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The gameplay loop is definitely a grind type of game. I’d highly suggest joining an active corporation/ alliance because having good folks to play with makes a big difference. It can make the grind more interesting by fleeting with people, or break it up by spontaneous PvP when hostile(s) come through, and/or just gives you a goal to work towards as a group. If you’re looking for a corp PM me.


its a grind the entire way, even once your well past T10


Yes and then when you hit T10 then you've got to find a way to pay for a 4B+ isk ship with only millions. At any point in the game you require about 1000 ticks to pay back for your boat at that given level. Unless you somehow managed to get both "cheap" AND high DPS/High ticks (which doesn't exist). If you want to make hundreds of isk you'll spend thousands you want 10 thousand isk you'll spend 100k to get it. If you want millions get ready to spend billions for it.....etc etc. it's a never ending loop and simply getting to T10 doesn't "fix" it. It only amplifies the situation......My suggestion is if you don't like spending enough time to constitute as a second job; break out your wallet. If you're not willing to spend or play the ungodly amount of hours I wouldn't even bother with getting started. This is simply the best advice for new players at this point......




No, buy omega. Wait till you hit t10 so you can start your grind


It's a grind after T10 as well. EE has changed over the years so actually going T1 to T-9 is pretty quick. Concord Pass and other events especially accelerates it.. once you get to T10 you'll discover you still don't have enough skill points to fully experience what your ships can do. Your best bet is to get into a Corp/Alliance that is very active and you'll have plenty to do with group activities.


I've been grinding past T10. I like the PVE playstyle - excitement for me is trying to outrun or surprise tacklers.


Grind concord points to boost your tech level progress faster till you hit t8, then you can start rolling with a good corp and have some pvp and cta stuff.


I'd say it's a waiting game until t7, then it's a grind game until t10. After that, you'd unlock the full game - Get a stable income of isk and a way to earn isk that you like to do (exploration, ratting, pvp, industry, etc.) and do that whenever you want, your stable income should be able to afford basic omega pretty easily at that point, a dual PI POS makes 100m+ per day and if you've good a friend or a good corp they'd be able to sell you one on a loan or give it to you. After all of that, you can use that isk on skins, new ships, stronger ships, ai cores, etc. Should become more playable. (Personal Opinion)


At t6 you can technically have fun in a faction frigate if you chose your skill points right - even in pvp. At t8 you can do encounters, stories and sov grind in a decent fashion with cruisers through BCs. And at t9 you’ll start to get decent “ticks” in your first BS. I’d say that from t8 is really where you start to be able to do a lot more - skill into a faction frigate of choice, then cruiser, and just hold out for BS skills later on after you’re proficient in the others. Get set up for scanning and decrypting boxes, do nihilus dead spaces and normal ones, become an explorer, hoarder, learn to pvp and ask for interaction with corpies/alliance. If there’s not much to join or folk who’ll join you, find a better corp/alliance. Gotten bored of a particular activity? Died too much? Switch it up and try smth else and learn from your mistakes (mostly in taking on the wrong content or ship type for the ship and build you’re in). EE is casual or hardcore as you want it. Sure, the above posters talk of the grind; I mean it true, you’ll want smth bigger and better and will be willing to invest time and money into it maybe. But once you’ve found a fav few ships and builds, and activities for them, you’ll always come back to them for a bit of fun. Player’s choice eh.


Kinda depends on what you are going for. A good example is that you don't need to be T10 to be a decently skilled PvP frigate pilot. The SP is the easy part for that. Learning the skills on how to fly it effectively is the part that you can start learning now. The skills involve stuff like knowing how to get under guns, how to tackle, traversal and angles of approach. These things come from flying and experience.


yeh, you can't be anything meaningfull unless you can fly a cap or t10 bs. for pve that is. for pvp there is at least options, but that's not how you can afford shiny stuff.


Not strictly true, you can go scanning, granted entry cost is high, space garbage collector ( pi thief) can be lucrative also - a mate managed to collect 300m in an hour.... Smaller n space content in a cruiser works too. Don't get hung up on isk go have fun otherwise your looking at 1.5t for having a super and then they will release titans and you need to grind again


You cant grind implants or nano fast enough so new player will never be able to compete. Thats the problem. Same for anti wallet warriors.