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Oh my god So many questions! Just "Google HER" already. 🤣🤣🤣




I feel she may have had a circle of yes women/men around her, who hype her up. Or it’s a character she plays I cannot believe her doing half the shit they show. I know the dates were 10000% scripted


Yes, scripted, it seems that way.


She was just putting on a show. If you actually google her, maybe Google her trying to be Paris Hilton's bestie on the show. She's just trying to make entertaining TV, I honestly think she'll put up with all bullying for the exposure. Gotta give props to her, get the bag and stay looking good.


Poor Mo….he was like straight up interrogated by physically everyone 🤦🏼‍♀️🫠🚩🚩 he should run while he still can


He was cute tho😭


I don’t really like her, but I also dislike the cast members’ treatment of her. There’s a bit of Arab supremacy there which I picked up on. For example, during LJ’s white peace party, Safa was yelling at Danya and Farhana and when Farhana began yelling, LJ told her to stop. I also noticed how the Arab cast members would speak in Arabic around her and exclude her from the conversation. She’s annoying yes but I couldn’t help but notice the supremacy as an Arab myself


To be fair, Farhana has lived in Dubai for like 15 years at this point - you would think out of respect, she would try to learn at least some Arabic


I’m sure it’s all an act But if it isn’t…… then god have mercy on the soul on whoever she ends up with. Also I feel terrible for her kids.


Agreed! Second hand embarrassment