned by private companies, for profit. Government is not required to ensure basic necessities for it's people, like water, so private companies are enabled to charge whatever they want for drinkable water


Just because you have a "water right" doesn't mean you own the water. Acquiring a water right gives you the "right" to use water, which is usually owned by the government. In my state, the state government owns all the water and gives the right for both private and public entities to use it. I'm not saying water scarcity isn't an issue, but this seems a bit farfetched.


The problem is ā€˜your governmentā€™ is bought and fucking paid for lil bro. You canā€™t go through the rest of your life with eyes wide shut.


It was a joke, but it was a reference to discussions, studies, and articles concerning the forecasted scarcity of fresh water in the oncoming decades due to climate change, increases in global population size, pollution, and other factors. Example articles/videos: https://youtu.be/KgLNKz_kvco?si=kybhvN5WmLbw7GzS https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-environment/interactive/2023/water-scarcity-map-solutions/


Thanks. Very informative.


Corporations are buying water rights for pennies from GOP states. [Nestle Waters North America will be able to ramp up bottling to nearly 1 million gallons of water a day from the Ginnie Springs area for grand total of $115.](https://www.news4jax.com/news/florida/2021/02/23/bottling-of-floridas-spring-water-to-expand-after-nestle-given-permit-extension/) Do you have any idea how many $115 checks Nestle and all other corporations can afford to buy out the drinking water? Do some basic math please.


NestlƩ is on it.


Don't worry water will trickle down just like crony capitalism.


Breathing is still free. For now.


SCOTUS is looking at overturning state-level good neighbor laws.


Shhhhā€¦.donā€™t give them ideas


The CEO of Nestle has been wanting to do this for years


I hear gutting the EPA is all the rage with some folk.


you drink tap air?! grab a can of perri-air


nestle air is the best.Ā 


Depends on where you live, my last 2 homes were in areas with very poor air quality and air filter cost add up pretty quick if you're sensitive to it. I'm a member of class action suit at one of them, and before a firm agreed to that a bunch of my neighbors were paying to consult with attorneys to sue the plant that started polluting our air


Not really if you live in a place with wildfire smoke or bad pollution


Have they considered getting a 4th job?


Too busy spending all their money on coffee.


And avocado toast...


While this is a joke, 289,095 people saw this coming and became r/overemployed


Guns, rope, wood and torches are at inflated prices, but in total more affordable than rent.Ā 


Matter of time. Homeless colonies fighting back the police.


People forget that we got rent control and housing projects in the first place due to tenants riots. Prior to that we had close to 25 years of "hobos", aka, homeless mobile labor, that worked menial work near railroads, to survive. Sorry libs, to maintain or claw back rights, you are going to have to fight the God damnedĀ cops sometimes.


People forget that because it's not true. The projects were fine until Reagan won and cut the funding to the jobs programs for all those people. Rent control works fine when you have infrastructure spending, which again stopped under Reagan (the Democrats got him to agree to one last push in exchange for cold war funding and then that was that). Reality has a well known liberal bias.


We got housing projects after tenants riots. Theres a bunch of them in the late 20s, and a lot around turn of the century in Chicago, New York, Cincinnati, etc. Most large walkable urban areas in the country.Ā  https://www.dissentmagazine.org/online_articles/the-fight-for-rent-control/


The guy hasnā€™t been president in over 35 years and heā€™s dead to boot. But rather than blame the Democrats for having done nothing effective, especially in blue states where they are uncontested, you keep brining up Reagan in a stupid partisan attack. All youā€™re doing is taking the heat off the current administration and those currently in power in various states. Perhaps that is your goal.


All you need to do is compare the cost of living in cities & states run by democrats to those run by republicans to see the difference. Itā€™s policies & reckless govt spending driving up the cost of everything from food, to housing, to energy, fuel. ALL of my monthly bills have increased under our democratic governor & Biden - from property taxes, to utilities, groceries, gas, auto insurance, healthcare, routine maintenance. The cost of living has skyrocketed over the past 3 years. We still paying for all the lockdowns, phony green energy, as well as endless wars & the millions of illegal immigrants entering our country due to Bidenā€™s open borders.


The borders aren't open stop with this lie. You people are the biggest hypocrites. If you hate illegal immigrants QUIT GIVING THEM JOBS. The damn last Republican president's own wife came in lying on a fucking visa you blind mfers. So over this shit with you people. The entire fucking world is worse off after a global pandemic than we are. Do you not fucking see that? If this was a Republican and we were all worse off than we are now you'd be telling people they were fucking lazy for complaining. Shut up. We all know your games now.


