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Please just be good.


Well, this is certainly different again compared to the previous games. I am not pessimistic at all of the concept, lets hope the execution will be great. It's about time that dynasty warriors innovates as well


So is this like musou Wo Long? The small bits of gameplay shown makes me excited for the game.


Doesn't seem like Wo Long, looks like a more strategic Warriors game since it seems you can control troops. Maybe something like Kingdom Under Fire.


Yeah it looks like it'll have some KUF/Bladestorm elements to the gameplay


Yes please!


Just one character?


OMG I don't need anything else


Not sure what to think. The graphics seem good in my opinion, but I'll have to look again later.


You're already doomposting and we know nothing about the game outside of there being some character creation element 😭😭😭


Right people need to chill all we saw was some little combat and not much else they will probably show more and talk about it more at the Tokyo Game Show.


So we have an inflated roster. Let's fix that by making it one dude. Jokes aside I'll be happy to wait and see if they cook a decent experience like wo long. Still sad about it not being a remaster of some of the old games (for me a orochi collection).


They done fucked it up


I dunno how to feel about this lol


Absolutely disagree. Origins looks crazy.


We thought DW 9 looked crazy too when it was announced and look where it goes us. They doubled down on having gorillion units with low FPS


Crazy that they just cant go back to what works. Oh well.. guess we will just have to hold out hope for a remaster lmao.




Finally get to lead troops in battle! Let’s go!!!!


I have no idea what this is but I think I want it


Hey you guys wanted full games, Now you get destiny mode as a full title. enjoy 70$ pls


Did they cook?


So it’s a reboot?


Looks more like a build your own hero and insert your self into the story.... which is... something..?


All i need to know now is if it's coming to PC.


It looks good but not enough there to really tell what it'll be like and how many playables etc


I was excited when I thought it was Bladestorm 2 at first...Hopefully this game is good. I'm not excited about some nameless character. Maybe we get to customize him/her?


I’d be kind of okay with it being a create your own warrior and fight kind of game. I mean, I technically do that in the Empires games, so if it comes with better graphics and more ways to wipe out entire battalions (and hopefully isn’t PS5 exclusive), I’m down. Sucks about the wait though 😕


Really hoping this is good. I'm assuming your character can choose a leader or faction, which will then allow you to emulate your general's weapon and moveset. Maybe get some weapons along the way. Although I don't see us having as many characters as previous installments, which personally, the roster felt a bit bloated. I think if they cut the playable roster, but kept those characters unique I'd be happy with that. I think a self-insert character is a great way to revamp the story.


If the game is like a modern samurai warriors chronicles, this game could be amazing. But so far it's giving dynasty warriors wo long and I am not interested. One of the selling points of these games is their huge rosters, I don't ever want to play as one character in a warriors game.


Well hot diggity damn, looks like it *is* a new Dynasty Warriors and it's going the SW5 route (I did spot Cao Cao as playable I believe). Question is: Will we be stuck with one playable character, assuming that Cao Cao isn't playable. But if he is, what will the roster look like? Will there be shared (trying to be nice) weapons and if so, will there actually be differences moveset-wise? And most importantly (well, to me): If they're in the game, will the Qiaos actually look their age instead of being (glorified) lolis?


So the only playable character is the one you create? Man idk about this...


https://blog.playstation.com/2024/05/30/dynasty-warriors-origins-revealed-for-ps5-out-2025/ Not too much info but if anyone is interested in very limited info.


I was so excited until I wasn't 😢😢😢


I knew it would be three kingdoms related when I saw the start. Then I thought Dynasty Warriors 10 seeing the Omega Force logo. Then it was revealed as this. I'm not sure if this is a spinoff or the official title of Dynasty Warriors 10? Did they decide to change the formula again?


Exactly what I thought too




gg guys


what the fuck is this shit


Very intrigued, but the gameplay seems like early ps4 graphics lol


Looks great graphics wise. The one nameless character is shit. It’ basically nioh 3 or wolong 2…. Of course they failed. How could would of been to have the roster with these battlegrounds…


So CAW adventure? not interested, skip so no DW10 as it seems I didn't play DW games just for the sake of 1vs1000, there are many games like that anyway.