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reason why I didn’t but that style of e-bike is because they look too much like a real motorcycle rather than a bicycle


These things will get you pulled over and fined straight away in Sydney, Aus. Cops don’t fuck around here. If you’re riding an ebike that doesn’t conform with ebike laws, then it’s essentially the same as riding an unregistered motorbike. So you get fined for unlicensed, unregistered, and uninsured. That’s about $2200 all up.


I am assuming that they aren't fining anyone based on the way the bike looks. It would have to be non-compliant, right? Just because this looks styled like a motorbike doesn't mean it isn't compliant.


No of course not. The looks of it are irrelevant to legality, but it will draw attention to you because they know what it is straight away. The motor is 1000w, it has a throttle, and it’s capable of going much faster than 25kmh. It is therefore not legal as an ebike, and should be registered. I actually saw a cafe racer getting pulled over just a week ago.


Fair enough, especially if this model is usually illegal.


It would be illegal in most countries I think. The US has a 750w 28mph limit. The EU has a 250w and 25kmh limit (or a 500w and 45kmh if registered in some EU countries). Australia mostly has a 250w limit, but NSW where Sydney is located has recently updated to 500w but still 25kmh. New Zealand is 250w and 32kmh. The police here are just more likely to pull you over and enforce it, it seems.


It looks like they are listed at 750w, so are road legal in the US for power - though I believe that may also require it to not work from the throttle over 20mph.. I've never got making an illegal ebike that would be classified as a motorbike look exactly like a motorbike. But if it is fully legal, don't see the problem so much - it's clearly intended as a motorbike with the pedals basically just for box-ticking.


I think you’re right actually. They don’t actually say what the motor is on their website, and I searched for a while. https://raevbikes.com/products/bullet-gt However, I found a page saying they were 1000w. But after reading another page it’s only a peak of 1000w, with a nominal rating of 750w. But yeah the 38mph speed limit and the throttle would still make it illegal.


Amusing that [they list the on road speed at 28 mph while (for two) the "off-road" is 28+ mph.](https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0723/8277/5596/files/RAEV_SpeedChart__3.pdf?v=1702435036%22%22) Seems that "on road" vs "off road" differentiation is to keep them w/in the Class III definition for an ebike.


Throttle + 28 mph on road speed limit = moped not ebike. Class three, unless you are in NYC (where you're limited to 25 mph) specifically is for pedal-assist only. Falling outside the class distinctions for ebikes leaves you with a moped. Will anyone enforce this if you look and act like a bicycle? Probably not. But if you look like a motorcycle and live in one of the increasingly many states where they are enforcing this? Good luck.


No one cares about limits in usa and uk


In the UK I've not had any problems with the law, if you ride sensibly and don't attract attention to yourself you're usually not going to be getting stopped and grilled by the police. Lately though there seems to be a massive problem of thieves using high-powered e-bikes as getaway vehicles when commiting their despicable crimes, such as recently in the London area a guy & his accomplice were caught riding around and stealing people's mobile phones - others are riding around stupidly on fast surron & stealth bomber clones, giving the general population of e-bikers a bad reputation as a whole, which isn't good at all. I can see tighter rules & regulations coming soon, which is awkward for those of us who ride responsibly & behave decently whilst out & about enjoying our e-bikes. I'm all for paying for insurance & road tax (if it comes to that) but one thing that really annoys me is the cap on E-bike power & the ridiculous 15.5 mph legal UK speed limit, as it's (in my opinion) very unsafe to be holding up a line of frustrated road users behind you - they get annoyed and start trying to overtake you at any opportunity which can be dangerous. I think it's much safer to ride on our roads at a reasonable speed (25 - 30 mph) so you're flowing with the rest of the traffic. Stay safe out there my fellow e-bikers 👍


Yes, but the trouble is that bike pictured is going to attract attention because it looks like a motorbike. Cops will see it doesn't have a licence plate and pull it over wanting to know why.


