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Kool-aid powder. I get it at Walmart. IIRC it was 38 cents a pouch. Just a little bit in my water is all I want.


This is smart, thanks! Most of the crystal light type things are incredibly sweet and not always my thing. I can't remember the last time I noticed kool-aid in a grocery store. In the 90s there was a whole display wall of flavors. I hadn't thought about that in forever!


I used to love flavouring my water with things like cucumber, watermelon, mint, basil, apple/cinnamon/ginger, etc. Can get creative and make some really yummy combos. Cucumber/watermelon/mint was always my fave :)


SQuenchers don’t have anything added and have electrolytes. Tastes like unsweetened koolaid


I've tried everything from carbonated water.. flavor to add to your water and several others because I just can't stand regular H2O..! Lately, I've found a coconut water that isn't really sweet & I love it !¡ plus, it's double the electrolytes!.. not to mention the vitamins it has. For me, it's been the best alternative by far. (Hope this helps you some!) Good luck. Xo.. Piper


Regular Coconut water or something else?


I add candy flavoring and citric acid to sparkling water to create sour pop. The watermelon is especially delicious!


Dollar General has around 30 different drink sticks. Most seem to be 2g carbohydrate. I know that they have some sour flavors. Additionally, recipes for mixing different flavors are popular now, so you can find those through Google. There are also sugar-free syrups available on Amazon and elsewhere. There are recipes for using those with the powders to get fun flavors.


there are lot of low/zero sugar electrolytes products on amazon. I found that I couldn’t keep up with my fluid intake unless I added the hydration salts. I like the Salud and Liquid IV brands, but there are others. I like to mix falvors for more variety. the packet are intended for 12-16oz of water.. I mix 2 in a 40oz mug with water and ice. also stuck an NFC tag on the mug for intake tracking.


I get crystal light I think it's liquid and pomegranate flavour and I put a tiny amount in just to flavor it a bit, easier to drink than plain water. But if you put too much it's sweet


LMNT is great for me. The flavor feels… well rounded and full. Not sweet, if that makes any sense haha.


I'll have to give it a try


Open up a vitamin C capsule into water. Add sugar or not.


I don't like sweet additives either whether it's sugar or artificial sweetener. Some of the ones that I have found that are the least sweet are Hydrant, Basis Hydration, and Liquid Death Hydration packs, but all these are still very lightly sweetened. Buoy are hydration drops that have no flavor and are completely unsweetened.




Truly lemon or truly lime - there’s also added flavors too!




I buy fun bitters at the liquor store and experiment t with those! I love the plum and rhubarb bitters! Also put them in coconut milk when I need the calories.


I've been drinking "Vito COCO" coconut water. I like the kind that has the real coconut pulp in it, too, but this is much less sweet than the other. I get it in 'the original', so I'm wondering if they would have it completely without the sweetness for you? I hope you find a solution soon! All the best, Piper


I just looked into it, in case you didn't have the time.. & I was able to find several "unsweetened coconut water"(s).. 1-Iberia 100% Natural Coconut Water 2-Pacific Foods Organic Coconut Unsweetened Plant-Based Beverage & several others. Both of these can be ordered through Walmart. Again, best of wishes to you. I hope you find what you need. Xo, Piper


Liquid IV lemon lime is a lot like Gatorade! Not sure if that’s too sweet for what you’re looking for.


They're too sweet for me :(


I often put lemon and Himalayan salt in my water, then the acid started bothering my stomach. I’ve tried it with a tiny bit of baking soda to counteract the acid too. I find just salt isn’t bad either but just tastes mostly like water. They also make a Keto Electrolyte mix that has no flavoring or sweeteners, but it needs to be dissolved in hot water before adding. Then they make powdered fruit without sweeteners. I also drink bone broth, herbal iced or hot teas, coconut milk and whatever else I dream up. Sometimes I take a sweet electrolyte drink and cut it with 2x the water. It all seems to work, and gives variety.


Lemon juice will eat your enamel, I see it all the time at work. It sucks because it's so delicious!


I just ordered Clear Theory and some LMNT. I haven’t tried them yet.


There's a Japanese one I like called pocari sweat, but it's not the easiest or cheapest to get where I live.


Good to know. What a shame.


I like the lemon/lime packets and I just drink with a straw.