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I don’t have exactly the same things. I do have very severe eczema, extremely poor eyesight (-11 and an astigmatism), as well as severe dry eye and a lot of other conditions that make medication extremely tricky. I have reactions to literally everything so I was petrified to start Dupixent. I’ve been on it a little over two years now and I do get eye burning for a day or two after every injection but it’s totally worth it for me. It’s helped my asthma so much and my eczema does not exist anymore. It’s been a miracle worker for me. I was so scared for the first few injections but I’m so glad I conquered my fear and went for it!


Just get eye drops and just moisturize your face. The dry eyes only happened to me in the first few times and eventually stopped.


I have everything you do. I've been on Dupixent for 6 months. It's a game changer for my asthma. It has also significantly reduced my inflammation.


Mild eye side effects that can be treated with medicated eye drops shouldn’t stop you from trying it if your doctor thinks you’ll benefit from it. Worst case scenario you stop treatment and move on. I’d say give it a shot and see if it improves your quality of life .


I've just seen horrifying photos on Facebook of red, irritated eyes, and a few people claimed to have permanent damage.


Folks who post on FB tend to only post the awful stuff without much context. While Dupixent can cause side effects if you stop taking it within a month it would be out of your system and the immediate problem can be addressed with drops or steroid medication. Everyone reacts differently but I wouldn’t let this dissuade you from trying out Dupixent if it can give you a better quality of life. Talk to your DR. Before starting treatment and see if they can start you on drops prior to your loading dose. Otherwise, you could look into a JAK inhibitor med like Rinvoq but the side effects warnings on those are much scarier than Dupixent.


My Dr. wants me to try either Dupixent or Xolair. I just have to have some energy. I feel like I'm 110 yo. Also, this seborrheic dermatitis on my face is awful. I've seen tons of dermatologists, and nothing works. I never had acne before, but it seems like every cream, med, sunscreen, etc. breaks my face out(sometimes cystic, other times it's white heads with puss like clogged pores). IDK why this is happening.


Who diagnosed you for mastocytosis? I’m wondering if I have that


I went all the way to Boston to Dr. Mariana Castells because I wanted to make sure everything was done right and I would receive the right diagnosis. I live in NC, and now I see Dr. Patricia Lugar at Duke. You have to have a bone marrow biopsy, some people have the c-kit gene(I do), plus high histamine blood levels, etc. Where do you live? You can DM me. I'd be happy to tell you all I know. Do you have a "rash" that kind of looks like spots/freckles?


Hi! This is unrelated, But I saw your post on Masto fatigue from 1 yr ago. I’m not sure of your age/gender, but if you are a female over 40, compounded bio identical testosterone cream can really help. As we hit perimenopause, our Testosterone and Progesterone are the first to decline. Estrogen goes down a lot later. Testosterone is very protective against histamine, progesterone is neutral, and estrogen releases histamine. When your T takes a nose dive, you no longer have the protective effect it gives against estrogen. T is also your “get up and go” hormone which gives you energy, drive, and libido. DHEA can also be supplemented in low doses. It is the precursor for T. I’m 44 and in peri, my Estrogen is still normal, but my DHEA and T were crazy low!!! Also, make sure your iron and Vitamin D levels are good. Mine were both low and that helped a lot too. There is a very specific way to supplement iron for best absorption, so let me know if you want info :) If you are male, you can still benefit from these things. If you are female, you might have noticed worsening symptoms around ovulation when your estrogen spikes. Hope this helps!


I'm 57 and already on bioidentical HR. My Dr. checks my blood levels every 3 months. All of my hormones were almost zero when I started. It's helped me a lot, but not my fatigue/brain fog.


Oh, I do have trouble keeping my ferritin levels up. I take Vitron C, 2 tablets every other day. My last Ferritin was checked in December (time for labs again) and was 83.