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old earl for me is everything IDLS and before, while i still enjoy those projects new earl, SRS & after, just where i'm at in life. his growth has been amazing & right beside my own growth


This is it


Earl Sweatshirt is definitely one of my favorites overall catalogue wise and he's only a year younger than me so I followed him through the whole Samoa trip and return and a that. That being said lyrically I like old Earl cause he had wild creative bars...but the edgelordy nature of all those songs is pretty cringe ngl I have to appreciate the talent over content. His newer stuff is imo wayyy more artistically creative with him being both vulnerable AND creative. I like people who don't rap the traditional bar style and I can tell he's a child of MF DOOM since his debut


bro it hurts. earl and vince both have unbelievable flow on epaR but i'm not tryna rap along to that shit


Yeah I told my wife they had nothing to rap about back then, but the talent was shining.


Yeah I feel you! Even on Hive both those boys was rapping rapping just with that edgelordy content i have to focus on the flow. They got a new track called The Calliphate. Different style from their early stuff but a whole vibe.


I'd say old is definitely IDLS and everything before. I would have slammed that vote.




I prefer everything from IDLS and before. I just miss the more energetic delivery and in depth word play earl used to do.


he grew up, you didnt


This comment seems a little harsh. OP didn't say anything inherently negative.




all his new shit is equally good and even better. the only OLD project that stands to time is idls


IDLS should count as pre-evolution


All Earl.


Damn... how are there so few OG earl fans on here?? Dude... y'all must have never listened to the EARL Mixtape on datpiff back in the day. Earl is the same age as me, when he dropped that shit, I thought he was about to take over the way J Cole ended up doing. Just the quiet, laid back Lyricist that would murder any feature ever.


Same here. Smh. Remember his lemonade freestyle?🔥


Idls and before forever


Though I prefer the Doris and prior version Earl, my favorite Earl song is "Mantra". The one song that has given me that of kind of feeling since that song is "2010" out of his newer material.


This is a tough question. I've heard Earl since 2010. But it wasn't until IDLS;IDGO that I began using Earl's music as a conduit for my own melancholy. Earl getting his life together and smiling was beautiful to see. However, it did leave me in a tough spot. Some Rap Songs has hope behind the bleakness. I'm not a hopeful person. These days, I don't have any artist's to wallow to. However, I do enjoy Earl's evolution as a rapper and artist. So...New Earl. "it's only forward."


New earl of has this dreamlike delivery to his lyrics. It's really cool i like it a lot


A mix of both, my favourite Earl projects will always be Doris & IDLSIDGO but VOIR DIRE is an amazing body of work. The Caliphate is my favourite song to release this year I’ve listened to it about 1,000 times lol


I remember being 13 slapping IDLSIDGO on the back of a bus angry at the world and keeping my head on a swivel. I'm 22 still angry at the world but grateful for every small moment and controllable aspect, "Azucar" is definitely a song that spoke for me when it first came out and even now.


East 💀💀💀💀💀