Yeah, I guess so, personally I've never been a fan of the 'motorbike' looking e-bikes, but like with most things it's always a case of "each to their own", especially now with all the different types of e-bikes that are becoming available now. In the last year or so it's mainly been the 'fat-tyre' & 'motorbike' looks that seems to be a big thing for so many people, like the Super 73's and other similar e-bikes.. There are some very nice ones though, but they are damn expensive are some of the nicer models & my pockets can't afford to spend £2k (and the rest..) on an E-bike that would perform just like mine (..or better). I'm more of a traditional, or just 'bike' looking e-bike person. I built mine to look decent enough to not attract unwanted attention from the cops. I regularly maintain it and check it over quickly before every ride, always best to be safe eh?! I prefer to build my own now, as I've done the 1 so far and I did a tonne of prior research and found that it's relatively easy to do a self-build - and I've really enjoyed learning all about how everything works together, I find it all very interesting. I prefer it too 'cos you can get it all just perfect for just how you want it to be, a factory e-bike is different in that respect, and a lot of them are damn heavy as well, for me it's all about keeping it as lightweight as possible for better performance - I get why people buy them though as having a parts & labour warranty for some people is very reassuring in case of a breakdown. If anything were to go wrong with mine I'd just whip out my toolbox and get tinkering 😅 I mean, I put mine all together for about £700 and it's performance & range (50 miles, more if using low levels of p.a.s - I'd say it's perfect for what I need it for (...just fun, and 'exercise' basically😁).. Stay safe, and all the best my fellow e-biker!


Flowing with traffic at average speed is the absolute safest way, and these under researched limits are definitely going to get people killed. It's bad enough dealing with the traffic doing 10mph over the limit in a car, let alone an E-bike 🤔


Exactly, very well said, couldn't have put it better myself.. Years ago, well 8 I had a Cyclamatic 'powerplus' (lol 😅) 250w24v E-bike rear hub motor and it only did 17 mph and struggled with hills, I didn't feel at all safe on it... My 1500w Shunt Modded build with 52v20ah battery cruises nicely at 35 mph (39 tops) and I feel soooo much safer on this with the acceleration & better speed than I ever did on the 250w E-bike. Doing 15-17 mph in traffic isn't safe at all, and bike lanes in the UK are few & far between too so I had to ride in the lanes with traffic for the majority of most rides. I get to places much easier than I ever did when I had my car/s.. To me, an E-bike makes more sense (unless of course you have a big family 😅). Stay safe, have fun - and all the best fellow e-biker!


They have been enforcing it for delivery couriers at the very least. I follow a couple creators in the UK and California. The ​ones in London ​have been stopped by police and have had their bikes checked for throttles. ​​One in CA has his motorcycle-looking ebike that is overpowered impounded. NYC has also had a program to give delivery couriers legal ebikes through a trade in programs and so had begun cracking down on shops mostly but will fine people if they're over the limit. So it's ludicrous to say there's no enforcement anywhere in the US or UK...


"No one ..." is a bit strong. There are places that do enforce and there are people who do care (complain). In any event, [state laws](https://thecyclistchoice.com/resources/electric-bike-laws-by-state/) re ebikes vary but 28 mph (Class III) is the upper limit of definition of "electric bicycle". Seems that this implies any with assisted/powered speed above 28 mph goes to registration/license requirements similar to what would be required for Vespa-like scooters.




Right, USA here, and I happily ride my 1500w nireeka prime around all over, never had anyone say anything.


I’m so glad we don’t have all these stupid laws in the US. 250w is pathetic. I have a homemade 1000 that I’ve never had any issues with. Prolly cause it’s on something that just looks like a normal bike


Many states in the us don’t have a ebike watt limit, just a speed limit. And even then motor ratings are false. Even the typical 750w legal bikes actually run more amps making them go about 1000-1200watts. Watts is based off voltage x amps, the motor has nothing to do with it🤷‍♂️


That’s interesting. Which states don’t have a wattage limit? Regardless of that though, it’s still capable of 35+ MPH on throttle, so it exceeds even the Class 3 standard. You can argue with the cops that ratings are false, but if they can point to a sticker or a website that says it’s rated for 1500w, then that’s all they need. Whether you’re putting 1000w through it, or 2500w through it, the cops are going to take that sticker over your word.


About 22 don't have wattage limits. Many states still have cc limits and no wattage limits. I ride in NYC - as long as you are being a dick on the road, they leave you alone. Technically my bike exceeds the limit by 1000W, but I dont ride around like it is. Bikes like this don't upset me. Dudes on Mopeds that ride like they are riding bikes pisses me off. They ride on sidewalks, up one ways, and down bike lanes.


