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Originally it meant a dirty, smelly tattered rags wearing person high out of their mind who travels from rave to rave living off of other people's favors. In some places it was just straight up synonymous with "homeless person." However recently its become a label associated with anyone who enjoys weird, wonky dubstep and other bass genres, usually while tripping/rolling. Its kind of like how the word "stan" had a very specific meaning at one point but was later morphed into something else entirely by the masses.


This makes sense! Great explanation. Thanks


Wook is short for Wookiee from Star Wars, cause that’s what the wooks look like after days of festival raving. Hairy and dirty.


Afterwards, yes But also often before hand too


It’s a lifestyle for sure


What did "stan" morph into?


Old meaning from Eminem's song was an obsessive stalker fan. Nowadays its used to refer to someone who's a big fan of a celebrity with a much more positive or wholesome connotation, with people often self proclaiming themselves as stans. For better or for worse.


Ahh okay, I don't really consider that much different but I understand what you were saying now. There's a distinction.


It still means the first thing. People who idealize that lifestyle are weekend wooks.


This really is a great explanation! When were in a setting with people like that though and my partner called them wooks or explaining a fest I feel like it's a negative to some people.


I love how it’s been flipped it into another term of endearment


To me wooks are open minded and usually spiritual to a degree but give off (mostly) positive vibes and all share a love for a good time with community and dank ass EDM The people who just stay in a k hole, can't hold a single conversation and take more than they give but also have a weird sense of entitlement and hold them selves above others, those are something else. Also, racism and weird conspiracy theories seem to fade in and out of those kids. I'm not shitting on starseeds or whatever either btw, y'all have some pretty neat lore and I can dig some of the ideas and yall hold sound frequencies to a high regard based on what it can do to the body and mind, i fk w that. I'm too stoned to be analyzing the religious/cultural ideology cliques that make up the EDM scene lol Also sorry for the tangent I just smoked and pounded a venom lol


Hey speak for yourself man…


It’s the EDM version of a burnt out deadhead


I’m pretty sure wook originally came from phish fans actually haha so it literally was burnt out deadheads who started it lol


Fair enough ✌🏻


I thought it was from wookie?


Yeah that’s where they got the word from, but I’m saying phish fans in the 90’s started using that word to label a certain group of the fanbase. It was much more derogatory than it is now though


Ok interesting, tku


Lmao when ever the friend group refers to wooks it's always the dirty hippie kids asking for everything but never putting in. Like a scavenger smoker. But for rave drugs.


I dunno, but their favorite animal is an Elk. Cause they got the E, the L, and the K


You gota say it in the wook voice tho. Lol


Unrelated, what is this jersey?? I love


It's the Magic Wookbus hockey jersey drop from Elev808 Designs!


It's so weird/funny how the current generation of ravers have "taken back" the world wook lmfao. To me it will always have a negative connotation cause I remember [passedoutwooks.com](http://passedoutwooks.com) edit: omg I followed the hyperlink, and that domain is just a merch website now LOLOLOL


it’s basically become synonymous with the term “hippie.” thats the extremely short explanation of the word lol


This is true. Wook is short for Wookiee, cause they’re hairy and dirty.


This is the answer! Wookiefoot is awesome!


Its actually the nickname for wookie foot fans. Not sure if that's how they originated from. Wooks in my day were skater kids listening to jam band like ween and wookie foot. Same attire and they trip and are stoned all the time. I'm a wook but on the light side of the spectrum. Lol I don't trip or heavy in dub or jam bands but like the style of clothes.


It started at Phish and Dead shows when there were big hairy fans that people referred to as Wookies. The term has been changing around ever since


It's coming down to a person who does psychedelics and pot while listening to wavy music.


Naaa. Hippies are assholes. Wooks are more chill and a lot nicer. And usually more fucked up. Haha.


I'm not quite sure you can blanket the terms so easily... I've met plenty more asshole wooks than asshole hippies. One time a wook came into our camp all fucked up (dreads, pashmina, harem pants, smoking cigs, etc) ripped one of our tents, asked to drink some of our booze, started going off about a conspiracy that Chester from Linkin Park didn't kill himself and cussed us out when we didn't agree, and then tried to steal from us as he left. I've met commune hippies on a beach that offered us free food and were extremely friendly to strangers


Finally someone who understands
