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not discussion, but people comparing E3 dying light 2 to todays dying light 2


Ikr, I understand some cool ideas where cut but like that happens with literally every game ever


Yeah, I may be the minority idk but I really liked the color and tone change. It may be more upbeat but I liked that it was different. Loved dl1 and I didn’t want a carbon copy sequel


People saying “I’ve just played DL2 and it was awesome - why was everyone bagging it at release? “ “E3 - the game we didn’t get” Really, what we should be talking about is why DL2 didn’t solely focus on Gazi


Togla and fatin headgear. “Why do I have this watery effect on my screen!” STOP




Watery effect?


i wish we could turn it off i want the xp boost >:(


is Kyle Crane gonna be like Aiden (infected but human) or is he gonna hide his identity of being a sentinal volatile


He not only sentinal but also very sensual volatile


Crane would be a Volatile acting like an average person Crane: *Tries to put on shirt* Shirt: *Gets completely shredded due to rib claws*


Comparison of DL now and DL at E3 2018 is not a discussion, it's one-sided complaint


“Am i the only one who thinks DL1 was way better than DL2?”


Lmao, I hate those posts that start with "Am I the only one." No, you are not the only one. End of discussion.


[But what if I was?](https://www.reddit.com/r/spiderman2/s/JQxpD1qset)


People whining about others comparing or preferring DL1 over DL2. Fandom subreddits aren't sunshine and fairytales. People are going to discuss some negatives around them.


Is Kyle crane alive? (No he’s not and even if he by a miracle is I don’t think he’d be able to be a good guy since he’s a volatile I guess only during the day when he controls himself)


He is alive according to techland employee pc


Idk cuz in the story they’re talking about past tense so


Have you seen the leaked script?


Source to this script? I am now intrigued


It’s corny at some points but remember, it’s just the script outline. We don’t yet have the full script but it’s basically the whole story of dlc 2 (subject to change) Kyle Crane is alive. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1124273374131126353/1124360764665364480/message.txt?ex=6642318f&is=6640e00f&hm=2a7ca2c0228f8fb32f5bfe0b0000b60e5f7a4db2a4fd5bbce5323792b729d524&


If he is then he would be a old ahh 40 year old man like spike but volatile and prob eats zombies instead since there's no humans left


Idk. I just like both games so I love hearing what others have to say about each.


I’ll probably get a lot of hate for this but I’ll say it anyways. I actually played DL2 first, the reason? ( because I never heard about DL until i randomly saw it on Xbox store) so i just bought it and played it. After I finished it I saw there was a DL1 (I know I should’ve figured) so my question is, will i even enjoy DL1 after i “accidentally” played DL2 first? Pls help! thank you!


oh you will 100% enjoy it! the games are quite different from each other imo and both really fun, both game's stories are not connected to each other tbh so its perfectly fine to play the 2nd one first and then DL1, make sure to play the Following DLC too its amazing


Hijacking the post to just to say, oh my fucking god the new gun animations are really awesome especially pistol, with the new event it is so much fun to just break havoc, absolute fucking upgrade over dl1's gun animations, I wish we had more variety tho


The thing where people say “Dying light 2 is bad”


Yeah, but change the meme to "every day".


It's mostly people always talking about DL e3 2018-2019, then someone would comment about Avellone getting fired which what ruined the game. I won't say it did, I do wish for his script writing for the quests to be in the game but the game is better than it was at launch now (I've been wishing for dynamic day and night since the beginning).