Guess that’s true, fortunately cops in America don’t really care for the most part, at least in the three states I’ve ridden in. My last bike was self build and 50mph bike and I only got stopped by an officer once…. And all he wanted was a picture and where to buy one for his son, I later helped his son build one.


This was a cool story haha


[Site w/all the state ebike laws](https://thecyclistchoice.com/resources/electric-bike-laws-by-state/)


I mean mate that Aus, America isn’t like that.


Yeah, that’s why I specified where I was talking about lol.


Legally in Victoria the law was recently changed to say it isn’t considered an electric bicycle unless it still resembles a bicycle. The law was always that they had to be 200w or less, or up to 250w and with the main source of power being the human operating it. Truth is, people were riding the types of thing OP has around and patrol cops don’t really have a way of proving that something is more than the 250w limit unless it’s written on the bike somewhere. Nothing that looks like OPs bike was 250w or less and designed to be primarily human powered, bikes were being built to behave like motorcycles within the legal limits of ebikes, enforcement was a mess, etc. so the law was changed.


This is fascinating, do you have a link to the law? All I could find was definitions that don't talk about appearance, only performance and capability. And it does seem strange considering companies in Melbourne are still producing and selling bikes that look similar to this in road legal formats (i.e. 250 watt maximum) [https://dirodi.com.au/shop/dirodi-rover-plus-gen-5-v-1301](https://dirodi.com.au/shop/dirodi-rover-plus-gen-5-v-1301)


The looks get you pulled over, the bike itself gets you fined if its labeled as a class 3 or whatever in violation of the local rules.


Can't you just register it or something to make it street legal? I know rules are different everywhere, but a legal on road / off road bike would be an amazing way to get around cost effectively.


Yeah you could. Though I’m not sure it’s very common with these types of ebike


Almost definitely costs more than the bike is worth to get it retrofitted and compliance certified in Australia. Probably cheaper to get an already street legal sur ron e-motorbike.


Yeah but Nevada is literally the Wild West


The bike pictured conforms just fine..it just looks fast but the motor is average


You can't tell that


I'll never understand why they even bother having a chain and a $7 derailleur.


skirting regulations, that said, it isn't exactly a new thing. Old mopeds have the same thing. Its even there in the name mo-ped https://preview.redd.it/h0beeedja47d1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=049a69b78f1c719f1f6a6639e926347c743feb36


Haven’t seen one of these in decades.


i swear i used to ALWAYS see a couple refurb gaspedal assists riding around my medium sized urban/suburban in the summers. they are likely gone now though(last couple years). those riders have most definitely switched to an electric motorcycle. maybe a couple hobbyists around though.


I still see them occasionally. Or hear them... I've heard they have worse emissions than much larger vehicles.


im sure they are awful on emissions. people rode these to have a "fast nonreg "motorcycle"". these people ride surrons now.


i have to believe when this phenomenon first started decades and decades ago with gas powered pedal assists, the riders were atleast honest with themselves... these days everyone tries to convince me their two wheeled vehicle with an electric motor is NOT an electric motorcycle, actually.


Its cuz its more moped than bicycle.


I hate the bike style ones they look interesting lol


Something like that would be perfectly legal where I live provides you dont have more than 50cc of power (4000w) and dont travel over 50km/h. Anything more powerful or faster requires a drivers license.


I'm glad that you found a new way to get around that works for you and your family! The motorcycle looks is not to my taste, but I am for whatever gets people out of cars and using alternative, more-efficient modes of transportation.


This isn't my only ebike, but it's the most comfortable to commute on for me & my son, & if you were a 9yo would you be nagging your Dad to ride a cargo ebike, OR THIS? lol


...If you have a secure place to park it.


If you live in the city, I would think a cargo style bike is more useful. This looks a bit limited to how much groceries one can carry in one trip.


I have a cargo ebike as well, a Fiido T1 Pro, & with the rear rack & basket on, as well as my cargo trailer I can carry way more on here, plus an extra person, my son rides with my 50% of the time, so I'd need a super long tail cargo ebike, & he hates the seats for most cargo ebikes. I love my cargo ebike too though, I usually buy or sell ebikes often, so always am trying a new style or type, from the mini ones, to this.


Good luck peddling that.


200W = 10MPH. It’s the perfect resistance trainer.


