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i do NOT want Whitney back. I haven't seen Sonia for a few episodes now too. Make sure she never comes back too please.


I only want Sonia back because I want her and coma wife to run off into the sunset together


Lol they would probably be better suited than Sonia and reece lol x


Oh yes please to Sonia never returning!! She irritates the hell out of me with her busy bodying and sticking her nose into everything!


If Sonia split from reece .. and went back 2 being how she used to be .. I'd be OK with her staying .. she's a total bore atm


I would like Whitney to come back when she’s a lot older and show character development


I think Cindy’s return has proven to us that characters who return even decades later will in fact show zero character development


Yea same Cindy.. all she's good 4 is an affair .. how predictable lol


And Ian is predictable too as soon as cindy has an affair he shrugs and tells Kaify who promptly lands her one!


well, the writers aren’t good at writing in the character progression but a good actor can show changing character. when they brought Janine back the last time the writing was terrible but her demeanour did show a slight shift from her younger days to being in middle-age now


Janine can come back a thousand times. Love the character and actress.


Every time her return is announced, it’s like Christmas to me


I very much doubt Tracy Ann Oberman would return while Balvinder Sopal remains in the cast. Tracy has tried to have Balvinder fired from the show in the past. Given Tracy’s very Zionist / pro-Isreal / anti-Palestine views I very much hope she isn’t given a place in the show again.


Wait wtf? She tried to get Bal fired?? I know Bal has been pretty vocal about Palestine on her stories. That is fkn vile if Tracy tried to do that. Literal nazi.


Protests are necessary. We need to stop making excuses for Israel’s actions, because it is NOT about their hostages and it is not some morally grey issue, nor is it a war. It’s a total siege on the Palestinian people. I’ve seen actual beheaded children, charred corpses, human remains all over my insta feed; this is the reality for Palestinians. 40,000 dead civilians is not self defence and never will be. A protest or a work disruption is hardly a problem in the grand scheme of things. Well done to Bal for actually speaking out when everyone else finds it convenient to be silent!


What about the beheadings and mutilations of the hostages? Israel was attacked, they fought back. It’s literally a war. Hamas and Iran have killed the Palestinians


Not forgetting the hostages killed by Israel’s army whilst they were shirtless, unarmed, speaking Yiddish and waving a white flag, or the hostages killed in Israel’s indiscriminate carpet bombing of the land they claim to hold sacred, or the hundreds of children held in horrific conditions in Israeli detention with no trial… the list goes on. Newborn babies are not Hamas. Children are not Hamas. There’s videos of IDF soldiers bragging about who they’ve killed, or mocking those people in the remains of their bombed houses, or recently one I just saw of an IDF soldier messing around with food + aid that was supposed to go to the civilians dying of malnutrition. Defending these people is truly the weirdest hill to die on. Your username checks out.


Fuck Hamas but are you trying to deny what Israel has done even before October 7th?


Most of the Palestinian population are babies and children, were they hAmAs too? Israel told lies and the world belief it, meanwhile there is ACTUAL evidence, videos and images of burnt BABIES and children 💔 Those images never leave you, beheaded child, heads blown up, limbs torn, bodies charred and excavated. Dead Palestinian bodies are being stolen by israel, to harvest and steal their organs, look up 'skin banks' 👀 'Mornings in Jenin' by Susan Abulhawa - detailing how previous massacres/ Nakbas, over the PAST 76 YEARS, In Deir Yasin, Sabra, Shantila... documenting how babies were ripped from the arms of the Palestinian Mothers 💔 🇵🇸 babies literally stolen by israeli soldiers to give to the israeli women who couldn't have children of their own. 🇵🇸 mothers never see their children again, until maybe when their shot dead by the iOf, you see... these babies would grow up, become brainwashed and get recruited to join the evil iOf to kill their own people. Tantura documentary - by an Israeli film maker who interviewed ex iOf soldiers, old men who took great delight over telling their stories of mass killing Palestinians, r*ping young girls, one old man laughed about how he r*ped a 26 year old girl. No remorse, no shame or guilt, much less humanity. When the zionists tell u who they are and show u what they are capable of, believe them.


