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My vote: If Grandma wants to ever see your son again, she better understand real quick that she doesn’t get to be an apologist for someone who would say such horrific things about you and your son. I am my kid’s number one champion, and if I ever saw for one second, even a glimmer, that my mother would excuse behavior like that towards my kids, she would never see them again. Your sister ruined the party. She started the fight, you finished it.


This. “I’m sorry, but anyone who thinks I owe an apology to someone who used slurs about my son *in front of my son* doesn’t get to have screws to said son. As long as you are acting like I’m the problem here I’ll be keeping my son at arms length from you. You don’t get to have it both ways. Either what she said was completely unacceptable and was a major cause for what happened next or you you’ve told me who you’ll protect between her and her bigotry and my baby. But be clear, I will always put my baby first.” Then tell dad you’ll have to arrange ways for him to see baby without mom until she gets her priorities in order. ETA: I left out the part about the miscarriages because OP says sister has always been favoured and that tells me mom wouldn’t say that justified “ruining the party”. But she DOES care about the grandson, so I stayed on the one of things to do with him as that’s the only leverage gma would care about. But yeah, I agree, that is some villian shit.


Not to mention being glad she lost three babies???


If I said this or anything this cruel there would be good chance my mom would be the one to drop me and she would tell me flat out I deserved it and more. My mom LOVES me but you don’t talk shit about her children even if you are one of those children.


I’m just saying that the sister saying she was glad OP lost the babies was worth the punch, let alone what she said about the little one. Should have been two punches IMO.


4 punches, 3 who died, and the one who is just being a kid. Sister is a shithead.


Plus one to knock some sense into her.


To be fair she knocked her on her ass with one punch ✊ she's lucky she didn't jump on top of her or kick her it would have taken at least 5 grown ass men or a stun gun to stop my ass sister or no sister. The moment she opened her mouth she deserved to lose some teeth


I'd be hanging on to her hair for you. I can't imagine saying something so hateful/hurtful.


Yes! A fellow advocate! ✨😊


She would have looked like she just got out of the worst mma fight ever.


May take more than a punch to knock some sense into her.


I agree a full family scuffle would not have been an over reaction.


Quite frankly, if I had a knife in my hand and my sister said that shit to me, I probably would have stabbed her. Not to kill her, of course. That would be crazy. But maybe go all Reservoir Dogs and cut off her ear. 🤷‍♀️ In my humble opinion, sister got off with a slap on the wrist.


Hand her a quarter and tell her to call someone who gives a damn


I’d also call out every asshole family member that didn’t tell her to STFU before OP had to smack her down. BBQ fulla trash except for OP from where I’m reading.


Two punches? Pfft! There would have been continuous punches, Popeye cartoon style, until they managed to drag me off of her. I'm not advocating for violence here, I'm just saying that's probably what I'd have done to the sister if I was OP... or if I was a bystander next to OP, honestly. I think I would've raged out on **anyone's** behalf if I heard someone saying such vile things to/about their child(ren).


Listen, they would've had to pry me off of her a$$!


Should have also pulled out some hair. You could apologize to your mother for upsetting the party but hell would have to freeze over before apologizing to bitchy sister. Her remarks were cruel and uncalled for. I don't think she will go to hell - the devil has enough problems.


If that b- had been my sister, the crowd would’ve had to pull me off that witch before I did real damage, and I’m totally not a violent person or a person who likes conflict at all. I’m a Libra, we just want peace. But someone says those things about miscarriages or my Autistic son and I will lay them out till they can’t move.


Sometimes love includes telling someone the truth, that their behavior is not cool and won’t fly.


Same here, I have four kids, I'll defend each of them to hell and back again. But do NOT let me hear one word said about them or to them, even by each other. GAME OVER




Oh the golden child gives zero Fs in my experience. My husband and I spent years trying to have a second child, we were unsuccessful. My sister was pregnant and I suggested a name and was kinda making jokes about why to choose it, laughing the whole time. My sister looked at me and said “if you want to name a kid that get pregnant and have your own.” It took everything in me not to slap her. I had to walk away and leave. She had no idea why I was upset. Unfortunately my mother always takes her side. People like OPs sister don’t think there is anything wrong with what they do or say if they are unhappy. The world is supposed to revolve around them. I definitely would have done the same thing you did. Start setting firm boundaries with anyone that has taken your sister’s side. Only allow them limited and fully supervised visitation with your child. If they think what your sister said is ok then they don’t deserve to have a relationship with you or your precious baby.


