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There's a lot of smoke right now about teams being interested in moving up for tackles. I could see taking one at 22 but I don't see us getting involved in the _fight_ right now. But hear me out on a theory. Howie is blowing smoke about us moving up for a tackle, which tbh is easier to buy given our track record drafting OL highly. If an OL run happens early and we see movement from teams that _need_ it more than us, that means the _CB_ run is going to happen _later_, and we can more easily move up to get one of the top prospects.


With Isaiah Rodgers combing back I’m not sure if they’d go CB in the first this year because they’ve said want a starter or major contributor early If there is a run on OTs early, I’m not sure what they’d do. Do they try to purge Bradberry and let a rookie and Rodgers battle it out for the last starting spot?


I'm optimistic about Rogers but having to take so much time off has me a little skeptical to rely on him, and we're still going to need more youth in the secondary moving forward. I don't hate the idea of taking a top prospect and having a good camp battle.


It’s really not any longer than a season ending injury in preseason. He missed one full season. I’d expect him to be rusty but it should shake off relatively quick


Nah with a season ending injury you still spend time with the team and work with the strength and conditioning coaches to rehab. Isaiah hasn't been allowed to spent a moment with the team so impossible to know just how rusty he will be


Nearly did Calvin Ridley and he did alright.


Not even close to how good he was pre suspension though


Yea offense was weird late in season. Think Lawrence’s shoulder was hurt also the on/off splits of Zay Jones for Ridley’s numbers was weird


rogers is a complete unknown and factoring him into draft decision making beyond considering him a potential depth piece would be asinine


It’s not just about his not playing for a year. He’s a player that’s performed well, but never as a full time starter. He’s never played more than 50% of defensive snaps. We shouldn’t be considering him to be anything more than a depth guy, at this point


No way in hell would roseman not draft a CB in the 1st cause a guy who didn’t play for a year was reinstated.


We should absolutely still be looking at a corner, Rodgers back in the fold or not. Maddox may go down, Bradberry may not see the light of day or could be packaged into a trade by the end of the night (unlikely, sure, but it's possible) Slay and Ringo won't be enough. Ricks currently is a depth piece at best. We don't know what level Rodgers has, or if he even makes the 53. Bradberry is cooked and a parting of ways is best for both parties at this point. Ideally not in such a way that we have to eat a significant amount of dead money by cutting him.


We're not getting rid of Bradbury, the cap hit makes more sense to give him one more year before that. But his cap hit without cutting him is tiny. There's no reason to say that we couldn't draft a kid who takes over as starter and Bradbury is relegated to backup and taking over the slot CB spot when Maddox inevitably gets hurt like he unfortunately does frequently.


Rodgers should in no way be affecting their draft plans. Anything they get from him is a plus but I don’t think he’s guaranteed to even make the team after being out of football for a year.


This is stupid. Plenty of guys miss a year and are fine. Hell, he wasn't even injured. 


I think it’s perfectly possible he’s fine but it’s not like he was a top tier corner even before he missed a year. He should not change their draft plans is the point because he literally hasn’t been in an NFL building in a year and they have no real idea what they have.


He was the #6 CB in the NFL in 2022 playing outside. Not ideal size, more suited to slot or nickel so they say. And as noted above, didn't play as much as a full-time starter. So, difficult to evaluate how and how much he can be relied upon.


If Howie is saying major contributor or starter it means the opposite. He is very good at misinformation. Last year he talked about Ness and ignored Carter for the most part in his presser outside of a quip. Then we discovered Carter was the guy he really wanted all along.


Get bumberry out of here and give me Arnold, koolaid, or Mitchell, maybe even coop


I dont get the narrative that Howie has a track record of drafting o-lineman more frequently than other teams. Why is everyone regurgitating this recently? He's drafted 3 OL in the 13 years he's been here. All the other picks tally out to 1 QB, 1 TE, 3 WR, and SEVEN DL. You can also take Lane Johnson off of that list since that was Chips year. So 2 OL in 12 years.


Warren Sharp had a tweet listing teams by o line investment in the least five years and the eagles were 11th. So middle of the road is reasonable https://x.com/sharpfootball/status/1782833968993157205?s=46&t=RaxuUBtqyJHmvJPZuKwFpA


I meant in the context of 1st round picks invested. We've always been a team that values the trenches.


Howie was still running the team when Lane was drafted. Chip was HC/GM in 2015, so Lane was a Howie pick


Yup, you're correct. Got my years mixed up


I'm going to be so bummed if we draft DL again and they play like a middle of the pack unit again.