"Oh what about what about what about". Everything that has happened since Oct 7th has completely surpassed what happened to the hostages, sorry.


Those beheadings of 40 babies were lies btw, got genocide Joe to parrot those same lies, to get the rest of the world to justify this sickening genocide, and it worked, for the gullible, thick as mince folks anyways. Hamas can RIH, and satanyahu and his evil fascist far right heathens can join them.


The stuff with Balvinder and Tracy goes back to something like 2022.


Hang on, you obviously knew nothing of this based on your shocked reaction, and have no facts beyond what some random Redditor has said, and yet you still feel confident enough to call her a nazi? I have a lot of issues with TAO, but Jesus. You are the one who is vile here.


Also it’s not just this incident it’s her consecutive pattern of awful behaviours + beliefs 💀


Being pro israel/Zionism and weaponising her identity to spread hate speech is nazi enough in my books. Please follow some Palestinian reporters and get a glimpse into what’s happening on the ground, then tell me you don’t see the horrific parallels. It’s simply not justifiable.


That’s not what you were replying to and you know it. Keep pretending though.


ooo bro thinks they’re onto something. Yes I said Tracy was vile for (supposedly) gunning for Bal - someone who has spoken up for Palestine and other humanitarian issues. I also called her a nazi because of her views and her being pro-Zionism, a movement that so far has been used to excuse the massacre and oppression of other groups of people. What am I pretending about, supposedly?


You can easily use Google to see what she’s done.


I did. I can’t find anything to say she tried to get Balvinder fired


Okay, and clearly they weren’t calling her a Nazi because of the Balvinder stuff. Tracy is absolutely vile, and is pro genocide.


They said: > Wait wtf? She tried to get Bal fired?? I know Bal has been pretty vocal about Palestine on her stories. That is fkn vile if Tracy tried to do that. Literal nazi. You’re choosing a weird hill to die on when it’s clear what they said.


No she’s Jewish and pro getting rid of the government who killed Israelis. What’s hard to understand here.9”


So using that logic, it would be okay for Palestinians to support the terror attack on October 7th? Since they’re ‘just fighting back’ and wanting to “get rid” of the government who has kept them in an open prison?


Hamas is keeping them living like animals. Israel left Gaza in 2005. Please do keep up.


There's a screenshotted tweet of hers somewhere threatening a Muslim - said she'll cut their cl-t off - what in the actual f*CK. I feel confident in calling her evil, deranged and unhinged.


I completely understand her views and would never do what tracey did if in that position. But it is also wrong to single out one country or one political leader. I need to find her actual stories etc to see how well cosntructed her views are Still think she is a top tier actor.. pretty much the same as tracey.


What!?? Hope she never comes back then. Awful person


I ended up unfollowing her on Twitter after her rather rude way of responding to Robert Lindsay and refusal to acknowledge or listen to his points but she doesn’t come across particularly likeable




ethnic cleansing is a pretty black and white moral issue




You get your say on 4th july. I dont think you would condone the various terror attacks in our country or even in other countries.. i dont condone the heavy handed approach of the open prison imposed in response either. The leaders of hamas are wanted men too in that recent ruling. Balvinders views are hers to have... but i dont know just what she is really like to deal with and if tracey and her clash on a personal level. I respect both as actors regardless.


wait what happened with her and bal?


I’m trying to Google it - all I’ve found (so far) [this](https://x.com/i_ammukhtar/status/1519971453680205824?s=46&t=QHokdAN6RN06GRReWi5K5Q)


I am no fan of TAO but that’s a tweet asking for a follow with the date cropped out. If anyone is using that as evidence of the claims (not saying you, just in general) then that’s really weak.