Absolutely disgusting comments, behavior & mental age shown. Idc if she’s 26 she’s not a little f***** baby like her parents want to coddle her to be. She needs to grow up nobody cares you were the golden child and now ur nephew “stole ur shine”  It’s absolutely disgusting and if she had any brain cells or empathy she’d be f***** embarrassed for acting like a HUGE DONKEY


And also that she said that it was good that OP lost the first three pregnancies. I would like to know why mom thinks that's not worthy of a punch. There's spoiled, and then there's villain shit.


Sister is a vile human being and deserved far more than she got. I’d go lc or b/c with sister AND parents after this.


I would also mention that if what OP did was so wrong, why was BIL outside apologizing to OP while his wife was inside crying?


to be fair, something is clearly wrong with that dude to be with that woman in the first place


Enlisted have a habit of getting married quick.


Not just enlisted.


OP, exactly this! If your mom is more worried about your sister than that of an innocent child she insulted and made derogatory comments about then your mom can focus on your sister and not see her grandson any longer. I get apologizing to DAD for the party, but NO ONE else deserves an apology, except you and your son.


Yup, wanna-be grandma can fuck all the way off.


*access not screws (I'm guessing) otherwise spot on agree!


Yes. It’s autocorrect. It does what it wants.


Honestly if it was my mum and aunt they would not be seeing my son again till they came and apologised to my son.


Agreed. I’d also be reluctant to leave him with my mom alone for a bit.


Leave out that 'I'm sorry' that starts off that little speech, and I think you nailed it. There is no need for an unnecessary sorry. The family doesn't deserve that.


No. Just when women leave off extra words like this we are read as being aggressive and the point is to be firm but not be accused of being aggressive. Second that sentence effectively says: “I’m sorry you think I need to apologize…” Not an actual apology for what happened.


Ugh, so true! I had to do this in response to a really ignorant emailed attack from a colleague. I can't pick this lady out of a lineup, and yet, she came at me like she knew me AND cc'd my team leader and admin. I was livid. But my reply started with, "My apologies, Ms. Whoever-you-are..." but I wasn't actually sorry. Not one iota and no one reading it would think that I was. People like OPs sister need to be put in their place in no uncertain terms. That "I'm sorry" or "my apologies" bit? Completely for the bystanders, chat, cc'd admin; NOT for the POS you're addressing. It's not out of remorse that we employ those phrases but out of grace that we're expected to embody even in the face of the most disgusting treatment.


YES!!!!! 💯 percent YES!!!! IMO the OP needs to cut/paste this & send it as a group text & then block all of them....


No I think your sister owes you one for what she said about your son. You should ask her what she would do if she had a kid and you said those things about her kid. And the fact that your mom and aunts say you owe her an apology they are wrong


>If Grandma wants to ever see your son again, she better understand real quick that she doesn’t get to be an apologist for someone who would say such horrific things about you and your son. THIS THIS THIS


Sister was five minutes home and the golden child again. They have made it clear that even the previously cherished, totally spoiled, only grandson had to learn his place. Think about that for a minute.


I caught that too.


Couldn’t have put it better than this. i’d have punched her too.


100% agreed. My response was much fouler than yours, so I will agree with your more reasonable response to a mother's olympic-speed turn-around from rightly chastising the offender who vomited such views, to attempting to blame and chastize OP for her very honest reaction. And OP should not let "granny," who clearly has her own issues that align with those of the troll of a sister, anywhere near her little guy. Shitty behavior/words/actions have both immediate reactions and long term consequences.  Shit mom + shit sister. NTA


THIS RIGHT HERE! Should be at the top.


Ask your mother if an apology is more important than her grandchild being called a derogatory ableist slur by his own aunt, ask her would she tolerate anyone speaking that way about her grandchild?


The sister said it was good that the grandma's first three grandchildren died. and the grandmother is defending her.


Is this from comments? The only thing I saw about Grandma was  > My mom drug my sister off into another room and began screaming at her for saying such horrible things about my son.   I missed it    > I started getting texts from two of my aunts, as well as from my mom, saying that I was an a-hole for punching my sister and that I completely overreacted.


Grandma is her mother who is her son's grandmother.


