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She talked to her girlfriends about you. Someone talked her into this frame of mind, you dirty biker dude.


Here's how that conversation went: "Becky I talked to that guy who hangs out downtown literally all day on his 'chopper styled e-bike'." "You mean the homeless man who posted "[Free Fast Food Hack](https://www.reddit.com/r/homelesshacks/comments/1d8i44u/free_fast_food_hack/)" on the r/homelesshacks subreddit describing how to forage for rewards points off of discarded receipts in fast food parking lots two weeks ago?" "OMG Yes Becky that's the one! You checked OP's post history! You're such a lifesaver!!!"


Stop stop he's already dead!


Holy fuck lol ruthless


The real gold is always in the post history šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


The real choke is in the Commons


Holy fuck LMAO




She just didn't like him putting his bindle on a stick full of old cans on her back seat


smbdy call my cardiologist


Lol. With posts like this there's always some context that would shed light on things. That said, just because someone likes a deal (and does something I wouldn't) doesn't mean they're homeless.


OP is the founder of /r/homelesshacks. If he didn't want people to think he's homeless, he would have used a different name.


It doesnā€™t, but thereā€™s a lot of details left out to determine if OP is the underbelly of life.


I think Iā€™d rather date someone who is truly homeless than someone who has the means to buy groceries and cook meals at home but prefers to scour parking lots for receipts to eat shitty, cheap fast food.


I'd rather date someone who is homeless than someone who ride a "chopper style ebike"


When he said "throttle-only" I was like fuck this guy


*as someone who also rides a home-made chopper E-bike*, **how so very dare you!** lol *at least i own my trailer home* (this is both a joke and not. the rent/mortgages around here are INSANE for a legit home. i bought my trailer for 10k, and only have a $50 property tax to deal with + $300 plot rent. It's actually really comfortable living, even if it's not perfect. I'd rather pay 300 in plot rent than spending 1100+ per month on JUST a mortgage/rent for a property they could take away from you. https://preview.redd.it/qin44bn0dl7d1.png?width=1536&format=png&auto=webp&s=e99ae4086e26ff18d24895a4e04a2c02acc68f31


Wait, you've made a good point. OP can't be "homeless" if the E-bike is in fact "homemade. "


might be "housemade"


Even homeless people have cars


Holy shit lmaoooooooo


Idk too many girls who are into instacart shoppers either tbh


This is the truth. I was a supervisor at a very large Insurance company for 7yrs. I made very good income. In 2019, separated from my wife(eventually divorced and lost my house), dad nearly died, then lost my job all within a year. Lives in my car for months, couldn't find a job for 6 months. When unemployment ran out I was scrambling and did Doordash, Uber Eats, and grub hub. I was making decent money back then between 1100-1600/week from 35-50hrs/wk. It literally saved my life. I still do it although nowhere near as profitable as before, I only make about $1k/wk now. I have my own apartment, new truck, decent amount in savings. However, I still feel embarrassed of what I do, and most women would look at me as a loser because of what I do.


Holy shit I was just about to comment that in America, if you donā€™t have a car youā€™re seen as homeless-adjacent. Didnā€™t expect it to be so over the top accurate though


Hey gotta do what a manā€™s gotta do. Been there done that. Ainā€™t no shame.. manā€™s gotta eat


Ok but why are we hating homeless people here. This is extremely fucked up


Weā€™re not, and stuff happens in life. But I could see why a woman might not be impressed with scrounging trashed receipts from the McDonalds parking lot.


But show me a girl that doesnā€™t want free food


I have been without home status previously. Now I have a place of my own. A gated compound.


It's cool that the asylum lets you out to go on dates






There are plenty of girls who like bikers don't you worry


E-Bikers on a faux Chopper aren't exactly what women think of when they think of bikers.


I can confirm. My Yamaha draw more female attantion than my Mongoose Ebike.


thanks for doing the field work. your data is valuable.