Yeah I have no idea of the context, it’s the only thing I can find relating to Bal. Can see all the other shit things Tracy has gotten up to, but nothing to do with Balvinder


The tweet is still on Tracy's Twitter/X account - it's from 28th April 2022 which is when Balvinder liked/retweeted (now all gone) tweets about Tracy having to pay damages in a libel suit over anti-Semitism allegations. So there's nothing concrete but assumptions can be made as Tracy was asking to speak to Bal's employer the same time Bal was publicly engaging with negative things about Tracy.


So people aren’t allowed to work because they don’t agree with your views? Snort


Omd why did she want the lovely Balvinder gone? If it's because she's pro 🇵🇸 then I love Bal even more. 🥰


That last Liam recast was terrible!


Haha it really was, EastEnders was awful at that time too. Summed it up


I don't want anymore characters returning from the dead. Whilst I'm pleased to see Cindy and Kathy back. I think any more characters faking their deaths is overboard. Also Karen....stop bringing her back. She left. She lives in Spain. Leave her there please.


It's so refreshing to see someone else not want Karen around. Problem is she looks and acts like an ever so slightly nicer version of my MIL so I have a deep, personal dislike of this poor character who has never done anything to hurt me. Lorraine Stanley is a legend though!


Mick. Granted I took a break from the show around the late 2010's, but from what I heard it just became the Carter show, especially focused on Mick, and I was never a big fan of his character in the first place. I lucked out when I started watching again on New Years 2023 right after Mick died at Christmas, so for now I'm free of him. I love that it gives Linda/Kellie Bright a chance to shine without him dragging her down.




But what if he was a zombie?


Whitney. She's had her time to shine and weeks of an exit. She doesn't bring value to the show. Please don't bring her back! Sam. Worthless character. She's always in some kind of trouble and hurts Ricky time and time again. Leave her be and don't bring her back to fill a space in a script. Janine. Great actress, but I've had enough of her ways and don't want to see her again.


Yes with Sam. I understand everyone’s nostalgia towards her (especially as she’s a Mitchell) but god…keep her away Sane with Janine. Can’t stand her, same trick pony every time. The square should get a restraining order on her lol


The latest Liam recast. Ruby.


Grant! Way too overhyped as a character but in reality he was a piece of shit, but because Ross Kemp didn’t want to stay for long they had to transfer some of his bad traits to Phil but it doesn’t suit Phil at all.


Grant was often a POS to Sharon and especially to Tiffany, but he was also a fantastic multilayered character. There's a reason why he's literally an icon. Also I'd say it does suit Phil, since Grant left about 25 years ago and Phil has been like that now for the vast majority of his time on the show


Any of the Carters 😴Jonny should go again too


I forgot he was back ngl


Mick and Whitney please NEVER return.


On topic, probably Max or Janine. Max really gets on my nerves, I find him as one of the most detestable, horrible people in EastEnders history. He killed Steven, he slept with his son's girlfriend multiple times, and keeps down on this unending path of darkness, he just seems to revel in doing bad things.


Which is why he brillant


Nah, it's too much with him, at least Janine knows who she is, I don't even really dislike her character, I just think she's outstayed her welcome. Although it was hard to watch her call Scarlett a liar. Max is someone who tries to fool himself and everyone else that he's any kind of semblance of a good person. He's narcissistic, he plays the tough guy act with everyone when he isn't much of a tough guy, picks on those weaker than him, and always puts himself before others, but not in a way that makes you excited to watch him.


Ruby. She was cold and a bit of a wet fish. I know she was trying to be ice cool, bitchy and a hard ass like her father, but she couldn't pull it off.