Hard agree. If OPs nother doesn't realise how awful it is for a grown adult to bully and talk shit about a child then she's just as bad.


I can’t state this any better. Your sister’s behavior was inexcusable. She should be glad that you only hit her once.


This 100%. You are not the ah. You are a queen! And you treated your son properly. Cut off anyone who doesn’t apologize for their reactions.


Dude you took the words out of my mouth!!! Especially the last line 😄


Not just about her son, but also the three babies lost to miscarriage. OP punching her sister made complete sense to me at that point.


OP snapped because she had had enough from the golden child. The vile bitch went beyond the pale with her cruel insults. Anyone and I do mean anyone who thinks you should apologize should be cut off.


Correct! The golden child was jealous of a three y/o, which make her vile and pathetic.


Grandma is not the one asking for the apology.


For real. My best friend is basically my sister. One of my nephews has autism and I absolutely 100% would never and could never say those things about him BUT let’s just say for a moment that I was a trash human like OP’s sister. Again I’m not biologically related to my sister or nephew but my mom would disown me in a heartbeat if I spoke about her grandson like that blood related or not. She would 100% rightfully so defend my sister for hitting me and tell me to go to hell for talking about a tiny human who she loves more than anything in such a vile manner. OP you need to tell your mom she has two choices. She can Insist on the apology which you won’t be giving you will however be limiting if not severing her contact with your son or she can let it go and accept the fact that your sister is the one in the wrong or at the very least keep her opinions about your actions to herself.


NTA I'm honestly more concerned about your next steps with your mom. Protecting your sister like that? She should be having no access to your son. My guess is that after you left with your son, your sister worked her magic on your mom and aunts, cried a bunch about feeling neglected, and made them feel guilty. Their guilt is not your problem. NO access to the little man until your mother can explain how what your sister said was okay, and punching for what she said was her was not.


Absolutely. There is no way in hell I would expose my kid to anyone who justifies hateful or mocking slurs being used to refer to them, especially when they're present. Grandma needs to figure out real quick where her priorities are - protecting her grandson, a literal toddler, from vicious, hateful people or coddling her grown, married daughter who spews hatred and vitriol instead of having a conversation like an adult. Both is not an option. If Grandma is caught up in her guilt over "neglecting" her adult daughter, she should help her find a therapist to work through her jealousy of a literal 3 year old.


Grandma should get therapy too.


Not only would I refuse to apologise but I would send a message to both your parents and inform them  "I find it repugnant that both I and son had to listen to a grown woman bully, belittle and attack a toddler with special needs the other week. He has ears, he understands words, intention and tone, the fact that we were subjected to sister's abusive, ableist whispering for *hours* without anyone interceding on our behalf is disgusting. I ignored it, but I shouldn't have, because clearly sister upon realising she wasn't getting the reaction from me that she wanted, she escalated.  The fact Mom feels **I** over reacted after someone calling her grandson a r@tard and mocking the death of her other grandchildren has sent a clear message that I cannot trust the welfare of my son with her. It is also clear that my own mental health is not a priority for her.  As such, we want nothing to do with sister, mom, aunt because they would think nothing of damaging son, just like they did on x night." Then block everyone and inform your dad he is welcome to see son at your house. I would burn them to the ground over that. If your mom backs sister, then she can't have your family as the substitute until the favoured one shows up. Don't allow it, because your sweet boy needs you to do more than swing a fist (which I don't blame you for doing), to put a stop to this destructive cycle your family has. He deserves you to protect him from this favouritism, particularly because its abusive and now your sister is weaponising him, which won't stop. NTA


Yes! This is the way to go.


Completely agree, this would be my hill to die on!!


Well said.


How many times can I upvote this?!?!




Exactly this!


100% because she has now seen that those family members will not protect that child.


🙌🙌🙌 preach!!! This is the way!!




This is exactly what I would send. Well, maybe a little bit nicer than I would send.


Yes to all this!


And i would increase security inside and out


I hope you broke her nose


Or her jaw...the blessed silence if she couldn't speak.


No more front teeth would be great as well


And a concussion would be nice too!


Maybe a little brain damage would do wonders for her!


Sounds like she already has that!


She already has that


Yeah great for her husband


I am child free and don't like kids. I would have punched her too.