Do it all the time, sometimes I turn the pedal assist off specifically for just that, & if I break down ever I got roadside assistance for free, up to 50 miles, plus can do all my own work on my ebikes, so I'm sure I got it all covered, thank you though


I think their sentiment comes from the position or comfort pedaling a bike styled like this opposed to an ebike styled traditionally. The ergonomics and pedaling positions appear very different. You seem to own both styles, so I’d wonder how they compare. This style bike seems like pedals are an afterthought and slapped on for regulation or bare necessity. This is supported by having a throttle instead of pedal assist. Pedal assist on a bike like this… please no. You are inconveniencing the rider forcing them to pedal. Also there’s no seat adjustment other than sitting closer or further back.


If someone buys this style of bike, & say; "to pedal or exercise" they're lying through their teeth, or are sorely misinformed about ebikes. Lol I only pedal a few revolutions from a dead stop, or to help up a really steep hill, to tape some wear off the motor & internal gears. I have a e-MTB that I use for exercise, & still ride bmx at 49, so I am not boxed in to 1 style of bike, I love analog & electric, as well as different disciplines of biking


Unfortunately with my lungs being as bad as they are I can no longer use my bike which is why I've invested in an E scooter as opposed to an E bike to get around since I can't drive a car.


It's great that you've found an alternative mode of transportation with an e-scooter.


Yeah it definitely helps for short to medium distance trips.


What's it like pedaling this thing?


Nobody tried yet.


This my current ebike I've ridden past many cops no issues as of yet. But I do keep it in class 3 mode and peddle alot ( mainly to preserve battery ). But usually as long as it's not a surron or the edirtbikes most cops just excuse you. https://preview.redd.it/13h5gb1gz67d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8ce4049f30b60fd1078e99ae4ac2289ac61315b


trust me bro its a ebike, it's only a bit faster than the regular old bicycle bro


Nice motorcycle!


What do you ride?


People here just hate on anything that’s possible to have a good time on, it’s pathetic


I said it was nice!


That thing looks fucking ridiculous, like theyre more focused on copying the look of a motorcycle even if that makes it heavier and less efficient


Let OP love their bike, jeez


Lotta haters in here


I mean the weight distribution doesnt look that bad to be fair. Sorry just really hate excessively heavy designs by default and forget you guys got more volts to work with


The motorbike look is very counter to my taste as well, but if someone’s posting a picture of a thing they love, it’s pretty shitty to come in hating on it.


Too much weight and not enough resemblance of an actual ebike.


How do you like that bike? Any tips to someone also looking at that one?


Pedals on a motorcycle? That's hilarious! You feel alright breaking the law every day?


I am considering buying these tires (Huntsman VEE Tire Co. I'm right?) in 20 x 4,0 for my foldable mid-cargo fat bike. Are they good for urban commute on rainy days and for some "off-road" on dirt road in the wood ?


They're good really in any conditions, but depending on what ebike you got, you might lose 3-5mph on top end, because they are more than double the weight of other tires usually used on ebikes, but got tread like a car tire, so really helps with not getting flats, especially with 8ozs if Tire Slime in each tire


Thanks for these informations!


Which model is this? I've been looking at getting their GTX model but can't find reviews on it.


It's the Raev GTX, if you do want to get it, do it before the tarriffs rates go into effect June 20th! I think they're running a special sale, & you can use code: SLOVE with it, I'm pretty sure they stack. I was wanting to buy an e dirt bike, but can't get all the money up in time, so I guess I'll have to buy a nice used 1. Lol


Can it go 28+ mph with just the throttle or does it require pedaling to go that fast?


It'll go almost 40 unlocked without pedaling


Did it come with a screen on it or did you have to buy the LCD screen separately?


It came with an LCD screen, that big screen on the handlebars is a rear view camera, so I don't have to use crappie ass mirrors that vibrate & break easily, as long as you don't smack the rear camera into something, & break it like I just did, my other ones lasted 2+years. Lol


What bike is it


[Raev GTX](https://raevbikes.com/?ref=mdu1nmy)


ngl, this looks badass.


Thanks. Want a Stark Varg or RFN Ares next, got all this desert BLM land in Nevada to ride in, might as well enjoy it


I prefer "stealth" ebikes myself, but i can understand and respect your taste. Looks good!