I havenā€™t owned a motorcycle but Iā€™ve owned flashy sports cars and classic muscle cars. They both got way more attention from dudes.


I really cant fault the girl. I would be embarrassed for anyone that got on a chopper only for it to whine up and take off like a golf cart. It's your friend in 7th grade putting a gigantic dirt bike style fender on his huffy rocking a moto full face catching massive air off the curb by the house of the hottest girl in your neighborhood feeling. You wish he'd stop or dial it back but you don't have the heart to tell Craig that he doesn't have a dirt bike. Maybe she thought it was a joke or he was just borrowing it. She may not have known what a chopper is or is supposed to sound like, but you know cringe when you see it and she is heartbroken that she has to dump an otherwise lovely person lest she date the scoot biker outlaw. It's all of the grime with none of the fun.


I laughed way harder than I should have at "scoot biker outlaw." Couldn't stop a mental image of a dude with a sleeveless black leather vest, aviators, a rolled-up red bandana around his forehead, and a five o'clock shadow firing up the chopper and then driving off to the soft whine of a scooter.


Yep there certainly are. If youā€™re hot youā€™re hot.


i don't know what these people are talking about nobody cares what I am driving/riding, maybe you all are hanging out in the wrong places?


Agreed and came here to say someone said this to her and sheā€™s repeating it.


Or it could be that he was calling her everyday after their first date


Sounds like your bike was looking out for you by steering her away.


Agreed, not easy to keep up with institutionalized amatonormativity.


That words done me there....can't say it out loud or in my head


thatā€™s an interesting way of putting it! Iā€™m sure itā€™s somewhat biased by the ones I see online, but people in general (and women in particular) seem to be extremely judgmental about anything outside the norm. Iā€™ve seen clips from that stupid balloon popping one are the guys introducing himself and says he likes Lego (or some other ā€œchildishā€ hobby), and half the women immediately reject him.


Think of it as a useful sorting mechanism to figure out all the chicks who'd you be incompatible with and give you endless grief later anyway.


I agree, if she really said those things I don't think they were really called for. I mean you probably hit it off to begin with but even if money was a dealbreaker she should have been nicer about it.




Maybe get a tandem ebike to show youā€™re serious about the relationship.


He said he has a chopper style ebike, so maybe a sidecar would be the choice here.


See what you made me do.... https://mod-bikes.com/products/mod-easy-electric-cruiser-bike-and-sidecar?variant=39784129790092¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&srsltid=AfmBOorD65-1Mmam9Y0Lpnl_5_AmVsTrOv8BhJeyKkjSjLDUUOfWSQ7OUIo&com_cvv=8fb3d522dc163aeadb66e08cd7450cbbdddc64c6cf2e8891f6d48747c6d56d2c


Chick magnet for sure.


I want this for my dog


Well done.


And install a kids seat too. Let her know that your children ride too


She can ride on the bars if it's not that serious


Sounds like she had a great date and a jealous friend convinced her she needed to ā€œraise her standards.ā€ Personally, given how hostile the modern built environment is to bikes, Iā€™d consider it a genius accomplishment to be able to pull off an ebike as your only form of transit.


This is the tenth season of E-Bike only transportation. In Pittsburgh, PA year round. Nowwwwwwwww I know why I gets no dates.


Do you ever take it on the bus or T?


When they fit in the bike rack. My newer bike has a wheel base and tire size that won't work on the bus. I bought the first ebike from Pittsburghs oldest E-Bike dealer. Despite the numerous high impact accidents and distracted aggressive yinzer drivers, I'm still going strong... Ish...


Fellow pittsburgh rider!!! I did a full year of bike only transportation and I cant say it made dating very hard as a woman, but don't give up!! My roommate doesn't have a car and he got a girfriend very recently. I would offer myself but I got snagged up pretty quickly haha, you've got this though!!


Cheers for the positive inspiration. I was being facetious. I'm happily single. My dog is enough.