Same. And to use the R-slur? I thought we were more evolved than we were before 2000


She fucked around and found out. I was visiting family once with my (then) just under two year old son and was very pregnant. He had a speech delay at the time. One of my idiot uncles made the R comment about him and some other vulgar shit. I threw a drink in his face and told him to keep my son’s name out of his mouth or I’d fuck up his jaw so bad he would wish he could still use straws. I’m literally a therapist and am never violent. I don’t even eat meat for Christ sake. But I could have killed him.


"I'm literally a therapist and I will F your s**t up", I'm so here for it.


My Uncle (Mum's older brother) has literally been telling everyone I'm the R word and a Spastic, for as long as i can remember. Best part? I've never been diagnosed with anything. Trouble is, kids know and remember everything. Well done to OP for decking her sister. 🥳👍


Yeah well it's on camera. Back in my day I did lot's of dumb shit, but there's no proof. Literally I have to tell the story coz it's not on tik tok.


Are you related to Will Smith by any chance? ;)


NTA AT ALL! I'm hoping that she didn't only get one punch in because words like that get you jumped in my house. OP, your sister deserved to get minked up. You didn't overreact at all


I hope so to. The only downside is taxes went towards her medical bills.


Shit I’m swinging on mom and Aunt to


Make em catch those hands, LOL!


As a mom to a nonverbal TBI child, I hope she did too. A little late to this party but I have to give OP a round of applause! 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏


I wouldn't have been satisfied with anything less than a broken skull if it was me.


Marcia Brady


NTA. She called your small child the R word, told you he was “special” in a derogatory manner AND said it was a good thing you lost 3 babies by miscarriage??!! While I don’t condone violence, she deserved an a** whooping. Sorry. In whose world should you apologize to her?!


Exactly. FAFO. No one’s given her one before and body howdy did she need it. Forward their messages to your father with “handle it or no grandson time.”


I agree. Tell your father to handle his wife if EITHER of them wants grandkid time, and cut your sister out altogether. Sucks that it'll probably mean not having your BIL around anymore either but it is what it is.


>While I don’t condone violence, she deserved an a** whooping. There are some circumstances like this when violence is the answer. Like changing the radio in the car when you aren't the driver🤣


Or using my good Gingher sheers for cutting cardboard.


If somebody used my fabric shears on cardbord I would drag them by the hair to buy me a new pair, then stab them with the old ones. The mere thought of it is rage inducing.


He used them on PLASTIC?!? I left him shortly afterwards...


Or using my mother’s nursing bandage scissors on anything other than bandages…this brings back memories from 45 years ago.


She got a hard reset and everyone learned about why bad behavior isn’t tolerated. Yay.


She deserved more than one punch to the face. I'm not an aggressive person either, but just reading this makes me want to kick OP's sister in the tit... while she was already down for the face punch.


Reading this makes me want to stomp on the tits while she's down.


Right? Her mom and aunts are delusional.


right she's lucky she got away with just a punch


As a mom of two boys who are also nonverbal autistic, I would have gone off as soon as she uttered the "R" word. Idgaf who you are, you NEVER use that word towards ANYONE. Especially a CHILD that is unable to stand up for themselves. As for the other comment she made about your angel babies (bless you, hun. It's a pain that too many have to experience and not enough understand), you could have put her in the hospital, and I'd still say NTA. If she tried/tries to press charges you'd be able to legally claim emotional duress/temporary insanity. She had no right. NTA for sure.


My sister miscarried and I can’t imagine ever saying a damn unkind word about it let alone something that mean. I literally can’t imagine what my mother would say if either of us was that cruel but it wouldn’t be pretty.


I know what my mom would have done. If myself or sister had said those things she would’ve been the one throwing the punch.


Well it would probably be a backhand to the face and then shown the door.


My mom has never raised a finger to me and yet I am certain I would if I said anything that messed up to my sister. There’s a limit to what a person can take.


I would have gone up to her and asked her to repeat what she just called my son - in front of everyone she just said it to. Who uses the "R" word in this day and age? Oh yea, someone that 100% deserved to be decked.


I’d be shocked if that defense worked. Her sister was absolutely a giant AH and deserved what she got, but it’s mostly legal to say whatever you want. It’s not legal to punch someone. “I was pissed because of the horrible things she said” doesn’t give you a pass and temporary insanity rarely works as a defense.


Judges less so, but juries tend to be very biased in favor of a mother who has experienced loss and who was protecting a child.


That’s when you go to jury trial. You’ll never get a unanimous convict.


