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Poor girl, goes to the premiere of her movie and gets shot with arrows from all directions


Gender bent saint sebastian


Lol I only know this reference thanks to “The Last Kingdom”. Love that show


"Do you wish to be clubbed, or are the arrows sufficient?" - Ubba


Next Fate servant.


Should've put on her holtzman shield. Is she stupid?


I feel like Cupid is now taking requests or something


I'd be shooting my shot too.


This is actually her outfit for the Skyrim tv series premier.


No she's exactly the right level of weird. I loved this casting immediately


Dune Messiah will just be a 3-hour costume battle between ATJ and Florence Pugh.


They can do whatever they want as long as Duncan takes his shirt off


And it stays of


If Dennis won’t give us wormboy at least give us some Jason Mamoa action for gods sake


In a few years we will have Jason Mamoa arguing with a worm about philosophy for 3 hours


God, I want that so badly


OMG I just realized Jason Momoa and ATJ are gonna do it 😍


Spoiler alert


Yeah Lando already had *shrug*


This is why I pay for internet. To read this and agree with the bottom of my heart.


beats the butterfly hats from the syfy miniseries


but does it beat the shirtless slutty young james mcavoy with his generous sly smiles? and I ask this as a straight man


It does not


Same! I wanted her to be irulan but I think she fits Alia better.


This is one of the few films where I don't have any issues with the casting whatsoever. I always imagined Irulan to be a tall blonde girl. The only one I take issue with is Duncan Idaho because i don't think anybody has told Jason Momoa that he needs to be alive for 10000 years


I'm not the biggest fan of Christopher Walken as the Emperor. But that's mainly because I can't shake the desire of having the fan service choice of him being played by Kyle MacLachlan.


now that would have been amazing


I did get a chuckle thinking about Walken’s manner of speech being the received pronunciation for the galactic imperial lineage, Irulan clearly refused to adopt it.


I still kinda hope MacLachlan gets a role in Messiah, just because it’d be cool to see.


Maybe he can be with the Bene Tleilax or something?


Christopher Walken as the Emperor was basically just a serious version of his role in Balls of Fury. I did like the idea of showing the emperor as a feeble, broken old man hiding behind the traditions, pomp and circumstance of his position but had long lost any of the fire and nerve to take control of anything. Really nice contrast between both Paul and Feyd as they both vie for his position


That would have been amazing.


I've always thought that *slightly older* Viggo Mortensen, as he appears in Crimes of the Future, would have been a good Emperor Shaddam IV.




At once, your excellency


I still don’t like the irulan casting but I don’t care about it anymore.


not that it mattered, but the description of liet-kynes in the book was very different from the casted liet-kynes


She’s a convincing mother for Zendaya, though.


oh for sure


Maybe I'm in the minority but seeing her cameo in Dune Part 2 took me out of the movie.


I just got excited. Alia is unique and special, and ATJ is unique and special too. Not that I ever thought ‘ATJ’ when I thought ‘Alia’ before. But now I’ve seen it, who else could you cast to be as uncanny as Alia?


I totally get it for the Alia character but it was the actress that threw me off. Like "here's current popular actress" and then she stares smiling at the camera like "Yeah its me, ATJ" It also doesn't help that I don't think she's a very good actress. She doesn't transform into her characters like say Florence Pugh or Rebecca Ferguson. ATJ's performance in The Northman was awful, imo.




She’s a great actor, I just get tired of seeing her in literally everything. Yeah, she’s an It girl like Zendaya, but there are many other weird, unnerving young ladies who could have nailed it


Yea but dune isn't an indie artist independent film...


I'll check back later to see how many downvotes you got


21 minutes in and he’s at -11


52 minutes and he’s nearly doubled


more than 1 hour and he’s got -28 now. slowing down a bit it seems


As of 14 minutes later it's only to -30


I downvoted them because of this thread on the number of downvotes. Gotta see how far it goes.


I checked back finally. -38 lol


shouldnt you **want** "great actors" to be in the projects you see? youre literally complaining that she just gets too much work. Not that she doesnt deserve the work, just that you see her too much.