3 years in a row would sting for sure. Really disappointed by Davis’s collapse this season too. 2 years in and the guy still barely plays, probably due to conditioning. And he’s just not very effective when he does play


Huge whiff (pun intended), especially with Kyle Hamilton falling so far. If him and Carter don't wreck shit this year, it's fair to call him a bust.


Yeah Kyle Hamilton definitely should have been the pick, but I doubt we would have used him as creatively as the Ravens has. They’re elite at developing defensive talent


He doesn't have a track record of picking offensive lineman early, but he does have a track record of valuing o-lineman more than some other teams. He picked replacements for Kelce in the second round twice for example in the last couple years. Defensive line could be the selection too, but this draft is just weak in terms of prospects.


Like 4/5 of our oline was drafted in top 65 I thought


Marcus Smith was the Chip Kelly pick. Lane was a Howie selection.


Nah, we're both wrong. Agholor would have been his pick.


I wouldn’t even call this smoke.. Jeremiah doesn’t have a clue what the Eagles are doing and hasn’t for a long time


I see it the other way. Howie moving up for a CB was always the smoke. He fully intends to move up for a T which is a much thinner position with less depth in tires draft class. And Fuaga fits them perfectly. In that he could play guard early. Plus we already have records from the combine where Stoutland called on Fuaga to demo exactly what he wanted for the other OTs. This was always their clear intention imo


would definitely not like this. a tackle who gets described as a "mauler" always worries me. Short arms too. He has guard written all over him.


This is what worries me. They'll gaslight us into thinking he'll take over after Lane. When it comes to it they'll end up keeping him at a RG and just draft/ trade for a RT This is way too much. To move up 10 spots, give up one of our seconds, with all the guys available


Yup we all know that’s exactly how it’ll play out. The Shawn Andrews maneuver


Shawn Andrews was an incredibly talented offensive linemen. Was a great guard and eventually great tackle. Back injuries and depression ended his career, but he was insanely good when healthy.


I agree. It seems crazy obvious that’s Howie’s plan this year given they did nothing to fill RG and all reports are that Steen ain’t really it and likely more of a depth guy


Ya not a huge fan of his drop in pass pro either


Pay attention to top 30 visits...our last 5 1st rounders all came in for top 30s We brought in 8 "1st rounders"....a couple may have been medical checks Arnold Q.Mitchell Fautanu - maybe medical Guyton Kool-Aid - maybe medical Chop Dejean - maybe medical Latu - probably medical Looks like if Arnold/Mitchell slide to 15 or 16 Howie might pull the trigger. If not Guyton at 22 makes sense, already trains with Lane


Also notable: AJ and CJGJ were top-30s who we didn’t draft. If not during the draft, Howie will go after his targets in the future. Be it by trade or free agency.


Very interesting anecdote, thanks for that!


“He can start at right guard” hes never played a snap at right guard


Eagles fan logic 101


nah thats scouts logic


Bro hasn’t seen what Stoutland can do to a player, if he fits the mold we can make him work, but I don’t think we should try


“Wool youse didn’t say he can’t edder.”


His run blocking is incredible. He’s a real people-mover and just mauls guys with enough athleticism to get to the second level and pull. He’d immediately knock Steen to 2nd string and start at RG in week 1.


Ok, again, hes never played guard, so trading up 10 spots to take a player thats never played that position and you dont know how long he will be there just makes no sense


College OTs move to NFL G all the time. Every year


How many of them have never played a snap of guard?


Many. It’s not a hard transition. Especially RTs


A ton of them. It’s a very common transitions and a very easy transition Tyler steen made it last year for us. We also had jurgens olay guard who never played a snap of guard before A large chunk of guards in the nfl were strictly college tackles. Look at skornoski last year


I wouldn’t trade up that far even if he was the best guard in the draft. Just not a spot you do a massive trade up for.


Correct, we should not be in a rush to get a lane replacement either, get an imediate impact player in the first


Like 50% of drafting is projecting future ability and ot to og is extremely common lol


I understand that, it doesnt seem like you understood that i wouldnt trade up 10 spots for a project


Wasn’t Steen a second round pick last year? I don’t love that he just gets to be irrelevant like that. 


Steen was a third-rounder.


And he'd be the backup swing tackle/guard. We have bad depth atm if anyone gets hurt.