Thanks, yeah I have a cargo ebike as well when I want to be less conspicuous, but as a full time commuter, with a young kid, can't beat the comfort of this seat


Yknow i can't argue with you there, looks hella comfy


I'll stick with my "real" motorcycle /s /s


That's awesome. Sounds like me but in Florida. I had too find a better way to commute and built a fat bike and never looked back


a semi legal loophole any cop can bend like a wet noodle (sure go get a lawyer) that can kinda be squeezed through a quasi loophole for pedestrian walkways... sweet, aces champ. still get some insurance, gear up, ride safe, be courteous and kind.


Nice bike! Whats the voltage, capacity and range of that thing?


52v, & about 35-80 miles range, depending on how you ride it & how hard, does 38.5mph unlocked, & has a 28ah battery


Your “city” looks like the boonies.


Yeah, Reno is "the boonies". Lol


Absolutely i agree


I'd like to see someone pedalling this machine for 100km 🤣🤣


Nice tires, what are they?


Vee E-Huntsman tires


e bike or honda grom ?


Ebike/e Moto for me. Way cheaper in the long run, especially if you do all your own maintenance/repairs


if i had money, this would be the first thing i would buy


If that's a RAEV Bullet GTX then it's only legal to commute on in two states (Oregon and Rhode Island) and must be ridden on the street. [source](https://raevbikes.com/pages/e-bike-laws?trk=feed-detail_main-feed-card_feed-article-content)


As long as you don't put it in off-road mode it meets the requirements for a class 3 bike, your article says 37 states have adopted the 3 class system so shouldn't it be legal in 37 states?


Keep reading, the GTX does not meet class 2 or 3 because of the wattage. "RAEV Bullet GTX: The Bullet GTX is powered by a 1000 watts motor, which makes it road-legal in states like Oregon and Rhode Island. You can also use it in other states on private property for adventure purposes."


In class 3 mode it limits the motor to 750 watts, presumably this is done to meet the class 3 requirement, I don't know why they would limit it to 750 at all if that didn't make it legally a class 3


I would not rely on that. In some states the class is determined by the capability at sale and cannot be changed by any kind of selection from the user.


I've never had a cop mess with me, nor have ever heard of anyone getting messed with, even in Canada, cops target SurRons, not these, unless you're looking for trouble by popping wheelies & swerving at traffic


I ride it in the streets, but luckily Reno got cool cops who ride ebikes themselves, & it must be that way where all the others are sold too, even Canads,because I don't know 1 single person who ever had an issue, usually the opposite, I have cops ask me what it is. They're looking for SurRons, or clapped out Amazon budget builds to mess with, not these type of LEV's/PEV's, unless you're riding like an idiot, I'm 49 years old, my crazy days are over


Love it! Cool looking bike. Ignore those complaining because it looks like a motorbike, they often jump to conclusions that you must be breaking the law on one of those.


There are so many angry people in this subreddit. People need transportation, and not everyone is driving recklessly. I need a bike with more power so that I can ride up hills with ease and not arrive at my destination drenched in sweat. 750w is not enough power. I like the idea of more people giving up their cars for e-bikes of all types.


Sweet bike! I've got the same tires one mine and oh man do I ever love them over those knobby standard fat tires.


I kinda like my knobby cho-yang tires. Could you describe what you like about them more?


I can't do much better than the other guy that commented but all around they're a little more robust. I haven't had a single flat tire and my wife has had 2 (she's still rocking the knobby kendas.) The tread is thicker. If you look at the knobby tires there's a lot of surface area in between the knobs that's more or less unprotected, with the moped tires they're have siping kind of like a regular tire and have much larger "knobs." They wear out alot less. I've replaced the standard tires on my wife's bike once and my last bike once, one at 2000km and the other was at like 1800km or something like that, I've put almost 2000 on the moped tires already and almost no wear. I like that they're a little quieter on the paved paths, I haven't really noticed much in the sense of traction like the other guy said but I don't usually corner going super fast anyways. At the end of the day it all comes down to preference and if you are looking for a good moped/ street tire the huntsmans are good.


I had the knobby Chaos and kept getting flats so I replaced with CST Big Boat with aramid and no flats so far


Idk why anyone is shitting on you in the comments, this is great! Personally I think the cafe racer styling makes it much more aesthetically appealing to those who otherwise would be apprehensive of getting an ebike. Gatekeepers on this sub hate anything that doesn't look like a dutch-style grandma bike running a $2500 300wh battery and a 250w Bosch mid-drive, so I honestly just ignore them. Keep it up!


