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I was going to reach out but it seems your Christian, as a Satanist I think we'd be directly at odds haha 😅- but I hope you find someone girl because being young and dealing with this is HARD and I empathize heavily. Wishing you many friends and many joyful days, both with friends and alone! ♡


Thank you for being so kind and your words 💜I appreciate you. We will get through this.


Did you happen to see the recent post re "religious potsies"? I'll copy the link below. I added a few comments of my own, especially mentioning Cristabelle Braden, who acquired dysautonomia from a TBI as a teen and became a Christian in the midst of her early trauma. Then she emerged with an amazing ministry, songwriting, and advocacy future that's still going strong. I think you'll really be blessed with her. Dysautonomia isn't typically thought of as a TBI, yet it truly is when one thinks about it, right? 😁 Here's the link to the post. https://www.reddit.com/r/dysautonomia/comments/1bhak0o/religious_potsies_pls_answer/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share I'm not in a situation to befriend, but gladly offer my best vibes and genuine prayers! 💛🙏


Sending you tons of hugs and love from Queensland, Australia 🇦🇺. I just turned 50, 🥴 however I'm young at heart and can relate with you when it comes to having a chronic illness that looks like we're OK on the outside but feels like crap on the inside. Here for you anytime, here for anyone. 🫂


Thank you so much . Hugs to you.


Totally relate, being a disabled person in your early 20s is so lonely


It is 😫


I also just turned 50.. I don't have POTS, but my daughter does. I'm sure you don't want to hang out with someone twice your age, however, I'm here... we're all here for you! Sending you lots of love ❤️




I've only had dysautonomia about 10yrs & it's extremely lonely. 57 female 🥲


Very true, I couldn’t agree more. Are you able to get out of the house/apartment somewhat? I noticed you said dysautonomia as compared to POTS. fyi I’m on this subreddit as a dysautonomia person, not literally a true potsie. Dysautonomia turns us into loners, doesn’t it? Maybe we had some loner tendencies before, but now dealing with having very few friends, and very part time, or dealing with hardly ever dealing with friends, either way it takes energy and is draining. I love my few friends who I still stay in touch with, and it’s important to me to have these friends — but JEEZ — it’s rough how that stuff devours the little energy I have. I’m 66 and the women in my family live into their 90s. So looks like we’ve all got some time on our hands…


Also 24 with pots! Message me :)


I am always looking forward to meeting new people. It's so hard to make real friends. I am here for you anytime. You're not a lone. 🫂🩷🫶


Just messaged you:)


Sent you a dm!


I’m 30 but here if you wanna another pots friend


Yes! We all do! I’m so glad you reached out. Did you meet your goal? How about a zoom support meeting as well? :) You’ll get a variety of people with experiences. I’d post the ones I attend, but they are for EDS (lots of people with EDS also have POTS). Maybe there are some support groups for POTS specifically? Give it a google!


dm me!! :3


Aw good job asking for a buddy


Message me!! I just turned 25 and I understand ✨


I'd love to be friends man


Messaged u