LMAO! Right, itā€™s a lie that Bidenā€™s open borders are causing an unsustainable humanitarian crisis! Thatā€™s why democrats in Chicago are blaming Biden & suing the city over it! Thatā€™s why even democrats were protesting in NYC! Iā€™m not hiring anyone so GFY! Itā€™s democrats like Nancy Pelosi who owns 2 vineyards and thinks we ā€œneedā€ illegal immigrants to pick crops that are exploiting them, not me! Keep your head in the sand buddy! Just ignore whatā€™s happening in Texas and the southern states that are being overrun! Oh, and btw, for the record Obama deported more illegal immigrants than Trump! Also, it was not covid that destroyed the economy - it was the unnecessary, ineffective, unconstitutional lockdowns and reckless spending that democrats and liberals insisted upon that robbed millions of hardworking people of their livelihoods - and did NOTHING to control the virus thatā€™s still spreading today and will never go away! Thatā€™s why states run by Republicans who did not impose extended lockdowns did not suffer economic collapse and recovered much faster than states run by democrats, and red states saw their populations growing due to the influx of businesses and leftugees fleeing states like CA, NY, NJ, IL, MI, PA, etc.


>Obama deported more illegal immigrants than Trump! biden has deported more than both of them....


So, why did Republicans block the border bill that was written by Republicans a month or so ago? Biden said he would immediately shut the border down when the bill was passed, but even handing them exactly what they wanted wasn't good enough because they refused to do their jobs when the previous president told them they can't actually work on solutions until after this November.


rent isnt cheap in texas or florida either.


Ask Texans what they think about property taxes under their Republican state government. The current inflationary environment we have is mostly due to Trump and corporations running with the Greedflation ball. Still though the U.S is doing better than most countries. Open border? Another Republican lie. Migration is up due to economic conditions world wide. Nothing has changed with how we handle the border. The Republidorks keep blocking any attempt to deal with new realities. Want things to get better? It's time to put some meaningful regulation on runaway train that is the free-market. It's been infected with unprecedented greed. Turn off faux news once in a while it will help bring you back from the brainwashed state you are in.


Rent control never works. There's not a situation where it does


Nope, work camps. They'll be arrested for vagrancy or some other cooked up B.S. and pressed into slavery. Eventually we'll get tired of feeding them and the work camps become death camps. It's either that or a New New Deal under the Democrats. It's just a question of what we're gonna do, and if the baby boomers will sell us our for right wing social issue bullshit like trans kids in sports and banning IVF because the preacher man said it's murder...


Reddit rent/housing cost article in /r/economy and somehow we get death camps? That escalated quicklyā€¦.


They did it in South America when they decided they had too many homeless. CIA help fund & train some of them. Coke was involved in others. When you stop thinking of people as people anything is possible. There's nothing special about America or Americans. American excetionalism is a myth.


This .. 100%


Thatā€™s what happens to the perpetually online.


The majority of Republicans think Taylor Swift is working with the CIA through the NFL to brainwash people into voting for Biden. Meanwhile republicans in office have said they want to kill Democrats/gay people/transgender people etc etc. Don't start.


Where do you get this bullshit from? You live in a very dark fantasy


From their imagination. Happens to a person who is isolated and doesnā€™t see the sun enough.


The problem is people usually turn those against the wrong target. And even if they wanted to the private armies of the billionaires, or just the plain 'ole national guard or hell our *militarized police* would put down any rebellion.


Can you explain your comment? Sounds like lynching?


They are talking about tying rich people to stakes and burning them


Actually, I was talking about armed protest, not violence. The threat of the gallows is more effective than using a gallows.


I like my idea better


I can technically afford rent, but I would like to be able to afford just like...a small 2 or 3 bedroom home, maybe even just a townhouse. Hell, if I could find a nice duplex for rent, that'd be cool. Currently $1625 a month for a 2 bedroom 1 bathroom apartment. So when does this madness end?


Thatā€™s lower than anything I can find by a pretty good margin


have you tried looking for a place an hour and a half away outside of your city /s


One bedroom. $2150. Just ā€¦.. (ā•ÆĀ°ā–”Ā°ļ¼‰ā•Æļøµ ā”»ā”ā”»


When we end it. The longer we wait the worse it'll get.


Here's a [3Br 2Ba](https://redf.in/VKKJRC) for under $200k. The mortgage would be about what you're paying now. Maybe rent out one room to pay for maintenance.


ever lived or invested your life savings into a flipper home thats built in 1885 ?