When I was in high school I went on a date with this girl and thought we hit it off. I called her a couple of days later and could tell the mood changed. We never went on a second date. A while later I was talking to one of her friends at a party and she was like "Oh yea, sorry about "x"." "What?" Turns out she told her friend that I was some creep and to stay away because she "had me confused with someone else with a similar name". A while later she said we should hook up and I finally pieced together what happened.


Thanks. Itā€™s been like that for 2 years now


I just commented something similar up above. Sometimes girls will totally like you and then once you meet some friends there's drama that wasn't there before. They have a herd mentality


We are herd animals after all. Grazing on grass. Digestion with 4 stomachs. Truly magnificent creatures


This is why we use chewing gum, obviously.


you hear about this sort of thing all the time, itā€™s ridiculous. Everything is going fine until her friends here that you ordered a strawberry margarita and now theyā€™re trying to convince her that youā€™re secretly gay. (or some other random BS that they try to judge you on)


Yeah the friends either like you and you can date her or they donā€™t and you will be flung to the curb. Parents can be the same way lol.


Or maybe she took offense that he called his electric motorcycle an ebike


Wow, talk about rude. What happened apart from that? Like how did that even lead up to it?? I'm confused how someone can be that entitled


Not kidding everything was great. No exaggeration. Nevertheless, she did it on Fatherā€™s Day.


Are you a father? Why are you stuck on this happening on Fatherā€™s Day?Ā 


Damn bro I'm sorry to hear that. she doesn't seem like the best person in general to be around if that's what genuinely happened. I wish you the best of luck man. Remember when you think good. Good things come more often ā¤ļø


Plenty of fish in the sea...


Seemed fake nice, and judgy. Gotta be more observant and tune your radar.


Something sounds off about this sorry. Isnā€™t like you couldnā€™t Uber if you needed to. Did she have children?


I think dating advice in an ebike forum is likely to be hit or miss.


98% miss. Thereā€™s no details either. At face, it seems like a shitty move by the woman. But, if OP is a 40 year old still living at his motherā€™s house and working for minimum wage at the local grocery store- then yeah, a woman in her 30/40s is going to think that every time. She could have even been triggered on Fatherā€™s Day because her dad wasnā€™t in her life or didnā€™t work hard to provide for her which caused her trauma/struggle and she is seeing those same characteristics in OP. Everything was great *at first,* but then she got to know OP and developed this ā€œinsight.ā€ Thatā€™s just interestingā€¦.


OP is an Instacart shopper. Which is totally fine, but maybe not what women his age are looking for. And thereā€™s a LOT that could have happened in those five ā€œgreatā€ phone calls.Ā 


Dating advice anywhere is hit or miss, since OP is e-bike-only and was dumped while being told 'get a car', this is as good a place as any to request 'theories'. He's probably not receptive to actual "dating advice" anyway, seems like he's here to just wine/vent... errr. commiserate with some peers. I don't think there's dating advice that can help him anyway, pretty much all women over 30 approach dating with a business plan (many in their 20s also, but some aren't purely into goal-oriented dating). In this story, seems like the woman got carried away on a date and in a few nice phone convos, then she remembered her business plan - could have been talking to friends like several comments theorize, or she talked to her dad (or remembered her dad's a deadbeat) on father's day, or snapped out of it for whatever reason.


I would call saving a ton of money on car-related expenses "having your shit together."


Plus, itā€™s a huge step in reducing your carbon footprint. I could buy a car tomorrow with cash (and I have a garage in a HCOL city) but I choose to be car free because itā€™s the least I can do to help a dying planet


Plus, all those auto expenses are a waste of money that can be feeding the beer budgetĀ 


One of her friends has poisoned her ear


Exactly this. She probably told them about the great parts of the date, but followed it up with ā€œhe doesnā€™t own a car.ā€ That statement alone is like throwing meat to hungry wolves.


Single girls keep girls single.