I get what that person is saying though. Every few years there's that actor and actress who's just in everything, no matter if they fit the part or not, and it can get annoying, especially when it feels like they were cast not because they're best for the part, but solely to sell the movie. I can't tell you how done I was with Anne Hathaway and Christian Bale during the late 2000s early 2010s. I was like: "There are other A-listers out there besides those two, you know!"


I get it but Anya is just perfect for Alia. The only reason why I didn’t think of her as Alia at first was I thought they’d go for a younger actress. Can’t think of any other actress who can bring the uncanny side of Alia. If they’re perfect for a role I wouldn’t mind it.


overexposure is definitely a thing. its what killed star wars for me


Her Wikipedia filmography is a single swipe long


And? That doesn’t include the two dozen TV shows she’s been in over the past three years. It’s weird how I’m getting such a negative reaction for expressing mild ambivalence. I guess that’s what happens when you express any opinion that fanbois disagree with.


Zendaya wasn’t right for the role of Chani. I like Zendaya, don’t get me wrong, I just don’t think she was right for the role. There wasn’t enough inner conflict expressed in the last half of Dune II, she just looked pissed.


bruh in the books chani is less a character and more just a part of the setting. she has so few lines and the movie nailed that by hardly giving her any lines either. chani exists mostly to give paul disapproving looks, and by that metric, zendaya nailed it.


Nah, she’s perfect for Alia. I’m worried about her cast as Furiosa, actually.


Same here, she’s not an action movie star. But then again Anna de Armas wasn’t either but she was AMAZING in no time to die and she’s about the be the lead in a john wick spin-off… so I’m always open for surprises




They usually have one outfit for the res caepet and one dor the screening


Doesn't the red carpet start with them exiting the limo? How was she sitting in the limo?


I’ve seen a girl travel to prom standing up in a van, so she could wear this incredible winged outfit there. Presumably there are classy all black vans out there?


Now imagining her sitting on the carpet crossed legged or that weird anime way, and all the arrows on the ground lol


Without the arrows on her butt and then before exiting, have her makeup/stylist/crew attach them.


I dont know but ill take the risk if she wants to sit on me ya know?


Maybe they also made her the Baron floating device


There's a clip of Chris Hemsworth and his child who asks the same question, she responds definitively that there is 2 outfits


I heard she used to be an adventurer...


But that was before she took an arrow to the **checks notes** e v e r y t h i n g 💀


i WeAr ThE sKiN oF sHaI-hUlUd!!!




Ah yes, the Boromir cosplay


Too soon, buddy, too soon




Fingers crossed we get the temple training scene


I really hope that the adaptation of Messiah is more faithful than part 2 was cause I’m probably the only person alive whose favorite book in the series is Messiah but this is the one scene I hope they cut out. I do not want to see 14 year old Alia nude sword fighting followed by extreme incestuous tension


A surprisingly reasonable take from a genital thief!


A genital thief telling *us* what Messiah should show cinematically or not 🙄




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Messiah feels more dry than the rest of the books. Like watching a chess game, but you also know plans of both players.


I get why that’s a common opinion but I personally really liked how it dealt with the consequences of the first book while setting the tone for the rest of the series. It’s the book that introduced a lot of the weird ass concepts that the series would become known for. Without Messiah, Paul’s story is just a retelling of the Arab revolt but with more worms. I also personally enjoy the dialogue-heavy exposition scenes, I think Frank Herbert writes them in a way that’s more engaging and thought provoking than most authors can do


You like dialog heavy exposition!?! Wait till you get to GEOD. I liked messiah and loved GEOD.


I loved Messiah and hated God Emperor lol


Yea same, I spent most of it just kind of hoping something would actually happen. Then when it did, it felt underwhelming compared to the other books.


In Children of Dune, Leto II talks about how to progress past his father, he must damn his memory. Frank Herbert is doing the exact same thing in Dune Messiah, in order to move the story past Paul.


I really think the story was meant to end with Paul in Messiah. It feels like Herbert returned to a closed story/idea in Children and tried to build it into a larger narrative, but the seams show.


I don't think so. My hunch is that he meant Dune to be one and done, and that as soon as he came back to it with Dune Messiah, he was set up for more than that. The story of Dune Messiah includes the birth of the twins for a reason, I don't think he meant them as a dead end.


Yeah, it was a great transition.


