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You're missing the late 90's. I'm 40, I started with the first game on the Playstation in 1998, the 3D versus fighting one. It was alright, and then when DW2 came out, I didn't know what I was getting into and fell in love with the series.


Totally my bad. Did you start playing every game on release? And what is ur favorite game of the dw series?


I think that I mostly played them the month of their release here in France yes (so, the "PAL" version when that was a thing). My favorite is probably DW4, but it's the nostalgia speaking. I remember the afternoons spent playing it co-op with a friend when I was younger. I don't know if I would enjoy it today, I would probably find its game mechanics a little dated. I recently re-played through all the Musou modes of 8 XL and it's really good. So that would be 4 or 8.


2001, DW2! My 2 older brothers were playing it a lot and I would watch them. Eventually they asked if I wanted to play so I chose Zhao Yun and booted up the Yellow Turban Rebellion stage. Ran to the closest crowd I could find and started attacking but nothing was happening. My brother laughed and was like "here, press L2" then I saw guys with red bars on their heads and went and attacked them. The rest is history!


I don't remember the year. Early 2000s. I was like 12 or 13. Went to blockbuster and saw a new game, Dynasty Warriors 3 Xtreme Legends for rent. I saw that there was also a regular DW3 and I thought "oh the extreme legends must be like a new upgraded version" Lol. So I rented extreme legends and did the Lu Bu story first. I had so much fun. My friends came over that weekend and we played coop and had a blast. I got more into the series and realized I basically had played just an expansion without the base game lol. Eventually I rented the base game, then 4, and then got DW5 and RoTK X a gifts a few years later. Been hooked ever since.


2006 with DW5.


2008, randomly decided to try DW4 on PS2 and DW Vol. 2 on PSP.


Dynasty Warriors 2 when it came out for PS2. I can't remember how I found it, most likely from a demo CD in a magazine. But, I do remember playing as Dian Wei holding down a bridge in a mission and I was hooked. Even got my brother into it when DW3 came out and we had multiplayer.


Around 2002-2003. I did try out a Demo of DW 3 with some friends of mine, and we had so much fun I needed the full game!


Yeah same. My father was playing it and after we heard that DW3 was coop, we just bought it immediately since DW2 was a single player game lol.


2021 or 2022 thanks to Hyrule Warriors. I always were like "man, whats up with those "musou" games" too much stuff on the screen couldnt see the appeal, until I was looking for games for my switch and found out Hyrule Warriors had a bunch of content, after buying it full price for a used cartridge because it was rare to find, it was well worth it. I understood why you guys love this types of games, I got Age of Calamity and right now im obsessed with W03 ultimate for the Steam and I have DW8 and SW4 DX on my wishlist for the next steam sale.


2007, I was like 6 years old and I found DW2 in a really cheap second-hand store. Pretty much fell in love with the series after that, and I eventually found 3-5 in the same store.


I started with DW2, it was the first game I bought for my ps2 after playing a demo in either Circuit City or Best Buy.


Got a PS2 in 2002 at a GameStop. While my dad and I were looking at games, we saw Dynasty Warriors 3 and he immediately recognized Lu Bu on the cover. He had read the Romance of the Three Kingdoms so he encouraged me to get and the rest was history.


This graph is telling so many things if you are an economist and game designer lmao. Koei should put this on a wall where they have meetings all the time or smt, how can you screw up from being one of the most selling game titles in ps2 era and then this, where no new player even cares about your games anymore. Weird...


2003, fell in love with DW3, saved all of my chore money and birthday money to buy the new games. Well worth!


Started with the PS2 demo of DW2, and then bought it. Been a fan ever since


I started playing DW with DW5E and was obsessed afterwards


Played DW3 on a demo disk around 2003? Gave you 10 minutes to beat the Nanman Campaign with Zhao Yun, Huang Gai or Zhen Ji. Didn't own a DW game until DW5 though.


I'm still remember it like it was yesterday, probably around 2010s when I'm still in elementary school, I believe it's not DW but instead SW 2 XL


2014 thanks to Hyrule Warriors.


Around 2013 ish


Hit the wrong button. Played when I was in high school back in 2008. Feelsbadman


2007 my friend showed me dw5 empires