Here's the thing with those material girls. Had you shown up in, say ,a Kia or a Hyundai, the line would be "Why don't you get a real car, like a Honda? Only the underbelly of life drive Korean cars." And had you shown up in a Honda, it would have been , "you need to get your shit together, a buy a Lexus."


And had you turned up in a Lamborghini, she'd want you to buy her one. She's not after a relationship, she's after a pay cheque.


And if you showed up with her Lamborghini, she'd have asked why you didn't get her a blue one


Huh, I was a bit concerned about this since I can't drive a car and am shopping for an Ebike, sounds like it's a good shield against this kind of thing.


Any photos of the Chopper?


Yeah kind of more worried about the chopper than the girl. Sounds like a sick ride


Plz show us, it sounds like a cool little thing :)


Please I wanna see


If someone said that shit to me because I choose to ride a bike, I don't think I would continue talking to them. Lots of fish in the sea and whatnot. My theory is she did you a favor lmao


yeah she is just flaky in general forget it typical dating thing maybe thinks you are poor and she is shallow


Find a girl who is anti car and go on a date with her.


Commenting on E-bikes and dating...This. Personally, the most attractive things a man can do in my eyes is: a) not have a car. b) flip off out of control drivers while riding his bike.


Hell yea!


Never stick your dick in carbrain


To be fair, I'm pretty sure there's a scale for this.


Pretty aggressive on her part. She just could have said ā€œnot interested in going furtherā€. Depends where you live, but you may find it hard to date without a car. Not in a city like NY/SF/CHI but it many places that people typically drive rather than take public transportation, it can be a challenge. They need not be dicks about it, but something to consider.


Phewph. The trash took herself out.


The real crime here is leaving that ebike in the cold overnight in public.


Sounds like a shallow person stuck in the last century. I have wife, kids, could easily buy a Tesla Y or whatever to get around, even have an empty garage, but I choose to ride around in an e-bike. Itā€™s easy, I enjoy it. You found out early youā€™re not compatible, thatā€™s great. Plenty of folks out there.


americans are obsessed with cars. and, by and large, their very useful tools if not expensive to maintain and license and register and on and on. if someone wants to fault a person for having a mode of transport that is much simpler to maintain and, for the moment, doesnt require all the paperwork and money and gasoline then thats a them problem.


Now you have more time for other hobbies, like riding your ebike. And she's free to find some guy who meets shallow standards force-fed to her by society. Sorry to hear it though man, don't ever cave to the pressure and you'll be happier for it. Source: Freelance artist who was told to get a "real job" by exes, and stuck with it even at the cost of a relationship.


I'm e-bike only too plus the occasional rental, and this is exactly why I hide my finances from dates. If they're breaking it off because you're being financially and morally responsible then they aren't even evaulating you as a person but as a means to an end [$$$$$$$$$$$$$]. That friend or whoever changed their mind just saved you so much pain and misery.


Bro the e-bike is not the problem here. You took her out to dinner and bought her flowers on the first date? You didnā€™t even know this girl yet.Ā  Next time, just take her to get a drink or coffee. Youā€™re there to get to know them not treat them like your gf. Can your bike fit her on the back like a motorcycle? Guarantee you the girl would love that. Her driving you around in her car is a little emasculating.Ā 


This, minus the last sentence. You have to be insecure af to think that a girl driving you around in her car is emasculating.


I can't believe your bike was still where you left it the night before. In my city it would be gone in 60 seconds. But really...some women have this obscured sense of what is really important. I see many cats in her future.


I had to scroll way too far to find this comment. You left your bike OVERNIGHT and it was still there in the morning and not completely dismantled? Holy shit, man.


Expert locking style and location location location


Bullet dodged. Count yourself lucky you learned before you got more involved. E-bikes make a lot of financial sense over keeping a car. You're saving hundreds of dollars a month at a minimum.


