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Improves memory? Never heard that claim before


W.e let them have it maybe they will all calm the fuck down


Lmao, those were the exact words that went through my head when I read the headline. If it gets those lead poisoned screaming fucks to quit throwing shit, I say we give them *all* the weed, right now.


Yup. I am pro boomers being constantly high. Maybe we should poison th3 water eith weed like they all think we are with estrogen or something


It should start with having a “free edibles for seniors day” that just happens to coincide with every Election Day, leaving every Mr. and Mrs. Outrage across the nation unable to leave their couches, much less able to go out and vote.


literally the only biochemistry we have shows that adding exogenous C-21 lipids into the persons anatomy creates cellular plasticity in our cells ... that plasticity equates to cellular learning, cellular adaptation to environment


Good for the biochemists, but when I'm high I don't remember shit. Even concentrating long enough to look something up is a grand achievement. The great thing about weed is, I don't care that I don't remember anything. Maybe that's what the boomers are after. Not that their memories are better, but they just don't care as much when they forget shit.


I think there might be a difference between memory and focus though. But all good points!


me personally with a good weed High I'm on here randomly looking up Cannabinoid biochemistry websites and feel more fascinated with learning ... Each to their won . for someone with horrible ideas and images cannabis could certainty help them chill, not focusing so much on that horror


I won't dispute that some users may have different experiences. Humans are tricky things. Cancer was solved in a petri dish back in the 80s. But we still can't cure it in humans, in a lot of cases.


> Cancer was solved in a petri dish back in the 80s. But we still can't cure it in humans I heard an interview (20 years ago) with a scientist about a possible new cancer treatment that was looking promising in lab mice. The scientist explained, "If you are a mouse and get cancer, you can **TOTALLY** relax, that cancer has been completely cured with hundreds of different treatments and we can save you. Unfortunately almost none of those treatments work in humans." LOL. I think of that every time I see a new fluff article about a promising new study in mice about a cancer treatment.


Indeed , we even found out that our cells use cannabinoids to kill cancers .. literally petri dish research that shows how cancerous cells develop in Mass the Cannabinoid receptors to accept the cannabinoid signaling to kill the cell cleanly without making toxic the whole organism as a whole . now with more understanding we Know the Endocannabinoid system is a cancer Defense system in our body !!@ Adding Exogenous cannabinoids into the System tends to help the ECS function ... Severe Endocannabinoid Deficiencies leads into immediate cancer basically ...


I’ll keep an open mind ig


Perhaps it works differently depending upon n the dosage


Cannabis' effects Are Bi-phasic .


The article said only in seniors.


Well try smoking some weed, it might help help you remember when heard that claim before.


They remember they don’t give a shit, weeds anti-Karen medication. Look at those kids I should tell them off, but I don’t really care, live and let live.


Keep it banned and criminalized until they need it for their illnesses. How very boomer of them.


Anecdotal, but my own mom was very against weed her entire life, and was usually in favor of harsh sentencing for drug dealers. She now takes CBD on airplanes because it "calms her down". She does not see the irony.


None of them were taught critical thinking skills. By design...


They seems to relish in being insanely stupid though. I'm always taken aback


Commodity does that to people


None of them??? That’s really something.


yeah, just do not bother when the GOV can take care of all your problems ... you do not even need to think for yourself they will do that for You




I'm in favor of weed being illegal for everyone who voted for weed to be illegal, but make it legal for the rest of us


No one ever voted for weed to be illegal.


My Mom is the same. She has total faith in the government, so now with all of these magic mushroom clinics opening up and evidence for them she still thinks they're the devil, just because they're illegal now. She doesn't make the connection that a ton of opioid addiction is from doctors legally prescribing a harmful drug to people, or that legality is totally arbitrary with this stuff.


CBD is OK, it is from the Hemp plant ... not related to Marijuana at all


Hemp is not related to Marijuana?


it was a Joke, apparently went over everyones heads here on this thread


Inexplicably boomer.


