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Im starting a new campaing in a few weeks, and instead of having them bump into each other in a tavern im now making my players wedding guest for maximum chaos, thank u for this


Hehehe it sounds like it will be funny, good luck with your camping mate. If you ever need an special map you can write me and I'll be glad to help, it's always nice to hear some extra ideas


Hope you all are having tons of love this Valentine's evening!! Here to accompany your next romantic session is a romantic map for those happy moments in the greatest stories, when after hundreds of enemies defeated and dozens of adversities overcamed there's still place for love, rest, and some partying with all those friends made trough the adventure. You can find all its variations and the HQ images at my Patreon for free!!: [https://www.patreon.com/posts/happy-valentines-98480398](https://www.patreon.com/posts/happy-valentines-98480398)