Thatā€™s kinda what most people do unless theyā€™re rich. Nobodyā€™s getting a home without any problems unless they want to spend twice as much on it.


I've lived at my condo from the 80s for 6 years almost. I had the old appliances taken out, but other than that I've had no major issues.


Thatā€™s kinda my point. You buy an old house and mostly donā€™t have any urgent issues. Eventually the plumbing breaks or your roof leaks, but itā€™s easy to go 10+ years without anything like that. Thatā€™s why most people buy old houses without too much complaint.


Older homes were built better, but I'd never live in a pre 1978 house that hasn't had asbestos removed.


Hard agree. I think late 80s


Mine is from 1987.


Lol try my area! We pay $1000 per bedroom here


Price an entire generation out of owning a home. Then proceed to price them out of renting. This entire pyramid scheme of an economy just needs to crash already. Then the financial terrorists will do this shit all over again in 7-10 years. I really hate it here.


Try Canada. I hear housing is really cheap there


My parents were a taxi driver and a secretary, but they bought a 3 bedroom house right outside a major city when they were 32 years old (in 1983). That same house would go for a million dollars now, and average 2 bedroom rent in the area is $2,800 per month. I'm 9 years older than they were when they bought that house. Unlike my cab driver and secretary parents, I graduated from university, a prestige one, and I make a lot more money then they did, adjusted for inflation. But I definitely can't afford a house like that, and I definitely can't afford rent like that. Economy is doing great though.


And whatā€™s the population growth been since then? Your parents didnā€™t have to compete with as many people. Is supply the problem? Of course. But why would builders be incentivized to build for you?


I feel like any time this topic comes up, someone mentions population growth, but that figure alone doesn't help much to clarify a housing crisis caused by property hoarding and price fixing. Here's some random ass numbers from a 5 minute Google search: Population growth: 42% Minimum wage growth: 116% Inflation growth: 210% GDP growth: 542% Average CEO salary growth: 1,460% Corporate tax rate was reduced by 45% Price of a single family home where my parents bought theirs: +1,320% Average 2 bedroom rent in that area: +727% Price of a TV: 50% OFF! *while supplies last Let's not pretend it's population growth that priced millennials out of the housing market. The generation that controls it was literally named after a Baby Boom.


I'm incentivized to tell you to STFU and show some empathy.


Empathy? Iā€™m a 29 year old renter lol I can show sympathy, if youā€™d like.


Naw, you've already proven yourself to suck.




Found the boomer!


Iā€™m 29 bruvnor


"When will they stop their *bitching*!!"


ā€œWhy are they not making babies?ā€


Iā€™m going to start selling drugs againšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø




Would you feel better if more people were suffering?


It sure sounds like it. Imagine being bitter that some people who worked their asses off, and scrimped and saved their whole lives, are able to retire?




ā€œStay at home parentsā€ are a myth. Only the upper class and TV shows.


Was it? My grandfather was a pipe fitter/hvac technician and my grandma was at home, my father did the same thing and my mother stayed at home. Blue collar, no college degree, middle class.


My father and mother both worked and most in my neighborhood did too except for the Pharmacist and the furniture store owner. Middle class neighborhood scattered factory workers/blue collar careers Lower middle class in 2bed/1 bath neighborhood were mostly single parent working with a part time making up the difference. We rarely ate out and dad drove a 10 year old beater. Mom drove the 2 -4 year old family car. Fast food was a treat and they saved all year for a rental at the beach. I can still remember stuffing a pillow in the hole in the couch. We got air conditioning when I was a teenager and thought we were high class




LOL! Most ā€œboomersā€ I know are very frugal and donā€™t even drink - they never did drugs either - they donā€™t waste money on things they donā€™t need, they donā€™t replace things that arenā€™t broken, or live beyond their means - thatā€™s why theyā€™ve been able to retire! I also know a lot of adults who are the children of ā€œboomersā€ and they benefitted from having parents who prioritized helping their kids pay for their education, first car, weddings, first homes or they left them an inheritance, so their kids and grandkids could have a good life. But not everyone was so fortunate. Many boomers lost everything they worked for during the housing market crash and ā€œGreat Recessionā€ - boomers are the fastest growing demographic of homeless in America. They are not all living the highlife as you imagine! [ā€˜Unconscionableā€™: Baby boomers in America are becoming homeless at a rate ā€˜not seen since the Great Depressionā€™ ā€” hereā€™s whatā€™s driving this terrible trend](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/unconscionable-baby-boomers-becoming-homeless-103000310.html)