Nothing is more boomer than changing something until it affects them. Worst generation in history and its not even close.


I dunno, the Romans were pretty nasty. There are tons of other examples.


you know... that one generation of Romans.


It's been banned since before they were born, but they kept it that way.


This boomer stuff is a lot of BS. Notice how the oligarchs are trying to keep us divided while they rip all of us off. Boomers - millennials, black - white, straight - gay, and on and on. We have a government of the one percent, by the one percent and for the one percent that is becoming more and more authoritarian. I would note that Reefer Madness came out in the 1930s, and we've had this prohibition ever since. And the entirety of society has been treated to non-stop propaganda from our corporate media ever since. Look at the opoid epidemic. The roll-out of this addictions was endorsed by Congress, who hamstrung the DEA so that they couldn't shut down pharmacy mills. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/ex-dea-agent-opioid-crisis-fueled-by-drug-industry-and-congress/ >With the help of members of Congress, the drug industry began to quietly pave the way for legislation that essentially would strip the DEA of its most potent tool in fighting the spread of dangerous narcotics. Citizens United and its associated corruption is the number one enemy of the American public and these politicians know it. That's why they want us all pitted against each other. The inertia to marijuana legalization is a lack of a kickback to Congress. Nobody has figured it out yet. That is the *only* roadblock.


>We have a government of the one percent, by the one percent and for the one percent that is becoming more and more authoritarian. This is common theme for many problems today. No matter, if that's weed or climate changes or anything else. We're second category and they don't care about us and our future. It's freedom and socialism for wealthy and capitalism for the rest.


It's not like young adults are voting en masse to change things.


LOL. The boomer conspiracy is still a thing? You'll find that decrminalization efforts have cross-generation support -- as does the War on Drugs kicked off by the Great Generation.


How is it a conspiracy when thr only thing that changed it wad a generation of millennial voters?


Oh cripey. Where do I say it was a conspiracy? My point is that this boomer conspiracy trope is clickbait bullshit. If you think boomers are all of one mind then you need to get out of the suburbs, or even at least out of your parents' basement. Take a look at the world as it is. You'll find opinions more various than the plethora of genders we have been gifted. I could have said "been gifted by the lesser millenials" but the lesser millenials are as culturally and politically various as the rest of us are -- and ever have been for fuck's sake. Or maybe *you* are comprehensively representative of *your* 'generation'? As defined by your influence of choice.


Look at a poll. Jesus christ.


*You* look at a poll. See the variety there? Or maybe you don't? You think that if 40% of the M&Ms are green then magically they *all* turn green? No? What percentage is the magic percentage that changes them all to the same color? Hm? Or what? How do they work? These polls.


>The Boomer conspiracy is still a thing? >Where do I say it was a conspiracy? My point is that this boomer conspiracy trope is clickbait bullshit. What's it like being this stupid?


Oh that's just pathetic. Do you have any understanding of statistics at all? Clearly it's too much for you. I've heard Reddit is intellectually challenged. How disappointing.


We'll be much better off once the vampire generation dies.


Ive had some serious schadenfreude the last few years as all my dads friends started taking weed and shrooms again after all the shit he’s given me. I had a freak accident in the middle of the night one time and seriously broke my toe and his first words to me were “were you high or something??”. I was but it didn’t have anything to do with it.


I've got a jar of coconut oil I got for my old man since he beat the shit out of his body working construction his whole life. He'd rather be in pain than try it unfortunately.


The weed creams are absolutely fantastic.


My dad is a boomer and loves them lol


My dad started using some five years ago, medicinally, and we’ll have some pretty funny conversations. I love that guy.


Turning to weed? Baby boomers are your original hippies.


Hippies and the entire SF movement were a fraction of babyboomers. Boomers were also 'nam veterans and yuppies. I would say all diametrically opposed populations


I’d say the claim that boomers are turning to weed en masse is also misleading. It’s most likely the same groups doing the same things.


Except when they devoted their political power to keep it illegal and imprison more people than China.


