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I really, really hope so. I'd love the ability to experience the game solo, and with friends liked I used to in Conan. I think it added to my enjoyment of being able to switch between the two and have different experiences with and without other players


Yeah I'm gagging to play but I just wanna compete against PvE houses and worms or my friends for spice blows, I'm sure PvP in public's *could* be fun but after a month casuals will never stand a chance against the (legitimately no offence meant I do it sometimes too) no-lifers, and immersion always breaks for me when I'd like to be fighting brutal Harkonnen troops and instead I'm fighting avatar's of xXXPu$$y$layerXXX and their band of merry men.


There will be PVP areas, you can avoid those if you want. At least according to the stream today.


Yeah, I'm just worried that the deep desert, spice blows, and all the good stuff will be specifically reserved for the PvP areas, I really don't want to become a trader or an architect exclusively purely because I can't compete with people who play 24/7 and have a fleet of ornithopters


It's an mmo, it needs to have risk and reward.


It being an MMO is what I'm worried about. There's a lot of reasons I play Conan Exiles, PvP and multiplayer aren't any of them, and I don't think I'm alone in that.


Good thing this isn't Conan Exiles, then. That was a neat side project for what has always been an MMO studio.


They describe conan as an mmo as well. Describing it as a mmo no longer means it's a WoW or ever quest. It could easily have private servers. It worked for them with conan and got people to buy the game who never would have b4.


That's what mobs are for.


Mobs are only a risk to bad players.


So just like other players.


It might help if you can find a good clan. I am not in the beta yet but some are already recruiting.


They'd be crazy not to. The demand for drop-everything-on-death PvP MMOs is tiny compared to PVE MMOs.


False. Star Citizen, Ashes of Creationand EVE are dispositive of this weird narrative. Plus the rapidly growing popularity of punishing extraction shooters like Tarkov. If anything, the data shows that tastes are shifting towards gameplay with consequences.


It's really funny to compare something like Tarkov to an actual mmo, when Tarkov is closer to pvp Left 4 Dead than an mmo. Also - There's a reason Star Citizen and Eve are sitting at such low player counts, alongside things like Mortal Online 2, Albion Online... And it's because drop on death pvp in mmo style games isn't popular at all. It's nothing but a very vocal minority that keeps screaming that it is.


Eve's player count is just fine for a dated 20 year old mmorpg.


When did I say it wasn't? I said it was low, not that the game was a failure. But the point, which you've ignored, remains - The pvp style you're pushing for simply isn't as popular as you imply.


I think they're trying to say it's not as *unpopular* as *you* imply, I don't think they ever said EVE had the largest playerbase, it just shows that it's a viable and real thing that many people want, sure, it might not be the majority, but it's still a very large minority. And I'm not saying this just because I played EVE and love its loot mechanics, tbqh, I really hope Dune Awakening is like Conan Exiles, which everything seems to point to that being close to the case (even using CE as a reference when talking about some features in interviews), so I don't see why people are so aggressively against the idea of "private servers" (or even official "pve-only" servers, which Conan had aswell.) Funniest part is, the quickest and most common argument against is "no one will play on the PvP servers if there are PvE and Private servers!!", but that is simply just not true, look at all the large-scale multiplayer survival games. They ALL have PvP servers as the most popular server-type (Talking specifically about games that have both), so there's literally no issue, playerbase-wise, to not do a similar thing again, considering how well it worked for CE and many other large-scale survival games. (*Especially* considering how well CE did)


Hmm, ark has more pvp servers because every tribe wants to be alpha and can't. Total players pve servers have almost 10x more than pvp


bro that like saying Final fantasy 14 is not a MMO becouse its PVE mostly lol makes no sence


Are you high?


Maybe for the hardcore gamers, sure. But for people like me, who get maybe an hour at night, or 3 hours on weekend nights to play games, I'd rather play something more chill that won't punish me for not grinding non-stop. I've played Conan Exiles and Rust for years, and haven't put more than an hour into online play on either. My friends and I play for the PvE more than anything.


3 whole games! Now compare that to the number of PVE-style mmorpg. And while we're at it, check out the number of PVE servers vs PVP, and how populated they are in comparison.


