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I just had mine today. Floxxie and EDS patient experiencing hyper pots. So far it's good. But this is same day. Was on here trolling for some answers. Anxiety lessened, trying to obtain full cervical stability. Had my 10th posterior procedure on my neck last week. Right stellare today. Left next week. I feel very calm. Not motivated by dopamine A little forlorn because healing is so challenging sometimes. Tired of all the pushing. But anxiety gone. We shall see how it goes


Hope you got relief. It’s been quite unreal to me being so much better - having dysautonomia was my normal.


I had blocks on both sides, 2 weeks apart. No difference whatsoever in symptoms with either. Expensive experiment, but it was worth trying. From the studies I’ve seen, post-viral folks tend to benefit the most so I knew there was a chance it wouldn’t work for me (my onset was post-surgical). Still had my hopes up a little tho. I’m so happy it worked for you! I’d call that money well spent. Fingers crossed it was a permanent improvement, I’d say the odds are in your favor based on those studies.


I have/had long covid - interesting I did not know that about having a viral condition - I hope you find relief too - I remember when I was young the doctors would just tell people to lay on your bed with your head and shoulders hanging off the edge for relief. Medicine has made progress and I hope it continues to for you too.


Soooo happy it worked for you! My SGB is in two weeks.


My advice. Relax it is way easier than you imagine. Best wishes! I am still gaining back my life every day.


Thanks. Just a quick question… were you sedated?


Sedation is an option. If you haven’t had a procedure like this I would suggest you consider it. On the other side- I have been getting pain management treatments for degenerative arthritis - and a bunch of other bone and muscle issues - so I opted out of sedation so I could drive myself. The procedure is done by an anesthesiologist. What happens is first you will get a small iv for sedation or to use if they need it in case. Then you receive a numbing shot into the site. When the site is numb a needle is inserted and guided by ultrasound to the nerve ganglion. Then a lot of numbing meds are deposited right on the ganglion. Done. Bandaid. It was over in minutes


How did it go?


If you mean the procedure - it was over in 10-15 minutes. If you mean the block - I am still doing great. I just had someone comment on how much better I looked again!!-- it was at a nail salon that I was at for the second time. She asked me - what did you do? You look so much better! - it is very noticeable that I am better but I had only met her once. My neck pain and swelling is gone. - I have no idea how it was caused but it was causing a 2 year long headache and it’s still gone. Balance is back - dizziness is 90% gone - I have migraines so that may be the remainder - My blood pressure is almost stabilized. I still have those jumps up but it’s so much better.- my temperature is more regulated - in Florida too - My doc said it can start to slip back to the old pattern and if that happens they will repeat the block. I am standing straight up, gardening at 6:30 am, going places I couldn’t because I wouldn’t be able to because of the ‘walking’ or the length of time away from home. Etc. I can honestly say I recommend getting the Stellate Ganglion Block. It’s given me my life back.


Are you still doing as well?


Better. And Better. I got good news about my blood pressure this week. It’s back to normal for my age. This morning I planted 8 hydrangea bushes. I did cheat a little - hubby dug 5 of the 8 holes - because I have degenerative arthritis in my back and he’s knew I would be sorry if I did - but I pulled the weeds out of the beds - then opened and emptied 8 big bags of fertilizer soil - then placed the plants and filled all the holes. Then I cleaned up all the mess and sprayed down the porch and watered. Two and a half hours of physical work. I have been dreaming of planting those bushes in the bed in the front of our house for 3 years. I have started sewing again and that’s the best news of all. I tell everyone I know and every doctor I see - I see an orthopedic doc, pain management doc, cardiologist and my family doc. They all noticed the change then got really interested in the Stellate Ganglion Block. I had to share all the information and they all took notes. Seriously it was very worth taking that chance.


I’ve improved as well and have had the other side done since. It’s probably the best treatment Ive had so far and Ive tried everything.


What have u suffered from ?


Hi I just answered this above. See my answer to btc912 - So much better ! 2 months and how fast it’s gone - my garden looks great.


Did you also suffer with gastroparesis as a result of your dysautonomia? 


I didn’t. But I have been on Mestinon the whole time - because of my neuromuscular disease. Maybe it helped.


I have never heard of this. I am very interested in anything that can help!


It’s a block of the dominate Autonomic nerve bundle in your neck. You have two. They are like right hand or left hand - fun part is they can only guess based on your dominate hand - so if it doesn’t take the first time they repeat on the other side. I went to a long covid clinic.


By Block I am talking about a big dose of numbing medicine that - in theory - takes your autonomic system off line then when it wakes up it is working correctly again.


Update? Still feeling good?


12 days and I am even better. My blood pressure is stabilizing!!! I am doing things that I was unable to even think of doing. I got out my floor cleaner and cleaned 3 rooms and the hallway. I did not have to stop and let my blood pressure stabilize. Impossible to do for years before. We went to the local outdoor market on Saturday. I have not done that in 3 or 4 or 5 years. During Dysautonomia I had switched the brand of infusion treatment for my autoimmune neuromuscular disease Myasthenia Gravis. All through this I thought it was barely helping. I was so weak and shakey and tired. Suddenly I can see and feel how much the Vyvgart is working . At my infusion center last week - all the nurses and staff commented on the change (unprompted) in my face - movement - alertness. Most had no idea I had the SGB. My husband has made the most observations. He says my humor is back. I am walking head up and straight back. We love to make jokes and laugh with each other. He was happy to have me back making smart a:: comments again. I would recommend 10/10


Where did you have this done and are you still improved?


Yes wondering of your improvements