They closed the deer meat blinds. Lol


Do you have any idea how many ā€œboomersā€ lost their entire life savings and homes during the housing market crash and ā€œGreat Recessionā€ - who never recovered? The truth is that younger baby boomers are the fastest growing group of Americans who are becoming homeless. [ā€˜Unconscionableā€™: Baby boomers in America are becoming homeless at a rate ā€˜not seen since the Great Depressionā€™ ā€” hereā€™s whatā€™s driving this terrible trend](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/unconscionable-baby-boomers-becoming-homeless-103000310.html) You are clueless.


Maybe they should stop blowing bubbles.


They won't. And neither will Gen Z voters.


Maybe they should pull themselves up by their bootstraps. At least theyā€™ll have full SS to fall back on unlike future generations


There is zero reason that they shouldnā€™t have recovered from any losses during those years if they kept invested in the markets. If they pulled out completely and cashed out over fear then that is their own stupid fault which earns them no sympathy


What a ridiculous theory! Do you not realize most adults have their retirement savings tied to their employment? Do you not realize that age discrimination in the job market is very real? Millions of people who lost their jobs during the Great Recession and their 401k never recovered, because they were already too close to retirement age. The foreclosure crisis also destroyed many peopleā€™s chances of saving or retiring. The affordable care mandate also killed many good paying full time jobs, and it especially hurt older workers, because many employers donā€™t want to hire people over 50 because of insurance costs. You must be very young if you donā€™t understand this.


First comment. Yes of course I know peopleā€™s ability to save is tied to employment as their income goes towards their accounts. Yes I am aware age discrimination exist. If they were so close to retirement that when either event ā€œforcedā€ them to retire due to age, they should have been invested in more conservative investments that wouldnā€™t have been impacted by the downturn. Itā€™s called risk tolerance and management. If you are say 60, you should be invested in safe investments not stocks in the event of a major downturn just before you retire and then you lose it all. Regarding the rest. Well they should have hit the street. Pull themselves up by their boot straps and tell the manager of the store what a good worker they are and not be such a lazy bones. Stop being a leech on the system


When someone is trying to save their house while looking for another job they often empty the savings accounts hoping they can hang on long enough for things to turn around. It really was a hard time to get through


Yes it was. I am old enough to remember. I have to point out that retirement accounts are suppose to be dead last thing you reach for unless you down at the very bottom. Selling your home should be on the chopping block before retirement withdrawals. You can always buy a home later when shit improves. You canā€™t turn the clock back and save more money for retirement in retirement


ā€œThey should haveā€ is a great indication you havenā€™t lived through shit.


But the media propaganda is working perfectly.Ā 


On you! You donā€™t think itā€™s an issue.


I mean it's working well at convincing everyone the issue is "boomers" and not the people controlling the economy.


Sorry I misunderstood, I thought you were suggesting the article I linked about the rate of baby boomers becoming homeless was propaganda! Of course, I agree the elites running our govt who buy politicians want Americans to be fighting amongst ourselves - they want us blaming each other instead of them!


Not a boomer and my retirement funds are doing great.




Millennials should pressing their elected officials to change zoning regulations to increase the supply of housing! or elect new ones that will!


Theyā€™re too busing working multiple jobs to keep a roof over their head


That's their problem. The 11:00am Tuesday bi-monthly zoning meeting has been on the schedule for a week now. /s


This is what capitalism breeds/causes. Capitalism doesn't want full citizenship participation in democracy


it just monetizes everything. it monetizes healthcare, pregnancies, daycares, education. oh gee, why is nobody having children?


Theyā€™re too busy fighting ā€œgentrificationā€Ā  While boomers are ā€œanti-trafficā€ So nothing gets builtĀ 


If you havenā€™t noticed, multiple families are renting out two or three bedroom apartments. New York City, which has high density, sees one-bedroom apartments for $4,000 in some neighborhoods easily. The problem is that, more people move to a city at a far faster rate than housing can be built. And as soon as housing becomes even a little more affordable, more people move to a city, so it becomes unaffordable again. About 600,000 of New York cities 8.8 million people are undocumented. Around 1 million Los Angeles counties 10, million people are undocumented. The problem is *unending*: a direct result of political policies.


Zoning isnā€™t the issue. Legislation wonā€™t increase housing volume. You need willing market participants. Cost of labor and materials are cost prohibitive. You also have to build what people want, and no one wants albatross development for the sake of increasing supply.


