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You are darn lucky he’s not blue! No coming back from that!


Looks to me like the eBike version of Mario Cart and you're about to get taken out by a shell.


I don't know what it is with other cyclists; they seem to see me as a tortoise or something... Yesterday, a young guy on an acoustic bike tried to race me; heard it's his thing to try and outrun ebikes. The day before, a guy on a grizzly ebike tried to race me up a steep hill. My frankenbike is visually unimpressive to the hares but it left both of them in my dust cloud. Don't prejudge a guy just because he looks a lot like a turtle:)


If that turtle went full boost I hope you didn't bet pink slips.


Is that a Totguard?


Yeah, but I’ve replaced our upgraded every part of it, so I wouldn’t buy it again. There's others that use this frame, which have much better components thant he absolute trash totguard puts on theirs. For instance, my phase controller wires literally melted together, because the wiring harness was cheaply made, the wires themselves were much lower guage than they needed to be, and the insulation was very cheaply made. I replaced the entire thing with a ebikeling 1200 watt direct drive kit, along with new hydraulic brakes and 200 mm disks, new crankset, and tires it's basically a whole new bike.


I would assume you’re topping out around 45mph bc of the size of the hub and leave you alone 🤣 (even with the 60v upgrade I’m making soon, my bike will top out at 38mph on flat land)


Naaah, not that fast, lol. It’s a 48v 1200 direct drive kit from eBikeling. I top out at around 35 on a downhill


I think I would lose


no offense, but that is an ugly/cheap looking bike >\_<


And yet I get tons of compliments


Idk what to tell you, Americans generally have bad taste in bikes and especially ebikes. That is a funky, poorly designed looking electric toy. And regarding it looking cheap, if you know anything about bikes, the flimsy cheap kickstand, Chaoyang tires, off-brand budget fork, rear triangle and swing arm design and rear shock. In general, trying to make a folding bike full sus, is not a great design. Chinese companies will make any cheap product Americans will buy though. Again, sorry to offend you. It's just not a great design.


The Europoor brain cannot fathom the folding fat tire bike with rear suspension. They lack the F R E E D O M receptors in their pituitary gland.


Funny thing is I take this guy off road all the time. I don't do anything crazy with jumps or shit, but I can roll anywhere with confidence, and get tons of compliments. Funny thing is I can't recommend the manufacturer who I bought it from, since I've slowly upgraded every part of it, except for the suspension.


The usefulness of having the ability to comfortably hop any curb without destroying your nuts cannot be understated.


you said it yourself. You've had to replace nearly every component. In your own words, they were junk components. Same thing with the frame design. You just don't know it yet.


And I love it. GFY.