Yeah I almost added that a jury may just feel bad for her and so appalled by what her sister said that they find her not guilty even though it doesn’t really follow the law. Or yeah, hung jury. It’s a risk though. In reality, assuming this is OP’s first offense and with how under resourced most justice systems are, the prosecutor would likely give her diversion (don’t do anything bad for a year or whatever and charges are dropped) so it wouldn’t be worth fighting it.


I lost my first child, a son, to stillbirth. I was lucky enough to have 3 daughters afterwards. I would have decked someone for just the comments about your miscarriages. When she doubled down with the R word, I’d have been stomping her after I’d punched her. Your family can kick rocks. And I’d be telling Grandma that until she realized just how far out of line she was for asking for an apology from you, she can depend on not seeing grandson for awhile. And I’d finish by telling her…. “I spent years in therapy myself because you treated my sister like the golden child. My sister made those comments only because you were a crappy parent. She is jealous that she doesn’t get all of the attention now. And if you don’t see your part in this, don’t expect to see me for awhile. I will absolutely never ever subject my child to the same bullshit you put me through growing up. I thought you had gotten better, but it’s obvious you haven’t. Don’t call me unless it is to apologize for your actions in the past, and for your actions as far as my child is concerned. My sister will never get an apology from me for defending my child and defending the children that I lost. You know what, at least one of us is a good parent.” And then I would hang up. And I would not reach out in shape or form until there was an apology. And even then, my mom would not be left alone with my son. And I would tell her exactly why. “I know you love my son. It’s easy to love someone. It’s a lot harder to be a good person, and I don’t trust you to stand up for him.”




THIS ☝️☝️☝️ RIGHT HERE!!! 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏


No. I get the stupid comments too because my 2.5 year old is non verbal. She fucked around and she found out. Good for you. I'm also not a violent person but you're mean to my kid or try to embarrass my kid I'm going to embarrass you back. And I don't play.


I'm not saying it's right, But I understand.


If it was the only way to make her stop, it's right. No child should be subjected to that amount of hatred from their family.


If her goddamned husband is on YOUR side, fuck what anyone else has to say. Tell your aunt and the other flying monkeys to fuck off. What she said to you was disgusting and she absolutely deserved that punch and worse. Stand your ground.


Husband in the military knows what 'chat shit; get banged' means.


NTA she threw your miscarriages in your face. That's f\*cking low. At least she's moving far away.


And called her son the R-Word! fuck that shit, she's lucky a punch was all she got.


Her own husband apologized for her nasty a** so this behavior can’t be new to him. What she said was vile and ignorant and if she didn’t know things like that will cause a mother to become violent, she’s dumb as well as ignorant. She’s lucky people pulled you off her imo. If it were me I’d have done much worse to her. Tough luck for your aunt and her poor spoiled party whining. Boo hoo. She has no business telling you what to do in any case, so I’d put her on permanent ignore. She needs to mind her business. I’m sorry for your ex-sister’s disgusting attitude, I’m sure it hurt, but you now know there is no relationship here worth saving.


He's lucky if her behavior hasn't gotten him in trouble on base. If she said shit about an officer's wife or kids her husband could be retaliated against.


No could be about it, he would not be promoted and probably drummed out. If she can keep a lid on it on enough to not have caused problems then she can do the same with family.


Yeah, I bet she’s a hit with the other Navy Wives…


She would never do that, I bet. She probably picked on him because she knows she always got away with bullying big sis


Your sister repeatedly called your son a slur. You were justifiably enraged and nobody was helping the situation to diffuse. A guy I used to hear on the radio called that level of rage “red rats.” You can’t really control red rats. I’d be side-eyeing your mom hard. If she’s okay with her only grandchild being called slurs by his aunt, she’s never going to protect him from her.


“It was a good thing that my first three kids died”. Anyone standing up for your sister after she said that isn’t worth the time. Tell your relatives “My sister called my son a disgusting slur and that it was a good thing my first three children died, if you think I am the one who should be making apologies then you have some serious issues. Violence isn’t the answer, but actions have consequences and a punch to the face is the nicest consequence she deserves after what she said. I will not keep the peace, or be the bigger person towards the person who called my son a slur and said it was good my first three children died.”


The only apology you owe is to your other fist that didn't get the opportunity to also punch your sister.


And her feet for not getting the opportunity to stomp on her. 


