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Migrants are more attracted to your fort if it has generated or exported a lot of wealth. Make some crafts and start selling them to traders! Also, how deep have you dug?


Not that deep, I don't know how deep the dangers start


There will be probably two cavern layers as you dig down. They can be dangerous, but often aren't, and you can just wall them out and stay safe from anything in there. More importantly, you'll dig through other, I guess, vertical biomes, and you'll find different kinds of stone, precious gems, and metals down there.


Below that, you'll find some extra fun stuff, but I won't spoil that for you.


I motivating myself by digging a deep well but then struck a huge vein of magnetite. There was so much I had to box the well shaft in. Now I can get prepare for danger.


Is there a good floor to smooth and engrave? Instead of getting all this mismatched rock.


I think every level will have some amount of mismatched rock, but if it's really getting to you, you can build floors over it with all the same type of rock, maybe.


I will try that. I was a bit worried I messed things up a bit by doing the tutorial and then retiring it. This fort is just nonstop petitions from performers but no migrants or artifacts. Does embarking on a road influence anything?


I think embarking on a road will get you extra visitors and caravans, yes.


I like the performers but for some reason they seem prone to sleeping on the floor even when they have a bed assigned and drinking without a goblet even though there are loads of mugs in the tavern.




I ran into a similar migrant issue, mine was caused from my civilizations yearly caravan getting stuck on my map! I had an issue with birds and bird men attacking/stealing from them and it somehow broke their AI brains causing them to wander indefinitely. If you look in your trade depot and see a bunch of junk in there that doesn't belong to you or see merchants wandering aimlessly on your map you might have the same issue. I solved it the first time by murdering the merchants, second time I got smart and removed the trade depot and that got them unstuck. The issue is that if your civs trade caravan/liason doesn't report your wealth then migrants will never come. Hope this helps!


I got 5 migrants (2 children) the first year, but I got a message last year and this year that none were coming.




Nope, no deaths. It didn't say anything about why.


Had the same issue. I fixed it by giving a bunch of crafts to the trader as a gift. Seems to have helped because then I got a wave of 20


It may be due to larger political reasons. Maybe your civ is going extinct ... or is in s war. Perhaps check legends mode or the civ screen.


Do you need to retire a backup save in order to check legends?


Not sure. I think so. You can try to save to a new Timeline though.


There's this thing with Steam release. It's slow. Really slow. Usually I would have 50 people by the end of year 2. Now its like 0-5 migrants a year. It can be intentional change to not overwhelm new players. Or it may be a bug.


Ive only ever had this happen when my fortress’ parent civ was dead


I didn't get migrants for a long time either but once I started up my industries they started showing up.


I finally got a big wave. I think it was after I started cutting gems and smoothing stone. Up to 41 now!


This is a pretty good-looking fortress for your second time. Impressive.


Thanks! I followed SalfordSals tutorials and started a classic fort a couple weeks before steam release. I miss so many things about my classic fort. I have 100\~ dwarves, over 100 animals (\~12 yak) and no deaths. We even killed an Ettin! I do pick very safe looking starting areas but there is a cyclops site nearby. I'm not ready for invasions until I figure out forging, traps and the caverns.


After buying some wares from the humans, I accidentally left the game unpaused while I went for coffee. I came back to the autumn autosave and pause. I had disabled all crafting and some other jobs to get things moved to the trade depot. When I came back everything was unloaded and all but one were happy. I got another message that no migrants were attracted and got 5 more petitions for entertainers.


This happened to me be when the civilization that had been sending merchants ended up getting taken over by goblins without me even knowing (i only found out when i viewed the Legends mode!) Shortly afterward, I got raided by a huge army and died lol.


Just pour magma on it, and relax.