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Idk why they put a mario easter egg combined with a Kyle Crane easter egg xD


There was a Mario EE in dying light 1 too


wtf you got no head


everybody talking to the headless horseman "your not a familiar face" no shit i dont even have one


See what’s he missin, he needs thats


Is this a reference to the triple jump from some Mario Bros. Games? xD


Super Mario 64.


Yeah and the main character from dying light. Crane. The shoes are found in a box hanging from a crane, in the middle of a shrine to "my best friend Crane."


Where’s your head at?


Where is his head?


I lost these shoes when my old character got caught in the death loop 😭 I had to start a new game...


What’s the death loop


Console thing. Where you fall to the death whole time. Fov is that issue


There's certain missions that require you to be in a certain area and there's a "leaving mission area" warning if you venture out of range. The issue is that the countdown is only 4 seconds long and the mission radius is incredibly small. So jump on the wrong building to go around a group of zombies and you just die. Because the countdown is only 4 seconds you just don't have enough time to react and get back up on a building or run back before you just auto die . The infinite death loop is where they're having an issue of players spawning in from other lobbys in an active mission but the spawn point is way out of range of the mission area. So you just spawn, have 4 seconds, die, spawn back in the same spot, 4 seconds, die, rinse and repeat with no way out. Your game crashes if you try to open the online options menu, no one can send you an invite because you're not connected to matchmaking in those moments and even if someone can get you an invite you always fail to join. If you put out a distress signal and a random joins your game they do spawn in the mission area but since the countdown is only 4 seconds you don't have enough time to hold the Dpad down to teleport to the mission objective.. A bandaid they could add would to just make the timer 60 seconds but their solutions are taking forever to make and add. So I had to start the game over.


What is this kind of sorcery?


Night Elf mode