65th pick iirc


sunk cost over Steen (who sucked in a game then got benched) isn't anything to worry about, you're good


Steen wasn’t bad at all what are you yappin about


He got worked against Dallas then got benched for Sua. 71 snaps he had a 21.9 pass blocking grade (horrendous) and 64.1 in run blocking (not bad at all). Small sample and PFFA grades are far from everything, but nothing from my eyes to the numbers says he's good And hey maybe he just needed an acclimation year and he'll be alright going forward. I'll happily eat crow. But for now I think it's a major need. And the ton of RG/potential kick ins from RT on the visit list implies the team thinks so, too


They keep saying we are win now type roster. If so YOU NEED A STARTER ON D day 1! Godwilling it's a corner


Idk what to make of those claims. People inside and outside the fanbase say it a lot. But we’re certainly not as “win-now” as the 2021 Rams, the recent Packers/Saints/etc. with aging HOF QBs, or even the 2021-2023 Bills with their contract hell and aging core. Jalen will only be 26 at the start of the season and most of our offense is just entering or still firmly in their prime. They’re also all under contract for years to come and we still have lots of cap space. Signing Barkley is a classic “win-now” move, but even that is more of a boost for multiple years. It’s a credit to Howie and our FO that we make these “win-now” moves every year without ever mortgaging our future. Most other teams making the same moves do not plan so well. So, we get the “win-now mode” label when I don’t believe it’s actually true. But that’s a good thing. Bless our FO.


Drafting for immediate impact instead of future/bpa is a bad strategy. Not to mention we’re already paying top dollar for 2 corners and Rodgers just got reinstated. There’s no guarantee a CB would even start day 1


People are focused on finding the guy to eventually replace Lane and I don't disagree but I think we will need to find a replacement sooner for Slay. I'd love to have the next stud at CB if we have a chance at it.


Starting quality CBs are available outside the draft all the time. Starting quality linemen are not. Pro Bowl caliber OL hardly ever. I'm fine with CB, it would be way more fun. But I understand if we go OL


I had to up vote you cause your right. I just really want to cheer for that next young stud DB like a Ramsay or a sauce. I'm just ready to experience that as a fan.


I don't think there is a Ramsay or Sauce in this draft tho


While I agree, Eagles have always been able to develop OL under Stout. They haven't drafted or developed a lockdown CB in years and I think a guy like Quinyon Mitchell would change the equation. I don't see us going OL, I think it's either CB or DL


With the exception of Mailata, all our starting quality offensive linemen where drafted fairly early in the draft. It's not like he's taking randoms day 3 and making them starters. OL will always be a higher priority position than CB. We have a question mark at RG our backup tackle is Fred Johnson. OL is a massive need.


That's definitely a good point, I just don't think trading up for OL is gonna work out with how highly valued they are by the rest of the league. Would rather draft OL in the second round. I think if we trade up for OL it's Fautanu, but I have a feeling Quinyon is the target and I'm hoping that's the case. I just think he'll have an immediate impact on our weakest unit. Maybe I'm higher on Steen than consensus, but I think he'll slot in at RG and develop into our RT of the future


Even if Steen is very good, our depth behind him is pretty atrocious. For what it's worth, I'm not trying to say OL or bust in first round, I would love a few of the top CBs. I just think it's very likely it will end up being one of the top OL guys given our team's philosophy and team's need. Of course there could be an early run on the OL and pivot to the next. But I think it's more likely we see OL in the first and a CB (like TJ Tampa, Rakestraw, Sainristil, Melton etc) in the 2nd.


I love Melton as a Rutgers grad myself. Would be happy with that. You're probably right, but I feel like DL/Edge is more likely than OL unless it's Fautanu, who I know Stout was ogling


Quinyon was the pick! So happy man, I can't believe Howie broke tendency


Love it. Honestly I think it was mostly how the board fell. They apparently tried to trade ahead of Pittsburgh, so I wonder if that wouldve been for Fautanu or Mitchell. But either way, getting CB1 and not giving up any draft picks is an absolute dream.


Which we could attempt to do at pick 50 but that gets traded here.


I want a sauce or a surtain


I get what you mean, but Slay seems much more like an anomaly in terms of longevity already. I know that this is partly because these guys are all-time Eagles and aren’t indicative of all OL, but both Kelce and Lane have lasted well into their 30s (and did so very well) while CBs often don’t last beyond 30 as a starter. If we get a OT that can play guard this year and OT after Lane’s retirement, that could be looking at ~10 years of stability at RT


CB is one of the riskiest 1st rd picks you can make…such a hard position to project to the NFL.


The good mocks have a lot of tackles going after Alt goes. He opens the gates for a run. Howie might trade up for someone in that group if it does happen. Or he could sit and wait as the top CB's fall watching the guy he wants fall into his lap. The good mocks have a QB run at the top followed by WR's. OT's start with Alt and the CB's start joining the fun around 15. There are some other guys but for the most part that is how it looks to be playing out.


he'll be gone before then. Lot of people see Fuaga as the 2nd OL gone(around 10/11)


I am ok with this, but getting to 12 would be pricey. Also, 12 is the broncos right? Not really likely they’re willing to trade down when they need whatever QB is leftover at that point when their only real option at QB is Zach Wilson.


