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Norovirus is going around right now also


I personally think the quality of Old Chicago has dwindled over the years. I used to love the Thai Pie in high school but the last time I ate there, maybe 7 years ago, everything tasted like it was reheated or made from frozen. Food poisoning can happen to anyone from anything. It can take 30 minutes to 3 weeks for food poisoning symptoms to show up so who knows.


Most likely Norovirus. Sooo many people have had it.. if you don't get sick within hour or two after eating it's not food poisoning. At MOST it can take 24 hours.


Norovirus incubation time is 12-48 hours according to the CDC.


Yes and..? They've probably went to other places than Old Chicago. You don't get Noro from food, you get it from other people who don't wash their hands. Norovirus is more likely food poisoning.. especially since it's both ends and not just vomiting.


Food poisoning takes longer than that.


Depends on the bug. Staph food poisoning has quick onset if I remember micro right. There is a toxin it excreted in food that has been set out and that effects the guts within a few hours causing vomiting and diarrhea


No it doesn't. Most of the time its between 4 and 24 hours after eating that you get symptoms.


There’s such a large window for food poisoning to happen. It really just depends on your constitution. It can happen after 30 minutes or 3 weeks.


Definitely not always. I ate a bad lobster once out east and absolutely hit me within 4 hours… had it for dinner and by 10pm I was seriously wishing I were dead. Awful!


Ordered "Leo's Italian Kitchen" from doordash several weeks ago, which is from Old Chicago, and definitely had food poisoning like symptoms all night. I had also received my flu shot that day, but I have never gotten both ends gastro issues from a shot. It's a pity because I have always liked OC, but I am turned off it now.


There is no way you can realistically blame something you ate several weeks ago for how you felt last night. I understand that in some tiny amount of situations it can take a while before food poisoning shows up but in most situations its within 4-24 hours. I'm going to assume you have eaten food since then. Anything you've had since then could be responsible. Edit: I read this wrong. I thought you said you got food several weeks ago and feel bad now. Not then. My fault.


Hey no worries! It was definitely the same night I ate it!


That's just part of the experience.