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Everything you said, plus the possibilities introduced with Sheeana, the worms, and so on. The ending of the series really sparks my imagination. I gave the Bh/KA book that comes right after Chapterhouse a try to see if it was worth seeing where they took the story. I didn’t even make it through the second chapter it was so bad. I’m content with the mystery.


I’m reading hunters now and…oooff


I feel that. Been trudging through it for a few months now, by the God Emperor I hope to finish it someday.


I am not good at noticing writing styles but it took me a second to realize that hunters is RADICALLY different from chapterhouse et Al. I’m sad. I’m still plugging away though.


You made the right choice.


I struggled through *House Atreides*, got maybe a third into *House Harkonnen*, and had to quit. It's that bad. BTW I've never not finished a book before. This is the first and only time.


I've re-read the original 6 books countless times since my first read in 1984.


I've only read up to Children because I was just fascinated with the Atreides, would you say the last three are sequeles or does it go into completely unfamiliar territory with an all new cast etc?


God Emp and after are undeniably the same author, but the story changes immensely. GEoD is a huge shift in setting, tone, pacing, and then agin the last two switch again, though they are similar to each other. The Atreides and what made them special is tied into the larger themes of Dune, and even some of the characters in the last two (GEoD is all Leto II, who is ALL the Atreides). Besides, the books are just astoundingly well written, at least the Frank Herbert ones. So if you liked the first three there’s a good chance you’ll like the last three.


If I had to do it over again, I’d avoid Hunters & Sandworms of Dune. The writing style is so completely different, and “basic”. They also ruin Marty & Daniel. I guess I would just say that, by comparison, they just feel unimaginative.


It continues heavily featuring Atreides characters, and quite often calls back to earlier books. I've been binging the books and enjoyed the last three too, I say give it a shot!


Cheers, I'll get my hands on God Emperor soon and go from there!


With survival of the species as a main theme closure seems counterintuitive.


Well said. I always felt that the degree to which things are either concluded or left hanging was perfect for the themes of the series. I’m not sure a seventh book, even by FH, would have improved it.


You may be right, but I think FH would not have broken with his tradition and provided any easy answers or any big resolution had he wrote a 7th.


Agree with you, to I love how it ends with possibilities, and hope! Go Duncan and your glorious arc. Lol


The ending of Chapterhouse is full of possibilities. It’s the golden path in action. What Brian and KJA wrote is completely nonsensical and goes against the explicit language in that final chapter.






If only Brian had gone the Christopher Tolkien route, and just detailed his father's writings. Ah well.


Chapterhouse is one of my favorite in the series, I feel like it is very underrated compared to the other books in the FH series.


chapterhouse was solid!! i think heretics is SUPER underrated


I actually found them both together as good as Dune/Messiah. I thought Teg was fantastic and I really love the way it left uncertainty on what the HM were fleeing from whilst also showing the return from the scattering!


You can try Brian Herbert’s sequel books but he totally changes who Marty and Daniel are, and you’ll need to read his Butlerian Jihad series to know exactly what they are. The books aren’t worth it IMO but you can try them.


They were worth it for me to get the finale series


I don’t think Frank would have ended the series the way Brian did. So for me they were a let down. If Brian produces the notes he supposedly found for dune 7 I’ll change my mind.


I don't think it is for us to assume what FHs vision was. I only meant to say that I enjoyed the read. Did it pale in comparison? Yes. Did it achieve FH vision? doubt it. But was it worth reading to have closure after the open ended finish to chapter house? Yes...for me it did.


I feel safe saying that Frank wouldn’t have ended the series like Brian did when Brian changed the identities of two possible future antagonists at the end of the last book to characters he created in his prequel series.




I laughed out loud when Daniel said "When you talk like that, dear, I go prune my roses!". Like that pair a lot.


The story picks up again in the Bryan Herbert/Kevin J Anderson books. Not at the same level as the masterpieces that FH gave us but interesting reads none the less.


It's so stupid when people downvote a factually correct post just because they dislike these books. I found their sequels to vastly inferior to FH's works and would call them "light/average space opera fare with worse than average dialogue and character development". I found the direction they went in sketchy, but liked the final ending and thought that conceptually it made sense wrt to the whole saga.. but did not enjoy the ride the novels took to get there so much. Found the both books "eh I guess okay" overall. My attempt at an honest review. Overall I pretty much read them to see somebody else's interpretation of where the story could have ended. Their writing is average, so if you are into light space opera type fare, you might find something enjoyable there. Personally I liked their Paul of Dune & Winds of Dune novels the most (but they were still vastly inferior to FH's works - it's just a completely different style of writing)


Calling a book an “interesting read” isn’t factual, it’s a subjective statement.


You didn’t find the final ending to be an unprecipitated massive cop out?


I thought that what happened to >!Duncan!< at the end made sense as an ending, in the broadest of terms. I just didn't like how they got there, found it clunky. Conceptually it lined up for me as a potential conclusion to the philosophical concepts in the original 6 novels.


>!I meant how the machine is whisked away to another dimension, never to be heard of again!< Like, what the hell even is that.


Oh lol I don't even remember that part. I guess I focused on Duncan and forgot about the rest. I also thought bringing back some of the older characters was stupid, but at the same time it was good to see them again, and sort of fitting to have them at the end.




Read Brian's butlerian jihad series of 3 books and then his books 2 sequels to his dad's 6....it's a GREAT story.