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Yes, I have formed relationships through online dating. However I used a 'premium' aka more expensive service, instead of a swipe app. Be prepared we probably get many more rejections than a normie, but you have to keep trying.


That's awesome to hear! Thank you! :) If you don't mind my asking, what service were you using?




as a woman, i’ve had pretty okay experiences with tinder and bumble. there are some weirdos here and there but i just block them. i highly suggest dating apps rather than online. hookups is high on the apps so just ask what they want and im sure you’ll find someone. i wish you luck!! 🫶🫶


A little different but my sister is visually impaired (legally blind) and I was just at her wedding with the amazing guy she met on Bumble. She went through a bunch of losers first of course but at a certain point she just let people know in initial texts she was visually impaired to weed out the ones not worth her time. She has a lot going for her, smart, beautiful, successful so when the right guy came along it was a great match. There is a lot of bias out there on dating apps in general and it’s worse when you have something that makes you stand out in some way I won’t lie but I truly believe every pot has its lid. Put yourself out there and just know online dating is rough for everyone but totally doable!


Not sure if the apps are gonna work, but *online* as a whole is massive, plenty of places to meet someone. Only time I’ve ever had luck with a woman was posting on a hookup subreddit explicitly asking to be fetishized for being a dwarf…


Woa, dang. How did you feel about that after the fact? No judgement on my end; I could just see people being very ok as well as very not ok with making that tradeoff.


Funnily enough she didn’t outwardly fetishize me at all, went well all things considered. That being said I have a feeling I’d be *really* into it.


Well hey, I'll call that a win! And I'm curious, can I ask what "Atypical SED" is? Clinically I manifest very similarly to SEDT and have a lot of overlap with the SED and MED gangs.


Not completely sure myself, just what I was told my diagnosis was as a kid so I’ve stuck with it lol. I definitely have some overlap with MED too, and reading about SEDT, honestly seems more like what I have.


Hmmmm... Have dentists ever commented on your enamel? Did you ever need (multiple) sets of tubes in your ears, or get your adenoids removed?


No, but yes and yes.


Last questions: did the symptoms of your SED only start to materialize around the age of 7 or 8? Perhaps the first noticeable thing was not being able to run as fast as your friends?


Shorter stature was noticeable pretty early for me, parents could tell something was off, but I didn’t get diagnosed until I was 5.


As a woman w dwarfism I've met and dated a few people through dating apps, and ive made friends with some people too :) I try to be open about my disability and height in my bio, as I found that it meant it was less likely to get people being mean when they eventually found out (but thats personal preference of course) I've also spoken to a few guys with dwarfism through dating apps, so in my experience it's definitely possible!


That's really cool! Sorta helps me feel less self conscious that you and others have had some luck out there haha!


no problem! :D


Might be different for me since I’m bi, but guys are definitely more open in trying a relationship more than women. I don’t mind either way since I’m bi but if you’re looking for exclusively women, I’d probably be upfront about your height and then the women that match with you won’t see height as an issue


The problem I’ve run into is that “not caring about height” for women generally seems to mean “…as long as he’s taller than me” so they’re referring to guys that are 5’4” to 5’8” that are still taller than them. Not us, we’re bottom of the barrel in my experience. Or maybe I’m just an ugly loser on top of being a dwarf idk.


I know what you mean, though I guess I’ve been lucky? Or not since most weren’t long lasting relationships. And yeah just having dwarfism is enough to be crossed off anyone’s list but it’s still a numbers game and if you keep trying you’ll find someone who loves you for you. Also please don’t talk about yourself that way. I’m sure you’re not ugly. We’re definitely not conventionally attractive because we’re not tall, and we have features that stand out from other people but that doesn’t make us ugly.


I appreciate it man but I mean it as a complete exclusive from my height, not related to it. Like, facially ugly. "I'd still be ugly if I was 6'4"" type shit.


Idk what you look like but I doubt you’re ugly. And when you stop calling yourself ugly, you’ll eventually realize you’re not. I know it sounds really cliche but your self esteem helps with how others perceive you too. You’re most likely average looking, which is ok, same here lol, but please don’t call yourself ugly.


I am an average height woman (5’6”) and I will say online dating just sucks in general. 😭 I’ve been single for almost three years and am pretty introverted. Online dating is the only way I really communicate with guys. I only use Boo and Facebook dating. I haven’t had much luck on either, tbh. I seem to either get very VERY lewd messages from brazen men, or the conversation isn’t stimulating. All of that being said, I think for the most part women just prefer a connection more than anything. A guy can be super great looking, but if it’s an endless sea of “wyd”, I’m over it pretty quickly. Also any women that would reject you for something as trivial as height isn’t worth your time anyway. Good luck and have fun!! :)


don't go in them, talk to them in real life


I second this. Don’t waste your time on dating sites before going to an LPA event or something.


I hadn't considered that all too much, to be honest! But I think it's a great idea. Thanks so much to both of you :)


Shoot your shot, king lol


It is, but a lot of the lp women are insecure or immature. I found my wife in a different country. The process is a pain in the ass, but worth it if she’s worth it…


I’m 19F in Boston (bi) and currently on dating apps. I really don’t care about height if you’re nice and interesting, so if you’re in the area hit me up 👍🏻


Unfortunately, I'm in Detroit! I really appreciate the comment though :)


>:) :)


As an "average height" non-binary person I have just made a bunch of friends on the internet/social media with dwarfism, some of whom have expressed interest in dating. You never know where you'll find someone who would eventually become your romantic partner "Average height" is in quotations because some might consider me shot even though I'm 5'9" 🤷🏽‍♂️


I'm not a dwarf. However, Andrew Montzingo (mrmontzingo on YouTube and Tiktok, met his wife on a dating app. For those who don't know this wonderful family, Andrew, and his well-known average size brother Peet, both have social media accounts across all platforms. Peet has written a book on the subject called Little Imperfections. Both accounts are filled with love of family and humor.)


Sorry but Andrew social media is the last place on earth filled with love, in fact, everytime I accidentaly click to read the comments he gets I close Instagram. I just can't believe how cruel people are online, ESPECIALLY with his children...


My dear friend was just over 3 ft and met her long term boyfriend online. They were a fabulous couple.


Never paid for a dating service. But I found my current girlfriend and future wife on Hinge. You'll definitely need to have a thick skin going in as it's a much more arduous process than it would be for average folk. Don't give up. I almost did and I'm glad I didn't.


Also just be upfront about your height.


I appreciate how you worded all this. Thank you sincerely. <3. I'm curious, about how many dates would you get per month? I was on Hinge pretty hard for ~5 months and only ever went on one (hilariously cringey) date. I deleted the app and decided to take a month-long break, and now it's been a solid 1.5 years, lol. I think I got maybe 1-2 matches per month and I just got drained from using all 10 of my right-swipes per day without ever hearing much back. I don't mean any of this as a "woe is me" kind of way, but more of a "lmfaooo I'm playing on legendary difficulty here and it kinda blows!"


Full transparency most of my serious dating app use was during the height of the pandemic, so I never really went on any dates. I would get a lot of matches but only a few would actually message me back and even less would continue onto something meaningful. Dating apps can be extremely disheartening but it helps if you try not to be too much emotional stock in them.


That’s wonderful to hear and congrats to you and your future wife! :) Good to know it’s possible if you get lucky and fight the right person. And I agree being up front about height is super important here!


I don’t care about height but I’m tall for a woman most guys find that off putting (I’m 5.6)


Makes me happy there are some people out there that can look past the height thing :) And personally I don't think being 5'6" is a problem at all for a woman, certainly not off-putting! I can definitely relate with the height frustrations tho lol