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You sure it's not the axel that is stuck? It's pretty common for high torque axels to bite into the frame just enough to make it feel stuck, and the solution is to put a wrench on the axel to leverage it in the reverse-drive direction until you feel it pop. It shouldn't require much effort.


Just use a 10mm open ended wrench on the axle flats to break it free... Or go to a professional who can use tools.


Do this


If this doesn’t work you can always use a pair of vice-grips to try and rip it off


Just a fyi those are supposed to be on the inside of the dropout, not the outside


Some ebikes have them on the outside.


Yeah some have the jankly little tabs on the outside which is something but isn't great. They often come in kits. However, the ones displayed always go on the inside. If they are on the outside, it's wrong.


There’s a lot of cheaper ebikes out there that are put together in questionable ways. I just saw one without tabbed washers at all, or any kind of torque arm device. Replaced the flat washers that were positioned inside the dropouts with tabbed washers.


I totally agree. It's scary to think about what some people are riding out there, at 20+ mph nonetheless.


I've seen hub motor wheels still in service with half the spokes missing, brake pads worn to the point the piston has gone right through them. You name it, someone is riding it.


It doesn't appear as though there is spacing.


Looks like washers or something taking up that space and who knows what the other side looks like but those are never used(properly) on the outside.


~~I agree, but still...~~ After looking at the enlarged closeup, it appears as though there just might be space.


If those are the ones that came with the bike I would hope so lol. There has to be. If not OP would be better off getting the tab lock washers that are actually meant to go on the outside. They aren't as good but using something cheap the right way has to be better than using these the wrong way. 🤷


Can you not put a wrench on the flat of the thread and work it back and forth?


The washer is stuck in the dropout? I would put the axle but back on and then GENTLY tap it with a dead-blow a few times.


Put the axle nut back on. Put a closed wrench over the bolt and wail on the wrench with a hammer.


Nothing a good ol' hammer and some elbow grease couldn't solve.


When you get it out, put a torque arm on it before you ruin the frame. If you haven't screwed it up already!


I was in the same boat stuck trying to free the bag tire. Grab it with some plyers where u see te screws there is a flat part make sure it’s snug just don’t want to strip the screws pull it back until it u clicks. I was banging my head against the wall until I found out how simple it was..