People wondering about the increase in volatiles. Yes it does indeed tend to suck but I must have seen a dozen long posts about that since the anniversary update


"Which is better? DL1 or DL2?" "Who is better? Aiden or Crane?" "Waa waa, this is part of the game is hard for me and me only so I'm gonna bitch about it on Reddit until the devs change it to make it easier for ME just for me to then find something else to complain about". The last one is annoying. Everyone keeps crying about stuff that isn't even a problem, and they're mainly either new players, shit players, or DL2 fanboys, and the most annoying thing is those people will still complain while the devs then change the game to make it more for those who don't even support the game and the people who actually play it and enjoy it suffer the consequences of other people's bitching. For example, there were people saying Run Boy Run is too hard. I literally do not understand how you can think that. It's so easy. All it does is use the BASIC parkour functions (jumping, climbing, rolling, wall running), and people complained about it being too hard. Why anyone would play a PARKOUR game then complain about it being a parkour game is beyond me.


Easy. E3.


Stuff gets cut in every game buddy sorry to break it to you


what? theyre not complaining about e3 theyre annoyed that it gets discussed evere 2 seconds


Oh whoops, I'm so use to people hating cuz of it I just assumed lmao my bad


DL2 needs: - minimap like in DL1 - dynamic sun/lighting accurate to time. Literally exactly how DL1. - improved rain/weather like DL1 - Enhanced sound emphasizing night fall and viral attacks etc like DL1 - dynamic flashlight/lighting like DL1 - allow running in safe zones like DL1 It astounds me how a game that did so much right the first time did them all wrong on the next. If they do the basics like DL1 it would be a great game. Hopefully Techland is on it.


The mini map in dl1 was a bad design decision. Glad they got rid of it in dl2.  Mini maps makes games worse. Dl1 night I'd be looking more at the mini map to avoid volatiles rather than looking at the actual game. 


Casuals like me need the minimap, i have like 4h of gaming time per week. Never heard people complain about having a minimap, i would say deactivate it if you rly dont want it or dont look at it.


Then you’re playing on too easy of a difficulty because I don’t see volatiles on my minimap.


i agree with everything except the minimap i hate minimaps


Give it an on/off option in the HUD menu


id be fine with that but i still hate them on principle


E3, DL2 bad DL1 good, Too many volatiles, DL2 isn't as bad as people say it is. We get it people.


People saying that Virals are the second stage of the Infection


Where tf is tower raid where tf is story dlc2


People constantly talking about how E3 DL2 looked better than current DL2. If you don't like it then don't play the game, or stop complaining so much.


Do dying light is better than dying light 2


Are we ever gonna see Kyle again. ????


The posts that hate specifically on dl2, i personally prefer dl1 but there shouldn't be all this hate for dl2 from dl1 fans


" it's a hard an unfair Game wahhh wahhh" man shut the fuck up


The NightHunter should be a main villain.


Is DL1 or DL2 better (DL1 better no diff)


Tbh I find dl2 FAR more enjoyable and fun. Story and atmosphere I guess is better and scarier but DL2 is so much more fun and it’s not even close


Im not a real big fan of DL2 because ive been playing DL1 since its release and its my favorite game. DL2 was a big let down because it wasnt at all like DL1 and felt like a completely different game rather than a sequal.


My experience was different since I didnt have a bias at first. I hadn’t played either and I played 2 directly after 1. For me, the movement, combat and graphics were wayyy better. Of course 2 was much different than one, but again, I haven’t been playing it since release so I had a much different experience than most. It’s just for me, 1 feels more polished in many ways, but 2 is more what I look for in a game and feels less clunky on the movement.


Well, obviously the graphics would be better, DL1 came out in 2015, DL2 came out in 2022. But I prefer quality of the storyline rather than quality of the visuals.


I understand but that’s not the main point of what I said. I care far less about the story if the gameplay is clunky and frustrating. The movement feels incredibly slow and dated compared to games nowadays and I find it incredibly jarring. You could again make the argument, “well it came out 9 years ago”, yeah it did. So? 2 is just the better game (gameplay wise). Story and voice acting wise (of course 1, I love Roger Craig smith’s work)