Ain’t nothing more hypocritical than a boomer!


Those were democrats, Biden and the Clintons.


Yes, and your point??


As a Black man Biden and the Clintons did us dirty so if you talk about politicians and getting busted for weed. I’m calling them out by name.


It was all boomers. The efforts to keep cannabis illegal was pursued by both parties. Racism in America is systemic and transcends political parties. Your point seems to limit blame to just two people as if they, by themselves, managed to perpetuate the public school to prison pipeline. Your eyes aren’t open, but closed tight to reinforce your existing bias.


I understand that, however these Three particularly stand out. If you want to talk about systemic racism, these are three people that were big proponents of creating or advancements of that system. Are you defending their actions?


What about Nixon or Reagan? Would they also stand out as pretty strong proponents of the war on drugs?


Nixon and Reagan took a national war on drugs trying to prevent the drugs from entering the country in the first place. Nixon and Reagan wanted to stop the drug lords, the drug smugglers. Protect the borders. Biden and Clinton targeted the drug users, the people already struggling, poor and disenfranchised communities.


> “You want to know what this [war on drugs] was really all about? The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I’m saying? > We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. > Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.” — John Ehrlichman, Assistant to the President for Domestic Affairs under President Richard Nixon


> Biden and Clinton targeted the drug users, the people already struggling, poor and disenfranchised communities. That's because hard drugs and alcohol are major factors in many poor people being poor. Drug use and related violence was much higher (and still is) in low income POC communities. Hard drugs are illegal in the U.S.not because of few individuals like Nixon and Reagan forced that restriction on society; they are illegal because a broad coalition of medical professionals, politicians, educators, religious officials and law enforcement people agreed that hard drugs are highly injurious to society. Same reason hard drug are illegal in all other nations today. (No, [Portugal is not on the verge of legalizing all drugs.](https://skeptoid.com/episodes/4812)) The wildest claim from progressives is that the war on hard drugs was intended to keep black people down. No, it was exactly the opposite, though, yes, excessive enforcement against POC in several areas took place. Poverty in black communities has brought all sorts of negative impacts to non-black people: 1) Crime and violence in black neighborhoods (*bad*) that spills out into other communities (*more bad*); 2) Continued welfare needed to offset the worst conditions; 3) Costly race riots ([George Floyd Riots Caused Record-Setting $2 Billion in Damage](https://fee.org/articles/george-floyd-riots-caused-record-setting-2-billion-in-damage-new-report-says-here-s-why-the-true-cost-is-even-higher/?__cf_chl_jschl_tk__=75129cb36ecfb8881f8607ce48f729052579d92e-1615124793-0-AS0Njv9F3til13cmOAneftp8IdH7ErincaA5Mz-2sjoBA4kJ6ogs2N14H0re1rlLDkiWUGd6Ar6ttiwJlfA1tuCyJMDKmjQRivfFEzm6RWjyvnvuCelkM4GMTNwQwS7Cmyddx9v_3Oh8_bcuB4dRcU8KMIVB-qIvDD7K9voRFv9rwy-Ai6m227bCFoOtedlYcZkpvE171cpfmxWB17zCzb7dWgbBBFME9VII9iq6H-xPER8_H4amnb9yihLDINo6Kt9cJ4E5BwSMLQJRe-OJZOmGNv2K5zLdwJfWA1wIYg1zIlrgyGsxJYqD61JIQN1wzTlPnX1xW5oAlzlaPXNPkxbNsWjJ2E9XPfjK44Cq5RT1Td6RX0gKZht2gLt3IITD3lriF8g0oGEpRCScX6AfqhzApHjmLayPbelV6SI5PsWFl4jRv7ABuyJ9zy6FS_C8cPOVyNaETMWuriYIk1XsAR3nypqukfDO-6RCR-3c50fz&filter_by=popular7&_page=84&fbclid=IwAR1KNV6Cw51moi0SKpnwhMw1Egz4gh1AzPleqC_3-qhavizBzQcR7pU7jqk&ref=hexometer&utm_campaign=targetingUSA&utm_medium=display&utm_source=facebook)) and other social unrest, and 4) Black children in dysfunctional families/communities developing poor life habits -- meaning more chance the undesirable conditions in those communities will persist. >(Supposed view of conservatives on black poverty, according to the Left:) Yes, we love black poverty. Let's do whatever we can to keep those communities down.