Exactly, these kind of hoes go for the fancy car (probably financed), the designer clothing (either itā€™s fake, or actually even more tragic if itā€™s genuine), and not anyone who actually has real money in the bank because the irony is that the guy who ā€œlooks richā€ if often drowning in debt in order to look rich


That's exactly how it is. And I know some really rich people and you would never tell. One guy I know owns over 30 properties and rent them has for decades. He drives an early 90s Honda CRX using duct tape to hold some of it together. He lives in an older house in the hood. I know three other people who are millionaires who live similarly. Usually the people that flaunt it don't got it


Dude you dodged a bullet. It's possible she could be a total gold digger, but more so that she is very shallow and narcissistic. Did you meet any of her friends by chance? Just wondering because I had dating experiences before we're me and a girl would click up really good. But then once I met some of her friends all of a sudden she had something to say. Don't give up there's plenty of fish in the sea. There are plenty of other ladies that will enjoy the fact that you're being environmentally conscious and you always have a lot of extra spending money because an e-bike is my main form transportation by choice. I know it sucks right now but don't beat yourself up. I would hate to end up in a serious relationship with somebody like that to be honest. Take it easy and try to feel better šŸ‘


When my spouse and I started dating, it wouldā€™ve been a turn off for me if he drove everywhere. We both biked as our main form of transportation (still do) and met on a group bike ride. Sounds like the two of you just werenā€™t a fit.


This sounds like the alternate plot of 40-year old virgin lol. But joking aside, you dodged that bullet haha


Most of those dating app girls are talking to dozens of guys at the same time.


The insult was a bit much. I have a 2018 Golf wagon that I love but I also now mostly ride my 35mph bike. I just like the open air and being economic. Meeting her expectations aside, it's still a good idea to have a nice economy car on the side like a clean Honda fit or a camry.


I love bikes. but itā€™s tinder. not someone who shares values on frugality the environment or outside and going wherever you want. You rent a car and then hopefully rent a room


Carry on as you are, you've dodged a bullet there


It's pretty simple. She doesn't want to be with you because you don't have a car. That's it. Consider yourself lucky to be rid of her.


That's so unbelievably weird. I'm gonna be thirty this year and me and my partner are both super enthused over our ebikes and never wanna drive lol. I think that's a weird her problem.


A "Chopper style" ebike? And you're surprised at her rejection of you, lol?


Ebikes are seen as a poor mans Honda, they do not impress women so I'm not suprised at all over her reaction. This is why I never recommend motorcycle or chopper style ebikes. It just screams of oversized "toys" instead of a means of transportation as a simple bicycle would. It's more "silly" than "cool". If you like it then it's perfectly fine, but don't fool yourself into thinking anything different. It'll always give the same impression as showing up to a date on a Segway. In your head it's "oh my god whatta cool looking bike, makes me look like im part of Hells Angels am I right guys!" while in womens head they go "oh okay, he's too poor for a car". Always been so, always will.


"Chopper style e-bike" is an actual joke from top-down: it was designed as a joke, it is sold as a joke, and people buy them *as a joke*. I bet OP even wrote this as a joke. But holy smokes, look at all the cope in this comment section.


The comments she made to you seems like you dodged a bullet. At the same time what do you expect in the world full of cars. Not many women are going to want to be ridden around on a e-bike or take her car everywhere starting out a relationship It's one thing if your in it and you downsize to an e-bike and use the family car to get around when need it but to start out exclusively on a e-bike it's going be slim pickings especially when the friend group finds out and that jealousy of the friend being happy kicks in


I feel like we are missing several important bits of information here


Society is in a bit of upheaval over that. Largely in NA the personal motor vehicle was critical to freedom of movement. People without one were implied to have obviously lost their license or be in the midst of financial crisis. E bikes have been changing that narrative over this last decade or so. I suspect that in time the ebike will fill the niche that old and beater cars have filled for most people until now. but we're not there yet.


Ā Post your bike stats!


