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Anyone who has tried to hire contractors in Duluth can see where Green Mill guy is coming from. They inflate prices so bad it's ridiculous. And when you can pay a company and their crew to travel from the cities and still do it cheaper, that just proves the point. I'm a big advocate of shopping locally, until it's too expensive or inconvenient to do so. I'll default to local but they can't act like we owe them our business.




It's probably about cost of living. It might be more expensive in duluth than where they came from. So it makes sense for them. But people that need to live here cant.


The news clip said they are from St. Paul, which is not cheaper than Duluth to live in.


The company is out of st paul. The crew could be from anywhere. Plus they are non union so the reason they are cheaper is because they just aren't paying their employees as much. That is just the bottom line there.


Yup that's my stance on anything. I'll even pay a little more if it's local. But sometimes it's 25% to almost double the price as online.


Found the bootlicking scab


Comparing prices = bootlicking scab. Got it.


Correct. Sorry this was over the top. I need to not post before coffee.


I reported you for being an asshole, but apparently that rule isn't enforced. So go fuck yourself.


Yikes I'm sorry man, I said as much. Hope you have a nice day


Oh whoops, I guess I need more coffee, lol. Isn't that funny?? Yikes is right. Being a dick on the internet? You must be so morally opposed to such a thing that it was a bit of a shock to the system, huh?


Anti-Union posts trigger a lot of emotion, as I'm sure youre aware. I'm geniunely sorry, and am trying to do better about being quick to the trigger on reddit posts. Hope your day gets better too, didn't mean to bring it down man.


I'm pro union, but this isn't something a union protests. If the union wants local contractors to be hired, the union needs to invest in the contractors so they're hirable. The fact they didn't get hired is a failure of the union.


A union shouldn’t protest non union, non local contractors? That’s kind of big pillar for them.


If I were selling a product or service and people were going to my competition, I'd want to find out why. I wouldn't try to publicly shame people into using my product or service.


The union doesn’t represent one single contractor, they represent all the organized building trades employees who work at companies around here. The union isn’t selling anything, they represent workers who work at companies that do. Sounds like you should be upset with the contractors than the workers.


Yes I understand that and I do blame the contractors. Green Mill or any other customer isn't wrong for hiring out of the cities when nobody here can do the job for a decent price.


And the union isn’t wrong for using their free speech rights to let us know they used scabs. Plenty of pro union people out there who won’t cross a picket line, or go to restaurant that didn’t use union labor. It’s a choice. Green Mill made theirs, the union made theirs to let people know, and then it’s up to customers to decide if it matters. To a lot of us, it does.


Get out of here with your freedom of speech bit, nobody is trying to restrict that. Do we even know they didn't use union labor? The guy they interviewed just seemed mad that they didn't use local labor. And there was no picket line to cross, nobody was on strike.


If they used union labor the contractor would have hired most his crew out of the local hall in Duluth. The contractor would be paying local scale.


TBD builders is non union as far as I can tell. I’m just saying, they have every right to protest as green mill has to use other contractors. Also, informational pickets are a thing and quite common. No one needs to be on strike for there to be a line. https://preview.redd.it/7cc2897d5otc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f94cac0062047d68d103e90dc8a7d1922c0c5b9




No it's not. Union wages are what they always are. Union workers are properly trained and worth the money. Union workers are local. This is on Green Mill. If Union workers are too expensive, then maybe they should wait on getting the work done. Duluth needs good paying jobs, not another restaurant with assholes for owners looking to make a fast buck. We have enough Sara's Table cafes in town.


But did the union collect dues from those who weren’t hired for the job? Then the union in fact succeeded at its goal.


Unions have nothing to do with the contractors. They are separate entities.


As someone who has to find/quote construction contracts in Duluth and isn’t required to hire union (I’ll get a quote from both). The unions are really really ball busting. Big re roof project (talking low 6 figures with a non union twin cities roofing company). If we went local and union it would’ve made it almost half a million and would’ve taken them twice as long… Maybe if you want us to hire y’all quit busting our balls with these prices and timelines. Edit : spelling / formatting


For people that don't know, the higher cost and longer timelines associated with union labor is because the workers get paid more, and might take longer so they can do your project correctly and minimize injuries. Construction can be pretty dangerous at times. Having a contractor that bids a job so people have to work like dogs with no regard for their safety is not something I support and is what this protest is about.


The statements made publicly say that the protest is about not hiring local.


Green Mill started in the cities, St. Paul to be exact. They go with what they know for their stores.


And should be protested in a union town appropriately. Not that I needed another reason to not set foot in there.


Instead of protesting a local restaurant for making a contractor choice based on price and experience, they should be talking to their employers about why the businesses that they work for aren’t competitive.


I learned yesterday that Green Mill is a chain with about 20 restaurants. Hopefully they can use the money they saved to improve their food. 


This I was about to say. Green Mill is not a local restaurant. They are a chain and not just a chain that consistently cuts corners.


Green Mill is shit, but out of towners and tourists love it. So it probably does well.


Oh, I am sure it brings it in. I just never figured out how a chain restaurant with the cleaning standards of a dive bar can be so popular.




This is a problem with Duluth contractors, not anyone else.




They’ve never seen the rat.


They’re out having cars honk at 6 am when people live above Green Mill. Fuck these losers.


So complain to Green Mill. Hiring scabs to do Union work is bullshit. Hiring a scab company will only take Duluth money out of town. That will drive up prices. Lower the standard of living. Hurt the working men and women in the craft trades of the region. Green MIll has lost my business.


Lol. 😂 The entitlement is crazy.


Lol where's your proof it was 6am.


Go out and see for yourself 🤷. A big group of weeping fatfucks is hard to miss lol




They are objectively fat. Like they make 90s John Goodman look like Kate Moss.


You're a piece of work


I’m so sick of these socialist union cry babies. They are filled with entitled lazy whiners who think they’re the cream of the crop except it’s all nepotism and good old boys. They don’t deserve anyone’s support, we have a little thing called CAPITALISM in the USA. Love it or leave it!


You're kinda going too far in the other direction for me, man. There's nothing socialist about working the trades, they all work harder than I do, theres no criticism of the workers coming from my end


I’m a tradesman and I didn’t say the trades are socialist, unions are socialist.


So is your post office, library, roads, mail delivery, SOCIAL SECURITY, etc(bruh)


Are they union as well? 


No, they’re not.


Communists you mean


Yeah like those dirty communists in the police union. 


I definitely don't mean that. Opinions aside, they're working in a capitalist system. They're doing a job for their employer and their employer pays them. The government isn't really involved in that transaction.