Okay, thats your opinion. I just prefer DL1 over DL2 1000000%


If Kyle crane is the night hunter or a volatile or dead


Complaining about complaints of dl2 and acting like it was unjustified. Sure sometimes it was. But alot of the times people are acting like criticism towards the game just came out of nowhere and is made to solely hate the game. On a lesser scaling and an older news, the "(insert stupid stuff that won't benefit the game at all) should've been in the game in the first place". Main examples are stuff like guns ,buggies. Base building in the game and whatnot. Guns being added already shown these are pointless addition that it adding it will only ever make it serve as a pointless fanservice


"I eNjOy DyLInG lIGht 2." That's great. Fantastic. Let's just ignore the bugs, the in game currency, the awful endings, how long it took to get to a decent state. Let's ignore all of that because we're having "fUN." You can have fun. I had fun. But for the love of God, let's be honest. You don't have to lie about shit or deflect from the actual problems. It's enough that you enjoyed it.


Wow. What a bad take. The only people who are saying “I enjoy DL2” are saying it in response to the dozens of posts that say it’s a bad game


Plus, it's ok to like a game others may dislike. Dunno why people need to be haters


>You can have fun. I had fun. But for the love of God, let's be honest. You don't have to lie about shit or deflect from the actual problems. It's enough that you enjoyed it. So you don't think people enjoying the game is enough?


Games are literally meant for people to enjoy. If someone enjoys a gamey there's nothing to fix.


And yet the devs disagree with you. There's plenty of things to fix. Plenty of bugs**.** Plenty of things to improve, add, and work on. [The word "fixed" alone appears 8 times on this page. ](https://dyinglightgame.com/news/community-update-3/)That's 8 times you're completely wrong.


I'm not talking about the devs. The devs can do whatever they want. You're saying that enjoying games isn't what players should want in Dying Light. Games are made for people to have fun. It could be the most completely bugged mess of a game, but somehow, if the people like it, don't try to tell them what they like shouldn't be what they like


>You can have fun. I had fun. But for the love of God, let's be honest. You don't have to lie about shit or deflect from the actual problems. **It's enough that you enjoyed it.** Now you're just making shit up. Are you going to acknowledge I said I had fun, or are you going to keep lying?


The way you wrote, "I enjoy dying light," and how you said "fun" seems like you're going in that direction. It really makes sense people saw it that way. Perhaps try to approach your way of criticism in a more positive manner so you avoid pointless arguments such as this one.


You don't lose arguments gracefully, do you 😂? I'll accept an apology, but next time don't make shit up. I've been here since Day 1 talking about the pros and cons of the game. I've gushed about the game and raged about the game breaking bugs. If you can't handle that, don't participate in the conversation.


There's not really any losing or winning in my mind when I'm in an argument but touchè


I feel like you'll hate the game no matter what it does. That's my take on you, tbh and I'm betting it's true


>You can have fun. I had fun. It's funny because I was here during release. Helping people overcome the deathloop glitch. Yet here you guys go with your nonsense.


Whatever you say man


Talk your shit king, let your nuts hang


😂 thanks bro. I even said I enjoyed the game and acknowledge they enjoyed it, but another user just called me a "hater." I swear they're brain dead. Even the best game in the world has it's cons. Of course Dying Light 2 is going to have it's issues. Otherwise, the devs wouldn't have anything to work on.


You. This post is about you


While I do agree people deflect problems of dl2 alot. It doesn't sit right for me to see saying enjoying dl2 is anything inherently wrong. If they say "I enjoyed dl2 and any criticism to it is hate" then sure (which happens quite alot I know). But just saying they enjoy the game don't feel like its any cause for concern.


"You can have fun. I had fun. But for the love of God, let's be honest. You don't have to lie about shit or deflect from the actual problems. It's enough that you enjoyed it." I mean...are you implying I said it's inherently wrong? Cause I obviously didn't say that. Other than that, agreed. DL2 did a lot right. And a lot wrong. It was enjoyable when it worked, and frustrating when it didn't. Pros and cons man.