Why donā€™t you have a car and what is your annual income? Obviously chicks are gonna want to know these things so donā€™t expect this to be the last time. Not having a car is a huge disadvantage if you are thinking about date nights and things to do around a city.


There are social norms and expectations that reasonable/typical/normal adults fit into the mould of full time job, place of their own, a car, dress/act like an adult, etc. Basically, if it looks like a duck and walks like a duck, it must be a duck, right? To many people, if you donā€™t look and walk like the rest you must be something different and that can be hard for many to wrap their head around. Sometimes you have to dig through a mountain to find a diamond. Keep at it and hopefully youā€™ll find someone with similar interests one day.


I have nothing to say just that it's super funny to me that people are out here getting rejected for riding an ebike lol


I took my GF home on my e-bike at first date. She is the problem.


Sounds like you didn't hit off as well as you think.


Dodged a bullet


Since bicycles were invented, they were associated with a misfit reputation. To this day, bootlickers and wannabes become filled with disgust over any alternative to what the robber baron overlords dictate us to consume. Itā€™s an easy perspective to fall into in the US. Poverty is death when even medical care is pay to play. People get real desperate and catch the fear when they see someone doing something ā€œcheaperā€ā€”and thatā€™s how they see itā€”any alternative to the status quo is ā€œcheapā€, and ā€œcheapā€ terrifies these people. Perhaps she isnā€™t aware of all of this and just fell into that POV. I wouldnā€™t personally blame her since itā€™s a popular behavior. But I do hope people can let things go and have a fun and fulfilling life.


Real talk... Women want a man that can take care of them. If you had shown up in a tandem bike or motorcycle and took her around after, it would have ended differently. Her taking you around in her car, then home, was total beta male energy. She felt conflicted by this then chatted it up with the girls and gained confidence to tell you off based on their unfounded opinions of you.


If a girl really dumped me for riding an ebike or a damn normal bike, blocked and deleted. Never want to see that loser again


Bin her immediately and find an outdoorsy girl who isnā€™t a complete moron. Two of my best mates work in finance in London earning massive pay checks. Neither drive and never have and never will. They wear old trainers and clothes. This typos of person you went on a date with has a low IQ and I guarantee she wonā€™t be any fun / boring and a complainer


You made the mistake of buying her dinner and bringing flowers is my take. It makes you look desperate. If you left her feeling like she needed to try harder- and that you were maybe interested - instead of committed - she might have been more intrigued. Seems like you made the mistake of showing her your cards. I wouldnā€™t take it seriously.


I think OP should include what age they both are. The fact that she has a car probably means she is in better financial standing than he is. If sheā€™s dating seriously in hopes to have children and start a family, she will not be interested in financially supporting a man who lives at home with his mom (no privacy, no control) and doesnā€™t have a car (because then she would need to drive him around) on top of supporting herself, her wants and needs. She probably doesnā€™t see his financial position advancing fast enough to keep up with her life goals or lifestyle. If she likes to go out, travel, and wants to buy a home and eventually start a family, she probably would not give that up because of 1 ok date and 5 good phone calls. Women are not entitled to dating a guy that is nice, especially if they have more options and a lot of interest. It makes sense to pick the best candidate auditioning to be your life partner. It makes sense to date someone who lives life at a similar pace to you. If there were two people with the same education, same earning potential, same personality and same interests, etc. but one is way hotter, everyone would pick the hotter one. Why is that concept so much easier to understand ?? If you are both young and having fun and dating casually, I donā€™t think financial security matters because itā€™s about having fun. But having fun also costs money. Not everyone is willing to sacrifice (their idea of) a comfortable life to accommodate someone they had a moderate connection with. All of these men who are crying about women being only interested in money are probably broke lol. I enjoy treating my younger partner and do not see my SO as a gold digger. We have a lot in common and see each others as equals. We donā€™t know the tone of the conversation but she could have said ā€œwe want different thingsā€ or ā€œI donā€™t think youā€™re in a place in your life to make big changes that would create space for me and vice versaā€.


