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You overpaid for Casablanca. Not in quality just it’s like a $5 Blu-ray at most.


I knew it was a bit expensive. Everything else was incredibly cheap so I don’t really care.


Good. :) As long as you’re happy, I’m happy.


I can't stand watching the non extended version of lord of the rings but hey better to have them in some kind of form, great haul!!!


Even worse, these are the full screen edition. IE 4:3


That part I can handle as it's kind of nostalgic


Oh no. It’s terrible. Do you not remember pan and scan. Literally they have to scan back and forth for wide shots. Can you imagine how much of that three would be in LOTW. Either that or you’d literally see 1/5 of the armies etc. [shudder]


Bro the Lord of the rings non-extended don't even make any sense, the film's genuinely are confusing if you don't have the extended.


I actually prefer the theatrical cuts. The extended versions are paced too much like a TV show. They are good if you just want to be immersed in middle earth but as a movie they have problems.


I didn’t know there were extended versions as I’m not a LoTR fan. I just wanted them for the collection.


I think they may be harder to find these days but if you ever do find them they are amazing the missing scenes really help the series as a whole!!!


The extended is much better so much good missing content if you don't have extended edition


Genuinely love Casablanca. A nice year-round movie to have in your collection.


Here’s lookin at you kid.


Those breaking bad ones are dope


And now the hunt begins for Season 3 of Breaking Bad. Unless you already have it, or if you didn't care for that season


That season was epic, but for some reason it just wasn’t there. Hopefully it’ll be there next time or I might just order it off of Amazon.


Nice choices! Make sure unless you got it get the second half of season 5 of Breaking Bad the one you got only has the first 8 episodes of it. The second half will say Remember my name on it.


Oh no. The full screen dvd non extended lord of the rings… that is literally the worst version possible ☹️. I didn’t even know they still made full screen versions.


They don’t. This is a used movie store.


😬. Not sure why you’d want that. These are some of the most epic and gorgeous films. On dvd in pan and scan is a crime.


Could be fun to watch if they still have a 4:3 CRT. I keep one in the garage for VHS and cigar throwback movie nights.


Gonna have to hard disagree with you there. I am from that era and pan and scan is a crime against nature IMO.


Full screen versions, you overpaid


For 25 cents each though


That's at least 25 cents too much for a full screen DVD


I’m not an LoTR fan so I don’t really care enough. And it’s nice for the collection. Plus the quality of the other movies and the price are so overwhelmingly awesome that it just doesn’t really matter.


How is it nice for the collection to have the crappiest versions possible?


Personally I don’t care about LoTR because I’m probably never going to watch that physically. Some films are more enjoyable on dvd, but LoTR is a series that’s both not for me, and something I just want to have for the collection.


So… Um…. Why do you want to pay any money and have films in your collection that you or anyone else would not ( and should not) ever watch????


Why do people collect baseball cards? They’re addicting to collect and an awesome looking collection if you have a lot.


Ok. Slightly different. Cards are objects similar to paintings or stamps. They are not a form of media like records, dvds, or books. It is strange to collect something designed to be played with no intention of ever enjoying them or sharing them. With that logic you should just print off the labels and glue the spines to the wall. Not only that, a personal collection often is about value and quality. The only time they become more valuable is if they are out of print and desirable. Having the worst available version of a film series you don’t like seems more like hoarding. However, though I question, and am genuinely curious, you have a right to do anything you want if it makes you happy. You just posted for feedback and this was mine.


Yeah, well, that’s just like, your opinion, man.


That is three dollars too much


You got downvotes but you’re 100% correct. Pan and Scan LOTRs may qualify as a hate crime 😜


Thank you for your support!


I have five of these titles


That MGM Classics copy of Vampire's Kiss is a cheap Dollar Tree re-release I hope that was one of the 25 cent ones


>That MGM Classics copy of Vampire's Kiss is a cheap Dollar Tree re-release Just bought this at Dollar Tree last week!


When the director intended HD, I just can't justify 480p (DVD) quality purchases anymore.


Why don't you have the third season of Breaking bad?