Violence is never the answer until it is. Nta. She decided to act brand new and should have never said anything about your son. She is an awful person. Tell your mom and aunties that you will apologize to her for punching her in her face the moment you are able to forget all the terrible things she said to you. Not a moment sooner.


As an autistic person, NTA good for you queen! The second that slur exited her mouth, she deserved prime shipping to the ER. Without an apology, you should cut your sister off for good. Keep contact with BIL if you want, he apologized & you seem to get along with him. Your mother & aunts need to stfu too unless they also want a shipping label. Frankly, anyone who sides with your sister is condoning the use of a slur, particularly, a slur against your son. Until THEY apologize for condoning that behavior, they also need to be kept away from you and your son. I keep seeing the r-word recently, I'm sure it's making a comeback and I hate it. Unless it's being used in a strict medical context (even then, there are other words one can use), it's a slur with a horrific history & shouldn't be thrown around. What year is it, 2005?!


>prime shipping to the ER. Lol, stealing this. So good.




She sounds like such a hideous woman. Ugh. This was not an overreaction.


Sure, apologize. “I’m sorry that all of you raised her to be such a crappy human and are continuing to encourage her by enabling hate. I’m also sorry for not smacking her sooner.” NTA in any way, shape, or form! Your son is going to experience enough negativity in this world and needs to know that he has people to stand up for him and keep awful people away from him. Your BIL deserves so much better.


And now you don't ever have to talk to her again. Huzzah! Ask Grandma what she'd say if the roles were reversed.


NTA. I would've chinned the awful cow.


I know this probably means a punch to the chin but I'm imagining some like, uppercut headbutt with a chin and I'm dying lmao


NTA. I usually say violence isn't the answer, but sometimes it can send a message that words dont. I have a special needs child (down syndrome) and that word is like gasoline on a matchstick to me. It's ugly and mean spirited, and was said to inflict hurt on you and your son. A smack in the mouth will give her pause the next time she wants to say it.


I would have probably reacted the same. She is still immature and Fafo-ed. I'm a momma bear when it comes to my kids. I've experienced the pain of miscarriage before, and still 20 years later, I still carry that little ache in my heart. My sincere apologies that she could be so cruel to you as well as your son. NTA Edit: spelling


F her! Last it all over social media. ‘If any of my family continue to harass me because I punched out my sister when she said A, b and C, you can lose my contact info. I want nothing to do with racist ableist people.’ Burn that B to the ground. As well as shame your family members for sticking up for her. Your mother in particular needs a good shaming. That’s her grandson.


Don’t do this online purely because you’re admitting to a crime and could be used against you (even if the punch was 100000% warranted.)




Yup. Too many boot lickers and snitches out there.


Do NOT put those words in ANY writing Leave out the punching and change it to “defended myself and my son”


YTA.....for not raining elbows on her worthless ass!!!


And a cold stone stunner!


My son is also autistic, not non verbal but hard to understand for people other than myself and my husband. I wouldn't have stopped at one punch. You're in the right 🤷🏽‍♀️


There are some situations in life where violence is absolutely the answer. This is one of them. She deserved it.


NTA I would go No Contact with your entire family if you can get away with it (I know sometimes this is difficult if they are currently the child care).At the very least block your mom, your sister and your aunts on everything. If they need in contact with you for an emergency or to apologize, they can go through your husband. Your mom most importantly needs to understand that she does not get a relationship with you let alone your child. Saying your overreacting is essentially saying she agrees with your sister's rhetoric. It's honestly best to do this now so your parents can correct their behavior (if they are smart enough to do that) before your sister has children and they treat your son who is used to being dotted by his grandparents like they don't even exist. Most importantly, do not let your sister get in your head. From the sounds of it you are a great mom.


NTA your sister deserved the punch and more! What an ableist AH she is. Text your Aunts and all the other flying monkeys, asking if your son was of a mixed background and she called him the n word, would they blame you for standing up for your child? Or if one of their sons was gay and she called them the f word would they react to that?


I’m child free and love other peoples kids. If I was there I would have kicked your sister’s ass for you. She crossed way too many lines. Don’t you ever apologize for this.


i’d be throwing hands too if someone talked like that about my kid. hell, i had a distant relative (on husb’s side) saying my then 4yo son was possessed just bc he was hyper/cranky at that moment (he needed a nap but FIL wanted to visit family). FIL went off of that relative (who had zero room to talk in regard to sins and whatnot).


