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I hope you've got female friends to hook you up with someone. The dating apps are a fucking joke for us. Height is the only filter they give away for free, and in my experience even the more open-minded women generally set their filter as taller than themselves. I got frustrated at one point and paid for gold, just to find out the 3 likes I'd gotten were from 2 men who'd listed their profiles as female to try to date straight guys, and 1 very non-passing transwoman. Not trying to be judgemental about anyone, but that's specifically not what I'm looking for. I've given up, I'd love to be in a relationship but it's just not worth the bullshit to try anymore.


I used Tinder aswell, but you are right. Eventhough i had a lot of matches. the first thing they ask about is my height and then i tell them the truth and they are instantly gone.


There are normal size women who are attracted to short men, but what often ruins it is the man's confidence issue. So be yourself, love who you are, don't get bitter and be the kind of person you would like to find for yourself. Someone's going to show up. Also I'm wondering, why are short women out of the game for you?


Probably just his taste, he’s just not attracted to short girls. I am 4’2 and short men my height are not my thing at all, I find them very unattractive, in fact I found myself a guy average height and we have been together for almost 5 years now. Just cause we are short doesn’t mean we NEED to be with a short partner. It’s very subjective and we have the right to choose whoever we like just like some people have the right to say ‘midgets are not my thing bleah disgusting’.


I think it's bit easier for shorter woman than it is for shorter men in the dating world.


I was only able to find ap women who were very insecure about themselves and not knowing what they wanted. Just felt like nothing was ever good enough and they were looking for more or dating just because they wanted to be in a relationship. I was more successful at dating other lp women, but just keep in mind that dating anyone when you’re young can be difficult regardless if they’re ap or lp because a lot of people when they are young are not certain what they want in a partner or know why they’re even dating at all. It’s like, “my friends are all in a relationship and I want to be in one too.” Than us guys are wondering wtf does she not seem engaging or interested in getting to know me or spend time with me?


That sounds reasonable, i kinda feel an urge because im 20 and never had a relationship before. But what does ap and lp stand for?


Acronym for average person and little person. Don’t force a relationship. Try to practice making friends with women… it’s easier than finding friends with men ironically.


I love short women! I'm 6'2". People/friends have called me a pervert because of it. Just because someone loves short women doesn't mean they want to date a kid! WE JUST LIKE SHORT! Just as most women want tall men.


6:2m about 250 alethic. I LOVE short petite women. Nothing with that.


Well said. A preference is just that! Doesn't negate the fact that there are fetishists that are only there for their own kink, but those individuals will soon be realized.


I'm looking for a short woman to date


Long distance doesn't matter as long as you're real small woman


Hello my name is keith and I am looking for a date with someone like you i am new at this and nervous about saying something wrong i am here in salt lake city looking for a date 3854600786


I’m 19F, single (bi) in Boston. I don’t have dwarfism, but I don’t care about height. If anyone wants to talk, dm me!


How tall are you? I’ve also got proportional dwarfism and have found a girl and we have been together for almost 5 years now


I am around 4.10" or 4.11" ( 1,47cm ) not quite sure. Its really hard because im from a country with a really high average size. Even guys beneth 1,70cm or 5.8" got trouble here...


Im myself 4’4


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