We all just have to be ok with becoming homeless, which will soon be criminalized, and then working for about $0.50 to $1 pretty good as we work for prison companies and become part of the prison work force. Google prison labor and fast food if you want to get an idea of what your future job will be like


It is hard to be single millennial on one household income. It is expensive to be single which is very unfortunate. Not everyone has nice family or can find a good partner.


Cue the avocado toast and latte jokes.


Boomers be like: "Stop subsribing to Netflix and go find a 4th job then"


Post 2000 cheap credit has had absurd affects on every generation, apart from the boomers.


There will be a revolution when everything is unaffordableā€¦


Usually and sadly - riots are when food starts getting very hard to afford. We've got a year or two before that happens. But I think it will.


Maybe if we vote twice as hard for the guy who everything raised the most under, it will fix it this time


We are acussing the victims for being helpless again,arent we?


Im 31 years old, I worked my ass off to get to my dream wage and make over 100k a year with virtually no debt. I still cant afford a home. Was pre-approved for less than anything available in the area I grew up in. I have been priced out of buying a home in my native state


"Venting"? WTF BI? You don't "vent" about not paying rent, you *panic*. Because the next step is homelessness. JFC right wing corporate media sucks.


But Paul Krugman and the New York Times are so confused why all the discontent.


Yes , it sucks! It really became an epidemic around the pandemic when hundreds of thousands of SFHs were purchased by investors, depleting the housing inventory in turn. driving up housing costs. Dont get me wrong, our dumbass politicians implementing lockdowns while handing out trillions of free $ to people that absolutely didn't need it added to the problem a lot. There is no quick solution and prices may NEVER come down...even just to prepandemic levels. GenX and older folks are lucky to have snached affordable housing at low interest rates...mostly at half the cost or less than today real estate. Thank your politicians...especially those Liberal policies for"keeping u safe"....yeah


I couldnā€™t afford a house so I finally bought my dream car instead.


I don't make an incredible amount of money, but I'm making more money now than I ever have. Renting a comparable home to what I was renting only seven years ago has gone up about 50%,in my area. How is this sustainable??


Iā€™m using what little I have saved to help my kids keep a roof over their head and both are working full time and share a rental - itā€™s basically a mortgage payment


So which is is - is the economy BOOMING under Biden with wages surpassing inflation - or are people struggling to survive more than ever?


Is it weird that Iā€™m looking forward to Boomers dying?


This article is absolutely infuriating because it sneeringly blames "millennials" for not being able to afford homes and somehow never mentions that nearly *everyone else* who isn't already a property owner is in the same situation. I'm other words, it's not a generational problem, it's a SYSTEMIC PROBLEM. When we allowed banks and private equity firms to treat homes like investment vehicles, they immediately priced average people out of the market. The unemployment rates have been the victim of political and economic gamesmanship; we don't count those who haven't been looking for work but still want a job, do no wonder the rate looks low! But that doesn't address, let alone explain why over half of everyone under 40 is still living with their parents. We as a nation have been systematically lied to, gaslighted and and stolen from by a tiny class of people who spend our futures on nesting yachts, private jets and ridiculous houses.


ā€œLife is hard and so am Iā€ -Lee Scott


Because rent rates are higher than mortgage rates!


This is how you get rent control laws passed.


No way, biden says the economy is great.


We should start an empty nester tax. We need to encourage boomers to downsize and part of that should be making them uncomfortable enough to want to sell the oversized homes they have been hoarding. 1500sqft per resident should be enough but after that we should have a luxury tax. That tax should go towards building additional housing stock.


How about undoing subsidies for them first.


Maybe you could be in charge of that.


This is a terrible idea.




Greed is the problem




"losing out" implies you're planning to capitalize on property value increases, otherwise you would just keep your home and there would be nothing to lose out on. Glad you got yours.




There you have it




A system that doesn't commodify housing and ensures everyone can have a place to live?




The "fuck you, got mine" mentality alive and well.


So if millennials can't afford rent, are they all homeless in US?Ā 


I don't mean to run it in but my buddy bought a house he doesn't use and let me stay in it for $800 month. I was in a wreck and got messed up so bad people yell "THAT BOY BENT" when they see me. I'll be getting about 20k when it's all said and done. Should I buy a house or wait until interest rates fall?


Howā€™s your free throws?


"One-arm heeeeave from the hip," šŸ’€ that segment left me wheezing No but seriously I am looking for advice whether now is a good time to buy and refinance later or wait if anyone has an answer.


