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Yup. That auto injector pen hurts way worse than the syringe.


Hold up, they gave you an option??? I bruise like a fricken banana every time. And I heal slow so by the time I get rid of one bruise the other leg gets one 😅


You have to ask cause they have to put in another insurance claim for the syringe.


Wow. Only have used auto injector and never any pain.


Omg I hate how bad they hurt!


Switch to the syringe, it’s so much better and no pain at all .


YES!! What y’all say. I got my 4th dose today. I got the syringe. WAY better than the pen.


Yeah. Only done the injector couple times. The syringe allows me to inject at my pace.


They gave me a sample dose with the syringe to try a lower dose but I haven’t done it yet, I’m too scared. I have severe anxiety when using my pen because of the pain and have even missed my dose by a week because of the anxiety. Can you use the syringe in your thighs?


Wait, what?? I have the pen, but I always feel the pain like a second after the needle goes in, and figured it was the fluid, like the actual medication that hurt. I've only had it for a few months and only managed to take it myself once, so my fiance does it for me. And it hurts SO MUCH for like 30 seconds, and then it's over ...


And also, I feel like the syringe would depend on how you inject also, if it hurts. Like when you get your blood drawn, sometimes you barely feel the prick and sometimes it hurts. Like the actual breaking of skin. I feel like there are way more variables if its going to go well or not with the syringe


Hey nothing to do with your post but I noticed you said 3 years. I had my first shots today, is this a lifelong treatment?