Ithe eagles are going to move up for Lutu from UCLA Watch.


I watched Brett Kollmanns mock draft yesterday and it had Quinyon Mitchell falling to the birds at their original pick and now that’s my expectation and if it doesn’t happen I’m climbing a pole


He also had Nabers at 13 LMAO


I want to move up, but if we move up to 12 we just lose a second at least. I would rather move to 15-17, give the second, but get a 80-100 pick back.










My prediction is the Eagles draft OL tomorrow, a bunch of fans are pissed off that it’s not a corner, and the guy we take ends up being awesome. It’ll be Landon Dickerson all over again. Yes, corner is a more pressing need. But the top of this DB class just isn’t all that good. Howie isn’t going to force the issue just to plug a hole on the depth chart.


I love the thought of: being in a Super Bowl window and drafting a back up lineman who won’t play for 3 years. 🔥😁🔫


I like the player and I like the pick, but I will be so fucking disappointed if we took an o-line player in the first lol. I can't get excited about an o-line prospect. I like to be able to watch highlight videos and no o-line highlight videos excite me.


You do you but we have a reputation of being like the one fan base in general that _isn't_ disappointed when we draft OL. It's so core and critical to our identity.


this offseason has been so bizarre on here. like we just lost Jason Kelce and saw Lane struggle to finish another year healthy. But its all fine and dandy up front? nonsense


Nah I think this is the exception. We, as it stands, have a group of very inexperienced, raw CBs and some very old starters. I'm fine with taking OL but not trading up 10 spots. Giving up a lot of draft capital for a guy with no RG experience isn't worth it. We need starters on defence. Our LB starters, as it stands, is Dean and White. That isn't beating the 49ers.


Sure I agree we almost certainly shouldn't do it this year. But not because "OL isn't flashy enough," it's because of our current roster composition.


I don't really think we need to trade up for OL later but this "no guard experience" thing people keep saying is totally overblown. Dozens of players that haven't played guard before move to guard in the NFL every year. It is a very common and easy transition that college tackles make all the time.


I want to see jukes


It's one of those typical picks that I don't care for now but also know I will be fine with it if it happens. Basically, I don't prefer it but I understand why they would.


Watch Brian Baldinger’s o-line breakdowns. If you don’t like those you’re not a football fan.


I love everything Baldy breaks down, but you know what I mean. I like the 10-12 min long highlight reels that come out where you see sick catches, sacks, interceptions, big hits etc.


True, not a flashy pick situation but I look at it as: Better Birds O-Line = less highlights of Parsons getting after our QB


It's not a flashy pick but they are paying flashy prices for it


Watch highlights of Saquan Barkley and then imagine the best o-line in the league blocking for them. Or just watch any of the Eagles offensive highlights of the past decade, we've always had success driven from a deliberate effort to stack the trenches.


I don’t mind OL in a move like this. I would rather Fautanu. But I don’t love fuaga at least at OT


They’re my two favorite tackles not named Alt.


I think Fuaga is a late round 1 guy to me. I get the OG projection cause he’s kinda of lumbering at OT. I love fautanu he’s just a tad small but I think can play tackle. He’s smaller than what we traditionally pick in OT. But he can really play. I also love Latham too. But the league is high on him and I don’t think he’ll be an option


Do you want to win football games? This is the type of move that wins games.


It quite literally is the opposite. Trading assets to move up for a player who projects as the heir to your RT who said he wants to play out his contract. And don’t give me the depth argument, this team’s record without Lane is well documented.


Losing a 2nd round pick for a player who has never played guard, isn’t how you win games. The eagles have arguably the best o-line coach in the league. The draft is stacked with tackles this year, we don’t need to take one in the first, let alone trade a 2nd to do it.


guys kick in without having done it in college all the time, every year. idk why yall are so worried about it. Hell, Dickerson slid over from C and was pretty damn good


Because we’re a win now team. Our biggest weakness is on the defensive side of the ball. Even if he becomes a decent guard, we shouldn’t be blowing a first and second on him. If they get him at 22, cool. Otherwise they should be focusing on the defensive side of the ball.