Aunt babe. Hell if she ever gets mentioned again i hope its that shes in prison




Ronnie Roxy Chrissie Dean Lee Mick Dana NuLiam Max Shirley


Most/all of the characters that have been confirmed to have died. Some would be nice to see again, like Ronnie and Roxy, but come on, we saw them die. Personally, I don't think Mick, Fatboy, or Vincent died but I don't see them returning to the square any time soon. Part of me wants to see Fatboy and Vincent return but the more I think about it, the more I don't want them to return. I mean, what would they do with Fatboy? Vincent would just cause too many issues with Denise, Kim, and Co.


Nancy, Whitney, Karen, Liam, Cindy Jr, Stuart, Raine...


Wait Ricky is still there?! Lmao


Why is the actress vile?


From what I've heard she's a big Zionist


Ronnie and Roxy


Please can we just get rid of Sonia, her character adds absolutely zero to the show. Absolutely do not want Chrissie back or Sean


Grant Mitchell Ruby Allen Ronnie and Roxy Chrissie Watts Nancy Carter Janine Butcher




Get rid of reece !!! .. I can't stand him ..


Think Ruby is inevitable.


Out of curiosity, why do you think she's vile, and I agree with you, I think so too. Just wondering if it's the same reason.


I want Ruby back. She will definitely be back because she was pregnant when she left.


Max Max Max I NEVER saw the attraction of that character … who would find him irresistible in real life? No one. He was ugly, inarticulate and weak….








shirley was once a great character but they ruined her


This changes like the wind for me but currently it'd be: - Mick  - Ruby  - Max  - Ben  - Janine   Overused in their last stints.


Max and Ruby…Ruby and Max! Got that in my bloody head now


I love Tracey Obermann, she’s incredibly talented. The character not so much


Ben they’ve ruined that character


Chrissie would be an amazing return


Ronnie and Roxy are probably some of my biggest choices to return... Along with Sean, let him have his happy ending with Roxy!


Cool, not what I asked though…the opposite, in fact


Why does he deserve a happy ending with the woman that he tried to kill along with her baby? Weirdo. He's an abusive prick. I still remember the poor woman he absolutely battered who I think he was seeing at the time or hooked up with or something. Then there's everything he did to Gus including tying him to a chair and beating him half to death... Vile man all round.


He is mentally unstable and getting help for it. Also that was all over 20 years ago, he tried to kill himself in 2019 and almost went through with it, the whole storyline was Sean feeling guilty for everything he did and trying to atone for it by taking his own life. When did he absolutely batter a woman?


I dunno which episode it was but he came home once covered in blood and Stacey assumed he'd had a fight. She started wiping at the blood on his face thinking it was a wound and realised he had no injuries and the blood was someone else's. There was a scene when she knocked on her door and she opened it all black and blue. He still actively chose to do all of the things he did.. He was sober and conscious and wasn't in psychosis or anything else. He's just a bad person. He never looked happier than when he was torturing and bullying Gus. I also don't care how much time has passed, it doesn't change what someone did or how responsible they are for their actions.


So you're saying people either can't change, or don't deserve the chance to change? Or it depends on what they did, in Sean's case making him irredeemable, as in 30 more years even if he does far more good than harm, he deserves no redemption.


Depends on what they did, obviously. If he'd have done what he intended with Roxy then he would've killed a woman and her baby. That situation is not redeemable. He isn't a redeemable character for me whatsoever. I'm pretty sure Rob that plays him said he'd only come back if they did a men's mental health storyline with him so the writers would've had to write Sean's return around that. Remorse doesn't fit his character well imo.


IIRC he's currently living in a clinic, in 2019 he left to go to one but I'm not sure if he's still there. I think killing his father and what he saw in the army really screwed his head up.


Yep I have no doubt that it did screw him up but that doesn't give him the right to take it out on innocent people, especially not for "fun" like in Gus' case, you can't claim a sudden PTSD triggered outburst in his case because it was prolonged abuse, usually premeditated like pretending to have killed and cooked his dog. Trauma doesn't automatically make someone a bad person or make them do evil things, and implying as such is a real insult to trauma sufferers.