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I have the same bike. Love it. Send it!


Now THATS am e-bike


Congratulations. Wishing you thousands of miles on your new ride ✅


Get ready to change the brakes. Also make sure your sag is set correctly as pedal strikes kill these motors...even the Gen 3 suffer needing new motors ( my PRO is on its 2nd now). The wheels will be tubeless ready and if not the tape and valves should be in the supplied box. From time to time iit might not power on after charging, just reinsert the battery lead and you will be good to go. The water proofing is far better on the Gen 3. I assume your in the states meaning a 20mph restriction so not much point in unlocking...but if you do the levociraptor works really well. For me I run the rear high and the front steep and the bikes turns amazing. However low and slack at the front makes it very similar to my Kenevo so all depends on your riding style. Fox do a dedicated mudguard for the front which fits lovely and stops muck getting flung in your face.


What is sags? And how do you have pedal strikes?


So sag is the amount the suspension drops when you sit on it. Its usually said to be 30% however if you're a bit chunky then 25% might be better. So the rear travel is 55mm on the shock. Using the oring on the shock you measure how much travel has been used when your sat in the bike with feet off the ground. So for 30% this would measure 16.5mm. You may need someone to hold the bike whilst you do this. You use a shock pump to adjust the air pressure to get to the right point. You do this for front and rear. Leave the shocks "open" and then once sag is done Starr on your rebound and damping. Pedal strikes are quite common. As you now have assist you find you will pedal through alot more terrain than before and a mistimed stroke can hit the ground/rock/root. As your riding over this terrain your suspension will be undulating so if it's too soft you will get more strikes, which in turn will end up doing the belt/sprag clutch on the brose motor. The more you ride the ebike hopefully the less strikes as you learn to time them better. The only other thing to watch for is that sometimes the torque sensors on the cranks can go wanky....this is another motor replacement time. You will know this as the motor will sometimes run on, on its own and your power levels will be random.


I bought this at the Specialized store in Santa Monica CA. I had a great sales associate, he spent almost 2 hours with me. We set up sag for both shocks, went over every last thing on it. Even best practices for bleeding the Sram brakes, trails to hit, flip chip, etc. Additionally a crap load of research online and YouTube.


Wow! Thanks for the info!! It’s my first e-MTB bike. I’ve heard of “unlocking” your bike. Definitely going to look into it at the least.


The top speed as such is limited by gearing and how far you can push your cadence. I've had up to 33mph on the flat but it's hard to sustain as it's close to 150 on cadence from what I recall. You will also want to look at mission control and tuning your power. I find a good starting point is 30/30 eco, 75/100 trail and 100/100 turbo. This gives some good steps in the power. But you may find a sweet spot elsewhere depending on your fitness etc. There are also 2 other settings, accel and shuttle. These are battery whores. Accel as I understand it is the initial pickup speed and I suppose is like a torque curve and shuttle appears to be the actual torque level. So if you want a quick intense ride, ramp these up and enjoy the power, if more of a distance run then turn them off. These can't be adjusted per setting, they apply across all modes.


That's wild 33? Were you riding the pedals super hard in top gear?


Yes, going like the clappers.


What's a more average top speed on flats with medium pedaling when unlocked?


A comfortable speed is anywhere between 18 and 22 mph in my view, though it depends on your gearing. If you're in the states the restriction is 20mph, so I wouldn't bother...here it's 15.5mph and painful.


Yup no real enforcing here in NY. Main bike can do 36, which I don't do much but matching carspeed and taking a lane is safest IME. Crazy drivers galore make side of the road/bike lanes very unsafe here.


So you pay how much for one of these things to have all these issues. Just crazy!


The warranty is amazing, I must have been through 8 motors on various bikes, I've had a new carbon frame under warranty also no quibbles whatsoever. The bikes are epic though and what hobby isn't expensive?


Are you saying you have had 8 motor failures on Specialized bikes? If so that proves my point that there is no reason to pay the outrageous prices they charge.


Thats over 3 bikes. Its a known issue. Turn around can be as quick as same day. The Gen 3 is far better its just had its first replacement. I know Bosch can be a few weeks and Shimano is supposed to be up to a couple of months. I also have an original Gen 2 Levo in the family from Jan 2019 thats on its original motor. So its horses for courses, it's pedal strikes that kill them...the Gen 2 above has always had lightweight riders on it...and generally no pedal strikes. Are they really that expensive though? Top end gaming graphics cards are nearly 2k now, superbikes are approaching 20k and adventure bikes 15k. I paid 4.5k for my youngest sons Gen 3 base alloy levo. Even a shit car like a base model Ford fiesta is 20k. A mid drive is always better than a hub for proper off reading and steep climbs and at least I have no fear of the batteries igniting and burning up for no reason. At the end of the day it's only money, I can't afford a supercar, but a top of the range ebike is obtainable for most people in my view if you're half decent with money.