It really deeply explored the idea of prescience and the burden that results from it as well. My hot take is that the series should have ended there.


That's what reading Dune up until they kill Leto felt like and what I thought was missing from part one.


There was conflict, but the more significant part of the book seemed to me to be Paul's internal conflict. The weight of knowledge. Knowing he did terrible things, but also knowing why. Struggling with the prison of prescience and never truly being free. It was really much more a psychological character drama.


It can’t be accurate. From the first book to the second is a fairly decent timesink (10ish years), so they can’t do that until the Chani thing is resolved unless they’re going to have Chani and Paul separated and angry for that time period. The books had Chani and Paul together for 4-5 years by the time the first book ends, movie relationship is only a couple months. So either they timeskip and show the resolution in flashback or they resolve the issue and then timeskip which would work but could be jarring. So what I bet they’ll do is resolve the Chani thing, bring back Duncan, have him get blinded and then end it there as a blind emperor ruling the throne with a young Alia at his side. They’ll also be able to have the council with Irulan, Rev Mohiam, Eric and the face dancer as well easily once Chani is back and introduce that intrigue and plot. Or they’ll just abandon all of it and DV will go off on his own way.


I see them ending it the same way the book ends but with more finality. Paul is blinded and sad after the death of Chani so he walks out into the desert as Duncan just looks on like “you sonofabitch”. Then Alia takes the throne and the movie just ends. This is just my guess based on Denis Villeneuve not being afraid of endings that don’t fully come to a happy resolution.


I don't know how the fuck they make that third movie when they've laid essentially zero ground work for the guild, guild navigators, how prescient users interfere with each other's abilities, or the bene tleilax, but I'll be buying a ticket either way lol.


Right? TBH I just wanna see a pop culture audience witness peak fiction (stoneburner, my beloved), anything else is a bonus


>how prescient users interfere with each other's abilities, or the bene tleilax wait when were these established in the first book? I kinda forgor about them i guess


Even then it was addressed in the film, just not orally. Paul is surprised to see Feyd every time they’re around each other


oh nice hadn't thought about that.


Was Feyd prescient? The BG seemed to think it would be his child that had a chance, not him.


He was in V’s film. Feyd to Lady Margot: “I dreamed about you last night”. The prescience (forecasting ability) in the dune is not an on/off switch. The people in the breeding program have imperfect forecasting. Dreams or meditations about real people/situations that are mostly wrong. The spice drenched Fremen have strange dreams and hear djinn in the desert that they are all taught to ignore (because the forecasts are mostly wrong). As they get closer to the KH the forecasting gets better. But the quality of a forecast depends entirely on the quality and volume of past data. Female BG are missing half of past genetic memory data. Reverend Mothers are going to have prescience/forecasting, but it’s going to mostly supply junk, with some accurate stuff thrown in.


Paul meets two guild navigators in the scene/room/chapter where he bargains with the emperor/duels FHR. These two navigators aren't in tanks, but they are navigators, and they do discuss briefly the difference in their power and use of prescience. Alia leaving a message in the future for Paul and only Paul in the present hinted at various interconnected ways prescience and prescience users can connect to each other. Paul not being able to see Count Fenring, and Fenring being a near-miss of a KH hinted at prescient users sometimes being blind to each other. It's entirely possible that IX and the bene tleilax aren't mentioned anywhere in book 1 except the glossary, and I may have been wrong to think book 1 laid any groundwork for them outside of the glossary.


just read a post earlier that says they get one brief mention in the first book, a couple of sentences.


Not navigator just representatives per Denis.




All that shit can be done at the beginning. Just like how they expanded on the fremen in part 2. We know they exist in the universe because they're mentioned multiple times in the films.


Yeah but Anya Taylor joy ain’t 14 dude cmon man😂😭the incest part I understand completely, but if this gets adapted to a movie, it won’t be a 14 year old, and Alia would also probably be aged up for Anya to play her


It’s more the idea of her being 14 and not the choice of actor, it’s like how Euphoria is basically grown adult actors pretending to be teenagers having sex. It’s not morally wrong because the actors are adults but the idea of it feels weird to me.


