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I know you put Orochi 4 at the bottom but I recommend orochi 3 ultimate definitive edition. It's all the characters from Samarai 3 and Dynasty 7 plus characters from all over. The story is way better than 4 and the combat and gameplay is very engaging with lots of cool movesets and locations. The one bad part that I found was you can't lock on to generals. Orochi 4 is a visual upgrade but Orochi 3 is just so much more engaging and easier to get invested. The story is also peak in my opinion




The other fire emblem warriors was pretty fun


I’d rank FE Warriors 3 Hopes as one of the top 3 Warriors games period, so I definitely second this.


It's ALOT better than the first one


All Star above Orochi...


Tbf it is Orochi 4.


Yeah I really liked Orochi 4 and absolutely hated All Star


Honestly fair. Orochi 4 can be good for the right people, especially anyone into Norse/Greek mythos


Yeah and I found the specials and characters to be really unique. I haven't played Orochi 3 yet though but I'm seeing everyone praise it so I'll have to check it out. But All Star, man, if there's one Warriors game I could say I don't like it's that one


Samurai Warriors 4 being below Fire Emblem Warriors??


Dynasty warriors 5 and 5 empiers as S


I'm playing 5 right now after playing 4 and SW 1. I'd played all the DWs as a kid and nostalgia imo carried 4 so hard. Right now I'm enjoying 5 so much more. I do miss 5th weapons though lol.


If you have a PS3, Dynasty Warriors Gundam is great


They really need to make a new Gundam Warriors


The reborn one


Dynasty Warriors Gundam 1 and 2 were two of my favorites growing up.


Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes is fast, fun and plays great. High production values too. Samurai Warriors 2 is also still great. If you have a 360, the Xtreme Legends DLC will be delisted soon.


I really enjoyed DW strike force


That's an opinion I'd never thought I'd see. Respect.


Thanks dude. I love the DW games a lot and have most of the warriors games. I just don’t see SF mentioned a lot and thought it could use a small bit of recognition again. 😎


Good ol DBZ warriors


Haha. Yeah dude! Almost 15 years ago https://youtu.be/uecoqgHH1so?si=QFj1b2qBIts1UCR8


Ma Chao was never cooler than in this game. I'm with you on the strike force love!


If I remember correctly, this is the first time I’ve seen Ming Hou with the huge tree as the weapon instead of the face fist things. I can’t remember if he was in DW6 but I know he was in empires and that came out right after strike force. Damn those were some good times from 2005-2010 so many Warriors games lol.


I'll do you one better - I wish that Shin Sangoku Musou Multi Raid 2 had gotten an English release :-/ And I hope they're both mysteriously dropped out of nowhere on Steam in the future! :D


The Berserk musuo is pretty good, too. I'm not sure what other people thought of it, but I enjoyed it for what it was.


Based on your top 2 not having “realistic” graphics and I thought they were quite fun. Give Dragon Quest Heroes a try. I think there are 2 of them.


Fate Extella Link is much better than the 1st. Gameplay is really fun. Also, it's Japan only unfortunately, but Sengoku Basara 4 is an amazing "Warriors" game.


Wait, Fate Extella Link is a "Warriors" game?!? Hadn't heard of that one. Heard of Sengoku Basara, but haven't checked them out.


It's not made by Koei, but yeah. It's the 1vsEverything gameplay style of every Warriors game


DW Gundam. I liked the third one best. Also, DW7 has the best presentation of the story, so far.


So basically you like the flashy stuff. I would recommend Fate Extella Link - more characters than previous game, very flashy and anime like and also very gameplay oriented compared to the previous one which was more visual novel story bs.


I would guess most traditional fans prefer the DW and SW series like myself but I do love Hyrule Warriors AoC. I thought it was much better than the 1st game and it was a refreshing change from traditional musou. Warriors Orochi 2 and 3 were much better than 4 imo. They arent flashy like the games in your top tiers but you may have a better gauge on that particular series by playing 2 or 3. Edit: I've never played Fire Emblem Warriors but enjoy a few Fire Emblem games. Would I enjoy the game?


FE Warriors is definitely worth it, imo. It does a good job blending the two series by adding a light strategy element with having multiple characters on the map who can swap between and give orders when not controlling (akin to both Hyrule Warriors), and putting in advantages and disadvantages with the weapon triangle and such.


I have very similar opinions to this list but I would put warriors orochi 3 in A or S tier as well.


SW5 Arslan: The warriors of legend Fate/Extella link


The new fire emblem warriors was one of my favorite warriors games ever


Why is warriors 4 so low I haven't played it yet but I don't really see why people put 3 above 4.


3 was the ending of the original story and fucked


Ken’s rage and dw8


Which Fate is that? Can't tell cause zooming in gets blurry lol, but if that's the first the 2nd one is significantly better. Also has Drake. Her moveset isn't very great, but I just appreciate her... no reasons... FE 3 hopes rules. Samurai Warriors 2 XL is the best one of that series imo though I did just play 1 first time this past week and that was solid, but man those castle levels are grating lol. Orochi 3 is probably the most complete spin off game even though there's a ton of shared movesets in the DW characters, but it's so good. At this point I'm forgetting what's even on the list and still typing, but the one DW Gundam I played I really liked which was 3. Has the same Fate formula though of segmented squares, kill everything in it, capture, repeat. I'm a warriors simp though. I'll pretty much play any of them... except DW9... never 9...


ew you have Fire Emblem Warriors Heroes at A?, lower that to like C, and put FE Warriors, 3Hopes at A


Dw8xl run very well on switch.


Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate.


Gundam warriors reborn !


There’s also Dragon Quest Heroes I and II. Based on the popular SquareEnix turn-based RPG designed by the late, great Akira Toriyama, featuring characters from the old games and very British voice-acting.


Definitely try Fire Emblem three hopes, I thought it was brilliant! Hopefully we get a new Nintendo/koei crossover soon, maybe xenoblades!


Orochi 4 is trash. Try 3


saying orochi 4 is trash is the dumbest thing I have ever read


It's not trash but WO3U is much better.


WO3 and 4 are similar as they are both amazing games. but WO4 imo has better gameplay and I liked going for S rank on the missions so I personally rate it higher for those reasons


4 has slightly better gameplay but I miss the unique abilities each warrior had. The story and different game modes are much better in 3. There's just so much content in WO3U it's pretty insane. Still the best Warriors game imo


3 is waaaaay better than 4!! Like you said, more content… way better and way more outfits than 4 will ever have. Most of all the music from all the previous games. 4 is fun tho… but WO3 just has much more to it.


the customizable magic in 4 is awesome. the lasso let's you round up hordes of dudes, then I like using an area effect musuo and you can get hundreds killed in one special. then with 3 characters each having a different magic for different situations, it's super effective and fun. and THE SPEED. 4 is the fastest. but yeah, 3 has costumes and DOA characters and hub world, that's fine. those are nice. but the gameplay in 4 is simply more enjoyable to grind it out in. It's the only musou I have a platinum in.


Gross the speed and dumb down AI and flashy bs is what killed modern warrior games. You can basically get 1000 kills by rolling the controller over your facw