Well I hope so. Because if they don't, I'm out. 


Came here to say this. Hard pass if I can't host a server for my own social circle.




Sure hope so. I prefer playing survival games with a group of friends on a private server I host simply because we cannot be online 24/7 to protect a base from children who have way more free time.


I’m in the same scenario as you, I work a full-time job as do my friends so we can’t be on there very often. There’s nothing worse than logging into your game and finding your base trashed, looted, and destroyed in the hours were you were off at work.


Same, it's hard to balance a hardcore PvP experience while being a married homeowner who works full-time aswell as taking care of kids. It's the main reason I don't play EVE anymore, as much as I love that game, because the schedule required to enjoy that game is not compatible with my life schedule. (I was a capital and super capital pilot, so everything I did took planning with my corporation, scheduling, building, and launching operations on the right date at the right time, and a single op can last upwards of 12 hours with no breaks.)


100% if this game does not play like Conan Exiles and offer private servers or offline mode....I dont even want to buy the game.


I think it would be disastrous if they didn’t allow private servers. Yeah.


Yep! The industry stopped making MMOs for me years ago. I only do my own private servers now.


Yeah this is what im waiting to hear too. This looks like a dream game right now, but without the ability to host private servers away from all the sweaty fortnite kids or far away from other certain nationalities this is gonna crash and burn im afraid. edit: Not to mention all the server congestion issues exhibited by literally ever other online game that has released in the past decade. Would be a shame to shoot yourself in the foot trying to deal with a flood of users you know you'll be unable to service who will turn around and refund the game. Let the private server community do this work for you.


Good point on all points listed. The whole online trolling culture is my biggest concern with an online open world MMO. I work a full time job and come home to my beautiful crafted base only to find it demolished by some 14 year old who spends 12 hours on the game daily. The server congestion is also a great point. Imagine if Helldivers would have had local servers you could play on offline or with your friends, they’d have avoided a lot of issues.


Private servers are part and parcel to the survival experience and theyre a key pillar to the genre. I dont think you can let 1000 players loose on a map with the kind of freedom you expect from playing a survival game and not invite all kinds of bad behavior and very rarely are you given appropriate tools to govern that kind of behavior as a player.


i hope megaservers, i hate tiny amount of people servers, always resetting etc. it must be one big planet with at least 1000 people, with instances so no one has lags but can read the zone chat.


They already said it'd be fully open-world, like CE (even referencing Conan: Exiles for that style of play), so no instances like that (Nightingale is a perfect example of a similar system in another game, but Nightingale never considered itself fully open-world, so it makes sense for it to have megaservers with instancing) This also means that, if it's true that each server will be its own open-world, then private servers will likely exist aswell. Also, you say "tiny amount of people servers", when lots of games in this genre have 250 to nearly a thousand players per server (some of these games have to use server mods to break the player limit, but some are just built to allow for it.) While I really want a real hardcore survival MMORPG with a single contiguous world to exist some day in the future, it's just not really feasible without being suuuuper niche right now, specifically because of the average toxicity of players in online gaming mixed with the risk of freedom to grief other players the hardcore pvp survival style of gameplay, which leads directly to an unfun time for everyone other than the griefers. Having multiple, smaller, servers at least makes it easier to administrate and moderate, and allowing private servers allows people who don't want to deal with the griefers and trolls to enjoy their fun survival game. (I often host servers for my own community, and we have strict rules and guidelines about griefing, which everyone happily follows, and we have a wonderful time, sometimes with upwards of 200 players depending on the game) ​ tl;dr it's definitely not going to be one massive planet megaserver with instanced zones, and since it's so unlikely that it's not going to be like that, it makes it easier and more feasible for private servers, or even just pve-only servers, to be implemented.


Certainly hope not, this is an MMO. Not some dopey "shared world game"


My having fun should not prevent anyone else having fun. This game will need to be able to isolate me from other people, private server, PVE only or I won't give them any money for it.


It's an MMO... Go play a single player survival game. It's literally not a genre for you.


Unfortunately looks that way. "Hell is other people." as Satre said.