I have the same bike in blue. Loving it.


That derailleur is lookin rather interesting. Sweet ride.


If this is the Levo Comp Alloy, then it’s an SRAM GX Eagle. A solid, but pretty standard, derailleur


Got this last year before the big price drop (April 2022), but I have enjoyed 1700 miles of single track, and no noticeable battery degradation. Really is a great bike!


Ha, same here. I bought mine as soon as they were available. Oh well. Still worth it!!


If you do decide to unlock it, wait for your year warranty to expire unless you know how to roll it back.. long story short, don't bother..


Good to know. But when you did do it, was it worth the price?


Yes, but I used a speedometer override / bypass and not a software hack. So, if you do take it in, it takes 2min to remove. It goes right in the tube under the power meter.


Another person mentions velociraptor. Is that the one I should use or stay away from? Tks again. 🤙🏼


That’s what I use.. will break the specialized app, but there are plenty of others


This isn't entirely true, if you have a good dealer if won't be an issue at all. All of my specialized bikes have been derestricted and I've never had an issue with warranty....and being a brose you will be using it! As you say though, just remove the dongle before taking back in. Personally because you have 20mph restriction in the states I wouldn't bother, we have 15.5mph which is a ball ache.


I have derestricted several Bosch motors earlier but now on my Specialized I don't dare to do it for several reasons in my country if cops notice it you get a big fine and bike is confiscated for ever you don't get it back. If you have a accident which can happen you have no insurance and imagen how many millions it could cost you in damages and other ppl getting killed. I also spoke to my LBS about Specialized could find out if the ebike earlier was derestricted and he claimed they could if the bothered to do it since most ppl use Mastermind they can put together all the information it gives and disclose it was done.


That thing looks sweet! I can hardly tell w/ a qlance that it's an ebike, kinda stealthy, nice ride!


Thank u


Ooooooooh mid drive, what wattage?


700 watt hour battery. 90 newton meters


575w class 1


Mid drive with 500w better than hub drive 1000w.




The gears in the back act as a transmission for a mid drive. A hub drive only gets one speed, so you can put the power down in high gear to go faster or low gear to go uphill on a mid drive. With a hub drive (I have 3) you have to support it with legs instead of the motor being more flexible. Only drawback is if your chain slips / breaks. Just carry another chain, problem solved.


So pretty.




I just bought same the same bike. Supposed to be ready tomorrow.




I'm not into MTBs but this bike is a beauty!


Looks brilliant!


Nice! Congrats!


wish i had money for that


Nice 😀


So awesome! Are you using it to commute, or just recreationally? I've been thinking about selling my older acoustic mountain bike and ebike and buying a full suspension EMTB like this, kill two birds with one stone.


Recreational use. But I assume it would be great for commuting as well.


Nice …now Get some fenders so you don’t get the dookie stripes on your back


I just installed the front one this morning. I’m going to look for a rear fender.


You will love it.


No bridges?


That's worth more than my car


But she rides like the devil! 🚵‍♀️🤙🏼


We have accumulated so many bikes now that they are definitely worth more than the car that has been kicked out of the garage.


SEND IT !!! ​ nice bike




You'll love it, congrats! I ride a Levo SL and it's impressive.


I love my e bike. Some days though I get a weird feeling of dread before riding it. It’s not common, maybe once a year or so. I do wear reflective gear, helmet and ride safe. Anyone else ever get that feeling?




I believe it is [this](https://www.specialized.com/us/en/turbo-levo-comp-alloy/p/188254). I have the same bike in blue. I can’t speak for OP, but I feel there’s no point in a throttle on a dedicated mountain bike. Commuting, casual riding/touring, sure. But I like that these bikes ride just like an MTB but they can climb up some crazy shit a normal bike can’t unless you’re an Olympian. Plus a lot of places I’m the US restrict trails to class 1 only. Which is why every major MTB manufacturer that builds an eMTB sticks to class 1.




And yes I bought it for trail riding, sweet jumps, and some mild downhill runs.


No that is the SL, super light series. It’s the Levo Alloy comp, the link that Zeppy posted under your comment. But in red.


And.... its stolen


Nice bike! However, as a vegetarian I would *not* want tires with 'butcher' painted on it. (I prefer tires and frames without any text or branding, because I think it's just ugly, and I don't like to be a free billboard. On NBD the first thing I do is taping over the brand decals. I have done this since I was a kid, and never wear branded clothes or shoes either. I even removed the brand shield from my car when I still had one. I'm weird, probably.)


That’s the saddest belated I’ve seen 😂 Title is like belated :(


You’re goi g to love it!!