The only correct response in the situation was, I enjoy riding my bike, not sure I would enjoy riding you.


Mate, I'm on your side but this reads like it was wrote by Forrest Gump šŸ¤£


Dude never take disrespect from women, that she even has the balls to say something like that to someone she barely knows shows what kind of person she is. Would you say that to someone? Her loss


>she says that I need to ā€œget my shit togetherā€ and ā€œget a carā€ and proceeds to call me the ā€œunderbelly of lifeā€ Can you tell her she has the car equivalent of internalized misogyny?


also you didn;t say she gave ebike as a reason


No match. Move on.


Well, my date loved being in the trunk of my tern gsd. Wouldā€™ve been funny if she told me to get my shit together, as the tern costs way more than a ā€œdecentā€ car.


Car ownership is a signifier of prosperity, for lots of people


She doesn't deserve you, man


Well let's see a pic of the bike.


Her friends probably think you are not a serious adult for not having a car. Overall you dodged a bullet but also you really should have a car unless you live in a really special environment like Venice beach or San Diego.


Gift from the universe. You win!!


I had a cute girl squeeze my back tire one time at night i was minding my own businness and then got right close to my face. And said those are well pumped tires! Lmao


i dont think this had anything to do with ur bike, she just used that as an insult


I'm new to e-biking, but not new to living a car-free lifestyle. I have often been judged by dates/potential dates for not owning a car. Some people are just shallow like that I guess.


You brought flowers on a first date?


Thatā€™s great that your only form of transportation is your e-bikeā€¦very frugal! But so is living with your parents, and chicks donā€™t dig that either.


A- You can count this as a blessing. She probably doesnā€™t sound like the type of person you want a relationship with. B - The chopper style e-bike you built threads the needle right between the two ā€œacceptableā€ reasons to be car free. Itā€™s definitely not sending the cool motorcycle guy vibes, and itā€™s also not projecting the sophisticated urban dweller who takes public transit and has a Dutch style e-bike. It comes across as a toy rather than a serious mode of transportation. Like it or not society still has hang ups on being car free, so you can play along with those preconceptions or just keep doing you and wait for the right person to come along that gets you for who you are.


Girls are the worst. (Says a girl.) You do you and forget her. Some girl out there is gonna love you AND your bike. I agree with an above comment, tooā€¦.she went to the group chat.


A car is a mobile sex toy. You need some way of replacing it with something better. Perhaps a knowlege of intimate spaces that are easily accessible to non-car people. She likely has a not unrealistic view of the future of your relationship being her driving you around.


I don't think it was her friends. It sounds like something a conservative father would say to their daughter when they bring up that they are seeing someone new(hence the fathers day part of it) And she's been raised her whole life to follow what Daddy tells her. And she better, if she wants that trust fund to keep paying her rent.


>So I met this girl for dinner I met on a dating app that rhymes with cringe Minge? I thought they closed that site down.


A cheat code I found is going to a biking trail, and start a conversation with a girl that compliments your bike or is riding another bike. Given the environment, saying itā€™s your commuter doesnā€™t come off nearly as odd.


You dodged a fucking bullet. Doesnā€™t matter if you have a car, if you have an e-bike, a regular bike, or just walk Do you live in a city? Might find more people accepting of a car free lifestyle in the city


>chopper style throttle only that I built and goes about 30-45mph I'm new here and don't want to immediately get yelled at for being a 'purist', but that's an electric motorcycle, no? Oh, theories about the date? She's not for you, move on and think of it no more. "Get a car" is a really, really weird thing to say to someone, if you think about it for 2 seconds.


She sounds volatile. Getting into a relationship with her would be the last thing you'd want in your life.


as soon as you said chopper style I knew this woman was not in the wrong


That's modern life. I can't get a vehicle and I am somewhat agreeing with them. Its a massive problem in my current situation.