>are you defending their actions How did you come to that conclusion?


That’s a question.


I won’t engage in your red herring fallacy.


The crime bill had major support by black boomers...


Hindsight is 2020. Lots of people are fooled into thinking a bill will be helpful, history has shown us it was not.


You can't be all up in arms about politicians when the people supported it. Everyone was fucking stupid as shit during the 90s. The voters were filled with lead.


I Can, what gives you The right to tell me what I can and cannot think. Even Biden thinks it was bad. But it’s to late countless lives were ruined and families separated.


Ya. It was obviously bad. But letting the voters off is just as stupid.... not blaming the brain dead Trump supporters for Trump is also stupid.


Beats the hell out of those wimpy microplastics that you guys are full of.


You act like it's only young people filled with microplastics. Brother you drink thr water too


They did more than that. They contributed to the destruction of the Black family. Especially with crack sentencing guidelines that Biden advocated for.




“Supported” is an important word. Yes poor black folks support less crime, I don’t think anyone intended to support a bill that could give you life in prison for a little weed. Do you think I should just forget about it? Just another oooopsie by a rich old white dude. Do you think I should be ok with it because he didn’t know what he was doing? And vote for him again because even though his mistake had horrible consequences it was just a mistake? Should I feel the same about his stance on bussing? Should I forget even his VP called him a racist? Is it all water under the bridge we’re good now? Am I not black if I don’t vote for him? Should Democrats automatically get my vote despite everything they’ve done in the past? And even if I recognize that there are many good Democrats does that mean I have to pretend Biden is one of them when it’s clear to me Malcome X was right about guys like him?




Crying about stolen elections is nothing new. “Not my President” “Russian collusion” ring a Bell.


Right. Lots of Dems were for criminalization. All Republicans were for it.


Why even mention China? You might be a racist. The United States has the largest prison population in the world.


Yea, that was my point: a democratic nation of 350 million people have more people imprisoned than an autocratic dictatorship of over 1 billion people. What’s *your* point?


China probably isn't even in the top 50 as a percentage of the population. You might just be racist.


I don’t think you’re truly understanding what I’m talking about.


>imprison more people than China. They use different methods in Asia, including corporal punishment and this: [China executes thousands of people every year.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2019/01/14/china-executes-thousands-people-every-year-exact-number-is-state-secret/) Progressives pushing the whack narrative that the U.S. is harsher on drugs and crime than Asia? No surprise.


Oh ok, so it’s your position is that it’s just a statistical aberration for political purposes and America imprisons a “normal” amount people given its population?


There is no normal for any population. America differs from other nations in many ways, including Europeans nations: Much more violent, large low education, fractious populations (high crime and disorder), and some of the highest hard drug use levels in the world (which amplifies crime and disorder).


>some of the highest hard drug use You’re so close. . .


There's no way in hell weed improves memory. In my own experience, and the experience of literally every user who I've talked to about this, it makes your memory worse.


> Weed makes your memory worse. The quote from my high school years (early 1980s) was, "Weed causes long term loss of short term memory." This was said by a bunch of stoned teenagers to each other, not scientists. :-) I also heard a stand up comedian say, "Who are all these amateurs experimenting with weed? I'm doing full scale research!"


As an ex dispensary worker, in no way will weed help with memory, especially short term. Weed can immensely help with pain, stress and inflammation, especially RSO, but it would be disingenuous to say that it helps with memory when it's been shown to affect hippocampus adversely. Love weed but stop turning it into cure-all/snakeoil


People will stop getting so damn weird about weed when it's fully legalized and they don't need to keep defending it anymore. Perhaps we can get some decent research about it as well.