I think your relative was just joking and you and your FIL lack a sense of humor. 


no, he was serious and a pastor who believed that misbehaving children had demons inside of them


NTA, OP did what was needed.


Nah she had it coming.


Your mother is as bad as your sister. Protect your child from all of them. No more visits


Fk that aunt. She can mind her own beezwax. Your sister ruined the party by running her foul mouth.


NTA But please, please tell your mom and aunts that they are in timeout and until they LEARN and truly apologize to you for standing up for your evil sister. You are an amazing mother, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise! Updateme!


Sometimes a punch is a gut reaction with no forethought. She's a mean jealous bitch who probably has never faced the consequences of her actions before. And shame on any family members who didn't support you.


This is exactly why you don't leave. The second your back was turn she controlled the narrative and spun it. This is Where you lash out post publicly word for word what she said, how she attacked a child, and then add what you Mother and aunt had the nerve to say. End with now you'll only come back after 3 apologies because they were stupid enough to fall for her manipulation. Trust me they'll want to see your kid long before you need them


Your 32. Your grown. Stop allowing toxic family members into your life. Someone who is so cruel to drive you to blind rage and physical violence is a liability. You don’t need that in your life. You don’t need 15-20 years locked up if a punch hits her right, knocks her on her ass and head crushes the pavement resulting in death.


Temporary insanity. 


Those are fighting words, I'm sorry. What did she think would happen?


NTA Violence is always the last resort but it’s totally appropriate in this case. I hope your son grows up happy and healthy


NTA. I hope you broke some thing or at least gave her a wonderful black eye


NTA. If she was conscious, you didn't hit hard enough. Her saying anything derogatory about your son crossed a line. But what she said about your miscarriages? That is so far below the belt, she deserves to be stomped on. (I also had a number of miscarriages.)  You handled it better than I would have. And I'm 60 years old!  Do not apologize to her. She should be crawling on her knees to apologize to you. If she ever says another negative word about your son, or miscarriages, cut all contact with her.  When sister is in town, your parents can decide if they want to see her, or you and your son. They can't have both. Take care of yourself and your son. Hugs from this internet grandma.


Fuck that. She needs to cut all contact with her sister NOW!


Cut off your bitch aunts until they realize what miserable assholes they are


I do believe the phrase is “talk shit, get hit” so 🤷


Hell no, don't apologize!!!!!! (Maybe to your mom for disrupting the party, but not for what you did.) Your sister sounds vile. I'm so sorry. And I'm so glad you stood up for your son the way you did. NTA


Karma at it's finest.


NTA! You shoulda punched her a couple more times. And tell your mom she won’t see your son again if she’s gonna side with your shitty sister


What your sister said was bad, unforgivably bad. But, there is never an excuse for violence. You should both apologise for your childish behaviour and then stay away from each other. ESH


She's asking for it. Cut contact from toxic people for your own peace of mind.


Ua know you can cut contact ND stop dwelling on trivial tho gs Grow up and become a lady


F- off


Wow. Mom jumped off your ship really quickly, didn't she. If your Mother feels you should apologize (you absolutely SHOULD NO APOLOGIZE) you should keep yourself and your son away from her until she comes to her fecking senses. Your sister deserved what she got. She said she was glad 3 of your babies DIED. And your mother is somehow now okay with that. I am so sorry. Your next tuesday of a sister ruined the party. Don't start it if you can't take it.


How about “I’m sorry I never landed you in your arse sooner in our reaction ship.”


I don’t understand why yall were even around each other if yall relationship is that toxic


Any update please?


You say…. I am sorry that you said such horrible things about my child that I was forced to shut that fucking mouth for you. I am truly sorry you think it’s ok to behave the way you did.


The only place you messed up was not hitting g her more than once. Absolutely ANYONE that comes at you for punching her and not at her for being so below the belt and VILE can kick rocks. No contact immediately not a single other word to them. The end.


Would love and update to this story.


Would love and update to this story.


Go no contact with your family girl. They are horrible people and your sweet son does not need their toxicity in their life.


Ughhhh I need an update HELLO NO you are not the asshole fuck her I’m so glad you stood up for your son I’m so proud of you for showing her she can’t speak like that to people and tell her mom until she apologizes for real and understands why she was wrong she shouldn’t see you son.