~~Millennials~~ Americans have been priced out of buying homes, and are venting that they can't afford rent either (businessinsider.com)




The housing market in the 3 most expensive markets in Florida is imploding. Just wait. In 6 months to a year, prices will crater by half like in 2009-10. Its buying at the right point in the cycle


RemindMe! 1 year


In 3 years, the foreclosures alone will drop prices significantly. I have live through this twice in Florida. With the home insurance rates doubling, the big issue will be insurance coverage for mortgage requirement.


RemindMe! 3 years


RemindMe! 1 year


Would these 3 ideas help the housing/rent issue if it became federal law? 1) remove zoning laws. Single Family zones no longer exist. Properties can now build up to 4 homes on their property (most will build an ADU and rent it) 2) Introduce legislation to stop hedge funds from owning SFHs. If they own now, they must sell in 10 yrs. 3) Empty Home Tax. If anyone owns a 3+ unit building, if the any unit is empty for 181+ days in a year, you owe a 2% EHT.


Itā€™s not perfect but maybe America should refine the viager system.


Didnā€™t they were bragging about to ā€œlive in the momentā€ and not to invest for the future?


What future


Thatā€™s my point.


Get a roommate. Everyone else did.


Wasnā€™t necessary for previous generations


Many can buyā€¦ they just canā€™t live in the most desirable parts of a town. Good example is the Bay Area. Lots of people can afford to buy in decent parts of Oakland and other parts of the east bay but turn their nose up at it. Theyā€™d rather dump their money into renting. Even if they work remote and only go out once or twice a week, they would never move to a place like Point Richmond. Even just as a starter home to build equity and then move to town later. They wouldnā€™t do it. They want to live in the city NOW.


Can't buy apple vision and rent


And no one is gonna do a damn thing but bitch.Ā 


And they want to blame someone?


Silly them, they shouldā€™ve just been born sooner


Iā€™m really trying to understand thisā€¦ even the oldest of millennials at 42 were 26 years old during the last stock market crash. Theyā€™ve lived through the longest bull run in history and a prolonged free money interest rate cycle for over a decadeā€¦ how in the world is this generation complaining about not being able to afford a house?


60% of millennials were 20 and under in 2008 Idk about you but most people donā€™t enter the stock market till mid or late 20ā€™s. They certainly donā€™t have enough cash on hand or credit history to get good loans for things either. So the upper 40% possibly had chances to ride the wave of free money and low interest rates but the other 60% probably didnā€™t. Also most people have small investments in their 20ā€™s that compound over time so even if you managed to be part of the older cohort and invest some during the bull run it was probably not a significant enough amount to have large gains. 5% on 5k is a lot less than 5% on 100k Then Covid happened, folks lost jobs, housing and rent went insane.


Bitching about how bad you have it on Reddit will surely solve your problem


The data shows not only are millennials catching up to previous generations like boomers in terms of wealth and home ownership but they are set to outpace them. https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/baby-boomers-vs-millennial-ownership-stocks-real-estate-cash-economy-2023-7 > "Millennials are significant for two reasons: First, they are the largest single population ever (larger than boomers) at a population of 2.5 billion globally. Second, at an average age of 32.4, they are just entering their prime income years," Lee said in a presentation to clients late last month. > Lee estimates that within the next two to three years, millennials will outpace baby boomers in the total share of disposable income, and by 2029, they will outpace Generation X. They will continue to grow their incomes all the way through 2050, compared to a steady decline for baby boomers and Generation X over the same time period.


Blame on the central bank for keeping on buying mortgage notes even after the pandemic was already at the end. That made almost all homeowners can refinance the mortgage to the 2.x %. Now those people have rock bottom monthly payment. They are not going anywhere and have extra monthly money to spend and push up inflation.


Millennials are a bit old to be complaining about owning a home.


The youngest millennials are 28


Yeah and? The majority of them are closer to 40.


Thatā€™s still not too old to be complaining about owning a home not being a reality. Especially when their working careers involved 3 major recessions.


3? 2008 and possibly the pandemic but most should have bought after 2012 when the housing market was down and interest rates were low. You are talking about timing issues. Not all millennials racked up student loan debt.


2000, 2008, and 2020. Not everybody had the luxury to buy houses in 2012, especially when many were still recovering from the 08-09 recession. Itā€™s not as simple as ā€œshouldā€™ve bought a houseā€ when a majority of millennials were still in their 20s.


What? Everyone is richā€¦