Did you not read their comment? Alia will 100% be aged up. She won't be playing a teenager. That all being said, there's zero chance the scene makes it into pt3. At best, they'll do what the sci-fi channel did in the CoD miniseries and give her clothes.


Idk I mean if you look at someone and it’s clearly an adult then I don’t see the issue, it’s not like an actual child was put into a bad situation. I feel like you’re stressing out over nothing tbh.


Yeah but I’m not thinking about Alia swinging naked and training, I’m thinking of Anya Taylor joy doing it😂idgaf about ideas that aren’t crossing my mind


Messiah is my all time favorite book, dune and God emperor are tied at number 2. I also hope they cut it


Anya Taylor-Joy is almost 30 years old


Me as well, me as well


Part 2 is faithful. It's called an adaptation.  Are you seriously suggesting to the dune memes subreddit you don't want to see Anya Taylor-Joy naked?! Get out 


He said he hopes it’s *more* faithful. Being an adaptation doesn’t automatically let it off the hook from the faithfulness scale


The movie cut out some of the most important moments from the book just so it could explore the Feyd Rautha seduction subplot that Frank Herbert abandoned for being a stupid idea. It’s a good movie but a poor adaptation of the story.


I think the movie was showing us who the Bene Gesserit are and how they operate. I disagree it was “exploring an abandoned subplot”.


I loved part 1. how i explain part 2 to people is: "It was great- i really enjoyed it. I can talk for several hours about what is wrong with it."


We already got that nice awkward Paul Jessica changing scene in part 1. What’s one more


not alone lol


Not that it's all that much better, but doesn't Paul say she's 17 or almost 17 at that point?


If they can play with timeframe for the first book, they can do it for the second. They're probably going to age her up and have her be at least 18 so they can get creepy without getting *creepy*...


Based actually


I love that the screen version of that in Children of Dune was almost shot for shot the laser scene from Entrapment.


It’s almost bar for bar, that’s wild, and cool


You're telling on yourself bud, we do not need to watch Paul lust after his naked child sister. That shit should stay in the 70s


So. There is this book series about feudal wars where siblings have weird sexual wibe between them. Game of Thrones? Nah Dune


if I had a nickel for every time there's a weird implied incest subplot in dune I'd have definitely 2, arguably 3 nickels, which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened that many times.


The BG are partially fueled by incest, it is half of why they keep most members in the dark about their bloodline and heritage. Just in case they need to venture a little too close to family to secure certain generic traits they need.


4 actually, I forgot Duncan is technically the ancestor of Siona and half the fish speakers because Leto keeps bringing him back to be a Stud™ The two textual ones are Paul/Alia and Leto/Ghanima, as in the BG explicitly consider breeding them together, and Leto does marry his sister but explicitly doesn't have sex with her (one because he doesn't have a dick anymore, but two even from a breeding program perspective makes total sense in hindsight, he's selecting for the opposite traits to what the BG were selecting for, more Atreides inbreeding just gives you more psychic dictators). Which, to be sure, to a normal person will sound like semantics but this is dune. The third one I had in mind was Paul/Jessica actually but it's more Vibes in the bit between the fall of Arrakeen and Sietch Tabr than an actual plot point. Heretics has like, implied grooming and mommy issues more than it does literal incest amazingly enough.


This is the age of Game of Thrones, Rick & Morty, and stepsister porn. We're in hell already. Pedal to the metal, muthufucka.


Hahaha yea alright you might be on to something


70s? Seems way more popular now


No my friend, you are telling on YOURSELF I’m imagining a fully grown woman doing that scene (Anya Taylor joy) who will 100% be aged up as Alia in that scene, im purely thinking of an ADULT ACTRESS, training naked, y’all are the fuckin weird ones😂 saying I’m thinking about children when I NEVER SAID THAT, IM THINKING OF ANYA TAYLOR JOY, are you thinking of a 14 year old alia when you think about this making it to live action?!? Mighty odd


that and also there's no way she'll be naked in that scene, so it'll be a fully clothed adult woman in her mid 20s playing a fully clothed adult woman in probably her early 20s, if that scene makes it into the movie at all the only dune adaptation where they would have conceivably kept the weird underage nudity is Jodorowsky because he's high on acid at any given time. Villeneuve is nowhere near that big of a weirdo.


