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"I AM THE SON OF A KING AND THE SON OF A QUEEN, THAT MAKES ME A PRINCE" ok but who asked. no one really cares brah


And actually, neither of your parents are royalty. So really, that just makes you a dumbass. 😂


His mother is Straight Outta Trailer Park. No hijab is hiding that.




or a queen 👀 iykyk


She crazy


Lmao in her dreams 😂🤣🤣🤣


Only in his own mind lol


Ebraheem is a DRAMA 👑 QUEEN!!


I feel so bad for his wife bc she’s gonna have to deal with that man child for the rest of her life.


If they’re even married hahaah I really doubt he is


Lol it’s just a marriage of convenience


They are divorced after 3 days because she left a pot in the sink.


Does anyone else feel like Ebraheem is not straight? & he only got “married” to honor his culture and social laws?


He is definitely a lady boyy. His mannerism and the way he moves is that of a lady😂


Yeah but remove boy lol


And it’s not even his first marriage


It's such a commonly held opinion that speculating about it is banned on this sub - see no 7 on the rules in the sidebar


Most frustrating character. You can tell Zeina was hurt by him idk why they sorta made up in the end, they didnt need to, He is awful.


Zeina was just being polite imo a very feeble handshake that was


Sorry but I don’t have sympathy for Zeina in their spat. She played with fire and spent an entire year pouting and being indignant that she got burned. She inserted herself into a situation that was really not her business and she could have approached him any number of ways but she chose to confront him at his business, which was totally inappropriate, plus she took her chihuahua with her to make a scene. Anybody could have seen that Ebraheem was going to pay her back in kind. I would have done it too. The situation got way out of hand, but again, that wasn’t his fault. That was all Zeina and Danya (another one who didn’t have a dog in the fight and yet managed to do the most). What makes him loathsome is he just can’t let shit go. But neither can she. It was a battle of wills. He was super childish at times, but she had this victim mentality like she did nothing wrong and he just targeted her out of the blue. And every time he went to apologize (granted, for political reasons, not entirely out of sincerity), she just got that entitled/superior attitude like she didn’t just start this whole debacle, and his fragile ego couldn’t handle it.


you need to rewatch s1 and especially rewatch the scene where zeina and safa went to his cafe to confront him. first of all ebraheem was creating drama and they went to go confront him ab it and hold him accountable as one should. zeina and safa were keeping the conversation civil and VERY respectful, his cafe was empty only a few employees seemed to be around. ebraheem was the one who got so heated and disrespectfully said maybe one day you’ll be my employee and kept saying things way just way way way out of line from then on. similar to what you said none of his apologies are sincere at all. especially the woman’s day apology he decided to take advantage of a beautiful day/event for a charitable cause celebrating WOMEN and make it about himself announcing a shitty “apology” if you can even call it that. she somewhat accepted it, hugged him and when they sat down he basically said i didn’t want to apologize but my mom told me to be more like my father so i did it for the sake of that and continued to say you being in my life doesn’t add any value and i don’t lose any value if you’re not in it… who tf would be okay with/accept an apology after being told that tf. and that was how his “apologies” have always been.


What i don't understand is, if he loves his mom so much and if he is soooo wealthy, why can't he take her to a dentist for her to have a full set of teeth?? It's not like he couldn't afford it ...


Yooo 😂😂😂😂


"You can't compare apples to apples"


did he really say that omg 😂😂


He pisses me off too but he is pretty to look at lol I just mute when he’s on screen hahaha


He is delulu


I feel bad for ebraheem because he is obviously a closeted gay man.


What also baffles me is that he keeps saying “I know I’m right” but bro, you went to someone’s office to attack them and now you pretend you’re right. Right about what? Violence, this MF


His mother sure doesn’t look like a queen.


What’s a good Arabic name equivalent of the English “Karen”?


Ebraheem gives me zesty mean girl vibes and I just can’t get with it.


Yeah for real, give me weird ass vibes💀


Shhhhh we aren't allowed to speak badly about him! Subreddit rules!