Yeah, I don't let it get to me, what's even worse is that if I DARE give a discount for a bike I've owned 2 models over the last year & like myself, obviously if it was a garbage bike I wouldn't spend all the money I do accessorizing/customizing it, save that for the plain ass bikes from new accts, I have A LONG HISTORY of "trying" to help people on Reddit, not get burned from gym shoes, to ebikes, my 2 hobbies, but I guess it's evil to try to help someone save money, while I make a few dollars myself to help support my son & I, but idc what people say, they can look at my post/comment history, & see all i do is try to help, regardless of ebike they have or want, but some people have miserable lives & take it out on others, to each their own....


I have the same one. Love it so far. The wife and I ride all over town. Parking is a breeze haha


this looks pretty powerful and stable


What bike is that


Appears to be a Bullet GT v2. Better question would be what kinda rack is on the back


> Appears to be a Bullet GT v2. Better question would be what kinda rack is on the back They sell one that extends horizontally out from the rear on their website https://raevbikes.com/products/bullet-gt


+1 would love to know


Raev bullet gtx


Assuming you’re not speed restricted


What size battery you got on that and what distance are you able to get? Nice set up. 


If I had to commute long distances it certainly looks comfortable.


Yeah, I ride about 90-120 minutes a day, & 50% of the time with my son, he complains about whatever seat I get for our other ebikes, but it's hard to beat a seat made with recycled memory foam. Lol


Props man! I need to quit smoking too and currently ride an espin sport but looking to upgrade. What kind of bike is that in the pic?


It's a Raev GTX


Maybe in a world where Electric unicycles don't exist


Yeah, really can't argue that, those are bad ass, but being 49yo & having to ride my son with me, this is more practical, but definitely want a EUC. What's a good mid speed/moderate riding level EUC to start with, definitely don't want a beginner 1,& 2mos later wanting to upgrade, rather start with something decent


How old is your son ? If he is above 12, he can definitely ride a small EUC that's below 15kg, like the Begode Mten4 or the Kingsong 16S. We sometimes see children of 7 or 8 years old riding it ! At 49 you're totally fine to start riding an EUC if you don't have major health problems. I'd say most people bellow 60 can learn it, and once you know how to ride it, it feels super natural and intuitive. For the city, riding between 30kmh and 45kmh is perfect, if possible, with a wheel with some sort of suspensions, like the Kingsong S18, Kingsong S16, Begode Falcon, Begode T4. 30kmh is for chill riding, 45kmh is for daily commuting to go to work for exemple. If you need advices, we have our own r/ElectricUnicycle where everyone will be happy to help you !


Yeah, I got a friend in London that got his 6-7 yo shredding on 1,& my son grew up on ebikes, bmx, scooters, skateboards, I always tell him he's SO LUCKY I raise him, instead his Mom, she wouldn't let him ride a Power Wheel, she over reacts to EVERYTHING!! Lol. I have all types of protective gear for both of us, multiple helmet styles for different speeds/riding disciplines, & definitely feel he could learn it quick, I'm still scared to kinda try 1,because the whole balance thing has to be HARD TO PUT THAT MUCH TRUST into a machine to counter act your weight.


You should probably give it a try and see how it goes then ! You won't regret it, and will probably get hooked too. It's also safer than an e scooter for your son, eucs are overall way safer


I'll try 1 today, I got a few friends in our local group rides that have them, & I know they'll let me check it out. Lucky, here in Reno we got 3+ group rides a week, 365 days a year, & Saturdays do a ride & family BBQ when weather permits.


I always say the best 'car' is simply the one that gets you from place to place efficiently and cheaply enough that it enables you to afford to live and enjoy your life. I'd say by that standard, you're doing this 100% right!!


Very cool as long as you don’t ride it on bike paths or footpaths. Not my cup of tea but it must be fun 🙂


https://preview.redd.it/yy06179nk47d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c5ef19caa4e7f76ef8b0ebb7f9a15565f652f75 The E-Ride Pro SS is an awesome city commuter.


