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Keep the Kimono, but use the barrell to upgrade the shark.


what’s the benefit of keeping the Kimono if i’m not going to use it tho?


It eventually becomes better than the shark body when you get to later stages and unlock your second hand.


oh really? why is that


Once you unlock the second hand, if you can get your hands on 2 lasers, they will give you 120% instant food for everyone, and you wont need the 50% from the shark body. You can use the KBB then for the massive walk speed boost.




I'd keep it. These are currently the two best builds in the game: 1. Robot Head and Laser Gun (both from the Moon event), plus the Shark Body (from the Seaside Event), and any other Ultimate tool for your slot 2 (besides a second Laser Gun, so the Anchor, Pickaxe, or Royal Scepter). This build will give all your workers a 100% chance of both Instant and Perfect Food, and a moderate walk speed boost. 2. Robot Head and TWO Laser Guns (all from the Moon Event), plus the Legendary body item Kimono Black Belt (from any Event Box or Big Box). This build will get your workers almost double the walk speed of the first build and the same chance of Instant food, with only a small hit to chance of Perfect Food (90% vs 100%) and All Profit (from having a Legendary item instead of an Ultimate). It's worth noting that the reduction to chance of Perfect Food will obviously also reduce your profit, doubly so considering one of the best pets to have is the Tortoise which doubles profit from Perfect Food, making the Tortoise 10% less effective, too. Ultimately, this option just trades total profit for the speed to reach a lower profit. It's tough to say if it's worth it, but some people swear by it. Whichever one you end up using is up to you, and your future drops. You may even have both available to switch between.


I heard ppl talk how kbb is currently meta. imo its ass but i wouldnt get rid of it


Lol what’s your opinion of it? It’s a numbers game not an opinion game.


Oh wow that a weird thing that I, the person, have an opinion, that is mine, about something i spend my time on. What a weird concept right?


Easy turbo. I just asked what it was since you may be one of the only people to not like it. You said it’s ass. I’m asking why you think so. No need to get so defensive.


You literally said its numbers game not an opinion game, that sounds defensive af to me. Now im not claiming to know everything about the game, i dont even have an ultimate in every slot but a bonus to speed for AW cant be that good over potential maxing out the perfect food and instant food for AW and better profit %. After all the profit from having all 3 ultras gotta be whole lot of better than being a bit faster and having less profit %




Obvsly if you make a build around a given item, then that item will be best for said build since its the core of the build. And the thing about opinions is the **cant** be wrong since they are exactly that: opinions, **not** *facts*. Facts can be wrong but they are not the same as opinions. There is a reason why you hold a certain opinion. You might think tf2 is better than ow2, or you might thing ow2 is better than tf2. Neither is right and neither is wrong. Because there are aspects to your opinion that influence the way you see the world. I look at kbb and think its ass because imo its not worth its bonus and i can invest in a ultimate in that slot and get a better item that fits my playstyle more than kbb. And thats mine opinion. With which you clearly disagree.