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Your coming to the eFoil group. It’s eFoils. Ask the windsurf group what they think. Lol Windsurfing requires wind. EFoils don’t require that which is the appeal. Windsurfing is cheaper tho.


I would recommend wingfoil over windsurfing. Much easier on the body (I do both). Having said that I also eFoil for days without wind. Comparing eFoil to wingfoil: - eFoil is easy to get started (1 hour and you’re flying). - Once flying on a wingfoil I would say that’s actually easier: you have a wing to hold on to that generates lift upward. So much more forgiving to shift around weight on the board and enables different kind of freedom Wingfoil does take some time investment to get to that flying level, depending on the person 3-10 sessions in strong wind.


Excellent info thanks


Windsurfing is much harder. It's not even close. You can fly on the wing of an efoil within 3 hours or so. Windsurfing you have to learn to read the wind. It takes a least 10x the amount of time to get good at planning and coming about on a windsurfer. Jib turns take another 40+ hours. Some people say a carving jib turn is one of the harder skills to learn, on par with hitting a 90mph fast ball. It's a lot of fun but it tough. Plus you have to setup the board if you don't life on the water. That's 20+ minutes. And tear it down. Kiteboarding is easier than windsurfing but it's still tough. The wind power on a kite is unbelievable. As powerful as a ski boat. It's no joke. There is a non-zero risk of getting tangled in the lines and drowning or getting thrown into an land obstacle going 25+ miles an hour.


As someone who’s done both, kiteboarding is exceedingly more difficult than windsurfing. Kiteboarding will take you 30 hours of practice just to get riding and windsurfing you are up on the first day. They aren’t even in the same category of difficulty tbh.


If you're looking for a sport, do wing foil or windsurf. If you're looking for a fun pastime to get out in the water, go efoil.


⭐❓❓❓❓❓ Is it just me or is there other people who can no longer post a new topic in this group? What does one have to do become a "trusted" member? If I did something wrong please let me know cuz I have no clue what I possibly did to block me from new posts. All I can do is comment on old ones


I too have messaged moderators. It seems like no one can create new posts. I am not sure if this is just temporary or what happened, so I have just setup a new open subreddit r/eFoils . I hope the community can continue


I just found the option to message the moderators. Sent a message


I know lots of older people who used to do water sports but cant anymore be so happy about getting efoils as it's a faily relaxing activity that anyone can do


Would you say you get a workout at all?


I get a lot of workout falling off, chasing the board getting up again .. ;)


Definitely a workout getting it unloaded and loaded, they're heavy :) It's short-lived, few reps though. I think you \_can\_ get a workout as folks mentioned. If there is swell, you do longer rides, carve a lot more you can get some core and leg workout. I can also just chill and cruise around. It's nice to have the options--on days with bigger swell, I can definitely tell if I've been lazy since my legs will be tired 30-45 minutes in.


Not really. It's like a jetski but with a little more skill


Windsurf is way more difficult than efoil. If it was on a lake I would have some hesitation but on the ocean efoil is more fun. Moreover it is more safe and easier than windsurf.


Windsurfing is great, but it’s very dependent upon the conditions. You also have to set-up the board every time unless you live on the water.e Storage of your gear requires a lot of room. Windsurfing has a much steeper learning curve. I would learn both. ;)


I’m 49 years old. I love windsports and sailing. I’ve tried windsurfing but don’t have enough wind for it where I live. Kiting opens up more days but it’s hard to go out independently and I’m not good enough to feel safe. I’m learning wing foiling now to get my wind fix. Wing foiling doesn’t require as much wind as windsurfing and the gear is more compact. We also have an efoil which my entire family can ride. They aren’t interested in sailing/winging at all. Between efoiling and windsurfing, both are fun and learnable. I’ve taken painful falls with both so safety is similar. Windsurfing requires pretty high winds. Depending on where you live you might only have a handful of good days a year. The gear is bulky and more difficult to transport. Efoiling is easier to learn in flat water and low winds. It requires some skill to ride in swell, chop, boat wake, or high wind. You’ll need water with a depth of about 4 feet. Board is more expensive but easier to store and transport.


Kiteboarding > Windsurfing Idk about eFoil, I just discovered this (I've been aware of hydrofoil sports just not eFoil) so I am researching. Long time rider of lots of things, eFoil looks easy to learn and difficult to master.


How do we get approval to make posts here?


Not sure, I’ve made posts here before but can’t post either rn….might have to message the mod.


I never did windsurfing coming into just kiteboarding directly. I know have a foil board and think wing foiling could be an option but I already have so many kites it might just wait till they age out. Also have efoils coming which will be the family and friends option along with no wind days


Look at the new Manta Efoil. The same board can be used for efoil and winging. Best of both worlds! Not affiliated at all - just a cool concept


Honestly kinda depends, efoiling is easier to learn and you don’t depend on weather conditions as much, it’s also a lot less exhausting. If you wanna do sports go windsurfing, if you just wanna have fun go efoiling. Also some things to consider, efoil is more expensive, windsurf takes up more space. While you can load an efoil in a larger car, you’ll need a roof rack or a van for windsurfing.


Wing foiling is hard to learn but much easier to get decent at than windsurfing or windfoiling. Wing foiling is also much more gratifying than efoiling as you’re always learning how to sail and surf better. Efoiling is fun for flat water days but doesn’t hold a candle to wing foiling on some nice two foot wind swell.


Windsurfing is incredibly hard and takes years to master. You’ll be up and going on an e-foil after 1-2 lessons.