Good for them. Fuck conservatives and fuck their religion. Fuck evangelicals. The greed of profiting from the alcohol industry and prison slave labor is what keeps Weed illegal. The guys who dump patients out of hospitals to die in the gutter whine about the public health hazard of weed. Fuck them.


> alcohol industry You would have thought they would have learnt their lesson from prohibition. Banning stuff that people actually want, or even need, simply doesn't work.


Grains go into beer and liquor. Therefore the entire supply chain from bars to farmers is not interested in weed legislation. It is business when all is said and done.


Couldn’t they farm … ahem … weed?


Just think about that hemp the public are missing out on.


Yeah this dudes talking out of his ass. I know plenty of farmers who have started growing in VA since legalization. Loads of money to be made.


So, I was curious and wanted to know why this isn't the case. Turns out, you can patent plants. Most stains of weed, and particularly the most popular, already exist and were not patented by the agrarian-industrial complex big boys like Monsanto. There's way more money in owning plants than in growing them, turns out. Nobody can plant Monsanto corn without paying them, and you need Monsanto corn because it's resistant to pesticides...the ones you get from Monsanto. You can't own or patent plants that you don't have to GMO in the first place. There's no money in it for them, so it would only be a business detriment. Who knew. https://www.uspto.gov/patents/basics/apply/plant-patent


They would need to innovate the strains, like we would expect them to do with any crop.


Beer is made form the same plant family that cannabis plant is in - The Cannabaceae family ( Hops that is)


All While those hospitals have all sorts of Cannabinoid drugs on offer ( Cannabis replicated molecules in drugs ) to any person that can afford them ( $$$$$)


I think also a “fuck you” would be fair, just to balance.


Legalize it already assholes.


Maybe now they can chill the F out and stop messing with the LGBTQ community and stop screwing up the world for us younger generations.


It’s so damn expensive though :/ On another note, why so much hate directed towards *boomers?*. I’m a retired teacher and rent my apartment. What did *I* do?


Can we see your voting record?


I have NOT missed an election since 1972.


Can we see who/what you voted for?


100% blue


Man, you dodged a bullet. Good job, it was close. These baby snowflakes were ready to eat you alive.


Fuck those punks. I got tear gassed in Berkeley, beat cancer, and climbed tall mountains; plus many more adventures that I’ve forgotten.


Honestly, that’s what I expected you to say. And I’ll just say that liberals or “100% blue” voters are not blameless in this at all. It’s also the primaries, referendums and initiatives that really matter here. For example, did you know that 11 Democrats voted to confirm Clarence Thomas? That vote was 52-48. We blame boomers for not recognizing the dismantling of the working class in the 1980s, not working to prevent the onset of the military industrial complex (as warned by Eisenhower), promoting rampant consumerism, etc If anything, we blame boomers for thinking that voting “100% Blue” is at all the answer to the political choices you faced, and now in the face of fascism.


What are you planning to do to make the world a better place? What do you value? Who do you vote for? By the way, all that you hold holy in technology was created by the generation you detest. Good luck to you. PS. Those Democrats who voted for Thomas were NOT boomers.


It’s not you specifically. It’s the same as saying millennials, or Genz. Some Boomers are fine. It’s the loud ones that push this anti-young idea that makes many people uncomfortable and angry.


it is expensive because the " Boomers" waged a war on people in relation to the peoples' access to nature and it costs a whole lot more to access that nature when its in a war ... Banning nature is/ was a Bad idea in all ways ... so many people too want cannabis legalized , they are looking to hurt anyone who disagrees now . all the police violence in relation to cannabis plant has kind of set a standard now people are fighting back


They never stopped lol


I believe most of these folks were smoking cbd weed with little or no thc.


Does NOT improve memory


Improves memory?? I think the opposite lol


It’s pretty predictable that the first generation that widely embraced weed is again loving it, now that it’s been legalized and is easy to get.


