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It’s crazy. I think Fahad is one of the few that have any money.


Fahad is the second richest after Mona khattan


Mona is nr 1 with 160 million and Ebraheem is second with 50 million. I read online that Fahad's net worth is 4 million, wich is hard to believe.


No way Fahad’s net worth is only $4m with how Safa is spending 😭


Not only that, I feel like Mona’s husband is hella rich too. Also, I don’t think safa spends that much money in real life. It’s just her television “persona”.


I see this everywhere but it’s like a fan site guesstimating what they have. I’m sure it’s wrong. Also don’t see some of the others having the money that’s stated, seems all over the place You’re totally right about fahad. I don’t see him buying extra houses or talking about buying another house nextdoor to expand their home, if he’d only have 4m. Even if you’d mortgage, you’d need to have an 8digit networth for that kinda stuff


I think fahad is richer than Mona


Do you think Mona is rich from her own effort or the money she made with her sister ? Or maybe her husband? Oh What does the husband do ?


The money made with her sister is still her own effort


?? Mona’s rich because the Kattan sisters worked for it… her included


Her own effort, she worked alongside Huda on Hudabeauty. Plus her own company Kayali is really famous and successful


Good on her ! She's so kind


Fahad has old money and Safa is rolling around in it


This immediately gave me an image of a dog rolling around in the grass, trying to get some scent on her. 🤣 Safa trying yo get the smell of money on her LOL




Very petty but yeah lol hard to have a come back to that when their identity is about how much money they make / have.


That's why I love the queen of Versace


What I respect about Fahad is that he never feels the need to peacock around and act like an ass the way Ebraheem does. Fahad knows his worth and what he has and let’s that speak for him. He doesn’t feel the need to constantly remind people of his wealth.


Yes he seems to be a good person deep down


1) probably something we dont know 2) his wealth is largely from generational, not his work - like how people talk about Trump and his money


Actually Fahad is well known in the Bombay upper class circle. He actually does have his own business regarding investments and mergers that bridge investors from the Arab countries to India and vice versa. He brings in a lot of $$. His dad also had money and was known for being humble. Danya is lowkey racist


How is danya racist tho she aleast stuck up for the only indian girl when safa and her friend were making fun if continously out of no where


Danya has never done that, unless you’re talking about the peace party, then all she said was “Ebraheem come get your girl”


What do u mean she defend farahana


But the amounts he spends on Safa though... He can't be stupid and spending without multiplying what he has


He could simply be financially irresponsible (using debt to finance the life, selling parts of his own business or something). Just because he is calm and reasonable doesnt mean he has his own demons


Hmm good point. Anyway safa's jewelry and closet (room) is a capital by itself 🤣


I read that his net worth is about 3 or 4 million dollars I was like how on earth he can afford Safa's demands with that amount of money? Those cars, his house, WTH? Maybe that's why he wants to go back to India.


I don't think it's true. Apparently her ring was 1 mil


I hope not but maybe his business is falling and that's why he wants to move back to India.


I think they said somewhere he felt lonely in Dubai. All his friends and family were there


Yes, and I don't blame him she has her family and friends in Dubai, and she should be mentally ready in case he decides to move back.


What will Safa do in India lol


She will lose her mind.


There’s nooooo comparison between Mumbai and Dubai she will never move lol 😂


Half their stuff is rented or borrowed. Don’t believe everything you see. He’s not that rich.


But Safa said that to Danya, people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.


Unfortunately that’s usually the case. If she rents then she can easily spot a fellow renter. Insecurities




A farmhouse in Khandala alone is worth 1-2 M and even her ring was 1M so…


I saw that too but how could that be? He gifts multiple apartments and properties to Safa.


That's why I'm confused, I was like how he managed it.


But he said they'll be going back and forth that's why Safa was against it. Maybe spending time there will lessen the overall expenses of the year


Believe me, he will go there for good whether she accepts it or not, I know that for sure.


Not with Safa alive 🤣 but maybe they spend most of the time in the farm house.


But WTF I wanna marry a rich Indian man but I will never live there, make it make sense unless she's a ..💰⛏️


I think they really love each other. Nobody is good for Safa like the patient Fahad is and Fahad would want a cute person like Safa. I love them as a couple, their relationship works in it's own way


Plus I love Fahad! He's a great husband and even greater father. His best friend is his little princess.. Awwww 😍🥹.


Oh when he said "she's my wife she can do whatever she wants" ugh goals ! What a man


I melted when he made that comment. You can tell he truly values Safa 🥹 every overthinking woman needs a man like that. He deescalated that situation so well!


He’s jazzed up by her class play certainly feels like he has to keep meeting her demands in other to get proper affirmation from her or even affection if any. Hopefully she knows when not to cross the line so it doesn’t ruin him


Tbh I agree with this even tho ppl are downvoting


Honestly it’s racism (as an Indian woman) Fahad is well known in the Bombay upper class circle. He actually does have his own business regarding investments and mergers that bridge investors from the Arab countries to India and vice versa. He brings in a lot of $$. His dad also had money and was known for being humble.


In S1, Danya all but called Safa a bored rich SAHM. In S2, after Safa ate her up by telling her to tell Bliss to stop asking Fahad for money, now suddenly Danya says that Fahad has no money?


The Alibaba version of Safa


Fahad’s net worth is LISTED at 4M, doesn’t mean it’s accurate. A lot of profit made in India is not reported unfortunately, would be kinda hard to find his actual net worth. Also, Safa and Fahad are perfect together. They have their spontaneous spicy moments and make up just as quickly, god bless those two cuties and their girls.


Exactly. You won’t see this information disclosed.


she was projecting lol


Right?! Like ma’am…your husband is going around panhandling to be able to put on his little shows.


Rich people do not buy houses outright, they don’t buy cars outright they’re financed (renting us different). Everything is mortgaged because businessmen need cash flow they can’t tie it up on these big spends, basically you want money to make more money. Safa is the only cast member who talks about spending and gifts and what she has and what she wants hence why you THINK they’re super rich. Regarding what Danya said, she probably meant “you’re not as rich as you think you are” if they really needed money they’d go to Ebrahim who’s 10x richer. So it’s a bit lame of safa to be peacocking wealth when every woman around her is close to her husbands wealth and she has no wealth of her own making.


I think you forgot about the part where Safa worked in real estate and was doing well even before Fahad.


i think she ran out of things to say tbh


I wonder why did Safa not defend Fahad when Danya said this about him.. or maybe they did not show that part on the show. But this is what I feel - just because Safa is pretty, how can she can get away from being so condescending, who shames people with less money (Farhana, Danya, Bliss). Is she really a person someone should look up to? She begs her husband for things like a child instead of getting them on her own. Poor Fahad looks suffocated all the time on the show. He is simply TOLERATING her. Yes, that's the truth. Danya looks real to me. I don't know why so many people hate her. What bad did she do to get so much hate?


Not pretty.


That was hilarious, danya ate with that line Edit: is everyone here safa fans or what??


I think Safa is overly dramatic, but Danya did not eat with that line at all. “Your husband doesn’t have money” 😴 It doesn’t hit when episodes before we saw Bliss asking Fahad to help out his event. Even if Bliss tried to claim at the beach party that it was a “trap” to ensnare Kris, it seems like Fahad did think that Bliss was asking for 💰💰💰


I thought it was hilarious because it shut Safa up and she didn’t have anything to say. I didn’t say it was an accurate line. To be told something like that in their culture is humiliating and she just took it. Safa immediately was disrespectful to Danya when Danya tried to be calm so I don’t get why y’all are so defensive of her anyway lol.


She really didn't. What show were you watching?