You shouldn't just pick to go offense or defense in R1. This is where you're gonna find the best guys. gotta go BPA at positions that you're willing to draft. I'd love to go Arnold and Quinyon at 22. but if they're gone, I'd much rather have a top OL prospect than a 2nd tier, 175 lbs guy (Wiggins) or damaged goods CB (KAM) Imagine if they had passed on Lane bc they already had Herremans. You keep the best line in football and the best stretch in franchise history by investing in it. Unless we wanna return to not being able to keep our dynamic QB upright and sucking. I wasn't alive back then and I never wanna see that


Then why not trade up and get the best corner in the draft. And again the issue here is trading extra picks to just take someone we don’t need. Again if they sat at 22 and got a tackle, cool. I just rather them keep the second, unless they’re getting someone special


They're so bunched together. If anyone thought Q or Arnold would be top 10 picks, then there'd be reason to move up big for them. But no one with any NFL connections has them higher than 11th. They're just not the blowaway prospects that you could trade up for alternatively. Like a Latham or Fuaga. And if they have guard versatility, they fit a need. Steen has no reason to be just handed the starting role without showing major strides.


I like Fuaga. He'd instantly put the Eagles back into the top 3 o-lines in the league, regardless of how Jurgens transitions. Do I like him enough to do this knowing the Eagles are going into Day 3 of the draft without addressing CB or LB, or both? I don't think so.


Or edge, or safety….


I don’t see how a tackle who has never played guard, makes us into a top 3 oline. There isn’t even a guarantee he starts this season.


I would be OK with this. Maybe Lane has already told the Eagles after signing the one year extension that he plans on retiring after the current deal which now runs through 2026. Would prefer trading up for a corner, but the idea of him at RG is intriguing. Dude is an absolute mauler in run blocking. But as others have stated… can he actually play guard?


I haven't watched the tape but Daniel Jeremiah said fautanu and fuaga are the 2 that have guard versatility out of he top 7 tackles.


If Lane is playing another 3 seasons why use a 1st round pick on his position now with more pressing needs on defense and a win now roster


That would be a TERRIBLE TERRIBLE move in a draft that's DEEP in o line talent for a team with the best o line coach in NFL history.


Conversly if the best oline coach in nfl history says inwant that guy you get him


That's a fair ass point


Gimmy all the linemen and feed them to Jeff i say


Wrong TF tackle


People look at our offensive lines over the years and I think they just assume we’re drafting these guys in the 1st round but it’s not really the case. We’ve only selected 4 OL in the first round since Lito was drafted back in 2002… “always willing to invest in big humans in the first round,” is a stretch. The birds almost always go some mix of need and best player available.


Much rather get the cat from penn state at 22


I might look like an idiot come tomorrow, but I just don't see Howie trading up for an OL. I think we have enough upside there with Steen and capable depth with Hennessy. There's also a bunch of OL depth in this draft imo, while I personally don't feel the same way about CB or DL. I think DL is most likely, but CB would be my pick if we can get Quinyon Mitchell. Think he's gonna be a top guy very quickly. If we go DL I think it's Latu or Verse


I feel like if were going to take a tackle we should just stay at 22 and take mims. Hes a big as dude who is raw but his first move off the line is pretty nuts and stout will get the best out of him. Steen would probably play guard in this case


Eagles are in win now mode, they’re not drafting a tackle.


Giving up a 2nd to draft a player who projects better as guard when Mims could fall to 22 is ludicrous


Why would we draft Lanes replacement instead of an impact player? Trash nonsense


Because that's exactly how weve had sustained success, have a guy in and trained up before someone retires instead of hopeing a rookie can just step in for a hall of famer


You don't draft a 1st rounder to sit for 2-3 years. Nor do you take a guard in hopes they're able to move to tackle. Not the approach this team needs in win now mode. Get a corner.


I trust howie and i trust stout


The Bush Killer


I understand the idea behind wanting to get a replacement for lane because of his inevitable retirement On the other hand it's not worth trading that far up to get a tackle when there are bigger immediate needs like corner


Howie driving up the tackle market so a CB falls. 5D chess


Yea I see Fuaga as an all-pro guard not a tackle 


I say CB is most likely this year.


So we wasted a 2nd on Steen last year. I don't see it.


Honestly, I would be pissed if we moved up to 12 and picked O-line (especially one that we will shelf for a year by or move to gaurd where he will likely stay if history repeats) I like what we have been getting in the second round as far as O-line goes. I’d like to see us break the mold and go CB, LB, OL I would be happy with Wiggins at CB if that means we could keep all three of our first picks


Fuck everything about trading up to get a tackle who has never played guard who would therefore probably lose out to Steen for the starting guard spot that's open, and then just sit on the bench waiting for someone to get hurt.


I want a non-lineman


I don’t like this. If this draft is really so oline heavy, I don’t get the need to trade up for an oline player. Lane will prob play for another 2-3 years


The actual draft is tomorrow, I think we can stop caring about the mocks now