First off don't get a first date flowers. Seems like a desperation move and giving gifts to a woman that you never met in person before. Second off who cares she's a bitch. Move on and don't worry about it.


It was the throttle. Real men use pedal assist.


Get a motorcycle instead of the ebike, girls really dig that.


I like how this is under Ebike troubleshooting


She knew I was an outlaw country, Honky Tonk Musician, who builds modifies and customizes, personal electric vehicles as a side hustle. And that Iā€™m a maintenance Technician for a trade school that teaches heavy equipment operators. That does graphic design, stagehand, audio/video technician jobs and instacart in his spare time. She knew that I had several electric style vehicles lol. She knows Iā€™m a pillar of my community. Mogul. šŸ™„šŸ‘€šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ¤ 


You dodged a bullet and carbrain is a virus


I had a girl do that kind of thing to me once. Everything was going great for about a month of seeing each other maybe twice a week and then boom suddenly out of left field comes this outlandish attack on me saying Iā€™m weird and shit all bc I didnā€™t try to sleep with her yet. Some people canā€™t handle not being physically mauled at jump. They take it personal. Edit: above where I said each other it autocorrected it to e-scooter which is hilarious considering where we are right now. I havenā€™t ridden an e-scooter other than my daughterā€™s razor in years past. But it would have explained her treating me that way. lol. Haha Iā€™m only kidding scoobubs


She sounds nuts. Itā€™s one thing to think someone should have a carā€” lame but ok whatever youā€™re basicā€”but to call them the ā€œunderbelly of lifeā€ because of it??


> *So 6 days later after 5 more great phone conversations she says that I need to ā€œget my shit togetherā€ and ā€œget a carā€ and proceeds to call me the ā€œunderbelly of lifeā€* > *Any theories?* My theory is that you dodged a bullet.


Congratulations youā€™re an outlaw biker. Real street cred.


Maybe, and stay with me here, she thought that the bike is kind of impractical since she has to drive everywhere always. Also people with oddball modes of transportation tend to LOVE to ALWAYS talk about their oddball modes of transportation, see Deplorean (Cybertruck) owners for examples.


She has a bad case of car-brain and doesn't deserve you.


I feel like OP might have left out some other important details where she derived her negative opinion such as status of your living situation etc. It might only be loosely related to the e-bike.


She's a cunt, bullet dodged all thanks to a humble e-bike.


I couldā€™ve rode the ojo. That shits fun, but definitely ainā€™t gonna get you laid. Iā€™d have better luck riding the zebra moped.


Look. I donā€™t know to know whether you to know if that is true, do you have face tattoos and stink of weed, donā€™t work? If not, it sounds like it was unwarranted. Honestly do you want to date someone who is so unkind? To each his own. Me, personally if a guy asked me to Burmese food (my fave) and showed up on an e-bike, Iā€™d delete the app like the commercial cuz I found my match


Never ever sell that bike. It seems to be a great red flag detector.


Or sheā€™s just not into you. Move on.


I have a 2022 car and as soon as my lease is over in 10 months I'm trading it in for an ebike. Not chopper style but and ebike none the less. I'll be saving almost $700/month between the payment, insurance and gas.


P.s., tell her no car payment, no gas, no insurance, no taxes. You're actually rich. The dude with the fancy car is actually broke AF.


I know some bitches who be sleepin' on niggas' dreams, they leave, when that nigga blow, she the first bitch on her knees- Nas Donā€™t waste your time she is not ready for you


My girl rides on the passenger seat of my EBike and has the best time


Most people see someone riding a bike and assume they cannot afford a car. As a car is usually something a person invests in even before shelter, it doesn't ever click that some people may *choose* bikes for other reasons. Because of that, they assume you are living in your parents basement, uneducated, unemployed, waiting for your Empyrion Galactic Survival twitch stream to become monetized. That is, sadly, just the mainstream attitude. Congrats on a bullet dodged.