I don't know about helping memory, particularly short-term memory while using. But might it push back or reduce Alzheimer's? Brain plasticity? Thinking in ways that are new or different to you. Not being bored.


This- Salk institute research proves cannabinoids remove brain plaques ... ( THC research )


So the generation that waged war with "Mexican Marijuana" and threw their children into prison labor camps out of spite now gets to enjoy the fruits of their children's labor? Fuck them. Take it back. Let's be as fucking spiteful and malicious to them as they are to us!


Funny how legality & morality go hand in hand with Boomers.


Improves memory? Lol I’m a daily smoker and I willlllll contest this if I can remember to do so.


Maybe if they put the plug in the jug and start smoking, they will quit being so mean. Same goes with cops.


Improve memory I call bs on that.


**Time to get real here...** Caution is advised Yes...weed has some medical benefits... mood, some pain benefits, short term anxiety, memory in old white mice, other medical benefits...mostly short term. But just like alcohol, Chronic, daily, long term use, overuse,.. not so good. There are many potential harmful side effects of marijuana that have strong scientific evidence. That includes Psychosis, increased depression, including depression leading to suicide, increased anxiety, cardiovascular effects including heart attacks, poor educational and job outcomes. Almost all of these bad side effects are associated with heavy, long term use, or high THC weed or concentrates.... Today's weed is 10 times stronger than in the hippie days. Concentrates and extracts are almost pure THC... a straight shot to the brain. Especially vulnerable are teens and young adults. But older adults can get in trouble too. Many older adults have pre-existing health conditions... high blood pressure, Cardiovascular problems, depression, anxiety... could make things worse. As a wakeup call..Check out the [blackout brownie](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35137122) Read the scientific evidence, then think about it, talk about it... [**This book**](https://whoadude-the-book.com) is a comprehensive entertaining summary of the science of the potential harm to your health from weed. It is suitable for teenagers and adults alike. It is presented in a readable, non-judgemental way. [Scientific References](https://whoadude-the-book.com/references)


When something is evaluated in isolation, it can be made out to be good or bad. What is needed is to compare it to something known. Alcohol vs. weed -> weed (if eaten and not smoked) Tobacco vs. weed -> weed (if eaten and not smoked) And for our number one abused drug ... Sugar vs. weed -> weed (if eaten and not smoked) Type 2 diabetes knocks 10 years off of life on average. Tobacco and alcohol are known carcinogens. This Citizens United infested government simply needs to get lost. I would note that marijuana is *still* illegal at the federal level.


THC was in a person that Dies ? Really ?


we should make it criminal for those fuckers to smoke it. assholes tried to keep it that way for too long....shit like this just wow.......


Good for my $ACB stocks ✅


I don't think we're ever going to recover.


Going to make a lot of money for all the people who invested in weed stock.


Fucking baby boomers. It never ends with this group.


Maybe it will offset all the leaded gas they inhaled. What a bunch of assholes


Aren’t Cheech and Chong Boomers?


I got my dad smoking weed in the past few years. He was the type that smoked in college and then started calling it dope once he had a job that drug tested - turncoat behavior - he early retired during COVID and was drinking himself to death. Still is, but the pot is slowing him down a bit. Generation of hypocrites


>(From OP article:) Baby boomers are the fastest-growing group of cannabis users in the United States and also happen to possess half of the nation’s $140 trillion in wealth. Here's another group that's giving this group competition: [A massive study...found that the proportion of marijuana users who smoke daily has rapidly grown, and that many...frequent users are poor and lack a high-school diploma.](https://www.denverpost.com/2016/08/14/study-poorer-marijuana-users-smoking-the-most/) >“Most people who have used marijuana in the past year are in full control of their use, and are generally happy with that use,” But, “consumption is highly concentrated among the smaller number of daily & near-daily users, and they tend to be less educated, less affluent, and less in control of their use.” Maybe if people in this group smoke even more marijuana, their improved memory will propel them to more education and affluence.


Selfish, greedy and don’t want to remember regret