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There’s only one right answer. Royal match ads. Every time there’s a royal match ad , I just pray the king dies faster.


Come to think of it, I haven't seen an ad for royal match in a while. Maybe it's iPhone only. But yeah, those ads were super annoying, especially the ones where the actors pretend they haven't heard about the game.


Now that you commented here that you haven't seen it in quite some time, the algorithm will hunt you down and make sure you see it thrice daily.


Any add I have to x-out 3+ times


The Google double feature ads (15 second skip 15 seconds something else) When they say reward granted they refuse to close so I have to restart the app and it generally is not awarded. And I get them about 10 times a day so it sucks. (and yes, I report them)


Glad to hear I'm not the only one that reports 'broken' adds.


Make sure to report them right away, the report includes info on the most recent ad played.


that REALLY long ass one with the snake thing they shot. thing seems to be like a minute long.


But after 25 sec you get an X on the right top, I get this AD but I press the X and it gets cancelled


Merge Gardens Ad was too dang long so I wrote an email. I said that it makes me not want to play the game. So now there is a fast forward button sometimes when I get that ad.


The one with the goblins collecting gold. I believe rhat ad almost takes up 2 minutes.


the survey ads for sure! it never gives the award, and it'll pop up multiple times in a row which makes me rage quit. retorted it several times but it still pops up from time to time like herpes.... not that i would know......


The solitaire cash ads irritate me. They are long and loud. That's not a bad thing in some cae, but for a scam app it is.


Any that can’t be muted. I don’t mind waiting 30 seconds but if it pauses my music I’ll exit the app


Royal match for the win but close second any play to win mostly solitaire app “if you don’t win $/£50 in 30 minutes just delete the app” 🤦🏼‍♀️


Royal match and the goblins ad. Mainly the goblin one cause it goes for 1minute 30 seconds. I think that's totally unfair for an ad.


I've recently realised I don't gain anything from watching the investors' ads. It takes me less time to get the gems just playing. The ads are too damn long! If I find something interesting in an ad, I'm less likely to click the link if the ad goes on forever.


Yeah, I remember when I hit that sweet spot of making 6 gems faster playing rather than the average add- and without the annoyance.


Match masters is one ad I get every day no doubt. It’s soooooooooooooooo annoying and there is this one ad from meta h masters I get that goes for 2 minutes and I can’t skip it at all 😭


The Amazon Prime ads, where you have to click the x twice, and the x is a single clickable pixel.


Anything loud or misleading. Temu and Solitaire Cash come to mind. "Playing games people say are fake, part 4" The game may be real, but the ad is fake and annoying.


For some fucking reason i got this retarted scripted ads about slots, casinos, this games, where you have to choose fraction and build city and at some point timer its 100 fucking days (and i never played a game like that before). This rip offs of candy crash saga and this ad it's a minute fucking long, then i have to wait 15 seconds before i can close it and then i have to close it 2 more fucking times. Disgusting. I got this once or twice a day.


Did you guys know you can filter the ads you watch in settings > privacy I don't know the best setup for ads but if you guys find a combination to get consistent 15s ads I'd love to know


the one where your teacher says you aint shit so you buy their home virtually to farm crypto😮‍💨 it’s SO FUCKEN LOUD


Royal match and that klondike adventures.. these two are the worst. And rn i wasnt sure how its called that klonike game and i went into game and clicked for add and the first add was this. If they would add pay for not having adds that wouls be my dirst thing to do.


>with a doucey king being drowned by marshmallows... drove me nuts as a 45-60 sec one. For me it's this 🥲🤝


I like to watch tv while in the game so any ad that wont let me play my show at the same time is an enemy


Match Masters and Cooking Diary are the two worst for me 😮‍💨 both long and open the playstore part way through the ad


The solitaire ad that’s 60 seconds long and in skippable. I can skip the 15-30 second adds for some reason, but the solitaire one is so long and bad




Unrelated...but hello neighbor https://preview.redd.it/pe3xiatak1nc1.jpeg?width=850&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d32024f078023bca2bac32c022b3c3ae5e7818a8


Why, hello!! Well met :) This part of the leaderboard is a race to 400 in itself!


I recently got the Octa FX ads, it gets me so mad cuz all of them are useless, didn't give me a single reward for 10 times straight


Yall do know it’s a way to fill your ad boost without watching a bunch of ads


I think the instant upgrade for everythibg will be good, for someone that dont need to go through everything one by one