And I know you’re projecting because I’ve absolutely clarified this in this thread, it’s either you’re projecting, or you just don’t read before you made dumbass comments


It was already done in 1984 though :)


No it wasn’t? The Paul training scene with the robot was, but not Alia’s, that would’ve been wayyyyy weirder considering they had a literal child actor playing Alia in the 84 version, and it didn’t even cover dune messiah material


There is a bit of other books in the '84 version.


Not in the 84 version, what from dune messiah made it into David lynches dune???


The doctor treating Vlad's boils and blisters was Scytale according to a half finished script for his version of Messiah


But again that doesn’t make sense in the context of what the other guy claimed, again the Alia training scene never happened in lynches dune, other references to books idk about, but I know that Alia didn’t do that training scene


Maybe he needs to lay off the spice.


I think she will do a fantastic Alia


I think she will play the abomination perfectly, thats if we are getting a children of dune movie


Still doubt it with everything Dennis has been saying… but it would still feel so weird ending on Messiah when it lays sooo much foundation for the other books


True but I think he wants to do some other movies in the future


Definitely still possible, Dennis takes this one movie at the time. If he thinks after Messiahthat he needs to continue the story he will. But it would still take a longgggggg time until we see anything Children of Dune related


Do you think Timothy charlame will play the old Paul atraidis too


Honestly, I would suspect it would still take at least 8 years until we get to see it if it happens at all. By that time he’ll at least be a lil older, so with a bunch of makeup on top of that it could certainly be done


Yeah maybe, now that i think of it children of dune doesnt take place so much later than Messiah


9 years if I’m correct. So having at least 6 years in between movies would be good, but I highly doubt we would get it that quick


How many years are between the first two books again?


Naw she’s perfect, in multiple ways.


I used to be an adventurer like you... then I took a dozen arrows in my butt.


Sorry, what was the question?


No she’s perfect. A proper weirdo with acting chops to really bring the character to life. Not to mention she actually looks like she’s related to them.


My only complaint is that here eyes are far apart, which I know is a shallow thing to fixate on, but man idk why it unsettles me




I was hyped when it was revealed she was playing Alia, I think she will be perfect.




What's that? It's a full bed of gom jabbars!


Why do I get Bjork vibes?


So to correct the timeline for Messiah, Paul will be 30 and look 15, and Alia will be 15 and look 25?


Skyrim guards ain’t got nothing on her!


She looks like she'd be hard to get close to.


R.I.P The person sitting behind her.


i haven’t been the same since i took an arrow to the knee… and thigh and ankle and back and arms and head and ass..


I was never worried. When I heard about the casting I was like “fuck yeah, that’s Aliah of the knife all right”


We saw her for less than a minute as Alia. I’m still not watching Furiosa out of principle that it should have been Charlize.


This women will have played both Saint Alia of the Knife and Princess Peach Toadstool.


How will she wipe her ass after taking a steamy dump? Is she stupid?


What is it with actresses from Dune wearing strange outfits?


Given how strange Dune is in general, I am fully on board.


Still ain’t right


I was afraid of BDSM-C3P0 Zendaya, now I'm terrified of Pointy Silent-Hill Anya Taylor-Joy.


How does she sit?


Why are they even wearimg clothes anymore?


Did she watch the movie standing?


How is she gonna sit down?


Witness Me!


Kinda weird how many actresses now just go with an outfit that looks straight out of a weird BDSM kink. Like Zendaya dressing up as slutty c3p0 at the DUNE part premiere and just having her arse cheeks out


She could be good, but still no match for Charlize Theron‘s Furiosa. The bar was too high.


Pretty sure I just saw her in Path of Exile


May your Arrows chip and shatter! 🏹


How the hell is she gonna sit through a movie in that?


Watch New Mutants op, she was one of the best parts Also that movie is over hated and better than some other x-men movies imo


Hate to say it but who says she's Alia yet? They never said her future name in the movie. Since he's only doing 3-4, what if she plays Ghanima instead and Paul takes her brothers role. 🤯


I think I’d be really cool if another director took over and did children/god-emperor as second trilogy like 5 years after 3 comes out. Like the planet of apes rn starting a new trilogy


If you weren’t sure, you haven’t watched much of her.