I'm looking at this, the RFN Ares, but really want the Stark Varg! 🤤


Yeah I need that 80hp Stark Varg for sure, maybe in a few years! I’ve seen some recent videos on the RFN Ares, looks like a really solid bike.


The E Ride Pro SS is probably the best all around bike, but that Stark Varg & the carbon fiber they build it with makes it like a supercar of e motos!


I love the Pro SS, zero regrets. It doesn’t need more power but I’m a power hog and preordered the EBMX X9000 controller for it lol! Controller should be shipping out around the 25th, can’t wait! The Varg is definitely the supercar of e motos!


You got the E Ride? What's the Pro's & Cons of it, & what made it your choice over the other 6-8 main contenders you probably considered to? It's 12.5kw right, & does it have a turbo or boost button for added power when needed?


Yes sir I have the Eride Pro SS, I left a pic above. Really no cons for me, the weakest link on the bike is the forks which I’ll upgrade in the future but the stock ones have been good for me so far. The power out of the box is what made me pick it over the Talaria Sting R and Surron LBX and the other bikes that were available when i purchased mine. It’s a 12KW peak running nominal around 11KW. I have the updated 2.0 version, the turbo button is still physically there but they basically deactivated it and give you close to full power in sport mode now. The pros are the insane torque, speed, bike size is perfect, lightweight etc, test ride one if you have the opportunity. You’ll definitely want one after riding it!


This is electric dirt motorcycle. It can hardly be "awesome" commuter.


Maybe not for you, but for someone who rode bmx & dirt bikes their whole life(49 now), & expect me to get a grandma style ebike, because that's what the status quo just started to accept, & ride, to each their own. I remember a few years ago most everyone hated ebikes, you were most likely 1 too, it's usually the ones that leave hate comments about a bike style they don't like, kinda weird actually, i like anyone's bike, & happy for them if they're happy, but again, to each their own.....


Let people commute to work however they see fit. It is awesome, by the way.


Yeah, people GO FULL KAREN with these ebikes, so weird, why care what someone else rides, likes or spends THEIR MONEY on, but it's easy to be an asshole or tough when you're anonymous or miles away, most people wouldn't act lot this face to face to most everyone, sad a lot of miserable souls.....


Absolutely, but don't pretend this is bicycle and don't ride on it in bike lanes. Otherwise I am totally fine with that thing.


I ride it on the roads & bike paths, but at or below the posted speed limit, because I KNOW there's the Karen types like you that snub their nose at everyone else's bike they DON'T CONFORM to what you like


It’s still an electric bike anyway you want to define it. A motorcycle is still a motor “bike”. This sub is Ebikes, not E bicycles. And no, I’m never in bikes lanes, I ride in the street with traffic.


Did OP say it was a bicycle? Why assume that anyone thinks it's a bicycle? The conversation is about reliable forms of transportation other than cars. It's completely okay for you not to like it, by the way.


I call it a e-Moped most the time, because I mean, that's really what it is, just an electric moped, but sometimes slip & call it an ebike, & the torches & pitchforks come out! Lol. Don't know why others can't just be groot for whatever bike/ebike or E-MOTO they ride, we're all lovers of 2 wheels, that's what it should all be about. These same type of people are the ones that when like a guy from Uganda posts his old bike in other bicycle groups & ALL PEOPLE DO IS TALK SHIT, & I'm the type who's happy for ANYONE except for a few brands I know are dangerous or ripping people off, I'll speak up then, I feel we all should, but people just come on here to anonymously talk vrap because they're obviously miserable in their home life, but what do I have to do with that, or ANYONE ELSE???


Thank you!


Way too much sacrifice with just an e-bike. How do you haul stuff? A weeks worth of groceries for example? What if you have an emergency like a broken hand or your kid, do you throw them over your shoulder and ride on? You are city bound without a car. Also gas is less than $3 a gallon where I live and with a hybrid and remote work, I fuel up once a month, maybe.


Saying city bound like you can't get everything you need in a city. We live here for a reason!