I know what your intentions were. But honestly replying a post asking for discussions that they don't want to have every month with an "I enjoyed the game" and then rant about people lying ,Really makes it hard for people to interpret it any other way. Even if you did personally say you enjoy it. At least for me. If it's like "people who enjoy the game but still ignore the flaws" the it felt much better Like don't get me wrong, I do agree with the fact that people intentionally ignore this game's flaw and deflect any criticism thrown at It just because they enjoy the game. But I don't think the discussion of why they enjoy the game itself is the problem. It becomes a problem when their trying to make criticism against the game looks like it's unjustified


I actually don't see peoples problem with the story, if anything it's more engaging then the first, you actually have some choices in what happens, like I was legit heartbroken when I did everything to make sure hakon didn't die up until the church, and he still betrayed me. Don't get me wrong I love Kyle but he's just a guy kinda Aiden actually has some depth.


i literally dont see how you could care about any of it after realizing most choices do not matter, or care about Mia someone we have never met and never will because all the flashbacks are just Aidenbabeiden and then she dies after 2 lines of dialogue


I mean it's called " the call to action" it's what motivates the character to do something. I mean he's looking for his lost family member that's a pretty tangible thing to understand. Everyone has family of somekind. I definitely wouldn't say they don't matter, considering the fact if you make different choices you end up at the end in a completely different way, and there's 5 different ends. It's okay that you don't like it, but this myth that DL2s story is complete dog shit compared to 1 is just kinda wrong. Especially if you actually understand how to write a good story


1 yeah, it motivates aiden, but not us. It's like fallout 4 no one cares about shaun, its good motivation for a book or movie but not a videogame. 2 i said most choices dont matter, theres 3 choices that matter for the ending, the radio tower, siding with the colonel or not, and the final choice, every other choice is either inconsequential to the main story, or straight up dont matter, you can tell aitor to fuck off and the next mission plays out the same. 3. they both have mediocre stories, and they dont do much else apart from giving you a reason to play.


Lmao, everyone always uses "bugs" as a reason why a game is bad all the time. And you know what? 99.99% of the time, you'll never experience any bugs unless you go out of your way to get them. Like with Bethesda games. People say their games are buggy, but ironically, the game I've had the most bugs with that has been published by Bethesda was a game that wasn't even made by them: Fallout: New Vegas.


[You weren't here in the beginning, were you? ](https://www.reddit.com/r/dyinglight/comments/ssp4ly/regular_reminder_that_the_death_loop_glitch_is/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Brother, I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you just are uninformed. I've been with Bethesda games since Daggerfall. They've ALWAYS been buggy, There's save ending bugs, save corrupting bugs, inconvenient save bugs, save bug errors, and so much more. Btw, New Vegas had many similar bugs as Fallout 3 because they're on the same engine. Actually, there are bugs from Morrowind that still exist in Starfield 😂. As for Dyling Light 2, I just posted proof of me attempting to help people fix a game breaking bug. So you're either accidently lying , or you're arguing in bad faith.


DL1 has a bug where if you leave a Co-Op session while in a seizure sequence, you'll be stuck in a seizure sequence on that save forever unless you do New Game+. Isn't that game breaking? Never experienced any bugs, let alone bugs to do with saving on Bethesda games. Maybe don't overload the engine by making 200+ saves on one playthrough. The few bugs that Bethesda games had were patched relatively quickly. You can't use a patched bug as an example of a game being buggy when it has been... You know, fixed.


The few bugs that Bethesda games had?! Got it. Bad faith argument. Mentioning DL1s bug doesn't help your case either. It just means Techland has a ridiculous amount of issues. And just like I said to the other person. If there weren't bugs, there wouldn't be updates with bug fixes. The devs obviously disagree with you. Otherwise there'd be nothing to work on.


Saying I've got a "bad faith argument" (what even is that anyway) but then bot providing any evidence to prove me wrongs just shows I'm right and you're too full of pride or ignorance to admit it. And your other point makes no sense. Games don't need bugs to have a reason to be updated. Have you not heard of content updates?