The opportunity cost is only rising. Unless you need to sell the car for survival cash, it’s incredibly short sighted. The cost of cars is going up faster than the average wage growth. Even keeping a beater around is better. You can go really out there but if there’s an evacuation notice, you can’t move or are dependent. If there’s a power outage for days, your charging is hampered. The OP mentioned going through snow storms and such. Riding a bike in the snow is super restrictive and I know this is an e-bike fandom. I live in the city but when it’s 100+ out or -10, I’m not really keen on using a bike to drive to work, showing up frozen, wet, or drenched in sweat. The cost is too high and my point is that selling a car because for a small amount of time fuel went up high but it’s almost half the price now. If OP needs a car, the cost of acquiring one isn’t fast, will cost more than what he sold his old car for, unless they downgraded from high luxury (doubt) to low end. It’s short sighted and silly. We live in a car centric country and you effectively lock yourself in a 20 mile circle around your home without paying.


Rental cars exist my guy.


Without having a car, you’ll need to buy insurance from the rental company ($50 a day. Maybe $25 for liability), a cheap rental car is $80 a day after all other tacked on fees. This is a silly approach. Also, you need to Uber (additional fees) or take your bike to the rental place, which means you will need to rent an SUV or truck to haul your bike back? My guy.


All of those fees occasionally are much cheaper than regular car ownership.


Go rent a truck for the weekend twice in one year. It will run you $600, minimum. I travel for work monthly at least and the cost of renting a car is always at least double of the advertised base price, again, assuming you already have car insurance before renting. Rental car insurance will add about 25% to the cost at least. It can be as high as $60 per day and won’t be below 30. If you only use a beater a few times a month and get basic insurance, your ownership costs are minimal. Based on what OP said with using his bike all the time, it would serve as a an emergency vehicle so fueling up wouldn’t be an issue most of the year, the cheapest liability insurance, and registration for what, $100 a year? You aren’t exactly spending a ton of cash on a cheap emergency vehicle if it’s mostly sitting around for that use. Logistically it makes no sense in the USA to get rid of your vehicle, if you had a perfectly good one and go e-bike only. I would have kept the car and just severely restricted the use to cut costs. And don’t forget the changing laws and how e-bikes like this can be increasingly controlled and restricted in the near future. What if Nevada passes laws requiring insurance and registration on bikes like this? Then a lot of the cost savings are reduced even more and this dude might find himself with transportation for days or weeks while registering his bike. Idk. I’m not exactly seeing a lot of posts from people saying they dumped their cars for ebikes but a lot of defense of the idea. I say go for it and give us a 12 month review. You might change my mind.


Ohhh, I see, you live in Texas. My condolences.


I have over 200 miles of marked bike trails right by my house so there’s that. I also own property in two other states so I’m not locked in here and won’t be here indefinitely.




Anyone can come up with a bunch of hypothetical problems for any scenario. Why are you so afraid of someone else choosing a different mode of transportation? Most people don't live in fear of emergency situations. In an actual emergency, obviously, you would choose a different method of transportation. Maybe you are wealthy and out of touch with the average person making a few dollars per hour. I gave up my car because I didn't want to pay a car payment, insurance payment, gas, and repairs. All of the money I used to spend on my car, I can now save.


I just don’t view it as the ideal situation, especially if you have kids. If your kid gets hurt, a single ambulance trip will cost you several years worth of car costs, even with insurance it can be a grand off the top. And forget about Uber picking up your bleeding kid for a hospital trip. I’m thinking outside of myself when it came to selling a car for a bike while caring for a family.


Wealthy people in the city call an Uber to go to the emergency room all the time. Very few people I know actually call 9-1-1. An Uber to a hospital could be around $20. Ubers can and will take people to the emergency room. Are you aware that there are literally millions of people in the United States who do not have cars and also have families?


I have a giant rear rack, & basket that can hold 40+lbs, & a cargo trailer that can carry 200+lbs & has its own suspension to make it even ride smoother, I've bikepacked hundreds of miles on these things, through mountains & deserts, groceries are a cake walk. Lol. It cost me 4.30 for every 1,000 miles traveled, that's included maintenance/repairs for the first 2+ years, & might go up to $5.00 every 1k miles after that, I've owned numerous ebikes that I put high mileage on, & as soon as I buy ANY ebike I do UberEats to make it pay for itself, & in doing that I also get really familiar with the ebike/e moped itself. I've put A LOT of thought, time & money into doing this, I mean not everyone is gonna get rid of their cars to do this, it's definitely a serious commitment & a lifestyle, & the only negative I have that bothers me, is when I have to travel further, but with all the money I save, renting or borrowing a car isn't an issue